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N.Y., 18S9. Founded and maintained a liome for HEAD, Sallie Gary Wilson (Mrs. Henry O.

rescue work among young girls; pres.. of Pascal Head), Sherman, Tex.

Inst for Industrial Training, 1902-08; third prea. Born New Orleans, La., May 18, 1856; dau.

of Pelham Fresb Air Home (now vice-pres.); Edward Hayden and Mary A. (Turner) Wilson;

non-official associate and contributor to Grenfell ed. private schools in New Orleans; m. Jan. 23,

Ass'n, Stony Wold, N.Y. Convalescent Home; 1878, Henry O. Head; children: Henry O. Jr.,

scholarship endowment at Hobart Coll. Trans- Hayden W., Mary Orlena. Mem. Saturday

lated Halevy's Abbe Constantln from the French Evening Literary Club. Against woman suffrage,

and other booka and brochures on art, also con- heaGY, Alice M. B. (Mrs. John M. Heagy),

tributions to Am. periodicals. Mem. Colonial steelton, Pa,

Dames of State of N.Y., Holland Dames, D.A.R.; gorn Lebanon, Pa., Aug. 31, 1860; dau. Peter

vice-regent of Mary Washington (Colonial Chap- and Clarissa (Light) Ranch; ed. Lebanon Valley

ter, N.Y. City, 1904-06; Nat. vice-pres. gen. of coll., Annville, Pa., M.A. '77; m. Lebanon, Pa.,

State of N.Y., 1905-07. Episcopalian. Favors ju^e i4_ igga^ j^j^n M. Heagy. Active in Home

woman suffrage. Republican. and Foreign Missionary work of her denomina-

^„ -r^ , , ^ „ tion; mem. Board Trustees of Free Public Li-

HAZEN, Loolse Coleman, 68 Washington Square, iji-^ry; active in visiting nurse work. Favors

N.Y. City. -, ,o-, J nv, -1== woman suffrage. Mem. United Brethren in

Teacher; b. Vermont, Jan. 1, 1877; dau. unaries du-igj Church. Active in Sunday-school work;

Dana and Abbie M. (Coleman) Hazen; ed. Jsniim ^gaoher of large organized class of women.

Coll., B.A. '98; student of astronomy and physics, ^^^^ Fortnightly Club, Civic Club, Literary

Univ. of Pa.. 1900-01; mathematics and physics, ^^^^ (.j^j^. Betterment Club; pres. of Civic Club

Dartmouth Summer School, 1902; mathematics, gj^^g organization; vice-chairman for Dauphin

Univ. of Texas, 1902-03. Teacher, Wilder Vt., county of State Fed. of Pa. Women.

1898-1900: Austin, Tex., 1900-03; State Normal „_,. ' , -,r tt, .. ,, o» ^ v, .^

School, Castleton, Vt., 1903-04; N.Y. City high HKAIJO, Lucy, 15 Wendell St., Cambridge,

schools since 1906. Congregationalist. Favors ^^^^- , .^ ». tt ,.», ^ ^ m-

Z^Zr^T,^ J^^trrZcr^ ' Teacher and writer; b. Hubbardston, Mass.,

woman sunrage. j^^^^ 23, 1872; dau. T. Sibley and Lucy (Prentiss)

HAZEN Pauline Browne (Mrs. Daniel E. Heald; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '95; Columbia Univ.,

Hazen) Tampa Bay Hotel, Tampa, Fla. A.M. '98 (mem. Alpha, Smith). Teacher Bellows

Journalist- b. Umona, Fla., Jan. 31, 1881; dau. Falls (Vt.) High School; Springfield (Mass.)

John Wesley and Susan F. (Blocker) Browne; High School; Brookline Grammar School, Mt.

ed high school and by private teachers and cor- Holyoke; Cambridge (Mass.) Evening School,

respondence schools; m. 1899, Daniel E. Hazen Author: Love in Umbria. Unitarian. Favors

(died Dec. 14, 1911). Editor of Woman's Realm woman suffrage.

Dep't of Tampa Morning Tribune for past four hEALEY, Isabel Hall Coombs (Mrs. Warren

years; compiler and publisher of the first Blue Robert Healey), 12 Winthrop St., Winchester,

Book of Tampa, Fla., 1912-13. Active in church Mass.

work social life, clubs and literary work. Win- gom stoneham, Mass., Oct. 19, 1879; dau.

ner of prizes at Fla. State fairs on tapestry, Charles A. and Clara I. (Llttlefield) Coombs; ed.

water color, oil, pastel paintings, original decora- stoneham High School; Tufts Coll., A.B. (mem.

tlve designs. Aided in cause for Seminole In- Alpha Omicrom Pi); m. Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 9,

dlans of the Fla. Everglades; the cause of An- ^ggg^ Warren Robert Healey; one daughter:

dubon societies by the influence of writings. Eleanor. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Coll.,

Favors woman suffrage. Contributor of descrip- Equal Suffrage League, two alumnae ass'ns and

tive articles and short stories to newspapers and tjjg Fortnightly Winchester Woman's Club,

magazines; writer of interviews with noted peo- unitarian.

pie. Episcopalian. Mem Civic Ass'n Am. ^j^^y Johanna Stack (Mrs. Frank J. Healy),

Woman's Republic. Recreations Swimming, ^^^7 Illinois Av., East St. Louis, 111.

motoring, dancing, tennis, travel Vice-pres Chicago, 111., May 12, 1859; dau. P. H.

and one of the two founders Tampa Dramatic Margaret (Lillis Stack; ed. St. Louis High

Club; sec. Students' Art aub for fourth conse^^^^^ Sacred Heart Convent, St. Louis, Mo.;

tlYe year; mem. Friday Morning Musicale ^ ^^^^ gj._ ^^^^.^^ j^j^ ^^^_ ^^_ ^g^^_ ^^^^^ j_

(crlUc), Am. federation oi Arts. Healy; children: Michael, Francis, Margaret,

HAZIlEWOOD Chariott© WUliams, winter, Joanna. Catholic. Pres. Catholic Knights and

161 Allen Av Lynn Mass.; summer, Aibonito Ladies of America; pres. Queen's Daughters'

Studio Hancock Point, Me. Charity Organization (of Catholic women) seven

Author illustrator, book designer; b. Ells- years. Mem. East St. Louis Woman's Literary

worth. Me.; dau. Rev. Dr. Francis T. and Char- C^ub.

lotte 'w. (Callender) Hazlewood; ed. public hEAXT, Katherine Hannah Andrews (Mrs.

schools of Bangor, Me., and Lynn, Mass.; Wei- John Jay Healy), 203 Barry Av., Chicago,

lesley Coll., B.A. '91; Yale Univ., graduate dep't, m.

1896-98, holder of scholarship, second year, Bryn Born Chicago; ed. In schools of Chicago; Smith

Mawr Coll., holder of graduate fellowship in coU., B.S. '9-1; student of pedagogy, Chicago

Greek 1898-99. Teacher of Greek and Latin, univ., 1897-98; m. Chicago, June 21, 1900, John

Classical High School, Lynn, Mass., 1891-96; j^y Healy (lawyer; former State's Att'y of Cook

made cover design, and all the illustrations and County, 111.); children: Lois Andrews, b. July 14,

decorations for The Discontented Clam; has 1901 . Allan, b. Mar. 17, 1903; Helen Lambert, b.

made cover designs and decorations for book juiy 19, 1904 ; Winston, b. Nov. 11, 1907. Teacher,

caUlogues, etc. Has been on Board of Directors 1894.1900. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae,

of Woman's Baptist Social Union of Boston, smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.

Author: The Garden of Gray Ledge and Other uj-ai.Y, Marjorie Alice (Mrs. Reginald Jeffer-

Poems; also short stories and poems. Baptist. ^^^ Healy), 2105 Irving Av., South, Mlnne-

Recreatlons: Walking, mountain climbing, row- j j^j^^^

ing. gardening. Mem. Boston College Club, g^^^ Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 4, 1879; dau.

Woman's Baptist Social Union of Boston, Boston ^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ j^_ (Lynch) Higbee; ed.

Wellesley College Club. Wells Coll., A.B. '01 (magna cum laude) ; two

HFAn Annie Lyndesay WUklnson (Mrs. Jo- years at Univ. of Minn. (Phoenix Literarum

s^i^'n'efd^ 62rwltfvlew St., Germantown, Societas at Wells, Kappa Kappa Gamma at Univ.

PUiladelnhia Pa. of Mlnn.);^. April 25, 1906, Reginald Jefferson

Born (:ieveland!" Ohio; grad. Vassar Coll., Healy; one daughter: Anne Healy, b. Sept. 25,

AB "97 A M.^8; graduate scholar Vassar, 1897- 1909. Sec. of Kindergarten and Industrial Soc

98' Babixrtt fellow of Vassar Coll. and graduate of Westminster Church and mem. of Finance

BcholaVin German and mathematics, Bryn Com.; Interested n chl d and infant welfare

Mawr Coll 1898-99; fellow in mathematics, Bryn work, advocating free kindergartens In Ml^ne-

Mlwr 1899-1900; m. Philadelphia, Pa., June 14, apolls public schools; mem. sewing circle for

W02 Jo^Dh Head. M.D.. D.D.S.; one son. two Sunshine Soc; mem. Humane Soc, Nat. Child

daukht^ Instroct^ in mathemaUcs, Vassar Lator Soc, College SetUement Ass'n, Y.W^.A

Coll l^'-02 Westminster Guild, Woman's Club; pres. Wells


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