��HOPKINS, Margaret Hall Daly (Mra. Louis Davis Hopkins), 471 Central Park W., N.T. City.
Born Palmerston, Ont., Can.; dau. William Henry and Sarah Doane (Lundy) DaJy; ed. New- market High School; Technical School, Toronto; Ploosevelt Hospital, N.Y.; Training School for Nurses, 1904; m. June 20, 1905, Ijouis Davis Hop- kins; one son: Stephen Davis. Interested in art and literature, welfare work and in preaching the gospel of being useful. Has been working for woman suffrage for years. Episcopalian. Mem. Daughters of the Empire (British order), N.Y. City (social and philanthropic), Ai mnnm Ass'n of Roosevelt Hospital, Saranac L<ake Soc. for Control of Tuberculosis. Recreations: Ten- nis, skating, riding.
HOPKINS, Margaret Sutton Briscoe (Mrs. Ar- thur J. Hopkins), Amherst, Mass. Writer; b. BalUmore, Md., Dec. 7, 1864; dau. S. W. and Cornelia Dushane (Blacklock) Briscoe; ed. by private tutors in Baltimore; m. N.T. City, Apr. 18, 18S5, Dr. Arthur Jdin Hopkins; ome daughter: Cornelia Duahane Hopkins. Interested in public schools, district nursing and child wel- fare; mem. Amherst School Alliance and Am- herst Civic Leag^le. Opposed to woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Books: Perchance to Dream, and Other Stories, 1892; Links in a Chain, 1893; Jlmty and Others, 1898; The Sixth Sense, and Other Stories, 1899; The Change of Heart, 1S03; The Image of Eve, 1909. Books are publlsiied under maiden name: Margaret Strtton Briscoe. HOPKINS, Mary Murray, Smith Coll. Observa- tory, Northampton, Mass.
Teacher; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., May 18, 1878; dau. George G, (M.D.) and Alice JuUa (Gardner) Hopkins; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '99; A.M. '11. Ass't in astronomy. Smith Coll., 1906-08; instruc- tor in astronoitiy, 190S. Episcopalian. Mem. Astronomical and Astrophyaical Soc. of America; British Astronomical Soc.
HOPKINS, PauUne Bradford Mackle, 509 W. 121st St., Bronx, N.T.
Author; b. Fairfield, Conn., 1873; dau. Rev. Andrew and Sara (Dennlstoun) Mackie; ed. pub- lic schools of Toledo, O. ; m. Toledo, Aug. 2, 1899, Dr. Herbert Muller Hopkins, author and clergyman (now deceased); one son: Cecil Her- bert. Began in literary work, 1896. Author: Mademoiselle de Berny, A Story of Valley Forge; Ye Lyttle Salem Malde, A Story of Witchcraft; A Georgian Actress; The Washlng- tonians; The Story of Kate; The Fight of Rosy Dawn; The Voice In the Desert; The Girl and the Kaiser.
HOPKINS, Una Nlxson (Mrs. George J. Hop- kins), 301 Congress PI., Pasadena, Cal. Magazine writer; b. Denison, la.; dau. William H. and Marian (Hoxsie) Nixson; ed. St. Francis Acad., Council Bluffs, la.; m. Pasadena, Cal., Jan. 2, 1895, George J. Hopkins; one son: George J. Hopkins. Contributor to magazines, especially along the line of architecture and house decora- tion, the Ladies' Home Journal, the House Beautiful, the Craftsman, also writes some short stories. Mem. Woman's Press Club of Southern Cal., Friday Morning Club of Los Angeles. Favors woman suffrage.
HOPLEY, Elizabeth Sheppard (Mrs. James R. Hopley), Bucyrus, Ohio.
Born Granville, O., Dec. 11, 1870; dau. C9iap- laln Thomas J. and Margaret (OolUne) Sheppard; ed. Shepardson Coll., Granville, O. ; Chicago Kindergarten Training School (post-graduate); m. Granville, 0., Nov. 15, 1&93, James R. Hopley (editor and postmaster of Bucyrus, 0.). Vice- pres. Ohio Fed. Women's Clubs, 1899; pres. 1900- 02; only woman speaker at Ohio Centennial, Chilllcothe, 1903; mem. Library Com. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs. 1904-05 (hon. vice-pres.). Mem. Shepardson Coll. Alumnae Ass'n; writer and speaker on historical subjects, especially Ohio history; sent by Russell Sage Foundation to Investigate systems of training for delinquent girls, resulting in complete reorganization of the Ohio Institution, 1911; chairman Legislative Oom. Ohio Fed.; writer of 36th Amendnaent to proposed Constitution of Ohio; mem. Legislative Com. Gen. Fed., 1912-13. Favors woman suffrage.
��Author: Women's Clubs hf Factors in American Life; Ann Bally, historical naratlve; The Part Taken by Women in History and Development of the State; A Brief HisLory of Ohio from 1802 to the Civil War; Women In Legislation in Ohio. Baptist. Republican. Mem. Nerw Era Club (Bucyrus); hon. mem. Woman's Educational Club (Toledo), Altrurian (Columbus); mem. Deni- son Univ. Alumni Ass'n. Represented in Blbllo- theque Nationale, France, by monograph. Women In Ohio History. HOPPER, Martha Wentworth (Mrs. George H.
Hopper), 49 E. Eleventh St., Columbus, O.
Born Bouckvllle, N.T. ; dau. John and Cathe- rine (Ten EJyck) Wentworth; ed. public schools aad Milton Coll., Wis.; m. JamesvlUe, Wis., 1863, George H. Hopper; one daughter: Gertrude. Teacher in Sem. before marriage; treas. first Federation of Women's Clubs in Wis. ; pres. Raeine Women's Club; pres. Local Council of Clubs in Richmond, Ind. ; Federation sec. for Ind. of Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs; pres. City Federation of Women's Clubs, Colum- bus, O. ; mem. Board of Visitors Co. Board of Charities, Franklin Co., O. Author: Mrs. Brown's Soliloquies, 1899; also various articles for women's publications, brochures on "The Light of Asia"; Religious History of England; Inftuence of Reformation upon Literature and Phases of Thought; Lake Poets and the Lake Country of England; Lesslng and His Dramatic Poem; Nathan the Wise. Mem. Central Philan- thropic Council, Columbus, O. Recreations: Walk- ing, reading, study. Clubs: Altrurian, Research. HOPPIN, Emily Anna (Mrs. Charles Rosslter
Hoppin), Tolo, Cal.
Editor; b. Nlles, Mich., Jan. 13, 1854; dau. Natiianlel and Caroline S. (Ijord) Baoon; ed. Kalamazoo, Holyoke Sem.; m. Nov. 10, 1874, Charles Rosslter Hoppin; children: CSiarles PYederlck and Ed-ward John (deceased), Harriet, Edith Caroline, Charles Rosslter, Dorothea. In- terested In W.C.T.U. ; treas. for State 17 years; editor State paper six years and present editor; State treas. Cel. Fed. Women's Clubs two years. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Repub- lican. Mem. Woodland Shakespeare Club. HOPSON, Mary Adams, Kent, Conn.
Teacher; b. Kent, Conn., Dec. 19, 1850; dau. George and Ann Eliza (Puller) Hopson; ed. Miss Ward's School, Bridgeport. Conn.; Vassar Coll. A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '73. Life mem. United Soc. of Christian Endeavor, with which has been Identified almost from organization; also a life mem. of several missionary sees; was for many years county sec. for the Junior Dep't of the Woman's Board of Missions. Congregationalist Contributes to religious weeklies. Mem. D.A.R. HORN, Ellen Marvin Bopee (Mrs. Gottfried
Martin Horn), Grossharthau, bel Dresden,
Born Bangor, Me.; ed. high school, Bangor Me.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '02; Univ. of Maine' A.M. '08; student Univ. of Leipzig, Germany' 1905-06; m. 1909, Rev. Gottfried Martin Horn Teacher in KlmJjall Union Acad., Merlden, N.H 1902; ass't In George Stevens Acad., Blue Hlli' Me., 1903-04; professor of German, Oxford (Ohio) Coll., 1906-07; teacher of EJngllah In High School Montclalr, N.J.. 1908-09. '
HORN, Lois Famham (Mrs. David Wilbur
Horn), Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Bom Richmond, Isd., Nov. 18, 1877- dau Charles S. and Rebecca O'Nell (Johnson)' Fam- ham; ed. Richmond puWic sohooJe 1884-93- Brooklyn Heights Sem., 1893-96; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. 1900, A.M. '01; scholar in economics and politics, Bryn Mawr, 1900-01; fellow 1901-02- m. Sept. 22, 1903, David Wilbur Horn (Ph D.' Johns Hopkins Univ., prof, chemistry, Bryii Mawr Coll., 1901-07; consulting chemist 1907-12)- ohlldren: Lois Elizabeth, b. Dec. 23, 1904- Char- lotte, b. April 14, 1909; Wilburta Francis, b April 14, 1909. Interested In putllc health matters also In ass'n for organizing main line charitlea' Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Pa. Branch (Col- lege Equal Suffrage League and suffrage or- ganization of Montgomery Oo. Mem. Bryn Mawr Alumnae Ass'n, Main Line Housing Ass'n-