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��etory with: The Takin' In of OW Mis' Lane. Author: Mariella of Out West (novel); Alaska, the Great Country; ateo volumes of short stories: The Flower that Grew in the Sand; From the Land of the Snow Pearls; A Forest Orchid, and three volumes of poems: When the Birds Go North Again; The Voice of April Land; The Snow Pearls. Mem. Nat. Geographic Soc. Favors woman suffrage. HTGGINSON, Mary ITiacher (Mrs. Thomas

Wentworth Higginson), 29 Bucklnghajn St.,

Cambridge, Mass.

Writer; b. Maehiaa, Me., Nov. 26, 1844; dau. Peter and Margaret L. (Potter) Thacher; ed. private schools, Portland, Me. ; Springfield, Mass.; m. West Newton, Mass., Feb. 6, 1879, Thomas Wentworth Higginson; children: Louisa, Margaret Waldo. Author: Seashore and Prairie (sketches), 1876; Room for One More (story), 1879; The Playmate Hours (poems), 1904. Favors woman suffrage. HIGH, Suzanne Frances (Mrs. George Henry

High), 1242 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, III.

Born Chicago; dau. J. Whitney and Amanda F. (King) Farlin; ed. Kirland School, Mrs. Piatt's School, Utica, and Europe; m. Chicago, June 18, 18S9, George Henry High; children: Gwendolyn, Gladys. Presbyterian. Mem. Friday Club. Her grandparents, Tuthill and Suzanne (Gates) King, were early settlers of Chicago, as were her hus- band's parents and grandparents. HIGHET, Mary Elizabeth, Elmira College, El-

mira, N.T.

College professor; b. Cobourg, Ont., Can., 1869; dau. Robert and Elizabeth (Philip) Highet; ed. Victoria Coll., Toronto Univ., A.B. '91; A.M. '92; honor specialist modern languages, Ontario School of Pedagogy; Omell Univ., Ph.M. '94; Ph.D. '95; fellow in Teutonic philosophy, Bryn Mawr Coll. ; post-graduate student Univ. of Ber- lin 1900. Teacher French and German, State Normal School, New Paltz, N.Y. ; prof. Ger- man Literature, Elmira Coll., 1902—. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Coll. Club, Elmira, N.Y. HIGHLEY, Aida Evans (Mrs. Charles Corson

Highley), Malvern, Chester Co., Pa.

.Librarian; b. WilUston Township, Pa., Feb. 20, 1876; dau. Hon. William and Lydia Ann (Thomas) Evans; grad. Darlington Sem. (girls' school); Swarthmore Coll., B.L., and Drexel Inst. Library School (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Mal- vern, Pa., June 17, 1908, Charles Corson Highley; one son: George Norman Highley, b. Mar. 19, 1910. Cataloguer Haverford Coll. Library, 1899- 1902; ass't librarian Haverford Coll., 1901-02. Mem. Needlework Guild of America and Hos- pital Auxiliaries. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Chester Co. Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Friends Church. Mem. Chester Co. Historical Soc., West Chester New Century Club, West Chester Golf and Country Club, Malvern Monday After- noon Club. HIGINBOTHAM, Erwiu Hayward (Mrs. George

Mowat Higinbotham), 15 Poplar Plain Road,

Toronto, Ont., Can.

Sculptor; b. St. Louis, Feb. 24, 1869; dau. Col. George Albigence and Ellen (Erwin) Hayward; ed. Visitation Convent, Georgetown, D.C. ; St. Margaret's School of Boston, Miss Gary's School of Baltimore; m. St. Louis, June 18, 1502, Major George Mowat Higinbotham, M.V.O. Pupil of Bringhurst, St. Louis; Collin and Merson, Paris. Work is chiefly portraits, busts and small figures. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Church of Eng- land. Conservative. Mem. Woman's Art Ass'n of Canada. Recreations: Music, yachting, golf, book-binding.

HIGMAN, Nellie, 456 W. Forty-flrst St., Loe Angeles, Cal.

Born St. Joseph, Mich.; ed. in schools of Sioux City, Iowa, and Vassar CoU., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '96. Engaged in teaching after gradua- tion in Metzgar Coll., Carlisle, Pa., 1S96-99; Pueblo, Colo., 1899-1905; Los Angeles, Cal., since 1905.

"BLCLDASMITH, Josephine" — see Smith, Hilda Josephine.

��HLLDEBRANDT, Cornelia TrumbnU Ellis (Mrs.

Howard I-ogan Hildebrandt), 27 W. Sixty- seventh St^ N.Y. City.

Miniature painter; b. Eau Claire, Wis., 1876; dau. Arthur C. and Eliza (Potter) Ellis; ed. Art Inst, of Chicago; studied with Augustus Koop- man in Paris, also Virginia Reynolds; m. 1902, Howard Logan Hildebrandt. Has exhibited regu- larly at the exhibitions of miniature painters. HTLDBETH, Helen Rebecca, 264 Boylston St.,

Boston, Mass.

Vocational educator; b. LockiK>rt, N.Y., 1864, dau. Charles G. and Helen (Weld) Hildreth; ed. public schools, Lockport, N.Y. ; Normal School, Winona, Minn.; Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., B.S.; mem. Delta Sigma (local). Executive sec. of Manhattan Trade School for Girls; director of vocational training, Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Boston; special agent for Mass. State Board of Education (for girls' trade schools). Presbyterian. Mem. College Club, Boston, Mass. HLLL, Alice Polk (Mrs. William C. Hill), 658

Emerson St., Denver, Colo.

Born Shelby Co., Ky., Mar. 22, 1854; dau. Daniel and Elizabeth (Rucker) Folk; ed. Science HiU, Shelby vUle, Ky.; m. William C. Hill, of St. Louis, Mo. (now deceased); one child: F. William Hill (now deceased). Favors woman suffrage; elected, the one woman with twenty men, to the Second Charter Convention to frame charter of the City and County of Denver (per- haps the only woman In the world elected to such a position). Author: Tales of the Colo- rado Pioneers (revised edition now in prepara- tion) ; has written for Denver papers and maga- zines. Christian Scientist. Republican. Mem. D.A.R., Territorial Daughters of Colo. Pres. Round Table Club 22 years; mem. Denver Wo- man's Press Club. HILL, Caroline Miles (Mrs. William Hill),

Bethany College, Bethany, W.Va.

Teacher; b. Pleasant Hill, O. ; dau. Israel and Keturah (Pickering) Miles; ed. Earlhan Coll., A.B. '87; Univ. of Mich., Ph.D. '92; fellow in history, Bryn Mawr, 1891-92; m. Jan. 24, 1895, Prof. Wniiam Hill. Teacher history, Wellesley, 1893-95; In social work, Chicago, 1897-1900; prin. Bloommgdale Acad., 1910-12; prof, history, Bethany Coll., 1912. Interested in settlement work, 1897-98, and club committees. Clubs: Chicago Woman's, Bloomlngdale Woman's. Writer of a few magazine articles. Quaker. Favors woman suffrage; sec. Chicago Municipal Suffrage Com., 1908-09; sec. 111. Equal Suffrage League, 1909-10. HILL, Clara Mossmaa, 40 West Av., Norwalk,


Bom Norwalk, Conn., Oct 5, 1871; dau. Hon. Ebenezer J. and Mary BUen (Mossman) Hill; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '95. Teacher of English, 1906-09, Crandon Inst. (Woman's Foreign Mis- sionary Society School), Rome, Italy. Interested in Sunday-school work, social and Y.W.C.A. work; has done genealogical work in New Eng- land and English ancestry of some New England families. Mem. D.A.R., Conn. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, Vassar Alumnae Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Woman's Foreign Mis- sionary Soc, Norwalk Civics Soc., Congressional Club, Washington, D.C. Recreations: Traveling, walking, reading, horseback riding, genealogical work. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage; chairman for 26th Dist. Com., 1910-11; organizer and pres. Norwalk Equal Franchise League, 1911. HILL, Edith Thatcher (Mrs. Randolph W. Hill),

4031 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, Cal. Bom Hopland, Cal., Oct. 7, 1879; dau. William Wallace and Sara Ellen (Roche) Thatcher; ed. San Francisco Girls' High School, Univ. of Cal., A.B. '01; m. San Francisco, Cal., June 28, 1910, Dr. Randolph W. Hill; one son: Randolph W. HUl, Jr. Five years' work in Southern Cal. High Schools (in Latin and history), and as head of music dep't directed chorus of 200. Pres. Los Angeles Coll. Woman's Club, 1911-12. Recreations: Music, piano and several stringed instruments. Against woman suffrage. Repub- lican.


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