Criminal Court of Allegtieny Co. Became pres. HKNlDKIl!;, Lilian Margaret, 21 Drummond St.,
New Era Club of Western Pa., 1899, and did Montreal, Can.
much to widen work of club along philanthropic Teacher; b. Montreal, Can., 1869; dau. Will- lines; largely instrumental in founding the Out- iam and Margaret (Carmichael) Hendrie; ed, look Alliance of Pittsburgh, 1907, and was Its Montreal private school. Girls' High School, pres. four years (now hon. pres.); one ol McGill Normal School (first rank Acad, di- founders, 1910, and first pres. of Housekeepers' ploma), MoGill Univ. Teacher on staff of Traf- Cooperative Ass'n (now hon. pres.) Student of algar Inst. (Montreal) till 1906; prin. of Hall- French, German and English literature; hae fax Ladies' Coll., Halifax, till 1911; since then composed some songs, two of which have been prin. High School for Girls, Montreal. Mem. given In public concerts in Pittsburgh. Uni- Woman's Canadian Club, Internat. Art Ass'n. tarian. Recreations: Country life, golf, riding. Recreations: Books, lecture, society. Presby- walking. Mem. College Club of Pittsburgh, terian.
Tuesday Musical Club, Wednesday Current hENKEL, Alice, 6307 Connecticut Av., Chevy
Events Club; hon. mem. New Era Club of Chase, Md. ; office. Bureau of Plant Industry,
Western Pa. Favors woman suffrage. Dep't of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
HENDERSON, Laura Parker Montgomery (Mrs. Born Cincinnati, Ohio; dau. August Henkel
Charles Henderson), 129 College Av., Troy, (pharmacist) and Eiise (Sander) Henkel; ed.
Ala. public schools of Hamilton, Ohio; Washington,
Born Warrenton, N.C.; dau"!^homas Alexander D.C; Nat. Coll. of Pharmacy, Washington, D.C.
and Sarah Hill (Dowtin) Montgomery; ed. St. Entered U.S. Dep't of Agriculture as sten-
Mary'8 Coll. (Episcopal school), Raleigh, N.C.; ographer. Made a specialty of medical botany
m. Raleigh, N.C., Nov. 7, 1888, Charles Hender- and In 1901 was appointed ass't in charge of
son. Taught improved primary work for two and medicinal plant investigations under Frederick V.
a half years. Active in church work. Pres. Coville, United States botanist. Author (bulle-
Alabama Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Woman's tins): Weeds Used in Medicine, 1904; Goldenseal,
Missionary Auxiliary in Episcopal Church at 1905; Wild Medicinal Plants of the United States,
Troy, Ala.; ex-pres. Nineteenth Century Literary 3906; Peppermint, 1906; American Root Drugs,
Club; ex-pres. School Improvement Ass'n; one 1907; American Medicinal Barks, 1909, and
of many vice-presidents of Southern Industrial American Medicinal Leaves and Herbs, 1911. Has
Ass'n, Washington, D.C; one of the five field also contributed special articles to technical
secretaries of Ala. Episcopal Missionary Auxll- publications and magazines. Mem. Am. Pharma-
iarles Episcopalian. ceutlcal Ass'n, Stanton Suffrage Club, Chevy
M¥i'i.ji\^» arkxr Ti,,i*„ r-, „ / nr— -r. t, -a^^ Chase Equal Suffrage League. Recreations:
HENDERSON, Lizzie George (Mrs. T. R. Hen- Gardening, zither playing.
derson). Greenwood, Miss. vjcviucuiiis, ^.., »,» i, aj c.
Born Cotesworth (near Carrollton), Miss.; dau. HENROTIN, Ellen M. (Mrs. Charles Henrotin),
James M. and Elizabeth Brook (Young) George; 754 Lincoln Parkway, Chicago, 111.
ed. Falrlawn Inst., Jackson, Miss.; m. Nov. 12, Bom Portland, Me., July, 1847; dau. Edward
1890, T. R. Henderson, M.D. Interested in and Byam and Sarah Ellen (Norris) Martin; ed.
uniting the women of Mississippi in an effort to U.S. until 1860, then in England, France and
get the State to pass compulsory education laws, Germany until 1868; m. Chicago, 111., September,
to establish a school for the instruction of 1869, Charles Henrotin; children: Edward
juvenile offenders of the law and to make women Clement, Charles Martin, Norris B. Mem. Chi-
eligible as State and county sup'ts of education cago Vice Commission appointed by Mayor
on the school boards and board of trustees for BuRse; elected in 1912 to serve six years as mem.
the eleemosynary institutions of the State. Bap- of the Board of Trustees of the University of
list. Democrat. Mem. United Daughters of the Illinois. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian.
Confederacy (pres. gen., 1905-07); mem. J. Z. Democrat. Hon pres. Gen. Fed. of Women's
George Chapter. Organizer and pres. Woman's Clubs; mem. Fortnightly Club of Chicago, the
Club of Greenwood, Miss., organized March, 1910, Friday Club, the Chicago Woman's Club,
which is divided Into four sections — literary, Woman's City Club.
library, civic and art. This club, with the J. Z. hENBY, Abigail Thomas Mo88 (Mrs. Albert
George Chapter, U D.C has donated the lot and Gallatin Henry), GuntersviUe, Ala.
secured the donation of a library buildmg for ^^^^ Athens, McMinn County, Tenn., Jan. 16,
Greenwood from Mr. Carnegie and will also build ^ggy ^^u. Edward Thomas and Virginia E.
a Confederate Memorial Building in Greenwood. (j^^g) ^oss; ed. private school, Sullin's Female
HENDERSON, Lucia TiCany, Jamestown, N.Y. Sem.; m. Fairview Home, near Atliens, Tenn.,
Librarian; b. Sinclairville, N.Y., 1869; dau. 1886, Albert Gallatin Henry. Honorary regent
William W. and Martha (Tiffany) Henderson; ed. of Daughters at Large in Marshall County;
Jamestown public schools, Bartholom§w School, chairman Jackson Trace Com. for marking the
Cincinnati, Ohio; Library Training School, trace through Alabama. Mem. D.A.R., United
Drexel Inst., Philadelphia, Pa. Cataloguer In Daughters of the Confederacy, Literary Club
the Buffalo Public Library nine years; then (GuntersviUe). Favors woman suffrage.
ass't reference librarian; since 1906 librarian of ^^-^^^ aii„„ „ t if„ o„^ t ok«- iot tvt
the James Prendergast Free Library, Jamestown, ^W^^^' "^e^V^^L^ t1i '
j^ Y Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.
,.'^-.[-w^,.^c.r^.^T », »,»-., , , Journalist; b. Melbourne, Australia; dau.
HENDERSON, Mary N. Foote- (Mrs. John Charles Ferguson and Margaret (Walker) Henry;
Brooks Henderson)^ Sixteenth St. and Florida ed. public schools and Rooding High School.
Av., Washington, D.C. Taught for a few years; for 15 years on the staff
_,,?oji N.Y. City, July 21 1844; dau. Hon. of the Argua an* the Australasian, newspapers
Elisha Foote and Eunice (Newton) Foote; pri- m Melbourne. Lectured on the Australian labor
vately educated; studied art in Washington Univ., mov^nent, on woman suffrage and Juvenile
St. Louis; m June 26, 1868, Hon. John Broolcs courta and the care of the defecUve; Joined the
Henderson, then U.S Senator froni Missouri; women's Trade Union League, 1907, Uklng
one son: John Broolcs Jr. Founder of the charge of its editorial and publicity work; editor
^°^^°,L vf *?,°^® ^^.^ organizer of the School Lif^ and Labor. Mem. Soc. of Authors (London),
° ff?o^J'^;„a^^ '° !?/■ ^u's- Favors woman ^at. EpUepUc Ass'n, Women's Trade Union
a5„^^87^ ^A,?f;.^°-T.^'^M Woman Suffrage League (Chicago), Stenographers' and Typists'
™^n»r rflin.,. Th? lH=r^"'^',^x?°M'i.^ ""^ Ass^n of Chlcago, Commonwealth Club. Unl-
Dlnner-Givlng, The Aristocracy of Health. Parian. Favors wixman suffrage; mem. PoliUcal
IIJONDRICK, Rhoda Grace, Jackson, Mich. Equality League of Chicago. Socialist.
Physician; b. Hamburg, Mich., Dec. 16, 1874; .,„,.,».,, « .< •,, , v j. » <• tt
dau. W. W. and Marlon (Jones) Hendrick; HENRY, Anrelia-see Relnhardt, Aurella Henry,
grad. Univ. of Mich., M.D. '98. Sec. of Jackson HENRY, Georgia Johnson (Mrs. Stuart Henry),
Co. Med. Soc. for 7 years; post-grad, course 255 West 97th St., N.Y. City,
and Zeugnis from Univ. of Vienna, lSlO-11, in Born Piqua, O. ; dau. George W. and Margaret
diseases of women and children. Mem. Tourist (Lawder) Johnson; ed. Woman's Coll., Chl-
Club (literary). Methodist. Favors woman suf- cago; also In Paris, France; m. London, Eng.,
frage; sec. of Jackson Co. Equal Suffrage Soc. June 10, 1895, Stuart Henry (author). Mem.