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��HTLL, Elizabeth Fltz (Mrs. Horace A- Hill),

Derry Village, N.St.

Born Chester, N.H., Mar. 4, 1846; dau. Luther and Elizabeth French (Hazelton) Fitz; e<i. Ches- ter Acad.; m. Chester, N.H., 1869, Horace A. Hill; children: Emma Josephine, Elia May, Albert Lyon. Sup't Stinday-schGol ; mem. Molly Reid chapter D.A.R., Order of Eastern Star, NutfleJd Grange. Writer of poems and articles for the various organizations to which she be- longs. Pres. Derry Women's Club. Congrega- lioualist. Favors woman suffrage. HtJvlL, El9i« Mary, 40 West Av., Norwalk, Conn.

Teacher of French, Washington (D.C.) Central High School; b. Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 23, 1883; ed. Mrs. Mead's School for Girls, Norwalk; French private school, Paris, France, 1900-01; Vassar Coll., A.B. 1908; private study in Italy, 1907-08; mem. Summer School of Phllanthrt^jy, 1906. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae (Washington branch). Associate Alumnae of Vassar Coll. (Washington branch); mem. Congressional Wo- men's Club, Washington, D.C. Protestant. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Pres. Washington Branch Coll. Equal Sugrage League, 1912; mem. Conn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, and Elqual Franchise League of Norwalk, Conn. HTLL,, Emma Linton (Mrs. John B. Hill),

Fourth and Indiana Sts., Oswego, Kan.

Physician and surgeon; b. Wilmington, C, 1860; dau. David and Anna (Thomas) Linton; ed. La Cygne (Kan.) High School and State Univ. of Kan.; Kan. Med. Coll., '95; Univ. of 111., med. dep't, M.D. '02; m. Oct. 20, 1881; one daughter: Helen Hill. State chairman Am. Med. Ass'n Com. on Public Health Work. Favors woman suffrage. County pres. of Labette Co. Suffrage Ass'n. Quaker. Progressive in politics. HliL, Janet MeKenzie (Mrs. Benjamin M. Hill),

3T2 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.

Editor, lecturer, teacher; b. Westfield, Mass., Dec. 13, 1852; dau. Alexander and Nancy Bald- win (Lewis) MeKenzie; ed. Westfield High School and State Normal School; Boston Cooking School; m. Westfield, July, 1873, Benjamin M. Hill; children; Robert B., Harold MeKenzie. Founder and later part owner of Boston Cooking School Magazine. Assistant editor, auxiliary dep't, Ladies' Home Journal. Author: Practical Cooking and Serving; Cooking for Two; The Up-to-D£ite Waitress; Salads, Sandrwiches and Chafing Dish Dainties; The Book of Entrees. Recreations: Summer school of cookery with va- cation outing at South Chatham, N.H. Mean. New England Woman's Press Club. HIJLI/, Jennie Jnstina Robinson (Mrs. Robert

Thomas Hill), Plymouth Inn, Northampton,

Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '80, M.A. '87; stu- dent of history and economics, Cornell Univ., 1884-85; m. Dec. 28, 1887, Robert Thomas Hill; one daughter: Justina Hamilton, b. Oct. 1, 1893. Teacher, 1880-86. Mem. Board of Education, Washington, D.C; alumnae trustee of Smith Coll., 1900-06. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n (vice- pres. 1881-84). HILL, Kate Donahue (Mrs. Robert Potter Hill),

Eldridge, Sonoma Co.. Cal.

Born Mercer, Pa., 1870; dau. P. J. and Rose (Conneely) Donahue; ed. public schools; grad. Cal. Kindergarten Training School; m. San Rafael, Cal., 1897, Robert Potter Hill. Sec. of the Sonoma Co. Juvenile Court; mem. Demo- cratic State Central Com. ; past pros. C3al. Fed. of Women's Clubs; honorary mem. Nevada State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mean. Cal. Grange. Clubs: Sonoma Valley Woman's, Glen Ellen Woman's, honorary mem. Saturday Afternoon of Santa Rosa; honorary mem. Elxtemporaneoue Drill, Riverside, Cal. Catholic. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Democrat. UJTLL, Kittie C. EUis (Mrs. Robert H. Hill),

Waco, Tex.

Teacher and writer; dau. Edwin Speight and Mary Adrien (Brantley) Ellis; ed. Blue Mountain Woman's Coll., Blue Mount, Miss,, 1S81-87

Ennomlan); m. 1891, Robert H. Hill; children

Betti« May, Robepta, George W., Agnes, Hattie, BnUx, Joseph. Was a delegate to the World's

��r»res3 Congress In 1893. Por four years edited a newspaper; contributor to newspapers since Che age of n.

HXLI., Lronise Bethel] Sneed (Mrs. Crawford HUI), 969 Sherman St., Denver, Colo. Born Tcwnsville, N.C.; dau. William Morgan and Louise (Bethell) Sneed; ed. N.Y. City; m. Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 15, 1895, Crawford Hill (only son of U.S. Senator Nathaniel P. Hill of Colo); children: Nathaniel P., Crawford. Repub- lican, always voting at elections, taking an active part hi an Republican women's clubs. L»eader In society of Colorado. Episcopalian.

HELL, Mabel, Mitchell Military Boys' School,

Billerlca, Mass.

Teacher; b. Lowell, Mass., July 23, 1864; dau. Paul and Belinda P. (Hadley) HUI; ed. home school, Bradford Acad., RadcUffe Coll., post- grad, study of history. Taught history In Mitchell's Boys' School in 1885; literature and history at St Mary's School, Concord, N.H., 1886- 97; history, civics and education at State Normal School, Lowell, Mass., 1897-1912; dean of the Mitchell Military Boys' School, at Billerlca, Mass., 1912 — . Mem. Com. of Eight of the Am. Historical Ass'n; Com. on Elementary Educa- tion of the Am. Political Science Ass'n; mem. New England History Teachers' Ass'n; ex- ti-ustee Bradford Acad. Author: Liberty Docu- ments; Lessons for Junior Citizens; American History in Literature, Clubs: Woonen's, Cen- tury. Recreations: Golf, foreign travel, trout fishing. Episcopalian.

HIXL, Marianna Nicholson Buffum (Mrs. Perry Childs HilU, 749 W. Washington St., Jackson, Mich.

Born Portsmouth, R.I., May 6, 1881; dau. David and Marianna (Nicholson) Buffum; ed. Rogers High School, Newport, R.I., and Bryn Mawr Coll., foundation scholar, 1897-99, and 1900-02, A.B. '02; graduate scholar in Lalin, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1906-07, A.M. '07; m. 1908, Perry Childs Hill; children: Perry Childs, Jr., Mary Buffum. Ass't teacher in public schools, Newport, R.I., 1899-1900; teacher of Latin, 1902-06, and 1907-08, and of Greek, 1904-05, in Rosemary Hall, Greenwich, Conn. Protestant Episcopalian. Against woman suSrage; mem. local anti-suffrage society.

IJILL., Marion (Mrs. Charles R. Hill), Cresco,


Writer; b. Vlcksburg, Miss., Feb. 20, 1870; dau. Barton and Marion (Watts) Hill; ed. by tutors and private French school In San Francisco; m. San Francisco, 1897, Charles R. Hill; one eon: Edwin Robert. Author (books): Pettison Twins; Harmony Hall; Georgette; (serials): June's (Jar- den; Connie; Against the Wall; also short storiee and verse to all current magazines. Episco- palian. Olubs: Cleveland Press, Cincinnati Press. Favors woman suffrage.

ULLL, Mary Dorsey Anderson (Mra. Archibald Alexander Hill), 3669 Seventh St., San Diego, Cal.

Teacher, social worker; b. Maysville, Ky. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '89; m. Aug. 15, 1901, Archibald Alexander Hill (now deceased); one son. Teacher, Louisville, Ky., 1890-96; head worker Louisville Neighborhood House, 1896-1901; West Side Neighborhood House, N.Y. City, 1902- 03; AlumnaB Settlement, N.Y. City, 1904-06; teacher in San Diego, Cal., since 1909. Writer of various articles .on settlement work.

HILX, Minnie Spe«r (Mrs. John Emmett Hill),

Azusa, Cal.

Graduate nurse; b. Oanonsburg, Pa.; dau. James F. and Rebecca Ellen (McMillan) Speer; ed. Canonsburg grammar and high school, grad. with third honor; m. (ianonsburg, Pa., C)ct. 12, 1899, Dr. John E)mmett Hill; one son: George Speer. Grad McKeesport HospitaJ Training School for Nurses. Mem. Parent-'Teachers' Ass'n of Azusa, Ladies' Aid Soc. of Azusa First Pres- byterian Church, Aztrsa Woman's Club (prea.,'haa l»een sec). Presbyterian. Favors woman Bof- frage. Progressive Party.


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