HITT, Ida A, (Mrs. Jesse Martin HItt), HOBBS, Elizabeth Kittredre, North Berwick,
Olympla, Wash. Me.
Assistant librarian; b. Montpelier, Vt. ; dau. Superintendent of schools of North Berwick;
SUas Mortemer and Hulda French (Nutt) Col- b. North Berwick, Me., Jan. 3, 187fi; dau. John El,
11ns; e<J. Vt. Methodist Sem., full classical and and Elizabeth T. (Kittredge) Hobbs; grad. Smith
literary course; m. Montpelier, Vt., June 5, Coll., B.A. '97. MeBi. Colonial Dames of Maine,
1878, Jesse Martin Hltt; children: Joseph EMwIn, Berwick Woman's Cluh. Hafi been chairman of
Henry Collins, William Mayo. Pres. Church Forestry Com. two years, and rec. sec. two years
Guild; vlce-pres. Humane See.; mem. of Euter- for Maine Federation of Women's Clubs. Epls-
ptan Soc. ; mem. Parent-Teachers' Ass'n; mem. copallan. Recreations: Walking and horseback
of Ladies' Relief Soc. Writer of occasional riding.
??^^^Af ni^'r^nH^^^'^r^'o, ^^filLfr.^^oLJ!^'^^^,',^ HOBBS. Marabeth. 2131 Fremont Av., North,
Club of Olympla; mem. Thurst/jn Country Edu- Mlnneaoolis Minn
cational Club and Benatl Club, all federated. d™— w^iii^o^^-' lui^. t«,, vi iboo. ^on
d^r.^fl'^°«^™-l?t^'^F..?/o&n'^^'^^- *"*- W^Xw^"l^d'H^en-(Y^ngfH^;'S:
door life, society. Episcopalian. J^^^^^ ^^^ g^^^, Minneapolis; Univ. of Minn.,
HOADtY, Genevieve Groesbeck (Mrs. George b.A. '10 (mem. Alpha Gamma Delta). Advent
Hoadly), 2158 Grandln Road, East WaJnut Christian. Mem. Woman's W«lfar« League.
Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Recreations: Tennis, porcelain decoration. Grand
Bom Cincinnati, Ohio, Mar. 25, 1865; ibtu. John sec. Alpha Gamma Delta, 19U-13. Against
and Genevieve (Wilson) Groesbeck; m. Cln«ln- woman suffrage
natl. May 5, 1894, George Hoadly; children: „.,^„„a », ' „ .^ »., l •• ,,, ^^
George, Genevieve Olivia. EplBcopalfauu ^?^^^' J^^s ^T^o*^^'*'"^ A^^ K^^
Lynea Hobbs), 6508 EJuclhi Av., Cleveland, O. HOA6, Helen Kllsabeth, 400 Oak Av., Ithaca, Bom Cleveland, O., Sept. 20, 18«J; dan. Dr. ^•J- , t », ,.» ,^ „. > Isaac Holmes and Mary E. (Eiverett) Marshall; College professor; b. Northfleld, Minn. ; dan. grad. Cleveland Central High School, '82; School Loel Barclay and Elisabeth (Beach) Hoag; ed. of Art, '85; Cleveland Art Club, 1885-92 (won Cornell Univ., A.B. '94 (Phi Beta Kappa, senior scholarship); m. Cleveland, Apr. 6, 1892, Perry honors in classics); fellow In classics, Cornell Lynes Hobbs, Ph.D., dietingulahed chemist (died Univ., 1894-95; Am. School of Classical Studies, 1912); children: Mary Antoinette, Katherlne Mar- Athens, 1900-01; candidate for Ph.D. at Columbia shall. Perry Marshall. A promoter of the Safe Univ.; (mem. Delta Gamma, Chi Chapter). At and Sane Fourth of July (1909); entertainments Elmlra Coll. 1895-1900 as prof. Greek; assoc. prof, have been given In the Hobbs home to raise Latin Mt Holyoke Coll.. 1901. Mem. Board of funds for philanthropic purposes (the Cleveland Managers Chrlstodora House (Settlement), N.Y. Council of Women gave a Washington Tea Party City. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party. IStii Dlst. 1910 ; the Cleveland Fed. gave a benefit for break- N.Y. City; mem. Coll. Eqv&l Suffrage League, fasts for the needy children of the public schools) ; Mt. Holyoke Branch. BapUst. Mem. Comell and working for pure food and assisting in the agita- Mt. Holyoke Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa; mem. tlon for cheaper food. Compiled first Year Book Am. Philological Soc., Archaeloglcal Inst, of of Commodore Perry Chapter Daughters of America, New England Classical Ass'n. 1812^ a historic edition, which was placed in the HOBABT, Ida Spragne (Mrs. Frank Hobart), rx>« ner-stone of the Perry Memorial Monument at Boston, Mass. Pul in-Bay. Ohio. July 4. 1913; contributes to Writer; b. Hyannls, Mass., Sept. 13, 1856; dau. genealogical dep't Boston Transcript and Hart- Capt Allen H. and Sophia (Hallet) Beane; ed. ford Times. Mem. Cleveland Council of Women high school and private school; m. Hlngham, (chairman Exec. Board, 1910-13). D.A.R. ; charter Mass., Nov. 26. 1904, Frank Hobart. Journalist mem. Commodore Perry Chapter Daughters of and special article writer for weekly papers and lS12i and first vice-regent; mem. Cleveland Boston Journal. Edited and published Boston Sorosls (auditor 1908-09). Cleveland Emerson Class Life, 1905-06. Active In civic improvements, (pres. 1911), Alumni Class School and Daughters Favors woman suffrage. Wrote for years for of 1812; life mem. Luther Burbank Soc Mem. different Boston weeklies under the name of Chlppa-wa Club (Chippawa Lake, O.). Favors "Sylvia Joy." Unitarian. Had business man- woman suffrage. Republican.
^oSr«V°'*,°°",^l.r^KlH^'^^'.t" .T HOBLEB. Harriet Wells (Mrs. Edward G. Hob- HOBAKT, Marie Klizabcth Jeffreys (Mrs. Henry ]gj.) jqj n view St Aurora, 111 Lee Hobart) 43 Fifth Av., N.Y. City Lecturer on history" of art; b. ' Geneva, Ml., Author; b Liege Belgium Feb. 16^ £60; dau. ^ug. 14. 1862; dau. Charles B. Wells, lawyer Charles P. B. and Elizabeth (Milled) Jeftreys; ed. ^^ Marietta (Pierce) Wells; ed. Rockford Coll. ^\.!\'^^, ^J ^'^^^^ ^^c^^-V.J^-rf^ ^^^ ^ ?r^'t^^' A.B. -82; m. Batavia. III.. Edward Q. Bobler Ph ladelphia Nov. 15, 1888. Henry L«e Hobart; one son: Atherton WeUs Hobler. Head of aW children: Margaret Jeffreys. Rosamond do- Qand and Choir Mother for years; leader of ceased) Charles J. (deceased)^ Kllzab«th M. (de- g^udy classes and teacher of art and history for ceased) Author of Mystery Plays; Lady Cutech- p^vate classes for years. Taught In High i?™,^°^ i"*^.,^*"!!' ^,M^^"'®, ^^*™^ ^°V^« School and In the Latin and Greek Dep't of Book Beloved; The Vision of St Agnes Eve; Rockford Coll. Published several small books, Athanasius; The Sunset Hour. Episcopalian. gych as history of first 50 years of Rockford HOBBINS, Mary Nevcton (Mrs. Joseph W. Hob- Alunmae. E)plscopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Chicago bins), 114 W. Gllman St., Madison, Wis. College Cluto (incorporator and mem.' of first Born Madison, Wis., Jan. 8, 1868; dau. James board), Kane County Fed. of Women's Clubs. Rockwell and Lois Church (Newton) Meara; ed. Geneva Improvement Ass'n. Has traveled In Univ. of Wis.; m. Madison, Wis., Dec. 11, 1875, E^ypt, Holy Land and EJux(^?e. Joseph W. Hobfcins (pres. Capital City Bank); „_„_^.^, „,. ^ ..,_ „ _,„ „_., children: Lois P., William J., Joseph N., Harry HOBSON, Elizabeth Macgin Bridges (Mrs. Gra- M., Mary K., James R., Fanny, Grace. EMlth (de- ^^"^ Bruce Hobson), 12 N. JafTerson St., Rich- ceased). Pres. Associated Charities; vlce-pres. 'i?°°*^'„^^ - „
Second Dist. Wis. Federation of Women's Clubs; Bom Richmond, Va. ; dau. Clifford Cabell and
treas. Woman's Building Ass'n; treas. Aiss'n Op- Elizabeth (Macgill) Bridges; ed. Mies Daniels
posed to Woman Suffrage. Non-sectarian; at- (g'rls' school), Richmond. Va. ; St Timothy's
tends Episcopal Church. Mem. D.A.R. Recrea- Catonsville, Md. ; m. Galveston, Tex., Nov. 20,
tions: Driving, hunting, fishing. Mem. Madison ^^^- Graham Bruce Hobeon; children: Elira-
Woraan's Club. beth Bridges, Leila Graham. Protestant E^lsco-
HOBBS. Anna Nightingale Warren (Mrs. Sam- P^^' Against woman suffrage.
uel T. Hobbs), 216 Park A v., Worcester, Mass. HOOKER, Elizabeth Key Hansbroogh (Mrs.
Born Provideute, R.I., Nov. 1, 1882; dau. William Hocker), Ocala, Fla.
Charles Henry and Annie Rogers (Nightingale) Born Hansbrough, Ky., August 7, 1875; dau.
Warren; ed. In Providence, in Mary C. Wheeler Elijah and Hannah (McDougal) Hansbrough; ©d.
School; m. Providence, Sept 26, 1906, Samuel T. Lynnland Coll., Ky. ; New England Conservatory,
Hobbs. Mem. R.l. Chapter of Soc. of Mayflower Boston; m. Leesburg, Fhu, Dec. 18, 1900, WlHiani
Descendants. Hocker, lawyer; children: Mary Elizabeth, Mar-