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��1909-10. Trustee of the Wyoming State His- torical Soc. ; lecturer at teachers' institutes; Btory teller at public library and book reviewer tor pupils In public schools of Laramie, Wyo. Author: The Government and History of Wyoming, text-book; The Pathbreakers from River to Ocean; Sacajawea— The Pilot to the White Men; The First Woman Jury; also articles on suffrage and Western developments for maga- Eines and periodicals. Recreations: Held State championship in tennis, singles and mixed loubles, also State championship in golf, singles and mixed doubles. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. Independent Republican; was one of the com. of three women, 1889, appointed by a State convention of women to draft a set of resolutions asking the State Constitutional Ck)nventlon to insert clause granting woman suffrage. State historian D.A.R., was first regent of the organization in Wyoming; State historian for Wyoming of Coloniaj Dames of Wyoming; mem. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, Wyoming; officer of State Teachers Ass'n, Wyoming.

HEDDEN, Rose C. del Pino (Mrs. Edward Harold Headen), 465 West End Av., N.T. City. Born N.Y. City, April 19, 1866; dau. Marcos

del Pino and Amalia Sorondo y del Portillo; ed

aA. Madame A. C. Mears',' N.Y. City; m. N.Y.

City, April 21, 1897, Edward Harold Hedden.


HEDGEB, Caroline, 29 E. Madison St., Chicago. Physician; b. Ohio, 1868; dau. John and Maria (Caskey) Hedger; ed. Willoughby High School; Berea (Ky.) CoU. ; Wellesley Coll.; Rush Med. Coll., M.D. '04; Northwestern Univ., M.D. '99 (mem. A.E.I.-Medieal). Engaged in baby cam- paign four years for health dep't. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Chicago Woman's City Club. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Campaigp Against Summer Diarrhcea (111. Med. Jour.) ; Study on Below Grade Children in the Stock Yards (t&w2); Infant Mortality In Relation to Long Hours of Work (Bull. Am. Acad, of Med.); Tuberculosis in the Stock Yards (World's Work). Mem. Nat. Aaa'n Infant Welfare, Chicago Ass'n Infant Welfare, Am. Med. Aas'n, Chicago Med. Soc.

HEDGES, Agnes Jane, 2389 Hutchinson St.,

Montreal, Canada.

Teacher of French and German; b. Colchester, Bng., Nov. 3, 1873; dau. Edwin Thomas and Marianne (Thompson) Hedges; ed. in schools at Alton, Hants, Eng., 1883-86; passed Trinity Coll. (London) senior exam, in pianoforte playing, and South Kensington exams, in botany and physiology, 1888-89; Girls' High School, Leighton Buzzard, Eng., 1887-88, 1890-92; Villa Bellevue, Brussels, Belguim, 1894-96, and Bonn am Rhein, Germany, 1901-03. Teacher of French and music at King's Hall, Compton, P.Q., Canada, 1897- 1901; private governess to the daughter of Jerome K. Jerome, 1905-06, at Gould's Grove, Walling- ford, Eng.; principal of Dunham Ladies' Coll., P.Q., Canada, Sept., 1909, to Dec, 1910. Mem. Church of England. Recreations: Piano playing, croquet, bridge, photography, reading, needle- work. Clubs: Calanda (St. George's Sq., London, Elng.); New Era (London, Bng.). Former mem. of Ladles' Club (Cape Town, S. Africa). Was Ijanguage Mistress at the Girls' High School, Rondebosh, Cape Torsm, S. Africa.

UEDLEY, Evalena Fryer (Mrs. Thomas Wilson Hedley), 4615 Springfield Av., Philadelphia, Pa.

Writer; b. West Chester, Pa.; dau. John Plum- mer and Mary (Goheen) Fryer; ed. Philadelphia publif schools; Wellesley School, Philadelphia; m. Philadelphia, June 16, 1904, Thomas Wilson Hedley. Editor of Sunday-school papers of the Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1890-97; on editorial staff of Saturday Evening Post, 1899- 1904; compiler of Glimpses Through Life's Win- dow; contributor to juvenile publications, gen- eral writer on household topics for newspapers. Interested in philanthropic work. Old Folks' Home and hospitals. Gives travel talks, illus- trated with stereoptican views. Mem. Woman Suffrage Soc. of Philadelphia, Bro-wnlng Soc.,

��Pa. Woman's Press Ass'n, Soc. of Arts and Let- ters, University Extension Soc. Presbyterian. HEDRICK, Ellen A., Tale University Librar>-.

New Haven, Conn.

Librarian; b. Washington, D.C. ; dau. Benja- min Sherwood and Mary Ellen (Thompson) Hed- rick; ed. private schools in Washington, D.C; Smith Coll., A.B. '92; N.Y. State Library School, 1901-02. CJataloguer in the U.S. Geological Sur- vey Library, Washington, D.C, 1902-05; Library of Congress, 1905-07; cataloguer and reviser in Yale University Library, 1907 — . Mem. Equal Franchise League of New Haven, Conn. Com- piled: List of References Relating to Irrigation, 1902. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Am. Library Ass'n, Conn. Library Ass'n. Recreation: Walking. HEDRICK, Hannah Fancher Mace (Mrs. Henry

Benjamin Hedrick), Box 736, Tale Station,

New Haven, Conn.

Mathematician; b. Walton, N.Y., Jan. 9, 1870; dau. Abram Lansing and Anna (Fancher) Mace; ed. Vassar Coll., B.A. with honor; Yale Univ. grad. school (Qui Vive, Phi Beta Kappa); m. Walton, N.Y., April 30, 1896, Henry Benjamin Hedrick; children: Benjamin Mace, Anna Fan- cher, Eleanor Thompson. Fellow in mathe- matics, Vassar, 1892-93; scholar in mathematics, Yale, 1893-94; computer Nautical AJumnse, 1894. Interested in development of children, scientific efficiency in the home and in her crwn I'np of professional work. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumnae. Recreations: Riding, driving, rowing, hunting, tennis. Episcopalian. Favors woman sufir<igt. HEFFERAN, Helen Maley (Mrs. William S.

Hefferan), 6631 Harvard Av., Chicago, II!.

Born Carlisle, Pa., 1870; dau. Thomas E. and Sarah T. (Gibbons) Maley; ed. Chicago Normal School and Univ. of Chicago; m. Chicago, 1892, William S. Hefferan; children: William S. Jr., Thomas E. M., Helen M. Taught as professional training teacher at Chicago Normal School for seven years. Was pres. of 111. Congress of Mothers for four years; life mem. Nat Congress of Mothers; pres. Englewood Woman's Club; pres. Patrons Dep't of Nat. Educational Ass'n; pres. of two parents' ass'ns and organizer of forty. Favors woman suffrage. Catholic. Mem. Fortnightly Club. TIEIFFERAN, Mary, 442 Fountain St., Grand

Rapids, Mich.

Born Bastmanvllle, Ottawa Co., Mich.; dau. Thomas and Emily (Kent) Hefferan; grad. Wel- lesley Coll., A.B. '96, A.M. '98; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. '03 (mom. Zeta Alpha, Wellesley; Sigma Xi, Univ. of Chicago). Associate instructor dep't of bacteriology, Univ. of Chicago, 1903-10. Author of biological and bacteriological papers in Archiv. fiir Entwickelungsmechanic der Or- ganlsmen, Zeitschrift fiir Bakteriologie, Biologi- cal Bulletins and Journal of Infectious Diseases. Mem. Woman's University Club, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Household Economics Club, Grand Rap- ids Historical Soc. HEELMAN, Mary Erskine, 1100 Second St.,

Evansville, Ind.

Educator, social worker; b. Evansville, Ind.; dau. George P. and Luna (Fellows) Hellman; ed. Evansville High School; North-western Univ.; Univ. of Chicago, 1906 (mem. Delta Gamma). Instructor In domestic science, John Swaney School, McNabb, 111., 1907-08; Lincoln High School, Portland, Ore., 1908-10; Investigator of housing conditions for Civic Club, Hartford, Conn., 1911-12, to aid In securing the enforcement of the Conn. State Tenement Law. Favors wo- man suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Consumers' League, Portland, Ore.; D.A.R. IIEINKR, Mary Pershing (Mrs. John Haines

Heiner), 107 Standard Av., Butler, Pa.

Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. Rev. I. L. Pershing, D.D., and Charlotte (Canan) Pershing; grad. Pittsburgh Female Coll., '74 (first honors); m. Pittsburgh, Oot. 17, 1S7S, John Haines Heiner; children: Mary Charlotte (Mrs. Paul Sturtevant). Helen Graham, John Pershing. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. missionary soi^ie- ties (home and foreign), Ladies' Auxiliary Y.W.C.A., D.A.R. (Pittsburgh Chapter), Pitts-


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