< Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu
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��burgh Female Coll Ass'n. Pres. Woman's Club UEUktEB, Bessie BradweU (Mra. Frank A. !>,.*.„_ Helmer), Chicago Legal NeT^s Co., 32 N. Clark

SL, Chicago, III.

Lawyer, editor, publisher, president Chicago Duiu rvay xviuKe i^ i r eo 8 isai- aau J^^gaJ, News Co. ; b. Chicago, 111., Oct. 20, 1858; Jarn^ anaVnre^ (Reynoids) Weir : ^".packer f^X'i^^^J^'^r^^u^,^ V'^ ^9°'^V ^'"^i'!^'.! Coll. Inst.. Brooklyn; m. Bay Ridge, N.Y., Oct. itVz.y 77J^, I disUnctlon) ; grad. Chicago High 28, 1874, Otto Hei'nigke;chl[dreB:^ Daisy Weir. fl'\J^i'i'?l'^^^-r-n^^

��of Butler.

HErNIGKE, Jessie Weir (Mrs. Otto Helnlgke), 420 Ovlngton Av., Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, N.T. Born Bay Ridge. N.Y.. Feb. 8, 1851; dau.

��Otto Weir. Interested In Nat. Indian Ass'n,

��A.B. '80, A.M.

��Union Coll. of Law, L.L.B.

��Church Periodical Club, Consumers' League, nL^"^?^ I'oJf'^^J,^,?' .^^"S P^P^^' "•.^^'^*^°'

Church Charity Foundation, Drama League, wt^ pVoHw^Iii u ? " S5 ?^"v °°^ ,^*"^" =

Red Crosa Soc' Bay Ridge Hospital, Sunshine hi^'^f^Kffr Tf L^i »F^'.^°^ ^^'^'^^^7'"'

Soc, and Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of cliJl^i^J^l%^ mother's death in 1X94) of

Missions. Clubs: Bay Ridge Reading, Woman's Sot^/r i^tL !^h' ^^^^h was founded by her

(Brooklyn), N.Y. City Federation Bpiaco- ™^®h J il»f' ^f^ .^*^ a^u^ ^"' '?7 Journal

lian published west of the Allegheny Mountains;

since her father's death, in 1907, haa been the

HEISSIG, Mabel Stevens Haynes (Mrs. Konrad editor. Waa vice chairman (her mother being

Helsaig), Promenade 7, Llnz, Austria. Chairman) of the Woman's Com. on Law Reform

Physician; ed. Miss Florence Baldwin's School, f^ Government of World's Congress Auxiliary

Bryn Mawr, Pa., and preliminary medical course (Columbian Exposition); chairman for many

in Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '98; Johns Hopkins years of Fellowship Com. of Ass'n of Collegiate

Med. School, M.D. 1902; student of medicine in Alumna, whofle fello-ws were among the first to

Vienna, 1904-05; m. 1907, Captain Konrad Hels- receive the Ph.D. degree from German univerel-

slg. Ass't In dispensary, Mass. Gen. Hospital, ties. Interested In charitable work. Edited

Boston, 1902-03; pracUslng physician, 1902-04, several volumes of III. Appellate Court reportB-

1905-07; dermatologist in Wilkes St. Free Dis- editor of Revised Statutes of ni. since 1905;

pensary and ass't dermatologist In the Trinity writer of magazine articles. Hon. mem 111'

Dispensary, Boston, 1906. State Bar Ass'n; sec. Soldiers' Home in Chicago-

HELD. Axu,a (Mrs. Florence Zie^eld Jr.). 86 ^rl^j.^lR""; ""^I'l'^-l ^^tefn 'LrAli^J

Faubourg St. Honore. Paris. Clubs: Chicago Woman's Woman's AthMic-'

Actress; b. Paris, Mar. 18, 1877; dau. Maurice Twentieth Century (Chicago) Favors woW;

and Helene Held; ed. Acad, at Rouen, France; suffrage; her mother was the first woman In

™- ^^?' /'■5°r'. Florence Ziegfed Jr. of CW- U.S. to apply for admission to the bar and se-

cago. Made debut as comedienne In Paris, 1890; cured many changes In the laws relatin? tn

sang in Holland. Norway, Germany, Italy and women; her father presided at the meeUng when

London; starred m the U.S. in The Uttle the Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n was nr

Duchess, 1903-04; starred in London in Papa's ganlzed at Cleveland; opposed to nSlitant

Wife. Appeared at Knickerbocker Theatre, N.Y. methods. Republican "ft^a^" w mijitant

City, in Jeau Richepin's M'lle Napoleon, 1906-07, dij-t Aiiir^w t-^ du^t '..^t

afterward in Miss Innocence at the New York "*'i-^"Ui-i^-l'HELAN, Anna Augusta, 612

Theatre 1909-10. Tenth Av., S.E.. Minneapolis, Minn.

HELLEB. Irma Irene. 310 E. Capitol St., Wash- b.'^S^urgeon" K w[s..'°diu. mto'Vnhelm^Lnd

��ington, D.C. Physician; b.

��Fremont, Ind., Oot. 28, 1870;

��Albertine Henrlette (Taube) Helmholtz; ed Stur- geon Bay High School; Univ of Wis • electpri tn dau. George and Josephine (Mllnes) Heller; ed. Phl Beta Kappa in junior vear A R ■iS' wuh Fremont High School; Tri-SUte Normal Coll., honors In English llteratur J; graduate aihol^T Angola, Ind.; Univ. of Mich., M.D. First woman A.M. '06; Ma>y M. Adams ffllow in KS; physician at Government Hospital for Insane at literature; ass't Instructor deo't of Enliuh St. Elizabeth, D.C; first and only physician at Unlv. of Wis., Ph.D. '08; mem Facultv of iTnlv Bureau of Engraving and Printing for nine years, of Minn, since 1908. Special lecturer 9f Poth' Mem. W.C.T.U.; Interested In Florence Critten- rine's Coll. Chairman Com. on Conditions Ir ton work. Favors woman suffrage. Prohlbl- fecting Working Women, Minneapolis Woman'R tionlst. RecreaUons: Out-door life; Interested in Club. 1910-11; chairman Dep't of Social EcMom agriculture, fanning, etc. ics, Minneapolis, 1911-12, 1912-13. Representative

HELLIEB. Mary Harmon (Mrs. Charles E. 9.^ Woman's Club to Minneapolis Infant Welfare Helller), 105 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. ^Sf-'- mem. Minneapolis Social Survey Com.,

Born New Haven, Conn., Dec. 9, 1864; dau. *^'°°®^P°V,3^ Vocational Survey Com., Mlnne- George M. and Mary (Baldwin) Harmon; ed. apolis Child Welfare Exhibit Com.. Organizing Mrs. Cady's private school. New Haven; m. New ^°™- P^ Minneapolis Woman's Welfare League; Haven, July S, 1886, Charles E. Hellier; children: relegate to Am. Civic Ass'n, Nat. Conservative Mary Louise, Walter Harmon, Edward Whittier, b*?°^^^^',- ^ ,.??°',^^„*^^°*^®'" Conference; mem. John. Interested and acUve In the protection of Minneapolis Political Equality Club (mem. Edu- children, dumb animals, horticulture, etc. Was ^^^^"^ , ^°]^->; Ujilv. of Minn., Equal Suffrage presented at Court of St. James, May, 1912. Club, Illumlnati Club. Faculty adviser Woman's - ~ Athletic Ass'n, Univ. of Minn.; faculty adviser

Woman's League, Univ. of Minn.; organized the Minn. Social Problems Club. Favors woman suffrage. Organized Univ. of Minn Equal D _,-.,. , -, ._ ^ Suffrage Club; mem. StaUstlcal Com. of Charl-

,,^°'"",^T^'-- ^°^'\ ^°-U "i**^- fJ^cls E. and ties and Correction Ass'n of Hennepin Co Unlr Mary (Hang) Fowler; ed. Sacred Heart Convent of Minn. Senate Com. on Debate and Oratorv' '? St. lU)uis, Paris, Rome; m. St U)ul3, Feb. 21, Author: The Indebtedness of Samuel Taylor 1906, George W. Helmuth; children: George Coleridge to Augusta Wilhelm von Schlegel- The Francis, b. Oct. 5. 1907; Hildegarde Ihmsen Staging of the Court Drama- The SoclTl Ide^a b. Oot. 20, 1909; John Thornton, b. Aug. 31, 1912. of William Morris. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa S^ rinh- ■WBdne«^,v Pathniin Favors womau Modern Language Ass'n of America. Recr^'-^

��Favors woman suffrage. Congregatlonallst. Recreations: Horticulture, travel. IIELLMUTH, Harriet Fowler (Mrs. George W. Hollmuth), 4468 Maryland Av., St. Louis, Mo.

��Club: Wednesday. Catholic, suffrage.

��tions: Riding, basketball.

��Helm), "Helmcrest," Lexington, Ky Born Paris, Ky. ; dau. Richard Hickman and Evelyn (Talbutt) Hanson; ed. State Univ., Lex

��HELM, Jenny M. Hanson (Mrs. James Stone HKMTNGWAY, Oertrnde CUpp, »87 Adelohl St. Tj^j,^': •■tr^ir,,„,.»=t " T«,^i„„. — ■«-„ Brooklyn, N.Y.

Teaciher and tranrfator; b. Troy, N.Y. Oct. 6 1884; dau. Marshall F. and Clara (Clapp) Hem- ington, Ky.: m. Nov. 20, 1905, James Stone ingway; ed. Troy High School; Cornell Unlv He!m. Pres. J. M. Hansons Magazine Agency A.B. '07, A.M. '09; CorneU Fellowship In R<v (said to be largest of Its kind), Lexington, Ky. ; mance Languages (Phi BeU Kappa) Mem CJor- pres. Bennett's Newspaper and Magazine nell Club, Woman'a University Club (Trwy Agency, Chicago. 111. Regent D.A.R., Lexington N.Y.), Wayside Club (Brooklyn). RecreaUons- Chapter; mem. Woman's Club of Central Ken- Walking, skating. Baptist. Favors woman suf- tucky. Lexington. frage.


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