and progressive lines. Promoter of a universal religion based upon the fundamental doctrines of Christian Healing.
ANDREWS, Grace, 47 Brevoort Place, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born Brooklyn. N.Y., 1869; dau. Edward Gayer Andrews (Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church) and Susan M. (Hotchkiss) Andrews; ed. Mt. Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C.; Wellesley Coll., B.S. '90; Columbia Univ., A.M. '99, Ph.D. '01; mem. Zeta Alpha. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. N.Y. Wellesley Club, Kosmos Club, Brooklyn; Women's University Club of N.Y. City.
ANDREWS, Grace, 1931 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Physician; b. Philadelphia; dau. R. H. Andrews, M.D., and Mary M. (Beidler) Andrews; grad. Philadelphia Girls' High School, 1897; holder of Trustees' Philadelphia Girls' High School scholarship to Bryn Mawr, 1898-1902; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. 1902; Women's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '07. Ophthalmologist.
ANDREWS, Gwendolen Foulke (Mrs. Ethan Allen Andrews), 881 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md.
Biologist, writer; b. Bala Farm, Chester Co., Pa., June 26, 1863; dau. William Parker and Julia de Veaux (Powell) Foulke; ed. in Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Johnson's School, Philadelphia, with special course in biology at Bryn Mawr Coll.; m. Philadelphia, Pa., March 17, 1894, Prof. Ethan Allen Andrews, Ph.D., now prof, zoölogy in Johns Hopkins Univ. Author: The Living Substance; also papers in American Journal of Morphology and other biological publications. Mem. Acorn Club (Philadelphia), Arundell Club (Baltimore).
ANDREWS, Helen Frances, Farmington, Conn.
Artist and Instructor in art; b. Farmington, Conn.; dau. Franklin A. and Jane (Bulkeley) Andrews; ed. Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn., and at the Académie Julian, Paris, under J. P. Lanier and Benjamin Constant. Instructor In drawing and painting in the Westover School, Middlebury, Vt. Mem. Conn. Acad, of Fine Arts. Congregationalist.
ANDREWS, Helen Slade (Mrs. Charles A, Andrews), Moffatt Rd., Waban, Mass.
Born Quincy, Mass., Nov. 28, 1870; dau. James H. and Mary B. (Thayer) Slade; ed. Thayer Acad., Braintree, Mass.; Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '94; m. Quincy, Mass., Jan. 1, 1901, Charles A. Andrews; children: Sidney Warren, John Thayer, Helen. Taught for six years in Marlboro and Holyoke High School, and at Vassar Coll. (subject, mathematics). Unitarian. Mem. Waban Woman's Club (pres. 1910-12), Boston branch Vassar Alumnee (pres. for year 1913); vice-pres. Newton Fed. of Women's Clubs (1912-13). Favors woman suffrage.
ANDREWS, Irene Osgood (Mrs. John B. Andrews), 143 E. Twenty-first St., N.Y. City.
Worker for labor legislation; b. Big Rapids, Mich., Jan. 18, 1879; dau. Lucius L. and Mary (Markley) Osgood; ed. Univ. of Minn., New York School of Philanthropy, Univ. of Wis., A.B. '05; Univ. of Wis. fellow at Univ. Settlement, Milwaukee; mem. Alpha Phi (Wis.); m. N.Y. City, Aug. 8, 1910, John B. Andrews. Agent of the Associated Charities, Minneapolis, Minn.; special agent for relief work of the Red Cross, San Francisco, Cal.; head resident of the Northwestern Univ. Settlement, Chicago; ass't sec. Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, etc. Departmental editor Life and Labor (official organ of the Women's Trade Union League). Favors woman suffrage. Author: Women Workers in Milwaukee Tanneries; has contributed to The Survey, Am. Labor Legislation Review, the Am. Year Book, Political Science Quarterly. Mem. Nat. Woman's Trade Union League, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation. Recreations: Skating, canoeing. Active worker, writer and speaker on subjects relating to labor legislation and the betterment of the working class.
ANDREWS, Marilla, Gransville, Wis.
Editor, postmaster; b. Argyle, Wis., Aug. 12, 1864; dau. John Cain Andrews (b. in Ohio) and Sarah (Wright) Andrews (b. in England); grad. Evansville (Wis.) High School, classical course, Gransville (Wis.) Sem. and Univ. of Wis. B.L. '92. Was special correspondent to Washington (D.C.) paper for World's Fair at Chicago, 1893; did magazine work for about two years; founded, owned and published a local weekly paper until appointed postmaster, in which office is now serving. Was for a time editor of Wisconsin Citizen (Equal Suffrage organ). Founded two leading literary clubs of Gransville, Wis.; one of the organizers of public library movement and first sec. of Library Board; mem. Board of Trustees of Gransville Sem.; mem. Industrial School Comm'n; mem. Park Comm'n. Active in woman suffrage cause. Episcopalian. Recreation: Farming; owns three farms run by managers; very fond of horses, being a breeder and importer of registered Shetland ponies.
ANDREWS, Mary Canfield (Mrs. W. W. Andrews), 4082 Rose Hill Av., Avondale, Cincinnati, O.
Daughter James W. and Mary Jane (Williams) Canfield; m. W. W. Andrews; children: C. W. Andrews, Mary A. M. McCall, Alice A. Magenny. Mem. Cincinnati Women's Clnb, D.A.R., the New England Women's Club of N.Y. City, Daughters of N.Y.; trustee for past 20 years of Home for Incurables (was pres. two years).
ANDREWS, Mary Elizabeth, Swope Center, Kansas City, Mo.
Minister; head of social settlement; b. Hamilton, Ohio; dau. Robert N. and Carolyn (Webbring) Andrews; ed. Buchtel Coll., Akron, Ohio; Univ. of Chicago; Columbia Univ., N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian and Universalist. Progressive. Is at present head resident of Swope Center.
ANDREWS, Mira McCoy (Mrs. William E. Andrews), 1225 Fairmont St., N.W.. Washington.
Born Iowa; dau. Laban L. and Alice (Richards) McCoy; ed. Parsons Coll., Fairfield, Ia. (classical), and music (both voice and piano) in Chicago, making voice a specialty and later learning the pipe organ; m. Fairfield, Ia., Sept. 1, 1885, William E. Andrews (mem, 54th Congress, now Auditor for U.S. Treasury Dep't. For several years she held the chair of voice culture in Hastings Coll., Neb. Mem. Board of Lady Managers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1901. Associate dean of Leojean Coll., Washington, D.C, of which her sister. Miss Leota Myrtle McCoy, is dean. Mem. and pres. Chapter B., and one of nat. officers of the P.E.O. Soc. Mem. Presbyterian Church and interested in religious and philanthropic work. Pres. of State Federation of Women's Clubs in the District of Columbia. Delegate to biennial of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs in San Francisco, 1912, and en route spoke before Colorado club women, and also on politics to mixed meeting. Elected at biennial one of eight directors of Gen. Fed.; also mem. welfare dep't. Nat. Civics Ass'n. Mem. Columbia High Arts Club.
ANDREWS, Nellie Greenwood (Mrs. W. W. Andrews), 2213 Cornwall St., Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Educator, writer, lecturer; b. Farmington, Me., Apr. 21, 1864; dau. Cyprian Stevens and Esther (Butterfleld) Greenwood, New England ancestry on both sides; grad. Bath (Me.) High School '80, Victoria Coll., Toronto, B.Sc. '84 (first woman to receive a college degree in course in Ontario); m. Cobourg, Ont, Oct. 18, 1887, Rev. W. W. Andrews, LL.D.; children: Mabel Greenwood (B.A.), Cyprian Herbert, Elisabeth Ellsworth. Teacher of botany and drawing in Peterboro (Ont.) Coll. Inst., 1892-94; teacher of mathematics and astronomy, Mount Allison Ladles' Coll., Sackville, N.B. Resided, 1887-90, in Toronto, where Dr. Andrew was pastor of College Street Methodist Church; at Sackville, N.B., where he was dean of the Faculty of Applied Science in Mount Allison Univ.; since 1911 at Regina, Sask., where Dr. Andrews is pres. Regina Coll. Writer of short stories and sketches published in Canadian magazines and