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390 miiL— HINCKS

HTLr, Myrle Kanffman (Mrs. Daniel Augustln Deo. 11, 1890. Teacher at Albany (N.Y.) Female Hill), Kirkwood, Mo. Acad., 1880-S5; Dana Hall., Wellesley, Mass., 1885-

Born' Muscatine Iowa, July 17, 1880; dau. 89; principal Harcourt Plac« Sem., Gambler, Ohio, Franklyn Edgar and Katie (GarrettsonJ Kaufiman 1889-1906; Florence, Italy, 1906-07. Protestant ed; South West Inst, San Diego, Cal. ; Monti- Episcopal. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumn» cello Sem. Godfrey, ni., and home iostruction; (prea. Ohio Valley Branch 1313); mem. Cincin- studied music, both instrumental and vocal; took natl College Club, Art Club. Agamst woman one course at the Art School for general design; suffrage.

m. St. Louis, Daniel Augustin Hill; children: hTLLS, Cordelia M., 554 S. Ninth St., San Jo86, Daniel Augustin, Myrle Elizabeth, Katherine q^i_

Octavia, Franklin Kaufiman. Vice-pres. Webster 3^^^^ Bloomingdale, 111., April 20, 1866; spent

Groves Equal Suffrage League; chairman Press childhood at Bloomingdale, removing to Chicago,

Com. and writes for several county papers, j^^^. studied in Wellesley Coll., 1884-85, then at

Christian Scientist. Non-partisan. Recreationa: Rockiord (111.) Sem. (norw Coll.), grad. '89; lived

Reading, writing, all out-door activities. jq Evanaton, 111., 1895-lSOO, since then in San

HILIiEARY, Mary Esta (Mrs. Clarence Lee Jose, Cal. Congregationalist; active in church

HlUeary), 4511 Washington Boulevard, St. work (Sunday-school, Christian Endeavor and

Louis, Mo. missionary societies). Was active In the For-

Born Rlctiinond, Va., Aug. 30, 1861; dau. Wat- ward Movement in Chicago, and was vice-pros.

kins Leigh and Mary Settle (Smith) Burton; ed. of the V.Q. Soc. there. Former mem. Monday

Charlestown (W.Va.) Fernmle Sem.; Bellevue Club of San Jose.

Home School, Rockbridge Co., Va.; St Louis HILLS, Lanra Coombs, Newburyport Mass. School of Fine Arts (the lecture course); m. Painter; b. Nerwt>uryport, Sept. 7, 1859; dau. Charlestown, Jefferson Co., W.Va., July 14, IffiS, phiup Knapp and M«jy Perkins (Gerrish) Hills; Clarence Lee Hilleary. Identified with clubs and p^pu ^j Helen M. KnowKon, Cowles Art School charitable ass'ns, has been chairman Forestry ^nd Art Students' League, N.Y. City. Has ex- Com. and treas. 8th Dist. Mo. Fed. of Women s hlbited in leading e.xpositions, receiving the Clubs. Has contributed papers on forestry and medal of the Art Interchange, 1895; Paris Exposi- art and talks on foreign travel to clubs. Favors y^Q^ 190O; second prize, Corcoran Art Gallery, woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Nat Washington, 1901; silver medal, Pan-American Geog. Soc, Daughters of the Confederacy. Rec- ExposiUon, Buffalo, ISOl; gold medal of Louisiana reations: Camping, fishing. Clubs: Wednesday, purchase Elxposition, 1903. Associate Nat. Acad. Philo-Technic, Morning Choral, Civic League, Design; mem. Am. Soc. Miniature Painters, N.Y., Glen Echo Country, Consumers' League. Water Color Club, Boston.

filLLEB, Clara Ix>ulse (Mrs. Allan M. Hlller), HLLLl'ER, SotUa BushneU (Mrs. Appleton Rob-

433 Temple St., New Haven, Conn. bins Hillyer), 91 Elm St., Hartford, Conn.

Born West Medway, Mass., Jan. 30, 1862; dau. Born Hartford, Conn., Sept. 4, 1843; dau. Rev.

Addison P. and Lydia (Partridge) Thayer; ed. Horace and Mary (Apttorp) Bushn^l; ed. pri-

Oread Inst, Worcester, Mass.; Yale Art School, yate schools In Hartfor»»; m. Hartford, June 10,

New Haven, Conn.; m. Hatfield, Mass., Sept 28, ig79_ Appleton Robbins Hillyer; children: Mary

1892, Allan M. Hiller; children: Helen Thayer, Bushnell, Katherine Robbins, Lucy Tudor Hillyer

Constance Lane, Ceha Farnam. Interested m ^qi© latter two deceased). Late mem. Juvenile

religious and church work of Center (jhurch. Commission appointed by mayor three years;

New Haven. Congregationalist. resigned to accept appointment by Board of Park

HILLJS, Annie Patrick (Mrs. Newell Dwight Commissionere to be a mem. of that board.

Hillis), 28 Monroe Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Congregationalist. Pres. Civic Club, director in

Bom Marengo, 111., Aug. 8, 1862; dau. Riehard Municipal Art Soc; mem. of other philanthropic

Montgomery and Emma (Page) Patrick; grad. clubs; hon. vice-pres. Nat. Housing Ass'n;

Ferry Hall Sem., '82; Lake Forest Univ., '84; m. council mem. Am. Civics Ass'n.

Marengo, 111., April 14, 1887, Rev. Newell Dwight HILTON, Harriet M. Kent (Mrs. Arthur Dick-

Hillls (now pastor of Plymouth Church, Brook- enson Hilton), 15 West Main St, Moorestown,

Ivn); children: Richard Dwight, Marjorie, nj-.

Louise, Nathalie Louise. Author: The American Bom Philadelphia, July 7, 1873; dau. John Woman and Her House. Congregationalist. Simons and Mary (Webster) Kent; grad. Swaxth- Mem. D.A.R., Municipal League, Consumers more Coll., B.A. '94; attended, for few months. League. Brooklyn Woman's Club, Twentieth jjefl ckJl. of Oratory, Philadelphia; m. Swarth- Century Club, Chicago Woman's Club of N.Y. more. Pa., May 23, 1S98, Arthur Dickenson City. Hilton; children: Sylvester Willard, Ruth

HILLIX, Clara Z. (Mrs. William Price HiUix), Kent. Baptist; interested in church work, es- Cafion City Colo pecially the home and foreign missionary work.

Philanthropist; b.' Oskaloosa, la.; dau. Francis Strongly favors equal suffrage Mem. Pi Beta D and Ellen (Hollister) Mieir; m. Oskxloosa, g^i Fraternity Somerville Literary Soc. of la., 1883, William Price Hillis; children: Foster, Swarthmore Coll.

Clara. Has been grand manager of Women of HINCKLBT, Harriet Elma, Hinckley, Me. Woodcraft Frat. Benefit Order for 11 years (metn- Sup't Good Will Homes for Girls; b. South bership of nearly 50,000); was chainnan Finance Kingston, R.I., June 22, 1855; dau. B»njamin R. Com. four years; chairman board three years, and Harriet (Wells) Palmer; ed. South Kings- Portland Ore. Favors woman suffrage; served towa (R.I.) public schools, and Kingstown Sem.; on Democratic State Central Com., 1310-12; luis m. Au«. 12, 1880, Rev. G. W. Hinckley founder taken active part in State politics; cloee student Good Will Homes; children: Alice Louise, Wal- of various State legislatures and constant via- ter Palmer, Edward Benjamin, Faith Jane. itor Colorado State Legislature. Mem. United Baptiit Pres. of Kennebecside Women's Club. Brethren Church. Democrat Mem. Eastern AgaiuBt woman suffrage.

Star, Brotherhood of American Yeomen. R»c- hTNCKS, Mand MorrU (Mrs. William Thurston reation: Traveling in America and learning the Hlncks). 162 Park Place, Bridgeport Conn. needs of Am. women. Mem. Shake^are Study g,,,^ BrWgisport, Conn., Jan. 27, 1X73; dau. Club (Florence), Woman s Club (Canon City), ^^^,^^,,11 Morris - and Margaret Elizabeth Colorado. (Winters) Morris; ed. Hillside Sem., Bridge-

HILLS, Ada Isadore Ayer (Mrs. Harry NevUle port, and Vasear 0)11.; m. Bridgeport, 1397, Hills), Lafayette and Ludlow Avs^ <?lncin- William Thunton Hincks (of N.Y. Stock Ex- nati, Ohio. cluuige) ; children: John, Mary Morris. Working

Born Claremont, N.H., Nov. 2, 1857; dau. Ben- to get francklJie tor Conn, women; speaking, jamin Franklin and Susan Varney (Bailey) Ayer; sending out campaigners, presiding at mass ed Stevens High School, Claremont, N.H., 1875; meetings, IntervlswiBg legislators, sending bills Wellesley Coll., A.B. '80 (mem. Zeta Alpha); m. through Legislature, keeping presa Interested. Wellesley, Mass., July 6, 1893, Harry Neville Pres. Conn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1911-13. Bap- Hills; step-children: Chauncey, b. July 6, 1884; tlst. Independent voter for schools. Mem. Donald McCullough, b. Jan. 24, 18S6; Lawrenc* Y.W.C.A., VWdng Nnrse Ass'n, The Helpers' Rust, b. Jan. 17, 1888; Fannie McCultouRh, b. Aaa'n, Pure Milk for Babies' Ass'n, Children's


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