��HOtDEN, G^rtrnde L,ynde (Mrs. Francis Wilder
Holden), Milford, N.H.
Bom Gardner, Mass., Feb. 21, 1874; dau. Lean- der Comee and Elizabeth (Read) Lynde; ed. Gardner High School; m. Gardner, Mass., Aug. 18, 1896, Rev. Francis Wilder Holden; one son: Richard Lynde Holden, b. 1897. Interested in arts and crafts; teacher of leather tooling; taught in Gardner public schools four years; conducted private home school four years; lectures to clubs and alliances. Organizer and pres. seven years of Norton Woman's Alliance; pres. Llvermore Soc, Milford, N.H., five years; consecutively pres., vlce-pres. and sec. of Milford, N.H., Wonaan's Club; sec. Ohanning Conference Sun- day-school Union; teacher In Sunday-school; ac- tive in raising fund for Old L.adle3' Home, and high school equipment and charities. Author: Holden Calendar; Holden Cook Book; writes for magazines. Mem. Milford Chapter D.A.R., More- land Twentieth Craitury Club, N.IL Federation of Clubs (mean. Art Com.). Unitarian.
HOLDEN, Katherine Cramer (Mrs. George S.
Holden), 25 Central St., Palmer, Mass.
Born Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 5, 1871; dau. Densmore and Catherine (Twichell) Cramer; ed. Univ. of Mich., Ph.B., '92; m. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1896, George S. Holden; children: Roger Cramer, Philip Holmes, Henry Parker. Mem. Palmer Woman's Club, Qnaboag Country Club. Congre- gationallst. Favors woman suffrage.
HOLDEN, Mary Barnes (Mrs. Amasa A. Hol- den), care Prof. A. A. Holden, York, Pa, Born Somerville, Mass., Mar. 4, 1875; dau. Al- bert L. and Clara (Shepard) Barnes (tenth gen- eration in direct descent from Deacon Edward Fuller and wife Anna, passengers on the May- flower — fourth seneration from Simeon Chad- bourne, who fought at Bunker Hill) ; ed. public grammar and high school of Maiden, Mass. ; Bos- ton Univ., A.B. '97; Brown Univ., A.M. '08; m. Maiden, Mass., April 12, 1899, Amasa A. Holden; children: Edward, Albert, Marjorie. Taught high Bchool for three years; has given many lectures and travel talks for women's clubs and other or- ganizatlone. State sec. to the Gen. Federation Women's Clubs for R.I., 1910-12; mem. exec, board of R.I. State Federation of Women's Clubs; mem. State Education Com. of State Federation of Women's Clubs; patron of Nat. Education Ass'n. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'n of Coll. Alumna;. For many years mem. and two years pres. Woon- Bocket (R.I.) Fortnightly Club; mem. Woon- Bocket Round Table Club. Recreation: Traveling In Europe and Canada. Congregationalist. For- mer press correspondent of Gen. Federation Bul- letin (from R.I.).
KOLDEBMAN, Elizabeth Sinclair (Mrs. Clem- ent M. Holderman), Box 136, Berea, Ky. Teacher; b. Toronto, Can.; dau. George and Margaret (Brown) Sinclair; ed. public schools ot Toronto, C^an., and Port Huron (Mich.) High Sohool, Olivet Coll., 1900-02 (sopihomore classical honors), Univ. of Mioh., 1902-06, 1911-12, A.B. '04, A.M. '05, Ph.D. '11 (Newbury classical fellow, Univ. of Mich., 1904-06; m. Port Huron, Mich., 1907, Clement M. Holderman; children: George Sinclair (deceased), Margaret Sinclair, b. 1909. Instructor in Latin, Western Coll. for Women, Oxford, O., 1906-07; instructor in history, Tudor Hall School for Girls, Indianapolis, 1908; in- structor in Latin, Asheville (N.C.) School, 1910- 11; instructor in Latin, Indianapolis High School (Shortridge), 1911-12; instructor In history, Berea Coll., Berea, Ky., 1912 — . Fond of music, playa and teaches violin. Author: A Study of the Greek Priestess; short stories. Recreations: Tennis, basketball, walking. Mem. Current Events Club (Asheville, 1909-11), Saturday Music Club (Asiievllle, 1909-11), Round Table (Oxford, O., 1906-07), Aeolian (Berea, 1912—). Against woman suffrage.
HOLE, Agnes Christine At wood (Mrs. Franklin
James Hole), Chattanooga, Okla.
Born Mt. Clemens, Mich., Aug. 4, 1870; dau. Hiram Douglass and Ailie Marie (Watterson) At- wood; ed. Mt. Clemens High School; Detroit Business Coll., Univ. of Mich.; m. Mt. Clemens Mich., Nov. 27, 1895, Franklin James Hole- chil-
��dren: Margaret Atwood, Katherine Agnes, Elmer Franklin. Interested in church, orphanages, lit- erary, church fund collecting and philanthropic work. Mem. D.A.R., Order of EJastern Star, Presbyterian Ladies' Union. Presbyterian. Fa- vors woman suffrage.
HOLLAMAN, Mary L. (Mrs. Richard G. Holla- man), 936 President St., Brooklyn, N.T. Born Oro, Ont., Apr. 9, 1857; dau. John and Saj-ah (Robinson) Matheson; ed. in Canada and Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. Brooklyn, Aug. 2, 1882, Richard G. Hollaman; children: Richard W., Frederic T., Arthur Matheson. Mem. 04d First Reformed Church, Brooklyn; pres. Ladies' Aid Society; vlce-pres. Howard Orphan Asy- lum (Colored); mem. Woman's Probation Officer Om., Child Welfare Com., Chiropean Clot) (Brooklyn). Mem. Reformed Church In America. HOLLAND, Cecilia Gaines (Mrs. J. A. Holland), 4 Waterbury Road, Montclair, N.J, Born Elizabeth, N.J.; dau. Henry and Jane A. (Seattle) Gaines; foundation schooling in public school; later private tutors and In foreign travel; m. 1899, Dr. J. A. Holland; one daugh- ter: Cecelia Gaines Jr. Has been InterestM in founding kindergartens for children, in promot- ing traveling libraries for rural districts, and In many things; lias been on State Charity Board, and was one of the commissioners to save the Palisades. Favors woman suffrage. Has written for periodicals on various topics; also short stories. Episcopalian. Was second pres. of N.J. State Fed. of Women's Clubs (1897-99). Mem. Odd Volumes Club of Jersey City, of which she has always been pres. ; first pres. of Jersey CJlty woman's Club; mem. Barnard Club of N.J., Glen Ridge Woman's Club, Browning Soc.; hon. mem. College Woman's Club and many other organizations.
HOLLAND, Dorothy Stebbins, home. Belcher- town, Mass. ; business. Lower Merlon High School, Ardmore, Pa.
Teacher of English; b. Belchertown, Mass., July 3, 1877; dau. Horatio and Harriet E. Hol- land; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '99. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Pa. State EJducational Ass'n, Nat. Council of Teachers of English, College Club of Philadelphia, Wellesley Club (Phila- delphia), Ardmore (Pa.) Woman's Club. HOLLAND, Elsie NlGholB (Mrs. Edward Morton Holland), Holland House, Grosse Polnte Shores, Mich.
Bom St. Paul, Minn., 1876; dau. John Ross and LeLsa A. (Goodrich) Nichols; grad. St. Paul High School; Vassar Coll., A.B. ; School of Housekeep- ing (Boston); m. WUliamstorwn, Mass., Aug. 5, 1911, Edward Morton Holland ot Detroit, Mlrfu; one son: Edward MOTton Jr., b. 1912. Mem. College Settlements Ass'n, Nat. Child Labor Com., Associated Charities of St. Paul and De- troit, Y.W.C.A., VteiUng Nurses' Ass'n, Neigh- borhood clubs and activities of the church. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science. Agalnat woman suffrage; mem. Exec. Com. of Mich. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Mem. People's Church of St. Paul (undenominational).
HOLLEY, Marietta ("Joalah Allen's Wife"),
Plerpont Manor, Jefferson Co., N.Y.
Author; b. Ellteburgh, N.Y.; dau. JcAn Milton and Mary (Taber) HoHey; ed. at neighboring schools aiMl at home, with exception of teachers in music and French. Taught piano for several years, but early began to contribute to maga- zines and decided to devote herself to literature. Her first book. My Opinions and Betsey Bob- bett's, by "Josiah Allen's Wife," proved a great success and has passed through several editions In this country and Europe, and her earlier books were ■written under the pen name of "Josiah Allen's Wife"; some of the later ones under that of "Aunt Samantha." Later books: Samantha at the Centennial; My Wayward Pardner; Tbe Mormon Wife (an illustrated poem) ; Miss Rich- ard's Boy; Samantha at Saratoga; Sweet Cicely, Poems: Samantha Among the Brethren; Saman- tha Among the Colored Folks; Samantha at the World's Fair; Samantha In Europe; Around the