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��W.C.T.U. Recreations: Wood life in the Adlron- dacka, genealogical research. Mem. Chicago Ass'n of Collegiate Alumna, Chicago College Club, Woman's Club of Evanston, Mosaic Club, Query Circle, etc.; charter mem. New Jersey Woman's Press Club. Head of dep't of music, Jennings Sem., 1881-83; dean of women, Alle- gheny Coll., 1889-91. Delegate to World's Mis- siBnary Conference, 1910. HEKBEKT, Blanche JE. (Mrs. John Herbert), 66

Dartmouth St., Somerville. Mass.

Born Flint, Mich., Aug. 14, 1870; dau. Charles and Ehnma (Covert) Roscoe; ed. in public schools in Flint, In private school and North- Held Sem., East Northfield, Mass.; m. Flint, Mich., June 24, 1895, John Herbert (Boston law- yer); one son: John Willson Herbert. Taught school one winter in Vt. ; did mission work in X.Y. City about two years; was gen. sec. of Y.W.C.A. at Belding, Mich.; editor of the Wo- man's Dep't of Somerville Citizen; two years mem. Heptorean Club of Somerville (was chair- man Literature Dep't three years, vice-pres. one year, pres. three years). Active In church, Sunday-school and Christian Endeavor work; di- lector Woman's Auxiliary of Y.M.C.A. of Som- erville, Mass. ; has been director Visiting Nurse Ass'n, Somerville. Mem. Hillside Club of Som- prville (literary); Appalachian Mountain Club. Has traveled quite extensively in this country and abroad. Vice-pres. Woman's Progressive Club of Somerville. Favors equal suffrage. Congregationalist. HERGESHEIMEB, EUa Sophonisba, 803V4 Broad

St., Nashville, Tenn.

Portrait painter; b. Allentown, Pa., Jan. 7, 1873; dau. Charles Patterson and Amanda (Rit- ler) Hergesheimer (descendant of Charles Wilson Peale, the celebrated portrait painter of George Washington); ed. Philadelphia School of Design; .\cad. of Fine Arts; Colonial School of Art, Paris, l'"rance; private pupil of Prinet and Juncker in Paris, France; also studied in Italy and Spain. Has painted portraits of many prominent men and women of the South. Awarded first perspec- tive prize in Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; first landscape prize, first Toppan pri.;e, also Cresson scholarship for European study. Ex- hibited in Paris Salon and studied in Europe itiree years. Favors woman suffrage. Lutheran. Elected mem. Union International des Beaux Arts et dea Lettres of Paris, France; mem. Am. Federation of Arts, D.A.R. HEBHOLZ, Ottilie, Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie,


College professor; b. Saddeck, near Wlllen- Derg, East Prussia, Jan. 31, 1844; dau. Gustav and Hohanna Herholz; ed. Thorn, West Prussia; grad. seminary 1862; post-grad, study in Berlin Univ., '95. Began teaching in Germany; came to the U.S. In 1872. Teacher of German in public schools of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1872-90; instructor of German, 1890-92; prof, of German since 1892, Vassar Coll. HKRO, Ann, 1213 Third St., New Orleans, La.

Professor; b. New Orleans, La., April 21, 1875; dau. Andrew and O. R. (Pugh) Hero; grad. Vas- sar Coll., A.B. '96, A.M. *97; Phi Beta Kappa. Instructor Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, 1898-1903; pro- fessor of chemistry, Newcomb Ck)ll., New Or- leans, since 1904. Pres. New Orleans Branch of College Equal Suffrage League, 1908-09. Mem. Am. Ass'n for the Advancement of Science, Louisiana Section Am. Chemical Soc., Southern Ass'n of College Women.

HERRICK, Ada Elizabeth, 17 Washington

Road, Springfield, Mass.

Writer of fiction; b. West Springfield, Mass., May 24, 1873; dau. Nelson J. and Eleanor M. (Granger) Herrick; ed. Smith Coll., 1890-94, B.A. (Phi Kappa Psi). Assisted in dramatizing Ar- thur Sherburne Hardy's novel, "Passe Rose," tor Senior Class performance in 1894. Mem. of first Editorial Board of Smith Coll. Monthly (1894). Favors woman suffrage. Since 1894 writer of short fiction and magazine articles (pea-name "Elizabeth Herrick"); principal short stories: The Case of Patricia (Century); The Keeper of the Door (Red Book); The By-Product

��(Smart Set); The Making of Men (Smart Set); short stories of earlier years in the New Eng- land and other magazines. Congregationalist. Recreation: Amateur gardening. HERRICK, Christine Terhune (Mrs. James Frederick Herrick), Pompton, N.J. Author; dau. Rev. Edward Payson and Mary Virginia (Hawes) Terhune (well-known writer, "Marion Harland"); ed. by governess, private schools and teachers In Rome, Italy and Geneva, Switzerland; m. Springfield, Mass., 1884, James Frederick Herrick (newspaper man; died 1893); children: Horace Terhune, James Frederic. Since 1885 engaged as writer for newspapers and of books upon domestic and general topics. Au- thor: Liberal Living Upon Narrow Means (cook book); Chafing-Dish Supper; Cradle and Nursery; First Aid to Young Housekeeper; Housekeeping Made Easy; Little Dinner; What to Eat; Th^ National Cook Book (with Marion Harland); Cottage Kitchen; In City Tents; The Expert Maid Servant; Letters of the Duke of Welling- ton to Miss J.; Helping Hand Cook Book (with Marion Harland; "Like Mother Used to Make"; My Boy and I.

HERRICK, Mabel Hurd Walker (Mrs. Charles E. Herrick), 3816 Ellis Av., Chicago. Born Clinton, N.Y., Sept 16, 1866; dau. Alex- ander and Venetia R. (Hurd) Walker; ed. Rock- ford (111.) Coll., B.A. '86; M.A. '88; m. Rock- ford, 111., Mar. 31, 1887, Charles E. Herrick; one son: Alexander Walker. Trustee of Rock- ford Coll. Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R. , Daughters of 1812, Rockford Coll. Ass'n of Chicago. Charter mem. Chicago College Club. HERRICK, Sophia M'llvaine Bledsoe (Mrs. James B. Herrick), 508 Central Av., Plain- field, N.J.

Born Kenyon Coll., Gambler, 0., May 26, 1837; dau. Albert Gay lor and Harriet (Coxe) Bledsoe; ed. Cooper Inst., Dayton, O. ; by Miss Margaret Coxe, principal, and self-educated mainly; m. June 27, 1860, Rev. James Buclin Herrick; chil- dren: Albert Bledsoe, b. Mar. 31, 1862; Virginia, b. Sept. 16, 1863; Louise, b. Jan. 4, 1866. Head of school in Baltimore, 1868-72; associate editor Southern Review, Baltimore, 1874-78; assistant editor Scribner's Monthly (now the Century), 1878-1906; assistant editor N.J. Charities and Correction, 1904-06. Pres. Woman's Board of Bayonne Hospital for 10 years. Author: The Wonders of Plant Life; Chapters In Plant Life; The Earth In Past Ages; A Century of Sonnets, and many review and magazine articles. Hon. mem. Woman's Literature Club of Baltimore; mem. Monday Afternoon Club, Plainfield, N.J. Protestaut Episcopal. Against woman suffrage. HERRrSIAN, Abbie Frances (Mrs. Sidney H. Herriman), 9327 Hough Court, Cleveland, O. Artist; b. Bocksvllle, 0.; dau. Samuel and Mary A. (Kimball) Sampson; ed. Wellington High School; Oberlin Conservatory of Music; Cleveland School of Art., grad. '91; m. Pen- field, 0., Sidney H. Herriman; children: LucUle, Frank. Taught piano and voice, drawing and modeling, Cleveland School of Art; drawing and modeling at University School of Cleveland; wood carving and modeling at Miss Mittle- burger's School of Cleveland. Interested in church work, social and philanthropic, and civic through club work. Author: Pencil Sketches, or Europe as I Saw It. Baptist. Mem. Utillan (parliamentary) Club.

Hi^RRIMAN, Helen Strange (Mrs. George Fran- cis Herriman), 31 W. Twelfth St., N.Y. City. Born Toronto, Canada; dau. George William and Elizabeth (Johnson) Strange; ed. St Mary's Ck>llege, London; m. N.Y. City, June 2, 1906, George Francis Herriman. Against woman suf- frage. Episcopalian.

HBRBING, Frances Elizabeth (Mrs. Arthur May Herring), 1117 Hamilton St., New West- minster, British Columbia, Can. Author; b. King's Lynn, Norfolk, England, 1851; dau. John J. and Harriet (Clarke) Herring; grad. as national school teacher; held Arch- bishop's prize for Bible knowledge; m. Arthur May Herring; children: Dr. A. F. Herring of Chicago. 111.; John, electrician; Frances (m. Dr.


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