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��director in Intemat. Inst, for Girls In Spain (Madrid); officer on various boards of missions and philanthropies. Author: XlXth Century Au- thors; Via Chrlstl; Great Britain and the United States;^ Webster's Orations (edited); Study of the English Language; Arnold's Poems and Milton's Lyrics (edited Am. edition); Washington's Fare- well Address (edited). HODGMAN, Adelaide Knight (Mrs. William L.

Hodgrman), East Greenwich, R.I.

Bom Dodgeville, Mass., Sept. 7, 1858; dau. Benjamin B. and Phebe (Siocum) Knight; ed. Miss Abbott's School, Providence, R.I.; Miss Porter's School, Farmlngton, Mass. ; m. Provi- dence, R.I., June 12, 1889, William L. Hodgman; one daughter: Hope Knight Hodgman. Episco- palian. HODGMAN, Jennie Stanley (Mrs. T. Morey

Hodeman), 476 Ashland Av., St. Paul, Minn.

Bom Knowlesvllle, N.Y., Dec. 4, 1857; dau. Andrew C. and Laura A. (Burbeck) Stanley; ed. In Medina (N.Y.) Acad.; grad. State Normal School, Brockport, N.Y. ; studied in Univ. of N€b. ; m. Knowlesvllle, Sept. 1, 1886, T. Moray Hodgman; one son: Stanley Hurlbut. Assistant princii>al in High School at Suspension Bridge (now Niagara Falls) six years preceding mar- riage. Teacher History of Art In Macalester Coll., St. Paul, 1912 — . Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Women's Welfare League of St. Paul, Minn. Presbyterian. Mem. St. Paul Colony of New England Women. Clubs: College, New Century of St. Paul; pres. Macalester College Faculty Women's Club. HODGSON, Mary Arthur McCuUousrh (Mrs. E.

R. Hodgson, Jr.), 150 Mllledgfc Av., Athens,


Bom Brunswick, Ga., Feb. 8, 1881; dau. John Hiram and Hannah Marjorie (Parker) McCul- lough; ed. Brunswick private schools, Washing- ton, D.C.; Mrs. Somer's School, 1896-97; Friends' School, 1897-1900; ra. Brunswick, Oa., June 1, 1905, E. R. Hodgson, Jr.; children: Marjorie Vir- ginia, John McCullough. Taught in private school one year; tour years in public schools in Brunswick, Ga. Mem. Guild of Emmanuel Par- ish, Athens, Ga. Clubs: Woman's, Civic, Garden, Country. Recreations: (iolf, horseback riding, swimming, automobiling, gardening, bridge play- ing, reading. Episcopalian.

HOE, Evelyn Perry (Mrs. Arthur I. Hoe), 152

W. Eigrhty-slxth St., N.Y. City.

Born R.I., Apr. 22, 1886; dau. Eugene and Agnes Perry; ed. in private schools; m. Wash- ington, D.C., April 23, 1910, Arthur I. Hoe; one daughter: Caroline Phelps. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian.

HOEPEB, MatUda (Mrs. Fred. Hoeper), Sha- wano, Wis.

Born Winnebago Co., Wis., May 5, 1860; dau. William and Mary (Hoag) Krueger; ed. Neenah High School; m. Neenah. Wia., Mar. 30, 1882, Fred. Hoeper; children: Mark F., Ralph R., Mary K. Favors woman suffrage; sec. Local Suffrage Club, Shawano. Mem. Woman's Club of Shawano.

HOERMAN, Louise, Bismarck, N.Dak.

Graduate nurse; b. Biebersfeld, Wittenberg, Germany, Aug. 11, 1879; dau. John and Katherine (Hetterick) Hoerman; ed. public and private schools. Pioneer deaconess of Evangelical Ass'n, consecrated August 2, 1902; graduated April 3, 1903, Jefferson Park Polyclinic Hospital, Chi- cago, 111. Organized Training School for Nurses, Evangelical Deaconess Hospital, Chicago, 1906; in Evangelical Deaconess work eight years. Organized Training School for Nurses, Bismarck (N. Dak.) Evangelical Hospital, 1909. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Evangelical Ass'n; mem. N.Dak. State Nurses' Ass'n. Pres. Burleigh Co. Graduate Nurses' Ass'n; ass't sup't Bismarck Hospital and sup't of nurses.

HOES, Rose Gouverneur (Mrs. Roewell Randall Hoes), 1636 Rhode Island Av., Washington, D.C.

Daughter Samuel Laurence and Marian (Camp- bell) Gouverneur (great-granddaughter of Presi- dent James Monroe); ed. In public schools of

��Washington ; m. Rev. Ros-well Randall Hoes, U.S.N. ; children: Gouverneur, Roswell Randall Jr., Laurence Gouverneur. Interested in philan- thropies, founder and pres. of Gentlewomen's League and Social and Domestic Agency; first vice-prea. of Ass'n for Work of Mercy, District Soc. of Colonial Dames. Favors woman suffrage; one of first five women who walked in suffrage parade. Has contributed historical articles for many years to various magazines and news- papers. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R-, Old Wash- ington Society. Mem. Club of Colonial Dames (founder).

HOFER, Mart Bnef, 17BS W. Ninety-sixth St.,

Chicago, 111.

Lecturer and teacher of music; b. James, Iowa; dau. Andreas Franz and Marianna (Ruef) Hofer; ed. Mt. Carroll (111.) Sem. and Univ. of Chicago. Has taught in Chicago schools, Kindergarten as- sociations, Rochester scbools. Teachers Coll., Columbia Extension, Chautauqua, Berkeley, Univ. of Cal., Univ. of Va., Univ. of Tenn. In- terested in Settlement and Playground work and public recreation for the people in form of festi- vals, pageants, civic music. Author: Music for the Child World (three vols.); Popular Folk Games and Dances; Singing Games, Old and New; Children's Messiah; Bethlehem— Nativity Play. Recreations: Singing folk songs, folk dancing. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Ridge Woman's Club, Chicago City Club, Fellowship House Club. Interested in internationalism and less conceit In our Americanisms, believing we would gain In culture by knowing other people better.

HOFFMAN, Catherine A. Hopkins (Mrs. C. B.

Hoffman), Enterprise, Kan.

Born Botetourt Co., Va., 1855; dau. S. W. and Nancy (Brugh) Hopkins; ed. Central Wesleyan Coll., Warrentown, Mo.; m. Warrentown, Mo., 1872, C. B. Hoffman; children: R. W., E. V., Walt«r C, Daisy Gladys, Thaddeus Levi. Club woman, social worker; interested In forestry work for Nat. Fed. ; leader in temperance In the State. Favors woman suffrage; State pres. when constitutional amendment was submitted and passed and press chairman in the campaign which gave Kansas women full suffrage. Public speaker for 25 years in club work. Unitarian. Inde- pendent in politics. Mem. Prison Ass'n, Nat. Forestry Ass'n, State Temperance Union, State Suffrage Ass'n, Tuberculosis Ass'ns (State and national). Recreations: Automobiling, horse and carriage riding. Mem. State Fed. and Dist. Fed. of Women's Clubs, Columbia Club (Atchison), Library Club, Enterprise Club.

HOFTTVIAN, Malviua ComeU, 120 E. Thirty- fourth St., N.Y. City.

Painter, sculptor; b. N.Y. City; dau. Richard and Fidelia Marshall (Lamson) Hoffman; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; studied painting with John Alexander; sculpture with August Rodin, Herbert Adams, Gutzon Borglum, Max Blondat, Adolph Weinmann. First honorable mention for sculpture. Exhibition Internationale, Paris, 1910; exhibited in Salon, Paris, 1910-11; N.Y. Acad., 1909-11-12; solicited in Philadelphia Acad., 1911- 12. Founder and treas. of N.Y. Trouble Bureau (emergency fund for helping artists). Mem. Nat Inst, of Social Sciences. Hon. mem. Three Arts Club. Recreation: Music. E)piBcopalian.

HOFFMAN, Mary Grobs (Mrs. Frederick Ham- lin Hoffman), Troy, Bradford Co., Pa. Born Troy, Pa., 1857; dau. Charles N. and De- borah (Vlele) Grohs; ed. Troy High School, Cor- nell Univ.; m. Troy, Pa., 1885, Frederick Hamlin Hoffman. President of St. Paul's Guild for many years; mem. from Inception of Troy Free Public Library Com. (pres. one year). Visiting Nurse Com., vice-pres. Village Improvement Soc. Mem. D.A.R. (Chemung Chapter, Elmlra, N.Y.). Protestant Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.

HOFFMANN, Martha Muerman (Mrs. Robert Hoffmann), 1871 E. Elgrhty-seventh St., Cleve- land, Ohio.

Bora Cleveland, Ohio; grrad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '90; graduate student Western Reserve Univ., 1896-98; m. 1903, Robert Hoffmann. Teacher In Dixon (111.) High School, 1891-92; Wilmington


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