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��HOLMES, Keturah Beers (Mrs. Woodward

Holmes), 4333 Hazel Av., Chicago, 111.

Bom Chicago, 111., Sept. 25, 1878; dau. John Howard and Keturah Gooden (Shay) Beers; ed. public schools in Chicago, Smith Coll., B.A. (Zeta BeU Psi); m. Chicago, Aug. 21, 1907, Woodward Holmes; one daug-bter: Julianna Holmes, 1908. Meaa. Chicago Woman's Club, Coll. Club, Amateur Musical Club. EJpisco- palian. HOT.ME8, Mary EUzabeth, Mt. Holyoke Coll.,

South Hadley, Mass., or Mystic, Conn.

Teacher of chemistry; b. Mystic Conn., Dec. 28, 1870; dau. Hiram Cllft and Hannah Pish (Denison) Holmee; ed. public schools of Mystic, Conn.; private Instruction under Mrs. Ixinuel Clift of Mystic In preparation for Wellesley, 1S86-8S; Wellealey Coll., B.A. '92; graduate student Univ. of Chicago, 1895-97; Moore fellow Univ. of Pa., 1906-07, Bennett fellow, 1907-08, Ph.D., 1908 (mem. Tau Zeta Epsilon). Teacher in Flushing (N.Y.) Sem., 1892-93; Alinda Pre- paratory School, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1893-95; Wal- nut Lane Preparatory School, (Jermantown, Pa., 1897-98; Mt. Holyoke Coll., South Hadley, Mass., 1898 — . Instructor In chemistry, 1898- 1904; associate professor of chemistry, 1904^. Favors woman suffrage. Author of Ph.D. thesis: The Use of the Rotating Anode in Electrolytic Separations (abstract in Journal Am. Chemical Soc., Dec., 1908); also The Use of Organic Electrolytes in Cadmium Separa- tions, by Mary E. Holmes and Mary V. Dover (Journal Am. Chemical Soc, 1910). Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Am. Chemical Soc., A.A.A_S., New England Ass'n of Chemistry Teachers. Recreations: Walking, camping. Mem. Tau Zeta Epsilon (Wellesley Coll.), Springfield (Mass.) Wellesley Club; treas. of Wellesley Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, 1902-04; chairman Finance Com. for Wellesley Coll. Student-Alumnse Building, 1910—. Traveled in England, Scotland and on (Jontinent, summer of 1906. HOLMES, Myrta Whitney (Mrs. James E.

Holmes), RandoUa, la.

Born Fayette Co., la.. May 16, 1871; dau. Lewis M. and Jeannette (Tiffany) Whitney; ed. Grand Island (Neb.) High School, 1890; m. Grand Island, Neb., June 11, 1898, James E. Holmes; children: Marie, Donald, Richard. Mem. Thursday Reading Circle. Presbyterian. HOLMES, Ruth Vickery (Mrs. Bradford But-

terick Holmes), Ferndale, Wash.

Born Boston, Dec. 2, 11888; dau. Herman P. and Abby Williams (Davis) Vickery; ed. Miss Winsor's School, Boston; one year at Bryn Mawr Coll.; m. Boston, May 19, 1909, Brad- ford Butterick Holmes; children: Elizabeth, 1910; Robert Vickery, 1911. Mem. Miss Winsor's Graduate Club, Associate mem. Bryn Mawr Alumnae Ass'n. Episcopalian. Favors equal suffrage. Democrat.

HOLST, Amy M. (Mrs. J. Russell Hoist), Chat- field, Minn.

Born St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 19, 1858; dau. John C. and Letltia A. (Honeyman) Hongland; ed. high school, Chicago; m. El Paso, 111., Dec. 30, 1884, Rev. J. Russell Hoist; no children of her own, but has reared four. Active in church, charitable and club work. Pres. Monday Club of Chatfleld, Minn. Episcopalian. Favors wo- man suffrage. HOI-STEAD, Lula (Mrs. John B. Holstead), 401

Vienna St., Huston, La.

Born D'Arbonne, La., Jan. 28, 1860; dau. Will- iam Henry and Lucy G. (Gaar) Tanner; ed. private schools In Northern Louisiana; m. Vienna, La., Feb. 26, 1878, Judge John B. Holstead; chil- dren: Kate, Bcrnice, Clyde, George. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Pres. Woman's Culture Club of Ruston, La. HOLT, Ale.vlna Crawford (Mrs. Hamilton Holt),

Woodstock, Conn.

Bom Baltimore, Md., Feb. 8, 1869; dau. Mar- shall P. and Mary L. (Crawford) Smith; ed. private schools in Baltimore; m. Baltimore, Feb. 8, 1899, Hamilton Holt of N.Y. City (man- aging editor of the Independent); children: Beatrice, Leila Stuart, John Eliot, George Chandler. Presbyterian.

��HOLT, Camilla McPherson (Mrs. Charles S.

Holt), 1836 Calumet Av., Chicago, 111.

Bom Mumford, N.Y., Sept 29, 1860; dau. John Finlay and Janet (Fraser) McPherson; grad. Blmlra Coll., B.A. ; m. Mumford, N.Y., Oct 9, 1889, Charles S. Holt; children: Isabella, Charles, Marian. Interested In religious, social and phil- anthropic work. Presibyterlan. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. HOLT, Elien, Lake Fore«t, 111.

Born Lake Forest, 111., Aug. 18, 1869; dau. De Villo R. and Ellen Maria (Hubbard) Holt; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '90. Student in Bible Teachers' Training School, N.Y. City, 1904. In- terested in Association House (settlement at 2150 W. North Av., Chicago— pres. 1899-1902), vice- pres. Board Directors since 1902. Presbyterian. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumna (vlce-pres. 1900-02); mem. Smith Coll. Club, Chicago Coll. Club, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, and Ortwentsla Club of Lake Forest. HOLT, Mary Boxy WUkins (Mrs. George Nelson

Holt), 4436 Berkeley Av., Chlcag-o, IlL

Pianist and organist; b. Milton, Pa., 1869; dau. S. B. and Jane (Goodlander) Wilklns; grad. Rockford (111.) Coll., B.A. '88; studied In Berlin under Raif, and in Paris under Guilmant, 18S1-93, and in Paris, 1904-07, under Harold Bauer, George Marly and Alex. Guilmant. Fellow Am. Guild of Organists, 1910; m. Rockford, 111., 1901, Geoige Nelson Holt; one daughter: Jane Sylvia. Head of music dep't, Rockford Coll., 1908-11; now or- ganist at Epworth M.E. Church, Chicago, and instructor in piano, Rookford Coll. Composer of songs, church music, organ pieces. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Progressive. HOLT, Rosa Belle, 109 East 56th St., N.Y. City.

Author, expert in Oriental rugs; b. Cleve- land, O. ; dau. Alonzo J. and Lucretia Merriam (Hough) Holt; ed. private school In Buffalo, N.Y., and In Europe. Author: Rugs— Oriental and Occidental. Mem. Women's Cosmopolitan Club. Recreation: Riding. Presbyterian. HOLT, Winifred, 44 E. Seventy-eighth St., N.Y.


Sculptor and honorary sec. N.Y. Ass'n for the Blind; b. N.Y. City; dau. Henry and Mary Flor- ence (West) Holt; ed. the Brearley and -other private schools. Studied art, anatomy and sculp- ture in Florence, Italy; work has included por- traits, busts and bas-reliefs. Has exhibited with Am. Sculpture Soc. and Architectural League (N.Y. City); also in Dresden and Prague. Founder N.Y. Ass'n for the Blind, 1905 (incor- porated 1906); Ticket Bureau for the Blind In London, 1906; has lectured on the blind and helped start associations for them at Buffalo Rome and Utica (N.Y.), Montclair (N.J.), Bur- lington (Vt). Author: A Short Life of Henry Fawcett, the Blind Postmaster General of Eng- land, for Children Everywhere (third edition), 1912; also various leaflets on the blind. Mem. Am. Fed. of Arts, Brearley League, Lyceum Clul) (London). HOLTON, Jessie Moore (Mrs. Frederick A. Hol-

ton), 2125 S. St., Washington, D.C.

Principal of Holton Arms School; b. lUon N.Y., Sept 16, 1866; dau. C. A. and Frances (Hawkins) Moore; ed. Cornell Univ., Ithaca 1883-86; m. Newport, N.Y., July 29, 1891, Fred- erick A. Holton. Founded the Holton Arms School, Washington, 1901. Favors woman suf- frage. Unitarian.

HOMAA'S, Amy Morris, Wellesley College, Wel- lesley, Mass.

Physical educator; b. Vassalboro, Me., 1848; dau. Harrison Homans; ed. Vassalboro Acad., Oak Grove (Me.) Sem. Teacher, Oak Grove Sem., 1867-69; principal of schools In North Carolina until 1877, when took change for 12 years of edu- cational work provided for in the will of Mrs. Mary Hemenway; since October, 1909, director of hygiene and physical education in Wellesley College. Organizer and director of the Boston Normal School of Household Arts, 1886-98; Bos- ton Normal School of Gymnastics, 1888-1909. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, Woman's Educa- tional and Industrial Union, Am. Ass'n for Ad- vancement of Physical Education, Twentieth Century Club (Boston).


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