HINSDALE, Ellen Clarinda, South Hadley, Mass. College professor; b. Hiram, Ohio, May 10, 1864; dau. Burke Aaron and Mary E. (Turner) Hinsdale (pres. Hiram Coll. and later sup't public instruction of Cleveland, Ohio); grad. Adelbert Coll., Western Reserve Unir., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '85; Univ. of Mich., A.M. '93; Univ. of Leipzig, 1894-95; Gottingen, 1895-97, Ph.D. '97. Taught in Bridgeton, N.J., 1885-86; Bellevue (O.) High School, 1886-87; Jollet (Ill.) High School, 1889-92; Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, 1893-94; since 1897 prof. Germanic languages and litera- ture in Mt. Holyoke Coll. Mem. Modern Lan- guage Ass'n of America.
HINTON, Mary Billiard, Midway Plantation, Raleigh, N.C. Born "Midway Plantation," Raleigh, N.C; dau. Major David and Mary (Carr) Hinton; ed. St. Mary's School (Episcopal), Raleigh, N.C, and private governesses. Mem. Audubon Soc.; identi- fied with church organizations, social and patri- otic activities, also interested in art, portrait painting, heraldry, genealogy. Writer of news- paper and magazine articles, editor North Caro- lina Booklet. Episcopalian. Historian gen. Daughters of the Revolution, State regent and heraldic artist North Carolina Soc, D.R. ; Dames of America; chairman Com. on Historic Research, N.C. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, Councilor for Order of the Crown in America in North Carolina; mem. N.C. Literary and His- torical Ass'n (3d vice-pres. 1907-08); lady com- missioner for North Carolina at Jamestown Ex- position, 1907; third, vice-pres. 1907-08. Recrea- tions: Walking, reading, photography, travel. Chairman Art Dep't Woman's Club of Raleigh, N.C, 1908-10; mem. Club of Colonial Dames, Washington, D.C., Nat. Geographic Soc.
HIRNOE, Mrs. Mabel Stevens, 619 W. Coal Av., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Teacher of piano; b. Leavenworth, Kan., Dec. 13, 1874; dau. Noel Eugene and Hannah B. (Stewart) Stevens; ed. Rockford Coll. (music dept); Emil Liebling, Chicago; Franz Kullak, Berlin Germany; Rudolph Ganz, Swiss virtuoso, three seasons; m. Oct. 10, 1895 (husband died 1898). Taught in Needles, Cal., 1894-95; Univ. of N.Mex., 1902-04; taught Chicago, Ill., 1904-08; Los Angeles, 1909; Albuquerque, N.Mex., 1910-13. Mem. Benevolent Soc, D.A.R. (Lew Wallace Chapter), Albuquereque Woman's Club; chairman State Fed., Music Dep't. Recreation: Travel. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage.
HIRSHFIELD, Elizabeth (Mrs. Clarence Floyd Hirshfeld), 20C Quarry St., Ithaca, N.T. Born Apr. 18, 1878; dau. Myron Edgar and Elizabeth (Hamilton) Bishop; grad. Ithaca High School, 97; Cornell Univ., A.B. '01; two years Cornell Med. Coll. (Alpha Phi, Alpha Epsilon Iota); m. June 16, 1906, Prof. Clarence Floyd Hirshfeld; children: John Winslow, James Floyd. Mem. Cornell Women's Alumnae Club, Alpha Phi Alumnae Club of Ithaca, Campus Club. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
HIRST, Mrs. Charles D., IBO W. 104th St., N.Y. City. Born Evansville, Ind., July 18, 1865; dau. Al- fred and Nannie Stewart Lyon; ed. public schools of Evansville (grad. Jan. 27, 1882, with highest honors); m. Evansville, Mar. 5, 1884, Charles D. Hirst. Specially interested in Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n, working along the lines of pure food, correct weight and measure, and the improvement of conditions in home life. Presbyterian. Mem. Associated Clubs of Domestic Science, Chiropean Club, Daughters of Indiana, Internat. Pure Milk League, Iowa New Yorkers, Soc. for Political Study, Minerva, Rainy Day Club, Woman's Forum, Little Mothers' Aid, City Federation of N.Y. City Clubs, Housewives' League, Woman's Press Club, and Congress of State Societies.
HIRT. Zoe Isabella, 1016 Wayne St., Erie, Pa, Teacher; b. Erie, Pa., July 28, 1877; dau. Frank W. and Elizabeth (Melhorn) Hirt; grad. Erie High School (first honor), '96; Normal Dep't of Erie Public Schools, '97. Pres. Women's Mis- sionary Soc. of Pittsburgh Synod of Lutheran Church since 1909; identified with various re- ligious and philanthropic activities. Favors woman suffrage. Lutheran. Mem. Erie Teachers' Ass'n, Pa. State Teachers' League. Mem. Pa. Fed. of Women's Clubs.
HITCHCOCK, Caroline Hanks (Mrs. S. M. Hitchcock); summer home (bungalow), Clifton Heights, Mass.; winter address, 387 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass. Born Lowell, Mass.; dau. Stedman Wright and Sarah Humphrey (Hale) Hanks; ed. Cambridge schools; Radcliffe Coll.; m. Cambridge, S. M. Hitchcock; one son: James, b. Nov. 12, 1887. Has lectured on Theosophy as the Basis of All the Religions of the World. Directress of the Boston Centre of the Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Soc. Author: The Story of Nancy Hanks, Mother of Abraham Lincoln; Hanks Genealogy. Mem. the Lotus Group, the Girls' Club, Marblehead, Mass.; Girls' Club, Boston. Recreation: Swimming. Favors woman suffrage.
HITCHCOCK, Caroline Judson, 539 Broad St., Meriden, Conn. Teacher in high school; b. Easthampton, Mass., Sept. 8, 1857; dau. Edward and Mary (Judson) Hitchcock; ed. Mt. Holyoke Sem., Biological Lab- oratory. Wood's Hole; Cornell Univ. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Ruth Hart Chapter D.A.R., Teachers' Ass'n, Am. Ass'n for Advancement of Science, Thursday Morning Club.
HITCHCOCK, Jane Elizabeth, 265 Henry St., N.Y. City. Trained nurse and social worker; b. Amherst, Mass., Aug. 1, 1863; dau. Edward and Mary Lewis (Judson) Hitchcock; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll.; three years' special Cornell Univ.; grad. New York Hosp. Training School for Nurses. Served as sec. State Board of Examiners of the N.Y. State Dep't of Education; head nurse Newton Hosp., Newton Lower Falls, Mass. ; sup't nurses of the Henry St. Settlement Visiting Nurses, 265 Henry St., N.Y. City. Interested for 17 years in Henry St. Settlement. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of professional articles in nursing journals. Presbyterian. Mem. Coll. and Training School Alumnae. Recreation: Out-door life.
HITCHCOCK, Jessica M., Yonkers High School; residence, 41 Livingston Av., Yonkers, N.Y. Teacher; b. Binghamton, N.Y., Sept. 21, 1874; dau. Albert D. and Mary (Raymond) Hitchcock; ed. Oneonta Normal School; Ithaca High School, grad. '93; Cornell Univ., A.B., Phi Beta Kappa, '97 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Teacher of Latin and algebra Ithaca High School, 1897- 1907; teacher of Latin and Greek Yonkers High School, 1907. Presbyterian.
HITCHCOCK, Mary E. (Mrs. Roswell D. Hitch- cock), Harriman Villa, Short Hills, N.J. Author, explorer; b. Virginia; dau. Capt. Thomas A. and Cecelia (Fitzgerald) Higgins; ed. Lawrence Acad.; m. Roswell D. Hitchcock, commander U.S.N.; one daughter: Harriette B. (Mrs. Frederick C. Harriman). Accompanied Commander Hitchcock to the Expositions at Vienna, 1873, and Paris, 1878, and in 1882 to Japan, where his ship remained two years, and again in 1892, when he was captain of U.S.S. Alert; after his death made a tour of the world. Went to the Klondike in 1898 before the rail- roads were built, climbing Skagway Pass on foot and reaching the mines after a laborious journey. After looking the country over re- turned and gave lectures for the benefit of churches, hospitals, etc.; later returned to the Klondike, staked out over 100 claims and had such extensive interests there that she remained in that region for nearly five years. Author: Two Women in the Klondike; Tales Out of School About Naval Officers, By a Woman Who Has Lived On a Man-of-War; also author of song-poems, one of which Caruso sings.
HITCHENS, Ethel Bennett (Mrs. Arthur Parker Hitchens), Sharon Hill, Pa. Born Philadelphia; dau. Thomas D. and Sara C. Bennett; grad. Bryn Mawr C^ll., A.B. '05, A.M. '07; m. June, 1906, Arthur Parker Hitchens, M.D., bacteriologist. Mem. College Club of Philadelphia, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Bryn Mawr Alumnae Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage.
Recreations: Walking, theatre.