of Newark College Woman's Club of Essex Co., HICKMAN, Amy Williams HaU (Mrs. Ellwood
N.J. Pavo'rs woman suffrage. S. Hickman), Cedarcioft, Atlantic City, N.Y.
Matron of Horn* of Employees In Atlantic
HEWITT, Martha Elizabeth (Mrs. John Joseph cnty; b. Concord, Delaware Co., Pa., Jan. 19,
Hewitt), 177 Orangre St., Riverside, Cal. 3354; a^u. B. Franklin and Josephine B. (Rowan)
Born Center Co., Pa., Dec. 28, 1841; dau. jjaU; ed. public school; Ercildoun Sem.; grad.
George Woods and Nancy MeCormlck (MUroy) Swarthmore (Joll., A.B. '74; m. Swarthmore, Pa.,
Hutchison; ed. Oliver Inst., Canonsburg, Pa. peb. 27, 1877, Ellwood S.' Hickman (died April 24,
(first honor of class, valedictorian), A.B., also 1904); children: Edith Josephine, Clara C. (now
degree in music (mem. Phllalitheon Soc.); m. jij-g Walter Munshower). Active in religious
Freeport, 111., Dec. 2, 1872, John Joseph Hewitt; and philanthropic works, holding various office:
children: Mrs. Beulah Woods Hewitt Roblee, in i]^q Friends' meeting; sup't of First Daj
Mrs. Ethel Milroy Hewitt Dennis. Teacher of schools; sec. Needlework Guild of America,
piano before marriage. Pres. of Woman's Aux- pres. and other offices la temperance in the non-
iliary of Y.M.C.A. of Riverside, 12 years; pres. partisan W.C.T.U. Against woman suffrage.
Red Cross Soc. of Riverside for several years; Mem. Friends' Church. Mem. Somervllle Literary
active in W.C.T.U. 1884-1900. Presbyterian. Re- goc_ of Swarthmore College. Former mem. West
publican voter. Mem. D.A.R., also Daughters of obeeter New Century Club.
1812. Recreation: Walking. Pounder of Woman's hickMAN, Emily, Welle College, Aurora-on-
Club of Riverside. Cayuga, N.Y.
HEWLETT, Cleora M. (Mrs. Frederick Hew- Educator; b. Buffalo, N.Y., July 12, 18S0; dau.
lett) "El Tacoa," Napa County, Cal.; winter, Arthur W. and Alice (Gregory) Hickman; grad.
Oak Knoll, Pasadena, Cal. Cornell Univ., A.B. '01; fellow in Am. history.
Born Jan 1 185.5; dau. A. P. Whitney (State 1906-88; Yale Univ., fellow in Am. history.
Senator) and Susan (Eastman) Whitney; ed. 1909-19; Ph.D., Cornell, '11 (Alpha Phi). Taught
private schools and St. Mary's Hall, Benlcla, history, Buffalo high schools. 1901-0«; ass't war-
Cal • m Frederick Hewlett; children: Dr. Albion den of Sage Coll., Cornell Univ., 1908-09; warden
Waiter Eugene E Mem. and former pres. summer session, (3omell Univ., 1909; ass't prof.
Century Club of San FranclBco; founder and history. Wells Coll. since 1911. Congroeatlonal-
pres. San Francisco Maternity, a charity work in Ist. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Ass'n of Coll.
the poor section of the city, with wards in the Alumnse.
hospital of the Univ. of Cal. and of the Lane hKCKS, AmauAa Malvima, 2605 College Av.,
(Stanford) Hospital. Charter mem. and vice- Berkeley, Cal.
regent California Chapter D.A.R.; mem. Town Teacher; b. Galida O.. Sept. 14, 1841; dau.
and Country Club (San Francisco), Friday Ezra and Juliana (LincoliO Hicks; ed. high
Morning Club (Los Angeles). Episcopalian, schools in Richmond, Ind. ; Lebanon, O.; Chi-
Against suffrage for women. cago, Oswego, N.Y., and a tsrm. at OT.ford, Eng.
. „, ^ , „ . ,,, TIT u Studied under private tutor in Dresden; studied
HEYBCKN, Ghereteln Yeatman (Mrs. Weldon ^^^^^j^ ,g auditor in Unlr. of Cal. Prof. English
Brinton Heyburn), Kennett Square, Chester ^^^ history in Clinton (Ky.) Coll. for six
Co., Pa. .. T-, , T 1, iii„-„>,„ii years; pres. of that coll. lor fourteen years
Artist; b. K^nett, Pa.; dau. John Marshall (continued teaching Ecgliah and history while
and Lavinla (Passmore) Yeatman; ed ^J^^^^, pres.). Teacher of Bible class of over 100 Univ.
High Soh<M)l, Philadelphia; Philadelphia School ^^n and women In Berkeley, Cal.; teacher of
of Design for Women; pupil of Stephen J. Ferns j^iggjon study classes In Y.W.C.A. of Univ. of
of Philadelphia; m. Kennett, Pa.. Aug 12 im cal. Speaker at Mission Circlee; leader of
Weldon Brinton Heyburn (Senator of the Uiuted gjj^j^ ^^^^j ^^ summer conferences; leader in
States from the State of Idaho ; died Oct. 17, 1912) ^^^ victorious temperance fights. Favors wo-
Resided m Wallace, Idaho. Painted portraits of ^^^ suffrage. Mem. Civic Center of Berkeley
Amhassador Bayard for dty of Wilmington Del f^rajtch of SUte organizaUon for instruction of
of John M. Clayton and J"Qes A. Bayajd for ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ voters). Author of A Truce
Capitol, Dover, Del. Mem Nat Geographic Soc Tollers, and othor short poems. Baptist.
Congressional Section of the Women s Welfare proffressive Ronubllcan
Den't of the Nat. Civic Federation, Nat. History iT^ogressive Kepuoacan.
Soc Wilmln^on, Del.; Congr^ional Club, HICKS. Amy MaU. studio. Room 606, 400 W.
Washington, D.C. Recreation: Botany. Quaker. Twenty-third St.; home, 27 W. Eleventh St.,
Favors woman suffrage; votes In SUte of Idaho. ^-J;. y*,. k ^ ,, ^^ a r,
Roniihiipan Artist, writer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y.; dau. George
K-epuDiii-du. Cleveland and Josephine (Mali) Hicks; ed. Ber-
HIBBARD, Laura AJaBdis, Mount Holyoke Col- nn^ Paris. HonoraWe naention at World's Pair,
lege, South Hadley, Mass. Chicago, 1893, for fricBe of Woman's Building.
Teacher; b. June 18, 1S83; dau. Frederick Alan interested in taxation of land values and in
and Anna (McMullen) Hlbbard; ed. Wellealey, suffrage. Mem. Women's Political Union. Writer
B.A. '05; M.A. '08 (Tan Zeta Bpsilon). In 1103 ^f magazine arUcles on technical subjects in
received Alice Freeman Palmer fellowship of interior Decorator, Scrip, Woman's Maeazlne,
$1,000 for research work abroad. Favors woman Ladies' Home Journal. Mem. Women's Henry
suffrage. Author of monographs: Heywood'a George League, Women's Trade Union League,
"Fair Maid of the Exchange," Authorship and j^j-js and Crafts Soc. (Boston), Manhattan Single
Date (Modern Philology, 1908); Three Middle xax Club. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. Pen
English Romances— Horn, Havelok, and Bevls of and Brush Club. Founded Guild of Arts and
Hampton. Episcopalian. Crafte of New York, 1893; manager of Cran-
HIBBARD. Mary Eastman Gale (Mrs. Charles i^^^ry Island (Me.) rug industry. 1891.
Bell Hibbard), 176 Pleasant St., Laconla, HICKS, Edith Stoaras (Mrs. J. W. Hicks),
j^_jj. Prentice, Wis.
Born Laconla, N.H., 1860; grad. Swarthmore Bom Monroe, Wis.; dau. John Brown and
Coll AB '82, A.M. '91; grad. student in Latin Fannie B. (Sutherland) Stearns; od. Monroe
and mathematics, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1888-90; m. pubiic s<A»ol8, Unix, of Wis.; A.B. '79; m.
1897 Charles Bell Hlbbard. Teacher of Latin in Monroe, Wis., July £6, 188£, J. W. Hicks; one
Mrs' E L. Head's School, Germantowa, Phila- daughter: Aurelia E. Interested in uplift work
delphia 1889-93; In Miss Florence Baldwin's of all kinds, especially work helping girls to
School ' Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1889-91, and 1895-97; know their own being. Favors woman suf-
mem Board of Education, Laconla, N.H., 1898- fraee; always believed in it. Religious belief
1908 ' expressed in N«w Thoug-ht aa expounded by
Elizabeth Towne. Politically has been Repub-
HIBBARD, Susan Davis FoUansbee (Mrs. Will- jj^^^^^ ^^^ favoi-able to Woodrow Wilson in 1912
iam Gold Hiboard), Wmnetka, 111. contest. Recreations: Horseback riding, rowing.
Born Chicago, 111.; dau. George Alanson and "- , , .^ ,,,.,,. ^
Susan Dana (Davis) Follansbee; ed. Miss Flor- HICKS, -Katharine Adams (Mrs. John Henry
ence Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., and Hicks), Santa Rosa, N.Mex. ^ „ ^
Brvn Mawr Coll. A.B. '97; m. Chicago, Nov. 8, Born Oberlln, Ohio, May 30, 1871; dau. Edward
1899, William Gold Hibbard Jr. F. and Delia R. (Cooper) Adams; ed. Cogswell