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��garet McDougal,, Lucretla Adelaide. Taught music in Fla, Ckmferenoe Coll. Mem, Baptist Orphanage Aid, Woman's Missionary Union; pres. Woman's Club ot Ocala; pres. Fla. Fed. Women's Clubs. HODDBIB, Mary Gwlim (Mrs. Alfred Hodder),

33 Mt. Vernon Place, Bast, Baltimore, Md.;

summer, 841 Nassau St., Princeton, N.J.

Professor of English literature In Bryn Mawr Coll. unUl 190*; b. Baltimore, 1861; dau. Charles John Morris and MaUlda Bowie (Johnson) Gwlnn; ed. Univ. of Leipzig; Univ. of Zurich; Bryn Mawr Coll., Ph.D. '88; m. N.Y. City, June 22, 1904, Alfred Hodder. Episcopalian. Agalns.t woman suffrage.

HODGE, Emma Carol, 109 Bowen St., Provi- dence.

Pastor's assistaat; b. Marietta, O., Feb. 12, 1857; dau. Francis McK. and Caroline Goo^peed (Hinckley) Hodge; ed. Springfield, Mass., public schools, Vassar Coll., A.B. '81. Formerly teacher, fitting for college, tutor In private work, deliver- ing addresses on scientific temperance before teachers' meetings In public schools. Now en- gaged in work of pastor's ass't, delivering mis- sionary addresses, working in harmony with As- sociaited Charities. Mem. R.I. Woman Suffrage Ass'n and R.I. Equal Suffrage League. Con- tributor to various newspapers. Baptist. Mem. R.L W.C.T.U., WtHnan's Baptist Foreign Mis- sion Soc., Woman's Baptist Home Mission Soc., Consumers' League, Federation of Woman's Church Societies, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, R.I. Woman's Club. HODGE, Helen Henry, 301 S. Franklin St.,

Wllkes-Barre, Pa.

Educator; b. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Oct. 22, 1877; dau. Francis Blanchard and Mary (Alexander) Hodge; ed. Bryn Mawr, A.B, 1900; scholar In his- tory, Bryn Mawr, 1902-04, M.A. '03. Principal Wilkes-Barre Inst, since 1904. Author: The Re- peal of the Stamp Act (Political Science Quar- terly Vol. 19, No. 2); Massachusetts and the New England Confederation (Vol. 3. No. 4). Favors woman suffrage. HODGE, Mary de Veaux (Mrs. George Woolsey

Hodge), 384 S. Thirteenth St., Philadelphia,

Pa- Bom Philadelphia, Pa., 1848; dau. Henry Baring and Caroline (Bayard) Powel; m. Apr. 23, 1872 Ilev. George Woolsey Hndge; children: CaiToH, Helen Harriet, Henry Baring, Mildred Aspinwall, Louisa Bayard, Mary Carroll. Pres. Com. on Colored Missions of the Women s Auxiliary to the Board of Missions of the Dio- cese of Pa.; first vlce-pres. Chapter II (Phlla- delphi*) of tie Soc. of the Colonial Dames of Am. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. HODGE, Virginia S. Shedd (Mrs. Orlando J. Hodge), 4120 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. Bom Columbus, O., Jan. 23, 1854; dau. Edmund ESarl and AureMa Edna (Thompson) Shedd; grad. (>3lumbus High School, 1872, with third honor (Philosophical Oration); m. (1st) Aug. 27, 1872, George Edwin Clark (died 1879); (2d) Cleveland, O Apr 25, 1882, Orlando John Hodge (died 1912) Helped Mr. Hodge compile the Hodge Genealogy. Mem. Phillips Brooks Missionary Soc. ; ex-pres. Municipal School League of Cleveland, O • treas Women's Dep't of Centennial Com- mission of the City of Cleveland (now publish- ing a history of the Pioneer Women, 1796-1840); reg«it of East Cleveland Chapter of Nat. Soc. of the D.A.R. ; has been regent of the Western Reserve Chapter of Cleveland and Ohio; State regent and vice-pres. gen. of the Nat. Soc D A R in Washington, D.C. Mem. Cleveland Women's Oluib; ex-pres. of the Bast End Con- versaUonal Club, Cleveland, and the Ohio Fed. of Women's Clubs. Episcopalian. HODGES, Adele Lonla* Goepper (Mrs. Natlian- lel Dana Carllle Hodges), Glendale, Hamilton Co., Ohio. ^ „, ^ ,

Born Cincinnati, O., May 28, 1858; dau. Michael and Catherine (Blegert) Goepper; ed. public school, 1863-69; Ursuline Convent, Brown Co., O., 1869-72; Miss Nourse's private school, Cin- cinnati, 1872-78; Radcllfte Coll., Cambridge, Mass., for special courses; m. Cincinnati, O., May 13,

��1886, Nathaniel Dana Carlile Hodges, of Salem, Mass. (Harvard '79, and Heidelberg; librarian Cincinnati Public Library, 1900—). Pres. Three Arts Club of Cincinnati; vlce-pres. of Visiting Nurse Ass'n of Cincinnati; vice-chairman Art Dep't of Cincinnati Club. Mem. Crofters' Com- pany, Red Cross, Peace Soc., German Club. Unitarian. Mem. Alliance Frangaise, Am. Li- brary Ass'n, Audubon Soc, Ohio Humane Soc, Shut-in Soc, Home of the Friendless. Recrea- tions: Languages, music, art and the study of birds, having made journeys to Florida (east coast). New England, the South, Europe, etc., taking notes. Extensive traveler (England, Ger- many, Holland, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Dalmatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, etc.). Mem. Cincinnati Woman's Club and Radcllfte Union (Cambridge, Mass.).

HODGES, Anne Lamson DuBols (Mrs. Clarence West Hodges), 132 Parkwood Boulevard, Sche- nectady, N.Y.

Librarian; b. Randolph, Vt, Feb. 13, 1877; dau. William Henry and Anne Eliaa (Gilbert) DuBois; ed. Randolph High School, A.B. ; Smith Coll., A.B. '01; m. Randolph, Vt., Oct. 13, 1907, Clarence West Hodges; children: Charles DuBois and Al- bert Randolph (twins), b. Mar. 5, 1909; Clarence West, Jr., b. Feb. 19, 1910. Librarian Kimball Public Library, Randolph, Vt., 1903-07. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n.

HODGES, Helen B. (Mrs. George W. Hodges), 423 W. llSth St., N.Y. City. Born Boston, Mass. ; dau. Rev. Phineas and Mrs. G. Augusta (Pond) Stowe; attended Welles- ley Coll. (mem. Phi Sigma); m. Boston, George W. Hodges; one son: Norman Pond. Favors woman suffrage. Has written and published bits of iKjelry. Baptist. Mem. Auxiliary to the Res- cue Work of the Salvation Army, Housewives' League, N.Y. City Federation, N.Y. State Soc Daughters of the Revolution. The College Women's Club, The Associated Clubs of Domestic Science, Life As a Fine Art, League of Pen Women of America.

HODGES, I^izzle Wetmore (Mrs. Charles Henry Hodges, 641 Jefferson Av., Detroit, Mich. Born Detroit, Mich.; dau. Charles H. and Mary A. (Buel) Wetmore; ed. Detroit Sem. ; m. Detroit, June 17, 1885, Charles Henry Hodges; children: Wetmore, Charles Henry Jr. Second vice-pres. Girls' Protective League; chainnuLn of Finance CJom. ; chairman of Juvenile Court and Detention Home Com. of Girls' Protective League; mem. Board of Directors of St. Agnes' Home; mem. Christ Church Guild. Non-resident mem. of Friday Club of Chicago. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; associate mem. College Equal Suffrage League.

HODGES, Margaret Roberts (Mrs. George Wswh- ington Hodges), The Duke of Gloucester, An- napolis, Md.

Historian and genealogist; b. Calvert C«., Md. ; dau. Richard and Henrietta Sewell (Morsell) Rotoerts; ed. public school, (3alvert (3o., Md., and Baltimore City, Md. ; m. Baltimore City, Md., Sept. 7, 1907, George Washington Hodges. Compiler of List of Early Settlers to Md., on the Ark and the Dove, 1634, on which was founded the Soc. of the Ark and Dove. Teacher in Sunday-school, Daughter of the King; mem. Bishops' Guild of Md. Author of Unpublished Revolutionary Records of Md. Episcopalian. Mem., historian and genealogist of the Soc. of the Ark and Dove; registrar, librarian and genealogist of the Baltimore Chapter D.A.R. ; mem. U.S. Daughters War of 1812; mem. Daugh- ters of the Confederacy; mem. Md. Historical Soc. ; interested in patriotic education through the public schools In the counties of the State and in the establishment of libraries through schools.

HODGKINS, Ionise Manning, Wilbraham, Mass. Author; b. Ipswich, Mass.; dau. Daniel Lum- mus and Mary (Wlllett) Hodgkins; ed. Wilbra- ham, Mass.; Lawrence ColL, Appleton, Wis., M.A. ; Oxford, England; Hanover Girls' Normal School, and other Continental schools (Shake- speare Soc, Wellesley). Fifteen years head of dep't o£ English literature at Wellesley Coll.;


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