��Polytechnic Coll., San FYancierco. Cal., 1891; State Normal School, San Jo66, Cal., '93 A.B. (dep't of education); Iceland Stanford Jr. UnlT., Cal., '03; m. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 1, 1906. John Henry Hicks of New MexIccJ. Teacher; principal Mayfleld (Cal.) School, 1895-97; teacher of English and pedagogy. Territorial Normal School, Tempe, Ariz., 1899-1900; organizer and director Temp« Normal Training School, 1900-01. Chairman of New Mexico Joint Com., Dep't School Patrons of the Nat. Educationa.1 Ass'n; sec. Dep't School Patrous of the Nerw Mexico Educational Ass'n; chairman of com. appointed by pres. of local Chapter Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae to invsetlgate milk supply conditions in San Francisco in 1904. Report to the board led to establishment of certified milk dairiee. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of occasional newspaper articles. Christian Scientist. Mem. League for Medical Freedom, Home League (Delineator or- ganization under William Hard), Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumnse.
HICKSON, Lady Catherine, 272 Mountain St.,
Montreal, Can.
Bom Montreal, Canada; dau. Andrew and Mary (Brydle) Dow of Scotland; m. late Sir John Hickson; five children. Interested in many philanthropic societies In Montreal, especially in the Royal Eldward InsL for the Prerention of Tuberculosis, Ladies' Benevolent Soc, Protestant Home of Industry and Refuge, Protestant In- dustrial Rooms. dubs: New York Ladles', Ladies' Empire (London, England). Prertyterian.
HHHDISN, Isabel Dlnwidde* MoKe* {Un. Will- lain H. Hidden), Greenwood, Va. Born Hagerstown, Md., Dec. 7, 1861; dau. Leander and Anna M. (McDoiwell) McKee; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '82; m. May 29, 1899, William H. Hidden (A.B. Harvard, 'SB). Interested in music, pictures,' psychology. Protestant, but not strongly desominatioDal. Recreations: Camping, tramping, tennis, reading, gardening. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Coll. Club (Bos- ton).
HIGBEE, Anna Marie (Mrs. A. E. Higbee), 2324 Gfrard Av., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Born Albany, N.Y., Mar. 14, 1847; dau. John and Nancy (Bliven) Lynch; ed. public and private schools and Hamllne Univ., 1870; m. Minneapolis, Minn., 1872, A. E. Higbee, M.D.; chHdren: Paul A., Helen A., Marjorie A. Teacher in elementary classes In art and English. Resident In Minne- apolis since 1878. Active in Presbyterian church and societies, hospitals, Y.W.C.A., child labor. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. Charter mem. Minneapolis Soc. of FMne Arts; mem. Cur- rent Events and Literary Soc; always interested in all social and civic movements In Minneapo- lis; was pres. of the first Free Dispensary Soo. ; pres. of Woman's Council of Minneapolis two years; chairman of the first Educational Com. of Y.W.C.A.
HIGBEE, Lenah Agnew Wiseman Sutcllffe (Mrs.
John Henley Higbee), Apartment 710, The
Rochambeau, Washington, D.C.
Superintendent Nurse Corps, U.S. Navy; b. Chatham, May 18, 1874; dau. Rev. Ingraham and Anna A. Brent) Sutcliffe; ed. Mount Alison Seminary, Sackvllle, N.B.; Hamilton Coll., M.L.A.; special course in English literature and science, Toronto Univ., Toronto, Can. (Ham- ilton Coll. Alumnas); m. N.Y. City, 1899, John Henley Higbee (Lieut. -Col. U.S. Marine Corps). Mem. of the graduate nurses' profession; grad. from N.Y. Post-Graduate Hospital, 1SS9; post- grad, course Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 1908; appointed mem. of Nurse Corps, U.S. Navy, 1908; appointed chief nurse. Nurse Corps, U.S. Navy, 1909; appointed Sup't Nurse Corps, U.S. Navy, 1911. Mem. of Civic Home Progress Soc. and various guilds connected with the Episcopal Church. Mem. Alumnae of Hamilton Coll., Eclectic Soc, Toronto, Can., Alumnte of the Post-Graduate Hospital, N.Y., Am. Soc. of Su- perintendents of Training Schools for Nurses, Am. Red Cross Soc, Country Club, Toronto. Recreations: IWding, swimming, tennis. Epis- copalian. Favors woman suffrage.
��HIGBEE, Netta Wetherbee (Mrs. E. W. Hig- bee). 8 West St., Northampton, Mass. Born Waltham, Mass.; dau. Andrew and Eliz- abeth (Blake) Wetherbee; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '80 (Alpha Society;; m. Northampton, Mass., May 11, 1886, Dr. E. W. Higbee; one son: Earl Vanvliet. b. Aug. 1, 1893. Teacher for two years In hl^ school, Winchester, Mass. Lady princi- pal, Maplewood Inst., Plttsfield, Mass., 1882-83; 17 years almoner of Whitney Street Fund for worthy poor of Northampton, Mass.; a manager of Home for Aged Women; mem. Coll. Club, Coll. Settlements Ass'n, Students' Aid (Smith), Smith Alumnae Ass'n, Mass. Equal Suffrage and several similar organizations. Civic League. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. HIGGINBOTHAM, Ethel Lattlmore (Mrs. J. M. Hlgginbotham), Dublin, Tex. Born Blue Ridge, Tex., Oct. 24, 1876; dau. John Lee and Sarah Catherine (Shivers) Lattimore; ed. Dublin Hlgli School; Baylor Univ.; m. Dublin, Tex., Feb. 7, 1899, J. M. Hlgginbotham; children: Walter, Laura, Cecil, Rufus. Teacher, 1895-98; sup't of primary dep't of Cradle Roll in Baptist Sunday-school ; pres. Dublin High School Alumni Aes'n; pres Woman's Thursday Club, 1911-13; Interested in charity work and in everything that is for the betterment of public schools. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Ladies' Aid, Missionary Soc, W.C.T.U. Mem. Woman's Thursday Club.
HIGGKVS, Alice Louise, 43 Hawkins St,, Bos- ton, Mass.
General secretary Associated Charities; b. Bos- ton, Mar. 28, 1870; dau. Albert H. and Addle A. (Everson) Higgins; ed. private schools. Trained for philanthropic work with Associated Charities of Boston from 1908, becoming district sec. 1902, and gen. sec. from 1902 to present time. Ap- pointed mem. of State Commission to investigate employment agencies, 1910. Mem. and director Mass. Ass'n for Relief and Control of Tuberculo- sis, Mass. Child Labor Com. (Exec. Com.), Mass. Civic League. Unitarian.
HIGGENS, Alma Margaret (Mrs. Irwin Warder Higgins), Deer Lodge, Mont. Born Deer Lodge, Mont; dau. Nicholas J. and Annie (Bogk) Bielenberg; ed. Coll. of Mont. (Deer Lodge), Visitation Convent (St. Paul, Minn.); m. Deer Lodge, Dec. 12, ' 18S9, Irwin Warder Higgins. Four years (1902-06) State or- ganizer for Am. Civic Ass'n; chairman of For- estry and Out-door Art Com., Mont. Fed. Wo- man's Clubs, four years; chairman Civil Ser- vice Reform Com. and Club Extension Com. of same; organizer of Arts and Crafts Soc. at Deer Lodge, 1904; organizer Deer Lodge Chapter Am. Woman's League. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. and State Regent of Mont, of Am. Woman's Republic. Wrote Programs of Arts and Crafts Soc. for seven years; newspaper articles on For- estry, CMvic Improvement and Landscape Gar- dening. Presbyterian; mem. King's Daughters Soc. Chairman Lecture Course Com. four years, for Education Dep't of Arts and Crafts Soc! Recreations: Horseback riding, landscape gar- dening, china painting, pottery. Mem. Woman's Literary Club.
HIG<1INS, Clara Carter (Mrs. John Woodman Higgins), 184 Highland St., Worcester, Mass. Born St. Louis, Mo., July 2, 1S82; dau. Thomas Whitman and Mary Louise (Lupton) Carter; ed. Mary Institute, St. Louis; Smith CJoU. ; m. St. Louis, Jan. 17, 1906, John Woodman Higgins. Treaa. Memorial Hospital Aid Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Wor- cester Employment Aid Soc, Y.W.C.A. Recrea- tions: Golf, tennis, music. Clubs: Woman's, Friday Morning, Alliance Frangaise, Smith Col- lege, Tennis.
HIGGINSON, Ella (Mrs. Russell Garden Hlg- glnson), High St., Belllngham, Wash. Author; b. Council Grove, Kan.; dau. Charles Reeves and Mary A. Rhoads; removed to Pa- cific Northwest in early childhood; ed. Oregon City Seminary; m. Russell Garden Higginson (now deceased). Literary critic Seattle Sunday ■Plmes; writer of short stories, poems and travel sketches; won McClure ?500 prize for beet short