World with Joslah Allen's Wife; SamanUia at John and Catherine (Campbell) McArthur; ed.
the St Louis E^xposition; Samantha vs. Josiah; Glasgow, Scotland, private school and McNeils
The Borrowed Automobile; Samantha on Chil- Acad.; m. Chicago, 111., June 27, 1884, Joseph
dren'6 Rights; Samantha at Coney Island and W. Holman; children: Isabella McArthur, b.
One Thousand More Islands; also two plays: 1885; Margaret Elizabeth, 1886; Alice, 1888; Lucy,
"Betsy Bobblt" and "Josiah's Secret." Exten- 1900; Vesta, 1894; Hope, 1897. Mem. Equality
sive contributor to magazines. Baptist. Recrea- Club, Woman's Club, King's Dai^hters. Con-
Uons: Books, music, flower gardening, nature gregationalist. Favors woman sufirage.
study, driving, motoring. HOLMAN, Madge Timmerman (Mrs. Carl J.
HOLUDAY, £dith Wray (Mrs. Clyde Holllday), Holman), Mankato, Minn.
Knoxvllle, Tenn. Physician; b. Little Falls, N.Y., Sept. 25,
Dau. Joseph Bowman and Hannah Bassett 1876; dau. Myron P. and Mary (Tunnicliff) Tim-
(Klte) Wray; ed. public schools of N.Y. City; merman; grad. Woman's Med. Coll. of North-
Westtown (Pa.) Boardine School, 1890-92; Oak- western Univ., M.D. ; m. Mankato, Minn., Mar.
wood Sem., Union Springs, N.Y., 1895-97; Bryn 14, 1901, Dr. Carl J. Holman of Mankato, Minn.
Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; m. Crtinford, N.J., Oct. 8, Practiced medicine for seven years after gradua-
1904 Clyde Cecil HoUiday; ciiildren: Clyde Wray, tion. Mem. Minn. State Com. on Eugenics,
b i905- Catharine Bassett, b. 1908 (deceased); state Art Com. of Fed. Clubs; hon. mem. Blue
Esther Maude, b. 1910; Frances Elizabeth, b. Earth County Med. Soc., Southwestern Minn.
1912. Was engaged as teacher of languages, Med. Soc. Favors woman suffrage. During
Ingleslde School, Levanna, N.Y., 1901-02; head of 1912 director in Minn. State Sufirage Ass'n.
Interlocken Acad., Orlando, Fla., 1902-03; Ian- Presbyterian. Mem. Mankato Art History Club,
guages, Lowville (N.Y.) Acad., 1903-04. Inter- hOLMAN, Silena Moore (Mrs. Thomas P. Hol-
ested in all religious work; teacher of class of man), Fayettevllle, Tenn.
boys In Sunday-school; sec. missionary boo., 1911- President Tennessee Woman's Christian Tem- 12; sup't and founder of Elba (N.Y.) Mothers pgrance Union; b. Decherd, Franklin Co., Tenn.; Club, July, 1911; sec. of Elba Friends Foreign ^^^ James Lewis and Sarah Jane (Simpson) Missionary Soc, 1911-12; vice-pres. of W.Ul.U. Moore; ed. Lynchburg, Tenn.; m. near Lynch- of Elba, 1910-11. Recreations: Driving, soci^ life. ^^ Tenn., Jan. 5, 1875, Dr. Thomas P. Hoi- Mem. Soc. of Friends. Favors woman suffrage, j^^^. children: Burke, Edmund, James Wayne, HOLUS, Bertha Poole (Mrs. J. H. Hollis), 150 Lgon Moore, Fanny Lynne, Ross Lewis, Moore Ocean St., Lynn, Mass. Wallace, Neil Dow, Thomas East. Author: Hand Bom Lynn, Mass., Nov. 18, 1877; dau. Charles Book of Instructions for Xjocal Unions of H. and Nellie (Poole) Chase; ed. Bryn Mawr w.C.T.U., and the leaflets: What Is the Coll. A.B. '99; m. Lynn, Mass., Apr. 21, 1904, w.C.T.U.? Who Did It? Questions Answered; John Hudson Hollis; children: John Hudson, b. Unfermented Wine; The W.C.T.U. and the Col- Aug. 10, 1905; Edward Poole, b. Mar. 24, 1908; lection, and several others of large circulation; Charles Hllliard, b. July 8, 1912. High school constant writer in the papers of the State, teacher, 899-1904. Chairman Finance Com. Home mostly along reform lines. Mem. D.A.R.; State for Yoimg Women; sup't Sunday-school kinder- chairman cf the Com. on Welfare of Women and garten. Congregationalist. Mem. Starr Club. Children National Com. on Welfare of Women HOLLIS, Grace Weston (Mrs. Frederick Stearns and Children, United Daughters of the Con- HollJs), 640 Middle Drive, Woodruff Place, In- federacy. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church; dianapolis, Ind. Sunday-school teacher. Recreation: Travel. Fa- Bom Cincinnati, O., Oct. 11, 1869; dau. Walter vors woman suffrage. and Qraoe Mason (Weston) Allen; ed. public hqlMeS, AdeUne Morehouse (Mrs. Eugene D. scho<rfs of Newton, Mass.; Newton High bchool. Holmes), 74 Allen St., Albany, N.T. •87; Smith Coll., B.L. '91; m Newton Highlands, ^^^ Clev^and, OMo; grad. Rockford (111.) Mass., Aug. 7, 1901, Frederick Stearns Hollis; q^jj ,gg. jj^ Eugene D. Holmes. After marriage children: Frederick Allen, Eleanor Weston, Wal- ^^ j^j, fg^. g^^g preceptress of Delaware Acad., ter. Teacher in high schools, Norwalk, Conn.; j^gjj^j jj y. Presbyterian; has been active in New Haven, Conn.; Newton, Mass., before mar- sunday-school and Ladies' Aid work. Former riage. Mem. Smith Alumna Assn. Congrega- pj.gg d^i^i (N.Y.) Tourist Club and vIce-pres. tionalist Pine Hills Fortnightly Club of Albany, N.Y.
"?i;^dr^fo.u?tfrr'*e8^^"^\.ih^^nth"^^?: =«,^f,',.^rj«"« «*^--' " ^^^- «*•■
Pueblo Colo. g^ (Jhai-leston, S.C, Dec. 16, 1877; dau.
T^^ Il^7cfn'^'^««*?'A^"Vpa^kJfBuntn- ed* G««-ge Smith a^d Mary Lane (Burchmeyer)
Joseph Addison aad Anaa (Parker) BuUen, ecu j^^^ ed rivate school in Charleston. Mem.
Leavenworth (KanOPuWic schools ^d ^ Colonial Dames of America, United Daughters
private tutors; m. Pueblo, Colo. June ^. li^. ^ Confederacy. Recreations: Golf, tennis,
Harry Landon HoUster; one daughter Kather- ^^^^^ooks. Mem. Oharleston Country Club.
Identified with educational, religious and social ^®^" J^^ "^ *V. t t^ i /at t, a ,
work Favors woman suffrage. Congregation- HOLMES, Dorothy Lees Dole (Mrs. Benjamin
alist.' Independent Republican. Elake Holmes), Darien, Conn.
HOLLY. Flora Mai, Shlppan Point, Stamford, ^ Born Charlotte, Mich Apr. 24, 18S8; dau.
conn : office, 156 Fifth Av., N.Y. City. George RcK^kwood and Mart^ett (Lees) Dole;
fS?on) ^^Hony' fee^^'oKew^Eng^^d Blake Ho.n.^ "^Epis^cS'^^ ^'^'^'^'" ^^
family; mother of Scotch, Irish and French de- b. June 24, 1896. l!.plscopanan.
scent)- ed. private schools in Stamford. Went HOLMES. Kate Osgood (Mrs. William H.
to N.Y. City as young girl to enter business Holmes), 1454 Belmont St., Washington, D.C.,
career and after short apprenticeship in office of and Rockvllle, Md.
the Churchman went on the Bookman, remain- Born Ellsworth, Me., Oct, 1, 1858; dau. James ing nine years in editorial dep't of that magazine. B. and Cornelia Adams (Upham) Osgood; ed. In 1905 opened office as authors' and publishers' public and private schools. Mem. Art Students' representative, placing books, short stories, etc.. League of N.Y. City, the Corcoran Gallery School for authors and also doing revising and critl- of Washington, D.C., and the studios of Edmund cising of MSS. submitted to her for that purpose, q. Messer and William H. Holmes of Washing- Favors woman suffrage. Author of reviews and ton; m. 1883, William H. Holmes (now chief of critical articles in various magazines and news- the Bureau of Am. Ethnology In Washington); papers. Episcopalian. Mem. Stamford Yacht two sons. Artist and instructor in drawing, Club, Authors' League, Pen and Brush Club painting, design, household decoration and home (N y' City). economics. Mem. Twentieth Century Club, HOLMAN, Josephine McArthnr (Mrs. Joseph W. Elstophos Club, the Water Color Soc. of Wash-
Holman), Eagle Grove, la. ington, D.C.; Woman's Clrtb and the Inquiry
Bom Glasgow, Scotland, Mar. 26, 1867; dau. Club of Rockvllle, Md.