��vors woman suffrage. Author of miscellaneous poems and magazine articles. Jewess. Mem. Texas liistoiiial Club; mem. Y.W.C.A. ; Y.M.C.A. Au.\iliary Ass'n; honorary mem. United Daughters Confederacy; auxiliary mem. of Daughters of Republic; mem. Texas Ajt League. Recreations: Music, theatre, walking, entertaining, travel. Elected mem. Board of Trustees of public schools in 1909; active in all matters that tend to uplift the condition of the State.
HERVEY, Antoinette Bryaat (Mrs. Walter L.
Hervey), 351 W. 114lli St., N.Y. City.
Lecturer; b. Gllbeo-tsville, N.Y.; dau. Henry C. and Rachel (Bggleaton) Bryant; ed. Gilberts- ville Acad.; Granville Acad.; Wellesley Coll.; m. Gilbertsville, N.Y., July 4, 18S7, Walter L. Hervey; one son: Walter Bryant. Interested In child welfare, schools and settlement work; lec- turer on child welfare: Our Schools as Social Centers, and has worked for child welfare ex- hibits; had charge of Stamford (Conn.) Civic Welfai-e ExhiWt. Mem. Public Educational Ass'n, New York Mothers' Clab, N.Y. Wellesley Club, the Round Table. Recreations: Trampiag, opera, all kinds of music. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Collegiate Equal Suf- frage League; mem. Suffrage Party and Women's Political Union; lecturer on suffrage.
HEBZBKKG, Sarah Pearson (Mrs. R. Monell
Herzberg), Claverack, N.Y.
Born Auburn, N.Y., Sept. 13, 1868; dau. William and Ann Amelia (Washburn) Pearson; ed. Acad., Waterloo, N.Y., and Cornell Univ., A.B. 'ftS, with special mention In Latin and Greek, elected to Ph.1 Beta Kappa in senior year; m. Waterloo, -N.Y., June, 1903, R. Monell Herzberg of Hudson, N.Y.; diildren: Pearson (deceased), Robert Wal- dron, Helen Pearson. Teacher of Latin and Greek (private pupils), 1893-95, high school work, 1895-1903. W«ntified with religious and philan- thropic activities for relief and Improvement of social conditions. Against w<Hnan suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Geographic Soc. Mem. Ck>rnell Woman's Club of N.Y. City.
HESS, Bertha Greyson (Mrs. Henry Christ- man Hess), Williamsburg, Ky. Born Preston, Can. ; dau. W. C. and Margaret (Snyder) Gregson; ed. private sctoool and public schools of Grand Rapids, Mich. ; m. Three Rivers, Mich., July 15, 1885, Henry Christman Hess. Mem. and officer Order Eastern Sta.r, Maccabees (commander); pres. Church Guild; in- terested in the betterment of the rural schools. Against woman suffrage. Has frequently written for the local papers, the David B. Cook publica- tions and others. I^rotestaiit Episcopal. Pres. Civic League; mem. Woman's Club.
HESS, Julia, 661 Grand Av., St. Paul, Minn.
Librarian; b. Kajisas City, Mo.; dau. Emanuel Leo and Etka (Bernstein) Hess. ; ed. in private schools in La., public schools in St. Paul, and Univ. extension courses in socriology and liter- ature. Interested and active in civic and phi- lanthropic movements. Jewess; mem. Council of Jewish Women. Rocreations: Travel, reading, walking. Clubs: Twin City Library, Newsboys', Minn. State Fed. Pod. Women's Cluba.
IIESSLKR, Aland C. (Mrs. John C. Hessler),
1398 W. Macon St., Decatur, 111.
Lecturer; b. Henry, 111., Jan. 6, 1870; dau. Asa V. and Hannah (Stevens) Hntchlns; ed. West Division High School, Chicago, '88; Univ. of Chicago, 19112-05; m. 1891, John C. Hessler; Chil- dren: Margaret C, b. 1892; Herbert E., b. 1894. Addressed Art Conference, Biennial Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, St. Paul, 1906; addressed Bien- nial Gen. Fed. Women's (^lubs at San Francisco, 1912, on: Better Drese Standards. Has written several magazine articles. Mem. Municipal Art League of Decatur, 111.; honorary mem. Muni- cipal Art League of Chicago; mem. Chicago Woman's Club; chairman Art. Com., 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1903-05; pres. Arche Club, Chi- cago, 1901-03. Gongregationalist. Favors woman iniffraee.
��HETH, Nannie Randolph, 1906 G. St., Wash- ington, D.C.
Daughter of Gene Harry Heth; ed. Richmond, Va. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames. Pres. Southern Relief Soc. of District of Columbia. This is the only society which re- lieves the Confederate veterans and the wives, widows and cliildren of the old soldiers of the South who have no pensions and will help their descendants.
HEUSTIS, Louise Lyons, Lester Studios, 5 3 E.
Fifty-sixth St., N.Y. City.
Portrait painter; b. Mobile, Ala.; dau. Dr. James F. and Rachel (Lyons) Heustis; art educa- tion in Paris, Italy, London and N.Y. City. Pictures exhibited in all the current exhibitions of N.Y. City, Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, etc. Illustrated for all the magazines before painting portraits. Favors woman suffrage. IIEWETT, Katlierine Mary (Mrs. W. T.
Hewett), Netherby, Cornell Heights, Ithaca,
Author; b. New Orleans, La., Oct. 6, 1869; dau. Samuel Edward and Olivia Mary (Ellis) Locke; ed. private school in Paris; Conservatory of Music, Berlin, 1887-89; m. Germantown, Pa., Dec. 18, 1889, Prof. W. T. Hewett of Cornell Univ.; one daughter: Gladys Mathilda (died 19(M). Edited Freytag's Verlorene Handschrltt Author: Mediaeval Life in Modern Germany (in Modern Life).
HEWINS, Caroline Maria, Public Library, Hart- ford, Conn.
Librarian Hartford Public Library; b. Roxbury, Mass.; dau. Charles Amasa and Caroline Louisa (Chapin) Hewins; ed. high schools; Boston Athenaeum (library course); one year in Boston Univ.; received hon. A.M., Trinity Coll., Hart- ford, 1911. Librarian in Hartford from 1875, first of the Hartford Library Ass'n and since 1S92 of the Public Library. Sec. Conn. Library Com- mission since 1893. Mem., councillor and former vice-pres. Am. Library Ass'n; mem. and former sec. of Conn. Library Ass'n. Contributor to literary and library papers, as well as to news- papers and periodicals on library topics. Autlior: Books for the Young; Books for Boys and Girls.
HEWLNS, Nellie Priscilla, Clermont Terrace,
Elmhurst, L.I.
Teacher; b. Maspeth, L.I. ; grad. Girls' High School, Brooklyn, . 1895 ; Cornell Univ., B.S. '98 (holder of State scholarship in Cornell, 1895-99); Columbia Univ., A.M. 1900; grad. student Colum- bia, 1906-10; New York Univ., 1910 to date; Teachers' Coll., 190O; Alliance Frangaise, Paris, 1903. Teacher of hlology in the Newtown High School since 1901. Mem. Manhattan Chapter D.A.R., N.Y. City; mem. A.A.A.S., Nat. Edu- cational Ass'n, Independent Ass'n of Women Teachers.
HEWITT, Emma Churchman, Tenafly, N.J.
Author; b. New Orleans, 1850; dau. John and Lydia (Starr) Churchman; ed. private school in Philadelphia, of which city was long resident; widow. Was four years associate editor Ladles' Home Journal, later of Home Magazine, Washing- ton, D.C, and Leisure Hours, Philadelphia; mem. staff of Philadelphia Daily Call., since then In library work. Joint author: Queen of the Home. Author: Ease in (Conversation; Hints to Ballad Singers; The Little Denvers; How to Train the Child; How to Live on a Small Income. Mom. and former pres. Philadelphia Woman's Press Ass'n; mem. Philadelphia Civic Club. HEW^TT, Margaret L., 280 Garside St., New- ark, N.J.
Teacher; b. Bloomfleld, N.J., 1873; dau. Fred- eric and Lucy (Bower) Hewitt; ed. high school, Newark, N.J., 1887-92; Syracuse Univ., 1892-94- Wellesley Coll., B.A. '97; Columbia Univ., M.A.' '07; mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Teacher of English In Barringer High School, Newark, N.J. Mem. Essex County Teachers' Guild, N.J. State Teachers' Ass'n, High School Teachers' Ass'n of N.J., Ass'n of Women High School Teachers of Newark, N.J. ; Wellesley Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. Mem. High School Alumnae Ass'n of Newark, N.J.; N.Y. Wellesley Club, Contemporary Club