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��Knapp, Philip Crosby Knapp; m. (M) Cal., 1896, Alonzo E. Hopton (founder of the city of San Diego). Teacher of drawing and painting in Mass. and Cal.; librarian of State Normal School In San Diego, Cal. One of founders of Uni- tarian Church in San Diego. One of the founders and first president of Wednesday Club in San Diego. Mem. Children's Home Soc, San Diego; Press Club, Equal Suffrage Asa'n, Unity House ABs'n, Cal. Library Aaa'n. Unitarian. Republican.

HOBWrrz, Carolyn Norris, 830 Hamilton Ter- race, Baltimore, Md.

Author; b. at her grandfather's country seat in Md.; dau. Theophilus B. Horwitz (prominent lawyer of Baltimore) and Mary Rebecca (Bar- roll) Horwltz; grad. at 16, at Reinhardt private German-English school. Author: Swanhllde; Fairy-Lure (the first written while at school); Scriptural Alphabets of Precepts and of Doc- trines; Twentieth Century Chronology of the World, a reference book of the world history, chronologically arranged, highly commended by the press. Episcopalian, Democrat. Mem. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Anti-Vivi- section Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc. Recreation: Music. In her ancestral line is Judge Gunning Bedford, signer No. 21 of the Constitution of the U.S. and one of the framers of the Declaration of Independence (prevented by illness from signing for Delaware); she is also a direct descendant of Sir James Barroll, Mayor of Hereford, England, 1639; her maternal grandfather's first cousin married Lewis William Washington, nearest rela- tive to Gen. George Washington. HOSFOBD, Hester E., 1764 Radnor Rd., Cleve- land, Ohio.

Journalist, lecturer; b. Carthage, N.Y., April 10, 1883; dau. Clark Bailey and Edith (Stevens) Hosford; ed. Carthage (N.Y.) High School; Univ. of Mich., A.B. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma). Six years head of the English dep't in Orange (N.J.) High School. Regular contributor to the Independent, N.Y. City. Mem. Board of Man- agers of Mary Fisher Home of N.J. ; former first vire-pres. of N.J. Woman's Press Club; mem. of Nat. Soc. D.A.R. ; charter mem. Woman's Nat. Democratic League of United States. Favors woman suffrage. Hon. mem. Civic Club, New- ark, N.J. ; active mem. Essex Co. (N.J.) Suffrage Ass'n; has lectured on platform for suffrage in N.J. Author: Woodrow Wilson — His Career, His Statesmanship and His Public Policies; Woodrow Wilson and New Jersey Made Over; also articles on Woodrow Wilson and on The New Ladies of the White House in the Independent. Unitarian. Hon. mem. WoodroTv Wilson Club of Orange, N.J. Recreations: Golf, tennis, basketball, horse- back riding, bridge whist, auction bridge. Won the Mary Lansing Traveling Fellowship prize of $3,000 In 1912 for special merit as instructor of literature and author of rank. Sent by Democratic Nat. Com. on public speaking campaign tour of Cal. six weeks in the autumn of 1912; lecturer on lit- erary, philosophical, political and current topics. HOSFORD, Jennie Cbamberlsin (Mrs. Henry Hallock Hosford), Crete, Neb. Born Hudson, O., Mar. 22, 1865; dau. WUliam Isaac and Lucy James (Marshall) Chamberlain ; ed. Columibus (O.) high schools; Smith Coll., A.B. '88 (Alpha); m. Hudson, O., Aug. 25, 1892, Henry Hallock Jlosford; children: Caroline Aus- tin, b. July 6, 1893; Herbert Chamberlain, b. Nov. 3, 1894; Donald Mason, b. Dec. 21, 1896; Hallock Clifton, b. Nov. 4, 1899. High school teacher In Rock Rapids, la., 1888-89; Minneapolis, Minn., 1889-90; St. Paul, Minn., 1S90-92; instruc- tor in Greek and Latin, Doane (3oll., 1895-96; on pianoforte. School of Music, Doane Coll., 1900-03- English literature, Doane Coll., 1908; house su- pervisor. Home Economics Hall, Univ. of Neb., 1909-10; Instructor In chemistry and physics,' Doane Coll., 1911- . Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Wednesday Club. Recreations: Walk- ing, tennis, skating. CongregatlonaUst. Favors woman suffrage; voter on school subjects. HOSMER, Gladys Eleanor Holden (Mrs. Her- bert Buttrlck Hosmer), HoUowdene, Billerlca, MaAs. Farmer; b. Lynn, Mass., Sept 18, 1886; dau.

��Joshua Bennett and Ida L. (Moulton) Ho1J«r; ed. Boston private schools; Radcliffe Coll., A.B. '09; studied also ai Unlvs. of Munich and Berlin; m. Billerica, Mass., April 20, 1911, Herbert Butt- rlck Hosmer; one daughter: Eleanor Holden Hosmer, b. 1912. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, College Equal Suf- frage League; chairman Woman Suffrage Party for Billerica. Author of The Postlude, Ne^w England Magazine. Episcopalian. Progressive Mem. D.A.R., Old (3oncord Chapter, Billerlcj Grange. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, 1900 Club of Billerica.

HOSMER, Katfaerine Tipton (Mrs. George Edwin Hosmer), 1426 Milwaukee St., Denver, Colo. Born Peoria, 111., Dec. 9, 1867; dau. Francis M. and Eliza Anne (Starbuck) Tipton; ed. Peoria (111.) public schools, high school, Franklin School, Parish's Coll., also private university work; m. Aug. 1, 1889, George Edwin Hosmer; children: Joseph Blaine, Katherlne. Has done much newspaper and magazine work, sometimes holding regular position, sometimes special work. Has done work on the Springfield Herald, Trini- dad Advertiser, Ft. Morgan Herald, Denver Re- publican. Has contributed to Denver Times, Rocky Mountain News and magazines; now doing special work along these lines. Interested in music; mem. Trinity choir. Methodist. Demo- crat. Recreations: Music, mountain climbing, games. Mem. Denver Woman's Press Club, Woman's Club of Denver; hon. mem. Bay View Club, Ft. Morgan.

HOTCHKISS, Jean Jewel (Mrs. Thomas W. Hotchkiss), 2409 Grand Av., University Heights, N.Y. City; summer, 64 Bay view Av., Norlhport, L.I., N.Y.

Writer and dramatic reader; b. near Utica, N.Y., May 24, 1S37; dau. Darius and Margaret Women's Med. Coll., Med. Club of Philadelphia, (Halley) Jewell; grad. Buffalo Sem. (collegiate dep't, highest in class in composition, elocution and penmanship) ; studied technique of dramatic and elocutionary art with J. B. Frobisher (then prof, in Coll. City of N.Y.); voice culture with Prof. Parkinson of Boston (who trained Wendell Phillips), Rev. W. R. Alger and Prof. Monroe of the B'oston School of Oratory; m. Buffalo, Dec. 3, 1863, Thomas W. Hotchkiss of New Haven, Conn.; children: J. Elizabeth Hotchkiss (A.M., Ph.D., former editor of the Metaphysical Maga- zine), Thomas W. Hotchkiss (Princeton '89, law- yer, editor, writer); George Richardson. Dramatic reader at age of 18; first living reader to give Hiawatha and Enoch Arden to public audiences; after marriage appeared only at rare intervals for several years; resided at Ottawa, Ont., where her husband was American Consul General; about six years ago resumed as dramatic reader. Author: Dramatic Readers, Past and Present; The Spoken Word; No Age in Life if It Is Ever- lasting. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. HOTCHKISS, Mary Ashley, Aurora, N.Y.

Registrar; b. Lyons, N.Y., Apr. 21, 1887; dau. Hiram Gilbert and Louise Wright (Knowles) Hotchkiss; ed. Wells Coll, A.B. '10. Favors wo- man suffrage. Episcopalian.

HOTTON, Harriet Jane (Mrs. John Sidney Hot- ton), 399 Keystone Av., River Forest, 111. Born Sparta, Wis., June 27, 1870; dau. George and Julia (Sykes) Richardson; grad. Sparta High School; Univ. of Wis. B.A. ; m. Aug. 20, 1896, John Sidney Hotton; children: Howard Sidney, Alfred I>wight. Interested In church work, woman's club work, college work. Mem. River Forest Woman's Club. Has given public ad- dresses against woman suffrage. Mem. .Mumnae Soc., Univ. of Wis. (Chicago branch), Missionary Soc, Belles Letters. Recreations: Music, skat- ing, traimplng, bird study, swimTnlng. Descended from Livingstons to whom grants of lands were given In Now York in the seventeenth century. HODCK, Emma Myra Bence (Mrs. William M. Houck), Greencastle, Ind.

Born Greencastle, June 23, 1864; dau. John Algernon and Annie Eliza (Kldd) Bence; m. Oct. 20, 1880, William MlUord Houci; foster daughter: Ethe^; granddaughter: Rmma Blanch Shepperd, b. June 13, ISIO, died Jan. 14, 1912;


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