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��favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Washburn Chapter, D.A.R.; Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. ; sec. Hospital Ass'n. Recrea- tions: Water color painting, motoring. Clubs: Twentieth Century (organized June, 1898), Lit- erary Crescent (whl-ch she organized 1897). HOCGH, Mary Elizabeth, 121 Broad 'St., New

London, Conn.

Assistant principal; b. Lebanon, N.H., 1868; dau. Henry B. and Ellen M. (Purmort) Hough (descendant of Philemon Purmort, first master of first public school of America; ed. Boston Univ.; Smith Coll., A.B.; Univ. of Pa.; Columbia Univ., post-grad. work. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Executive Board of Conn. Equal Fran- chise League. Baptist. Recreation: Folk danc- ing. Mem. Euterpe Glee Club, Saturday Club. HOUGH, Mary P. H. (Mrs. Charles B. Hough),

Ambler, Pa.

Physician; b. May 17, 1858; dau. William J. and Tdcy Ann (Paul) Hallowell; ed. Swarthmore Coll., A.B. '78, A.M. '81; Women's Med. Coll. of Philadelphia, M.D. '81; m. 1887, Charles B. Hough; children: William J. H., b. 1888; Mar- garet Freas, b. 1890; Tacy Paul, b. 1891; Israel Ely, b. 1896. Practitioner of medicine contin- ously since graduation. Has written a genealogy: The History of the Paul Family; also short arti- cles on medica' subjects. Mem. Alumnae of Shakespeare Club of Ambler, Pa. Mem. Soc. of Friends; teacher in Sunday-school. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. HOUGHTON, Alice Bucknam (Mrs". Frederick

M. Houghton), 773 Stevens Av., Portland. Me.

Born Gorham, Me., Dec. 6, 1858; dau. Seward and Abby A. (Gile) Bucknam; ed. Westbrook Sem. with degree Laureate of Arts; m. Feb. 9, 1885, Rev. Frederick M. Houghton; children: Louise, Charles Frederick. Mem. Woman's Lit- erary Union, XI Club, Gorham Dames. Uni- versallst.

HOUGHTON, Edna M. (Mrs. Frank W. Hough- ton), 2022 Franklin Av., Seattle, Wash.

Born loiwa City, la,, July 27, 1873; dau. Thomas and Mary (Conroy) Manning; ed. Kan- sas public schools; grad. Tacoma Business Coll., Tacoma, Wash., and one year's special work in English at Univ. of Wa^.; m. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 27, 1900, Frank W. Houghton. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Republican. Mem. Women's Century Club; pres. Alpha Club, Seattle. HOUGHTON, EUzabeth Harris, 58 Garden St.,

Cambridge, Mass.

Born Cambridge, Mass., 1858; dau. Henry Oscar and Nancy Wler (Manning) Houghton; ed. Boston private schools and attended college lec- tures. Officer of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions of the Episcopal Church; mem. Exec. Com. Consumers' League; interested In tenement houses. Mem. Exec. Com. of the Mass. Ass'n Opposed to the Further Extension of Suf- frage to Women. Episcopalian. Mem. Exec. Com. of Cambridge Conference of Associated Charities. Recreations: Travel, music, gardening. Clubs: Mayflower. Deutsche Gesellschaft, Cam- bridge Historical Ass'n, New York of N.Y. HOUGHTON, Louise Seymour (Mrs. E. R.

Houghton), 90 Bible House, N.T. City.

Editor, author; b. Plermont, N.Y., Nov. 22, 1838; dau. Hon. H. C. and Mary (Sherrill) Sey- mour; ed. at home and in Utica Female Sem.; m. Plermont, N.Y., December 30, 1856, E. R. Houghton (died 1878); children: Mary, Dr. Elihu Russell (died 1905), Augustus Seymour (law- yer), Henry (architect), Daisy (deceased wife of Rev. Joseph Hutcheson). Has traveled exten- sively in the U.S., lecturing on the Bible, Syria and Palestine, France, the McAll Mission and philanthropic subjects. Editorially connected with Leslie's Weekly for eight years, Lippin- cott'a Magazine for three years, The Evangelist for fourteen years (editor-in-chief three and one- half years). Christian Work and the Evangelist for four years; editor Am. McAll Record since li87. Author: The Sabbath Month; Fifine; Faith- ful to the End; Life of David Livingstone; The Btblo In Picture and Story; The Lite of Christ in Picture and Story; From Olivet to Patmos in Picture and Story; Antlpas and Other Children

��Whom Jesus Loved; The Log of the Lady Grey;

The Life of the Lord Jesus; The Cruise of the Mystery; The Silent Highway; Telling Bible Stories; Hebrew Life and Thought; The Russian Grandmother's Wonder Tales; also numerous pamphlets on French subjects. Collaborator with Mary Houghton in French by Reading. Translated Paul Sabatier's St. Francis of Asslsl; Edmond Stapfer's Jesus Chrifit — His Life and Work; Auguste Sabatier's Religions of Authority, and other works from French and German. E>piscopalian. Mem. W.C.T.U. Director Am. McAll Ass'n of Philadelphia; director Brother- hood of the Kingdom, N.Y. City, and Marlbor- ough, N.Y. Mem. Woman's Press Club, Meridian Club, Story Tellers' League. HOUK, Eliza Phillips Thmston (Mrs. George W.

Houk), Runnymede Drive, R.R. 12, Dayton,


Born Dayton, 0., Oct 23, 1833; dau. Robert Alexander and Marianna Louise (Phillips) Thrua- ton (sister of Gen. Gates P. Thruston of Nash- ville, Tenn.); ed. Cooper Feanale Sem., Dayton, O., 1849; m. Dayton, O., Dec. 25, 1856, Hon. George W. Houk (mem. Congress from Third District of Ohio, from 1892 until his death, February. 1894): children: Marianna Phillips (Mrs. Harry Mead), Thruston, Katherine (Mrs. H. E. Talbott). Interested in all religious, so- cial, civic, philanthropic and scientific work. Author: Puritan, a Poem Historical, 1868; Di- minution of Water on the Earth and Its Per- manent Conversion Into Solid Forma (read be- fore A.A.A.S., Portland, Me.), 1873; The La- marks, or Marriageable Women (a story), 1889; Louisa Varena, 1903; Virginlus (a historical poem), and several other unpublished works. Mem. A.A.A.S., Nat. Municipal League, Good Roads Ass'n, OakTwood Efficiency League; hon. mem. Dayton Country Club. Christian Scientist. HOUSE, WiUie Dnrham (Mrs. James A. House),

39% Washington Sq. ; office, 1813 Tribune Bldg.,

N.T. City.

Educator; b. in Austin Co. (near Brenham), Texas, Nov. 23, 1856; dau. Mathew Simeon Durham, M.D., and Caroline Amanda (McMillan) Durham; ed. private sc&oola in Texas; Peabody Normal Coll., Nashville, Tenn. (licentiate of instruction); Univ. of Nashville, Tenn., A.M.; Univ. of Chicago; N.Y. Library School; m. Fayette Co., Texas, Oct. 18, 1872, James A. House; one daughter: Lolabel House (Mrs. Hall), b. July 18, 1875. Ehigaged in educational work. Active in organization of graded school system of Texas, 1879-1904. Sup't of Waco sys- tem of public schools, Waco, Texas. Active in organization of public libraries in Texas. Free. Library Ass'n, Waco, Texas; later head li- brarian of Waco Public Library; now connected with Public Service Commission of First Dlst., N.Y. State. Favors woman suffrage. Lecturer and contributor to school journals and news-pa- pers on organization of country graded schools, school methods and kindred topics. Contributor of articles for newspapers on library work and organization methods, particularly in connection with public school education, etc. Writer of special geography of Texas, used as text-book in Texas schools. Presbyterian. Democrat. Mem. Waco (Texas) Woman's Club, Texas Club of N.Y. City, Am. Historical Ass'n, U.D.C. HOUSH, 8. Henrietta (Mrs. William Harvey

Housh), 211 East Av. B2, Los Angeles, Cal.

Formerly teacher; b. Mariposa, Cal.; daughter of N. A. J. and R. E. (Walters) Dom; ed. California State Normal School, San Jos6; m. Watsonville, Cal., Dec. 24, 1885, William Harvey Housh; one eon: William Harvey Jr., b. Nov. 24, 1888. Teacher with Cal. life diploma; public speaker in behalf of beauty; founder emer- itus the Fine Arts League; art director for mu- seum. Author: Art Consciousness; The Ministry of Art; The Beneficence of Art; Echoes from Early-Day Experience; Visions of an Idealist; September Sentiment. Mem. Soc. of Social Hy- giene, Social Center Work tke Los Angeles Civic Ass'n; honorary mam. Coilegiate Alumnse of the CoUege of Fine Arts, Loe Amieles; Southern Cal. Women's Press Club, Ruskfa Arts Club, Fine Arts League, Reciprocity Club, Woman's City


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