��Ward of Bridgeport Hoepital. Recreations: Bridge, golf, motoring. Mem. BrooklawB Oeun- try Club, Black Rock Yaoht Clirb.
HIND, Ella Cora, 34 Preston Court, Winnipeg,
Journalist; b. Toronto, Ont., Can., Sept. 18, 1861; dau. Edwin and Jane (Carroll) Hi«d; ed. public schools of Grey Co., Omtajlo; hleh school, Orillla Co., Ont. Cottmiercial ajid ag;rlcultural editor of Manitoba Free Press, oldest dally paper In Western Canada. Writer of articles on the "Mennonltes" for Canada Encyclopedia and "Development of Grain Trade" for Sells' His- tory of The Prairie Provinces; contributor on commercial and agrlcuKural topics to the financial supplement of London Times, Monetary Times (Toronto), Financial Times (Montreal); most important work Is the estimating of the wheat crop of the Canadian W«st while it Is growing. Her estimates, made In competition with the Provlmclal and Dominion OoTwnmentB, have proven themselves the roost accurate ever made. Cluibs: Canadlaji W*men'6 Press, Cana- dian Women's. Presbyterian. Favors woqulq suffrage; mem. of PoHtical Equality Leaeue of Winnipeg.
HINDS, Anna Bolender (Mrs. Joseph B. Hinds)
3206 Irvlngr Av., Berwyn, III.
Physician; b. Orangeville, IH. ; dau. Harrison and Mary (Wagner) Bolender; e^. Knox Coll. (Galeaburg, 111.), B.L. ; Coll. PhysiclaM and Sur- geons (Chicago), M.D. (Kappa Alph* Theta); m. Joseph B. Hinds; one son: FYeaerlck. Health officer; physician to Marcy Home, Chicago; ex- amining physician in schools of Berwyn, Clyde and La Vergnc, 111. (suburbs of Cklcago). Mem. Woman's Club.
HrNDS, Ellen Maria, 103 Governor St., Provi- dence, R.I.
Born Providence, R.I.: dau. William H. and Mary E. (McCrilllfi) Hlm<Li; grad. Providence High School; Smith Coll., B.A. '89; Mass. Coll. of Osteopathy, 'IS. Gen. sec. Y.W.C.A., Provi- dence, 1894-1901; HaverkUl, Maes., 1904-07; osteopathic physician. Providence, 1913 — . Pres. Young Woman's branch of Woman's Baptist -Missionary Soc. of R.I., 1890-93; mem. board of manager of Provlclcnce Evangelical Y.W.C.A., 1891-94 (vice-pres. 1891-92). Mem. W.C.T.U. ; mem. Sagamore Sociological Conference.
HINDS, Blary E. (Mrs. William H. Hinds), 103
Governor St., Providence, R.I.
Born Providence, R.I., 1839; dau. Amos H. aijd Tabitha Wood (Hopkins) McCrillis (grand-niece of Stephen Hopkins, signer of Declaration of In- pendence for Rhode Island); ed. Gloucester, Mass.; m. Providence, R.I., June 14, 1861, Will- iam H. Hinds; one daughter: Ellen M. Hinds. Charter mem. and mem. of first Board of Direc- tors of the Y.W. C.A. of Rhode Island, organized in 18G6; charter mem. and first treas. of the Woman's City Missionary Soc. of Provldaoce, 1867-72; pres. of Rhode Island Branch of Woman's Baptist Home Mission Soc., 1892-1902; State vlce- pres. and mem. of Board of Managers of Woman's Am. Baptist Home Soc. (headquarters in Boston), 1892-1910; mem. Rhode Island W.C.T.U., Sagamore Sociological Conference. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist.
KINGSTON, Lady Margaret Josephine (Lady William Hales Hingston), 4S§ Sherbrooke St., W., Montreal, Can.
Born Alexandria, Ont.; dau. Hon. D. A. Mac- donald (one time Lieutenant Governor of On- tario) and Catherine (FYaser) Macdonald; ed. in Montreal; m. 1S75, Sir Wflliam Hlngston, Kt., M.D., D.C.L. (one of the Senators of Canada; died February, 1907); children: Rev. W. H. King- ston, S.J.; Donald Alexander, M.D. ; B. B. Hlng- ston, H. B. Kingston. Associated with many philanthropies; pres. since 1911 of the Catholic Girls' Club, of which »he was principal founder; mem. Ladies' Com. L'Instltute des Bcoles M^oageres; mem. Board of Management Samari- tan Free Hospital for Women ; mem. House Cora, Victorian Order of Niirsea; actively identified with local League for the Prevention of Tuber-
��culosis; ex-ores. Park Protective Ass'n; director Parks and Playgrounds Ass'n; mem. Exec. Com. Canadian Handicrafts Soc; vice-pres. Needle- work Guild: vice-pres. Aberdeen Ass'n. Catho- lic. Honorary pres. Loyola Literary Club.
HINKLE, Abbie A., 1039 Maple Av., Evanston,
Physician, surgeon; b. Philadelphia; dau. Henry and Elizabeth (Toy) Hinkle; ed. Philadel- phia public and private schools, and Glrla' High School; Cleveland (Ohio) Med. Coll., and Hahne- mann Med. Coll., Chicago. Visiting physician to Chicago Foundlings' Home first year of pro- fessional career. Favors woman suffrage; mem. and vice-pres. Evanston (111.) Political Eiquallty League. Episcopalian. Mem. Chicago Homoeo- pathic Med. 3oc.; 111. Homoeopathic Med. Ass'n, Am. Institute of Homoeopathy, Woman's Guild of St. Luke's Church (Evanston), After Dinner Club (Chicago), Evanston Woman's Club.
HINKIiE, Beatrice (See Eastwlck, Beatrice HtBkle).
HINKIiEY, Susan Hey wood (Mrs. Holmes Hlnkleyl, 1 Berkeley Place, Cambridge, Mass. Bom Acton, Mass., 1861; dau. Thomas and (3ha.rlatte (Blood) Stearns; ed. public scbocris of Lexington, Mass.; private school, Boston; Rad- cllfle Coll. (mem. Radcllffe Union); m. Boston, Jan. 13, 1887, Holmes Hinkley; children: Bar- bara Hinkley (Mrs. E. Sorhler Welch), Bleajior Holmes Hinkley. Interested in philanthropic and social work; believer in the same moral stand- ard for men and women and a worker toward this end. Favors woman suffrage. First sec,
1896, Cambridge Political Equality Ass'n (founded 1896), later director and mem. exec, board for IB yeans; mem. Mass. Suffrage Ass'n. Has written occasional newspaper squibs to promote social work or suffrage. Unitarian. Independent in politics. Mem. Mass. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n; director Cambridge Ass'n of C5harities; mem. Cambridge Union of Social Workers, Mass. State Visitor to Tewksbury Infirmary, 1910-12. Espe- cially interested (1912) in estaibllshing a visiting housekeeper in the Cambridge Ass'n of Charities.
HINMAN, Alice Hamlin (Mrs. Edgar Lenderson Hlnman), 920 S. Eighteenth St., Lincoln, Neb. Bom Constantinople, Turkey; dau. Cyrus and Mary Eliza (Tenney) Hamlin; grad. Wellesley, A.B. '93; Cornell, Ph.D. '96; mem. Wellesley Shakespeare Soc; m. Lexington, Mass., July 21,
1897, Dr. Edgar Lenderson Hinman; one daugh- ter: Eleanor Hamlin Hjnman, b. Dec. 9, 1889. Teacher in Abbott Acad., Andover, Mass., 1J8S-92; prof, psychology, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1896-97; after marriage instructor in advanced psychology in Univ. of Neb., 1897-99. Mem. Board of Educa- tion, 1905-13 (pres. of board 1910 11) ; pres. Mis- sionary Social Union, 1902-05; chairman and mem. Y.W. C.A. Advisory Board, 1902-13; ohair- man educational dop't of Staff Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1902-04; mem. of Com. of Fifty for Lin- coln Churches, and chairman of foreign dep't; director and first vice-pres. Woman's Club; mem. Wellesley College Council, 1912-13. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Author of articles and reviews in Am. Journal of Psychology, Philo- sophical Review; contributor to book on Hypnotic Phenomena; lecturer on psychology In teachers' institutes; lecturer in accredited university courses in mission study, 1901-07. Gongrega- tionalist. Mem. Sigma XI, Western Philosophical Ass'n; former mem. Ajm. Philosophical Ass'n. Mem. Sorosls Club, Fortnightly,. Lincoln Wo- man's Club, University Philosophical Club, Social Service Club.
HINRICHSEN, Annie, Alexander, III.
Magazine wrrter; b. Jacksonville, 111., April 14, 1879; dau. William H. and Louise (Sparks) Hin- rlohsen; ed. 111. Woman's Coll., Jacksonville, 111. Interested In anti-tuberculosis work and 111. State history. Author of short stories in Red Book, Blue Book, Associated Sunday Magazines, Success and various magazines and newspapers. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., 111. State Historical Soc, Anti-Tuberculosis Soc. Recreations: Golf, tennis and social actlrltles. Favors woman suffrage.