Nurse AsB'n In Woburn and chairman of Sup- HAZARD, Bertha, 98 Tyler St., Boston, Mass.
ply Com.; interested In work of Vatican Bureau School principal, author; b. Mobile, Ala.; grad.
of Nat. Civic Federation, and has been active Vasaar Coll., '79. Teacher, Corning, N.Y., 1879-
in looking up places for girls to spend summer SI; Providence, R.I., 1881-83; Brooklyn, N.Y.,
vacations. Lectures: Why Women Should be 1883-85; Boston, Mass., 1885-1904; principal of
Interested in Civil Service Reform; What Chil- Public Evening School, Boston, 1906-11; since
dren Should Read; The Ideal Club; Cuba and 1906 director of The Hemenway and Hemenway
Her People; Arts and Crafts of Mexico; Conser- House, cooperative hemes for working girls,
vation and Patriotism; Belles and Balls of Colo- Compiled: Three Years With the Poets, a collec-
nial Days. Baptist. Republican. Mem. D.A.R. tion of poetry for children; edited Civic Reader
(founder of Col. Loamini Baldwin Chapter of for New Americans. Pres. Civic Club of Ward
Woburn, and Regent six years) also founder of Seven, Boston.
Gen. Joseph Warren Chapter, D.A.R. ; now Ass't hAZAKD, Caroline, The Scallop Shell, Peace State Historian and chairman of State Conser- ^aie, R.i. (also Mission Hill, Santa Barbara, vation Com. Mem. and ex-prea. Woburn Wo- Qg,! ) . uoa.*, man's Club; mem. and director New Hampshire Born Peace Dale, R.I., June 10, 1856; dau. Row- Daughters; mem and director Prof. Women's j^nd and Margaret (Rood) Hazard ; ^pVovl- Club; mem Ex Club of N.H. Daughters. Recrea- dence, R.I.; B?own Univ., Utt.D. '99; Unlv of tions: Music, theatre. Traveled in South Cuba ^ich. (hon.). A.M. '99; -fufts Coll., LL.D. '05. Mexico and Spain, making a special study of p^eg. Wellesley Coll., 1899-1910; mem. Mass, sociological questions and the arts and crafts of gtate Board of BducaUon, 1902-06; corporate those countries. mem. Am. Board Commissioners for Foreign HAYWARD, lone, Pana, 111. Missions; mem. Com. of One Hundred on Nat. Born Pana, 111., April 2, 1879; dau. John ^^}^ "'® S^^m R I. Historical Soc; trustee Augustus and Flora M. (Rood) Hay ward; ed. Tili ?J^^ ^°^h Author: Life of J. L. Diman, Girls' Classical School, Indianapolis, Ind. Was ^^°°'. ^°U^se "Tom, a Study of Life in Narragan- pres. of the 21st Dist. 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs, ?^" '"on. ^^}^ Century, 1893; Narragansett Bal- 1908-09; has always been idenUfled with phllan- \^^^- f,^^^' c^ ^^^P^^?" Friends Meeting, 1899; throplc and civic activities, as well as mem. ot ^ Scallop Shel of Quiet, 1908; A Brief Pilgrim- the Public Library Board for many years. Mem. ?se in the Holy Land, 1909; The College Year, Woman's Club, Tuesday Club, Fortnightly Club, ^ti . Congregationalist. Mem. New Ehigland Recreations: Gut-door sports. Christian Sclen- Historical and Genealogical Soc, Religious Edu- tlst. Favors woman suffrage. ?, t ^ , ••, ■^^^'^^ ^^- ^•^- Colonial Dames,
R.I. Colonial Governors. Clubs: Lyceum (Lon-
HAYWAKD, Lillian WooUon (Mrs. Harry Hay- <ion). Mayflower (Boston), Ckillege (Boston),
ward), Newark, Del. Women's University (N.Y. City). Recreations:
Born Delaware; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '94; Automobiling, sketching, photography.
studied In Europe, 1900; m. Newark, Del., Sept. 7, HAZELTINE, EUzabeth HaUock, 226 Wlnsor
1897, Harry Hayward; one daughter: Mary St., Jamestown, N.Y.
Frances, b. June 11, 1908. Teacher, 1894-97. College professor; b. Elaston Pa. • ed in schools
Mem. Smith College Alumnae A«s'n, New Cen- of Jamestown, N.Y.; Vassar Coll AB '97-
tury Club, Newark, Del.; director Delaware State graduate student Wellesley Coll., 1897-98 Teacher
Federation of Women's Clubs. in North Tonawanda, in Barnard classes N Y
dau. Andrew Lee and Phebe E. (Law) Smith; „ . „,,t ^ttw-t:. T.r ^
ed. common school and boarding schools; m. ^r" tr^'^' "JSf^ Emogene, B16 N. Carroll
Chadron, Neb., 1884, William F. Hayward. Is a ?r', ^^^'|2°' ^'^ = business. Library School,
raUonalist. Has devoted a great deal of Ume VH ' ■ \f' t
and money in the equal suffrage work; also in , Librarian; b. Jamestown, N.Y., May 5, 1868;
humane work; Is a vegetarian. Favors woman St^*^,, -^P"^^^ f,""^ O^'^'^ (Brown) Hazeltlne; ed.
suffrage. Honorary pres. of Neb. Woman Suf- ^fj^f^'^^ ^^2i}-'„^-^- ^^' ^^^- ^^^ Sigma (local
frage Ass'n. Is proprietor of the M. B. Smith & society at Wellesley). Librarian James Pren-
Co. Twin Stores, Chadron, Neb. dergast Free Library, 1893-1906; preceptor Li- brary School of Univ. of Wisconsin since 1906
HAYWOOD, Martha Helen, 210 S. Boylan Av.. Pres. N.Y. State Library Ass'n, 1902. Favors
Raleigh, N.C. woman suffrage. Editor: Anniversaries and
Born Raleigh, N.C, Sept. 27, 1872; dau. Joseph Holidays, 1909. Congregationalist. Mem. Am.
Allen and Mary Alice (Boylan) Haywood; grad. Library Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae,
St. Mary's Coll., Raleigh, N.C, 1890. Interests D.A.R., Woman's Club of Madison, Wis.
are patriotic, literary and historical; established HAZEN, Annah Putnam, 68 Wafihlneton Sauarp
May 10, 1901, the North Carolina Booklet, edit- N.Y. City. «u.um^on square,
Ing it untU October, 1903. Author: His Mother; Teacher; b. Hartford, Vt; dau. Charles Dana
also various short articles in the Raleigh News and Abbie (Coleman) Hazen ; ed Smith B L '95 •
and Observer and other State papers, the Phills- Dartmouth, M.S. '97; Bryn Mawr (scholar ^d
tine and other publications^ Episcopalian, fellow), 1897-99. Ass't in biology at Smith ColL-
Democrat. Mem. N.C. Soc. Daughters of the first ass't in biology. Eastern Dist Hieh Srhool'
Revolution, Johnston Pettlgrew Chapter Daugh- Brooklyn. ' •j»-"w«,
ters of the Confederacy, leader of the Manly nA-jK-K vu^ t»- en, -nr ^ ,^
Battery ChUdren's Chapter of the Daughters of wT» ^' Woodslde Av., Rlpon, the Confederacy. Recreations: Gardenlng,_read- ing. Founder of the Society Jacket. Favors woman suffrage.
HAZARD, Alida Blake (Mrs. Barclay Haxard), ^rage. Congregationalist. Republlcaa^^ Mem.
46 E. 29th St., N.Y. City. Daughters of the Revolution (regent for eight
Born New Haven, Conn., May 10, 1861; dau. years), Rlpon Science Club, South Woods Park
Ell Whitney Blake Jr. and Helen Mary (Rood) Association.
Blake; ed. private schools, Germany and U.S.; m. HAZEN, Emily Hall (Mrs. John Cunnlneham
Providence, R.I., Feb. 24, 1881, Barclay Haz- Hazen). Pelham Manor. N.Y.
ard. Vice-pres. Woman's Municipal League of Principal of private school for girls- b Auburn
City of N.Y.: mem. Exec. Com. of Com. of N.Y.; dau. Hon. Benjamin Franklin and AblKall
Fourteen for Suppression of the Raines Law (Farnham) Hall; ed. private schools (grad) Au-
Hotels: former treas. of Inter-Municipal Re- burn, N.Y.; m. Auburn, N.Y., John CunnlnK-
search Com.; one of founders of Cottage Hob- ham Hazen; one daughter: Edith (m Edward
pital at SanU Barbara, Cal.; charter mem. De Cessel,, 1878; widowed and married William
Santa Barbara Woman's Club. Mem. Exec. IVells Tiers in 1899). Mem. of faculty In the
Com. of N.Y. State Asa'n. Opposed to Woman Masters' School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y 1883-89- es-
Suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Meridian Club, tabllshed own private school at Peihjun M*nor
��ing. Founder of the Society of the Yellw o,Sh nn^^S!!cfrT> ^rJl! v?.^"^ ^°' ^^- ^"• Jacket. Favors woman suffrage. ' P^?/°'^n,^'^ ^w?° °Voi?^.^l^ Hazen; ed. Rlpon
^ Coll., Rlpon, Wis., 1874-78. Favors woman suf-