��College Club. Recreations: Gardening, social
affairs. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
HEAXY, Mary Lucy UufTman (Mrs. Thomas
Davis Healy), 923 First Av., South, Fort
Dodge, Iowa.
Born Iowa; grad. Parsons Coll., Fairfield, Iowa, B.S., B.A. '89, M.A. '92; Smith Coll., B.A. '90; m. Fort Dodge, Iowa, June 16, 1898, Thomas Davis Healy (died Jan. 15, 1909); children: Hiatt Huffman, b. July 16, 1901, Elizabeth, b. Nov. 14, 1902; Thomas Davis Jr., b. April 27, 1904. Teacher of English and Latin, Fort Dodge (Iowa) High School, 1891-97; principal, 1897-98. IIKAUD, Mary Kathrina, Iowa City, la.
Physician; b. Flushing, Mich., Sept. 17, 1869; dau. Amos B. Heard, M.D., and Amanda J. (Stunt?) Heard; ed. public schools of North East, Pa.; Univ. of Mich,. Ph.C. '92; Univ. of Iowa, B.Ph., M.D. '05, M.S. '07. Physician to young women of State Univ. of Iowa, 1905-12. Con- nected with Med. Coll. of State Univ. of Iowa; assistant prof, in ophthalmology, otology, rhino- laryngology. Sup't of organization of young women in local church, Sunday-school teacher. Mem. Home and Foreign Missionary Societies of Methodist Church and official board of M.B. Church; mem. Order of Eastern Star, King's Daughters, Am. Med. Ass'n, Am. Acad, of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology, Iowa State Med. Soc, State Soc. Iowa Med. Women, Iowa Union Med. Soc, Johnson Co. Med. Soc, Pro- fessional Women's League, Friendship Guild, Philosophical Club. Favors woman suffrage. HEARST, Phoebe Apperson (Mrs. George Hearst), Hacienda del Pozo de Verona, Pleas- anton, Cal.
Philanthropist; dau. R. W. Appereon; ed. In Cal.; taught school one year; m. San Francisco, June 15, 1862, George Hearst (who became U.S. Senator from Cal. and died In 1891); one son: William Randolph Hearst, b. April, 1863. Has large mining Interests at Lead, S.Dak. ; Butte, Mont, and elsewhere. Active in philanthropic work for women and girls and in education of young people; has established kindergarten classes in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Lead, S.Dak., where she now maintains kinder- garten classes for 300 children; gave $250,000 to liuild Nat. Cathedral School at Washington, U.C. ; formerly maintained free libraries at Butte, Mont., and Lead, S.Dak., which she later presented to the municipalities. Has made large donations to the Univ. of Cal., where she erected and equipped the large mining building, as a memorial to her husband. Regent of Univ. of Cal. Mem. Golden Gate Kindergarten Ass'n, Mt. Verncn Ass'n (vice-regent for Cal.), Century Club of San Francisco (was its first pres.), Dbell Club of Oakland.
HEATH, Blanche Thayer (Mrs. John Heath), 382 Lincoln Av., Palo Alto, Cal. Born San Francisao, Oct. 3, 1865; dau. WUliaan Newton and Abigail Martha (Davis) Meeks; ed. Paris, France; Oakland, Cal.; Stanford Univ., 1912—; m. Oakland, Feb. 21, 1889, John Heath; children: Constance Adela, John. Organist and concert accompanist. Sec. first Woman's Suf- frage League of Oakland; sec. Woman's Con- gress Auxiliary of Oakland. Christian Scientist, Democrat. Meim. Peninsula Musical Ass'n; hon. mem. Circle Frangaise de Stanford. Recreations: Music, motoring.
HEATH, Ella Conway (Mrs. Perry S. Heath), 2100 S St., Washing-ton, -D.C. Born April 11, 1871; dau. George W. and Mar- garet (Bacon) Con-way; ed. Miss Belle Peer's School, Louisville, Ky. ; m. Louisville. Ky., Sept. 17, 1890, Perry S. Heath (prominent newspaper publisher and editor). Mem. Board of Directors Y.W.C.A. of Washington, D.C. Presbyterian. HEATH, Mrs. Julian, 170 W. Eighty-eighth St., N.T. City.
Born Stonington, Conn., Jan., 1866; dau. Will- lam L. and Mary J. (Church) Dewey; ed. Bridge- port, Conn., and grad. N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, 1892, Julian Heath; one son, Julian Dewey Heath. Began philanthropic work at age of 15, pioneer In settlement, kindergarten, play- ground and fresh air work; active in church
��work as leader King's Daughters. One of three original founders of Jacob Riis Settlement, and pres. of board for 15 years. Founder of tene- ment cooking classes and schools of house- keeping for tenement women; founder and Nat. Pres. of Housewives League, 1911. Episcopalian. Mem. Housewives League, City Federation of Women's Clubs, State Federation of Women's Clubs, Woman's Forum, Nat. Soc. of New Eng- land Women.
HEATH, Marie Barbara Senn (Mrs. Thomas Hunter Heath), 6027 Roxbury Av., Seattle, Wash.
Born Enterprise, Kan., July 6, 1872; dau. Senator M. and Josephine (Meyer) Senn; ed. Kan. State Agricultural Coll., B.S. '90, M.S. '93; m. Lasita, Kan., Jan. 1, 1903, Thomas Hunter Heath; chil- dren: Senn Hunter, b. Jan. 27, 1904; Josephine, b. Aug. 19, 1906; Henry Thomas, b. April 19, 1910. Teacher in grades and high school. Enter- prise, Kan., 1893-94; organized there a summer school of domestic science, 1894; prof, of house- hold economics in N.Dak. State Agricultural Coll., 1894-1902. Has lectured on home economic problems before farmers' Institutes in N.Dak. and Wash., and before Ohautauquas, State suf- frage and W.C.T.U. conventions, women's clubs. State federations of clubs and before schools and churches. Has helped in social center work, Parent-Teachers' League, girls' clubs. Uni- tarian; church trustee in Fargo, N.Dak. and Everett, Wash. Interested in home science and art In ctty schools and of organizing the work for the rural districts in connection with con- solidated schools; agricultural teaching in city and country schools. Mem. Soc. of Social and Moral Hygiene, Civic Improvement Soc, Woman's Club of Rainier Beach, Seattle. Favorg woman suffrage.
HEATH-PROCTOR, Alice Lorraine (Mrs. Chas.
Willis Proctor), 12 Bidwell Parkway, Buffalo,
Osteopathic physician; b. Narsand, N.Y. ; dau. Lorenzo Dow and Augusta Thankful (Hibbard) Heath; ed. Sharon (Pa.) High School; Warrens- burg (Mo.) Normal School; Allegheny Coll., Meadvllle,, Pa., A.B., A.M.; Am. School of Os- teopathy, Klrksville, Mo.; m. Kirksville, Mo., Dec. 31, 1886, Charles Willis Proctor, A.M., Ph.D D.D.; children: Ruth and Willis Heath Proctor.' Interested in several missionary societies, W.C.T.U., McCall Mission, Bethesda Home Soc. of U.S. of America (a mission to lepers), Y.W.C.A. Methodist. Mem. Am. Osteopathic Ass'n, Western Osteopathic Ass'n, Daughters of 1812 (Frontier Chapter), New England Women (Colony No. 2), Eastern Star (Salome Chapter). Recreations: Gardening, motoring. Favora woman suffrage.
HEATON, Lucia Elizabeth, Canton, N.Y.
Physician; b. Canton, N.Y., June 18, 1856; dau. Ira Willmarth and Lucinda (Langdon) Heaton; ed. Canton Union School, St. Lawrence, Univ. and Woman's Med. Coll. of the N.Y. Infirmary, B.S., M.S., M.D. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma). In general practice in Canton, N.Y., since 1892; has done temperance and suffrage work foi years; lectured on health topics under the N.Y. State Department of Agriculture, 1910-12; lecturei on Sex Hygiene for N.Y. State Department ol Health. Superintendent of franchise in the local W.C.T.U. Universalist. Mem. State and County Med. Soc, Woman's Med. Soc. of State of N.Y., Woman's Med. Soc. of City of N.Y., Phi Beta Kappa, Soc. of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage.
HEB.\RD, Grace Raymond, Laramie, Wyo.
Professor of economics and librarian at Stat« Univ. of Wyoming; dau. Rev. George D. A. and Margaret E. D. (Marvin) Hebard; ed. State Univ. of Iowa, B.S. '82, M.A. '85; Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Ph.D. '93 (mem. Pi BeU Phi, Iowa Zeta). First woman to be admitted to Wyoming bar, 1898; trustee of the State Univ. of Wyoming, 1891-1903 (sec. of board 1891-1908); draftsman U.S. Surveyor's Office, 1882-86; librarian of Wyoming State Univ., 1S91— . Teacher of political and economic science, Univ. of Wyoming, since 1903. Pres. of State Board of Examiners for Teacbers,