Pen and Brush Club (N.Y. City). Unitarian. Grant Morden). Author and botanist, lecturer, Republican — voted in Colo. Favors woman suf- musical and dramatic critic. Mem. Imperial frage; mem. of Woman's Political Union. Order Daughters of the Empire. Author: Moun- HEIS-BY, Helen Natalie, Mills College, Cal. tain Wild Flowers of America. Contributor of Regist^, MUls Coll.; b. Canton, China, Sept. special articles to current British and American 22, 1879; dau. Rev. Benjamin C. Henry, D.D., magazines. Meni. Church of England Recrea and Mary Ward (Snyder) Henry; grad. prepara- tions; Shooting, fishing. Mem Woman^^^ tory dep't Univ. of Wooster (O.); Univ. of Cal. Cl^b. Alpme Club of Canada Georgian Club B.L. '03 (mem. Alpha Omicron Pi). Teacher Women's Canadian Club, Country Club. Expert Cal. high schools, 1905-08; president's assistant, Ao^" photographer. Against woman suffrage. 1908-09; registrar since 1909, Mills Coll. Favors HENSON, Nellie Emery (Mrs. Charles Frank- woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Democrat. Mem. lin Hansen), Paola, Kan.
Prytanean Honor Soc. (Univ. of Cal.), Ass'n of Born Paola, Kan., Dec. 27, 1872; dau. William
Collegiate Alumnse, Y.W.C.A., Nat. Geographic AJIen and Francis (Roberts) Emery; ed. Paola
Soc. Recreation: Tennis, philately. High School; teacher in and near Paola over
HENBY, Kate Kearney (Mrs. James L. Henry), ?fl^° /^^"p^U^w^^.-. ^°' ^Iftp' F.P^^^^VfTf^Fplf 2021 I St., Washington. D.C. Henson Clubwoman. State <j-eas Kan. Fed. Born Washington, D.C, April 30. 1840; dau. Women s Clubs; also mem Scholarship Corn- John A. Kearney, U.S.N, (surgeon), and Mary ^^f^'^^^^^.T^ llW nf Mpthn-lil^ M rForrp=;ti Kearnev erad Georeetown Fe- Cradle Roll and primary work of Methodist ^le^'s^f\Jlrm'^wlshington°'^lt5Tca^pl Church, also active missionary worker Favors James L. Henry; children: Mrs Kate K. Mason, ^o^an suffrage Methodist Progr^siveRepub- Malcolm Henry J. William Henry. Charter lican. Recreations: WaJkmg, automobiling mem. D.A.R. (has been vice-pres., general cor. Mem. Pleasant Hour Club, Busy Bees, Paola sec, general and State regent). Regent Mary Musical Club, Kan. Women s Day Club. Washington Chapter; delegate to Continental HENTON, Harriet, Peru Republican, Peru, Ind. Congress (on several committees). Pres. United Newspaper writer; b. Peru, Ind.; dau. Coleman States Daughters of 1812, Colonial Dames Soc, and Caroline (Skinner) Henton; ed. Peru High Gaudeloupe Soc, Ass'n for Preservation of Vir- School, Univ. Extension courses in literature and ginia Antiquities. Episcopalian. Mem. Wash- art. Appointed chairman State Press Com., ington Club, Colonial Dames Club. Opposed to ind. Federation of Clubs, 1912-13. Mem. editorial woman suffrage. Identified with various organi- staff of Peru Republican; special writer for city zations of the church. papers; interested in civic improvement, educa- HENRY, Mary Gibson (Mrs. John Norman tional and conservation work of Ind. Federatiot Henry) 1906 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. of Clubs, club work; organized League anQ Born Jenklntown, Pa., Aug. 15, 1884; dau. J. planned course of study for Peru Drama League, Howard and Susan W. (Pepper) Gibson; ed. by of which is pres. (branch Drama League of private governess and Miss Irwin's School. Phila- America). Mem. Peru Art Club. Recreations: delphia Pa. ; m. April 14, 1909. Dr. John Norman Music, reading, art drama, excursions in the open Henry;' children: Mary Gibson, Josephine Nan- air. Favors woman suffrage.
crede, John Norman Jr. Protestant Episcopal. HEPBURN, Elizabeth Newport (Mrs. Charles
Recreation: Gardening. Clubs: Acorn. Sedgely. Levin Hepburn). The Lexington. 144 East 22d
HENBY-BUmN, Margaret EUen — see Ruffln. St.. N.Y. City.
ilaigaret Ellen Henry. Writer for magazines, short stories, essays,
wirwssTTi-Y «i«nhia Almon fMrs Hubert Arthur verses; dau. John Ellison and Julia (Hull) New-
«ST,' ^^e^^t^Toxi^e ^Hi^r^O^x^fo^rd, P-%o\^cor^aS^l?t ^iS ?n ^^TStoli? ^'.
iufhorf- lecturer; b. Bridgtown. Nova Scotia; g|i«^-^'i,^"e'r ^n'Jw pr^cuting ^n" a'tf
dau. Henry P^/^f-^ Sarah Frances (DeW^^^^^^ gif ^';?tten"Ss! verirand^fhort sto^ries'^'f^r
Almon; descendant of Cotton Mather througn nntifvik F'vprvhfKiv'<! Smith'q Map-a7ine
Matter Hyles: .4 1. Engl.na and France; ,pe- E^.O""?*- ^TiSri, luStfc. mf N y!
Mather Almon, b. 1895. Resident of N.Y. City suffrage articles.
from 1890 Pres. Soc. for Study of Life, N.Y. HEPBUEN, Katharine Houghton (Mrs. Thdmaa
City. 1896-1904; pres. N.Y. Mothers' Club. 1905; N. Hepburn). 133 Hawthorne St.. Hartford,
sec. N.Y. State Assembly of Mothers, 1898-1900; Conn.
officer in Woman's Press Club, N.Y. City, 1899. Born Buffalo, N."X., Feb. 2, 1878; dau. Alfred Lecturer before women's clubs on: Heredity, A. and Caroline (Garllnghorse) Houghton; ed. Ctild Culture, The Children of the Tenements, Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B., A.M., 1900; m. BalU- etc Believer in Single Tax, municipal owner- more, Md., June 6, 1904, Thomas N. Hepburn; ship, social tolerance, religious freedom and equal children: Thomas Houghton, b. 1906; Katiiarine suftiage. Author: A Woman's Love Letters; Houghton, 1909; Richard Houghton, 1911. Mem. Love and Co., Lt'd; The Heart of a Woman of Publication Com. of Conn. Soc. of Social (poems); Princess Mignon (children's musical Hygiene. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Conn. plays); Women and the Race (under pen-name Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1910-11 (now on its "Gordon Hart"); also contributions to magazines Exec. Board); pres. of Hartford Equal Fran- and newspapers. chlse League. Became Interested in the suffrage HENSHAW, Flora Alice NewUn (Mrs. Barclay question through studying the causes of prosti- W. Henshaw), 3147 W. Twenty-eighth Av., tution in this country and abroad. Denver, Colo. HEKBEN, Grace Foster (Mrs, Stephen J. Her- Born Indiana, Sept. 3, 1867; dau. John M. and ben), Orange, N.J. Rebecca (Branson) Newlin; ed. Kansas State Bom Lanark', IlL, Sept. IS, 1864; dau. Rev. Univ., A.B. '89; Bryn Maiwr Coll., 1890-91 (Pi John O. Foster, D.D., and Caroline A. (Bolles) Beta Phi); m. Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 13, 1894, Foster; ed. Northwestern Univ., B.L. '89; Alle- Barclay W. Henshaw; children: Mildred, Newlin, gheny ColL, M.A- '90 (mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Lydia, Leland, John, William. Joseph, Flora. Alpha Phi); m. Park Ridge, 111., May 27, 1S91, Teacher (mathematics) Lawrence High School, Rev. Stephen J. Herben, D.D.; children: George 1891-94. Mem. Friends Church. Progressive. Foster, b. Mar. 17, 1893; Stephen Joseph Jr., HENSHAW, Julia W. (Mrs. Charles Grant Hen- b. Mar. 14, 1897. Interested in Woman's For- shavv), 1508 Robson St., Vancouver. British eign and Home Missionary Societies of the Columbia. Can. Methodist Episcopal Church; founded College Born Durham. England; dau. William and Dep't 1905. Favors woman suffrage; contributor Lucy (Durham) Henderson; ed. in England, to various publications. Mem. Woman's For- France and Germany; m. Montreal, Can., Charles eign Missionary Soc, Woman's Home Mission- Grant Henshaw; one daughter: Doris (m. W. ary Soc, D.A.R., Laurean Soc, Anonian Soc,