mem. Ddrectlng Ck>m. Town Planning Confer- Rockford Sem. (now Rockford Coll.), Rockford,
ences of Philadelphia Strbupbs, ConsumesTS' 111. Active in social and missionary work ot
League. Recreaticms : Dancing, walking. Mem. the Congregational Church. Mem. Rochester
B'd of Directors of Saturday Club of Wayne, Pa. Women's Club. Believes In restricted suSrage
HORN, Maude A. (Mrs. J. C. Horn), George- ^or °ien and women alike.
town, El Dorado Co., Cal. HOBSl'ORD, Cornelia, 27 Cralgle St., Cambridge,
Newspaper manager; b. Yuba City, Cal., Apr. Mass.
10, 1875; dau. Horace W. and Celia (Willeford) Archaeologist; b. Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 25,
Hulbert; ed. Georgetown (Cal.) public school, 1861; dau. Prof. Eben N. and Phoebe (Gardiner)
learned stenography, bookkeeping, telegraphy, Horton; ed. private schools In Cambridge and
private teachers at home; m- Georgetown, July Boston. Pres. Shelter Island Public Library;
31, 1898, J. C. Horn; children: Amy Louise, Hul- fellow A.A,A.S. Author: Graves of the North-
bert, Doris. Edited and managed Gazette, week- men; An Inscribed Stone; Ruins of the Saga
ly newspaper of Georgetown, since 16 years old; Time; also various articles on archsBologlcal
also telegraph operator and public stenographer subjects In magazines. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc.,
from 16 to 21 years of age. Favors woman suf- Prince Historical Soc., Am. Folk -Lore Soc.,
frage; pres. Suffrage Dep't W.C.T.tJ. for El Icelandic Antiquarian Soc, Irish Texts Soc.;
Dorado Co. for several years. Past pres. George- vlce-pres. Viking Club of London,
town Rebekah Lodge. Pres. Woman's Magazine hOBTON, Katharine lorenz Pratt (Mrs. John
and Improvement Club. Miller Horton), 477 Delaware Av., Buffalo,
HOKN, SaUle M., Aldine Hotel, 1914 Chestnut N.Y.
St., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Buffalo, N.T.; dau. Pascal Paoli Pratt
Born Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. John and Sarah (banker, financier and philanthropist), of Buf- Ann (Dewey) Horn; ed. private schools in Phila- talo, and Phebe (Lorenz) Pratt of Pittsburgh, delphia. Identified with various Presbyterian Pa.; ed. Buffalo Sem., Brooklyn Heights Sem.; activities and other philanthropic Institutions of m. Buffalo, N.Y., John Miller Horton. Regent Philadelphia. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Buffalo Chapter Nat. Soc. D.A.R. since 1901, and D.A.R., Daughters of Founders and Patriots of prominent in the national organization; strongly America, Soc. ot Mayflower Descendants, Pa. supported for president-gMieral, 1913. Was chair- Branch of New England Women, Americans of man of Com. on Ceremonies and Entertainments Armorial Ancestry, Historical Soc. of Pa, Pres- of the Women's Board of the Pan-American B3x- byteriaiu Against universal suffrage for women, position, 1901; identified with World's Peace HOBNE Alice Merrill (Mrs. George Henry Movement; three times delegate to International
Horae)', Salt Lake City, Utah. Peace and Arbitration Congress in Europe; mem.
Artist; b. Fillmore, Utah, Jan. 2, 1868; dau. Nat Com. for Celebration of One Hundred Years Clarence and Baihsheba (Smitih) Merrill; ed. of Peace; mem. Am. Peace and Arbitration Soc. Univ. of Utah, 1887 (second woman to represent Appointed by Governor of NY. as commissioner hS- class as valedictorian); m. George Henry to Charleston (S.C.) Expo^tion, 1901, also com- Horne; children: Mary Shepard, Lyman Merrill, S^^o^^f ^"^^ ""i^^ °^ ^""^^J^ ^H T'*'?f °^ Virgin a Locke. George H.7zorah Henri, Albert Board at Cliarleston; mem Board of Lady Man- Stephen. Elected to Utah's third Legislature as agers of Louisiana Purchase Exposition St.
RepresenUUve; introduced free scholar^p bill ^°^^ V^^ii^.^^w'^.^f^n^^fl^f^R.^t^PpTf giving 250 free scholarships for four years; au- lations). Pres Woman s Board of Buffalo Cele- §or of bill creating the Utah Art Inst.; has bration of 100 Years of Peace, appointed by studied under best ^ts and has taken prizes Mayor; delegate to Peace Congress and Dedica- in stm life and designs; sec. of Utah Art Inst tl?n of Peace Palace The Hague August 1913. Sid later treas. and director by appointment to Vice-pres. Niagara Frontier Landmarks Ass'n; th« Governor of Utah Mem DAR (former founder and president Buffalo City Fed. of Stlte^IgS?). DaugSers of uiah k;^^ ™as Women's Clubs; organized (19^) the Niagara been pres.), Shak^peare Soc.; mem. Board of ?7'£°tler Buffalo (Chapter of National Society Directors of Nat. wWan's Relief Soc. Recrea- U.S. Daughters of 1812, and has been its regent tion • oS-dening. Mormon. Favors woman suf- ever since; pres Nellie Custls Chapter and yice- f rage. Democrat. Voter; has been a candidate pres. gen. Nat. Soc. Children of Am Revolution; for office Several times; Elected when party was trustee Nat Soc. Daughters of the Empire State; Yictorio.^; was in the ikst election and defkted; vice-pres. Order of Americans of Armorial An- Zir. oi^art of ii+jitP and National ticket cestry; mem. Buffalo Historical Soc, Buffalo ran ahead of btate and National ticket Genealogical Soc, Buffalo Twentieth Century HOBNE, Florence WentworOi, the Knicber- Somen's Club, Buffalo Soc. Natural Sciences bocker Apartments, 175 Jay St, Albany, N.Y. q^^j^ mem.). Am. Social Science Ass'n, Buffalo Teaser; b. Dover, N.H., Oct 25, 1867; dau. g^c^ of Artists, Buffalo Art Students' Le*gaie, Charles Adams and Florence (Allen) Home; ed. church Home League, Old Planters' Soc of Albany High School; Vassar Coll., A.B.; State jjass.. Women's Republican League of N.Y. Normal Coll., Pd.B. Interested in legislation g^^^Q jj y State Fed and N.Y. City Fed. of concerning child labor. Favors woman suffrage. Somen's Clubs, Army Relief Ass'n, Trinity Mem. of Equal Suffrage Club of Albany. Bpteco- cjjnrch goc, Buffalo; director Women^s EMuca- palian. Mem. of Gen. Ass'n of Collegiate tjonal and Industrial Union; director Women's Alumnffi and of the Eastern N.Y. branch of that L,eagne of N.Y. State; mem. N.Y. State His- ass'D. Mem. Modern Language Club. Attended torical Ass'n, N.Y. Genealogical and Biographical summer school at Univ of Marburg; studied g^g^ Buffalo Fine Arts Ass'n, Chautauqua (N.Y.) German language and literature with Frau Dr. -^otaeia's Club, Chautauqua D.A.R. Circle, Buf- Hempel in Berlin; attended lectures at the Unlv. f^io g,^ of Mineral Painters, Nat. Soc. of New of Berlin for two terms. England Women (Colony 2), Nat. Soc. Daughters HOBNE, Mary Tracy Earle (Mrs. William Titus of Founders and Patriots of AmM-ica, Nat Soc. Home), Berkeley, Cat Daughters of Am. Pioneers, Nat. George Wash- Writer; b. Coibden, 111., Oct 21, 1864; dau. Ington Memorial Ass'n, Nat. Mary Washington Parker and Melanie (Tracy) Earle; grad. Univ. Memorial Ase'n, Intemat. Sunshine Soc, Jap- of 111 B S. '85, hon. M.A. '03; m. Santiago de anese Red Cross Ass'n; vice-pres. Erie County las Vegas Cirtia, July 1, 1906, WilMam Titus Branch Nat Red Cross Ass'n. Episcopalian. Home Aathor: The Wonderful Wheel, 1896; Metm. Eclectic (N.Y. City) Club. Active in phil- The Man Who Worked for CoHister, 1898; anthropic work for children, immigrants and Through Old-Rose Glasses, 1900; Tbe Flag on tbe other benevolent objects.
Hilltop, 1902; also short stories in Atlantic HOBTON, Lydla M. (Mrs. Alonzo B. Horton),
Monthly, Century, Harper's, Scribner's, Saturday Fifth St. and Ivy Lane, San Diego, Cal.
Evening Post and others. Progressive Republl- Born West Newbury, Mass., 1846; dau. Daniel
can. Mem. Town and (Jotto Club, Berkeley, jj ^nd Charlotte Crosby (Bailey) Smith; ed.
Favors woman suffrage. Putnam School, Newtyuryport, Mass. ; Cowles Art
HOBNE, Sarah C, 90 Wakefield St., Rochester, School, Boston, Mass., and in N.Y. City and
N H Boston from art and language instructors; m.
Teacher; b. South Berwick, Me., Aug. 5, 1839; (Ist) 1886. William Knapp. acting Master, U:^-N.,
dau. Samuel McD. and Mary (Bodge) Home; ed. 1862-68 (died 1885); children: William Bailey