��HAWKINS, Avis A., 92 Llnwood Av., Provi- dence, R.I.
Teacher; b. Gloucester, R.I., Oct. 5, 1857; dau. Ara and Amey (Horton) Hawkins (deacendant of William Hawkins, who settled in R.I. in 1638, aad from Chad Brown, 1638, and Thomas Angell, who came to R.I. with Roger WilliamB in 1636); ed. North Providence and Providence public schools; French In Berlitz PrlTate School; pri- vate teachers, Kingston Coll., summer school. Began teaching In 1881 at Johnston, R.I.; prin. Admiral St. Primary; prin. Veazie St. School; Manton Av. Grammar School; completed 32 years of consecutive teaching. Interested in work for women and children, religious, social and phil- anthropic. Author of two poems: The Old Shrewsbury Chestnut Tree; The New America; one article on penmanship; furnished photos and poem for Arbor Day Manual, 1913. Mem. Woman's Guild of Union Congregational Church, Providence, R.I.; R.I. Anti-Saloon League, Provi- dence Teachers' Retirement Fund Ass'n (has been sec), Sarah E. Doyle Club (has been treas.), State Fed. of Women's Clubs (director); treas. Providence Fed. of Women Teachers, R.I. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, R.I. Inst, of Instruction, Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims. Recrea- tions: Photography, poetry, literature, water colors. Congregationalist. Favors woman suf- frage; was press representative for one year and then chairman of club extension for teachers. HAWKINS, Evangel Lee Bristow (Mrs. Mark
Cutter Hawkins), Monroe City, Mo.
Born Wheeling, W.Va., Sept. 10, 1875; dau. Rev. J. B. and Nannie E. (Rawlings) Bristow; ed. Stephens Female Coll., Columbia, Mo., A.B. '96; m. May 20, 1896, Mark Cutter Hawkins; children: Mabel Virginia, Robert Lewis. Mem. United Daughters of Confederacy, Monroe City Century Club. Baptist. HAWKS, Emma Beatrice, 1010 N St., N.W.,
Washington, D.C.
Library work; b. Williamsburg, Mass., June 27, 1871; dau. William A. and Linda M. (Bagley) Hawks; ed. public schools, Williamsburg and Northampton, Mass.; Smith Coll., B.A. '92; N.Y. State Library School, October, 1893, to April, 1894. Employed in Forbes Library, Northampton, Mass., 1894 to May, 1895; in library U.S. Dep't of Agriculture, Washington, D.C, May, 1895, to date; since 1907 assistant librarian. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Dist .of Co- lumbia Library Ass'n, College Women's Club, Washington, D.C. HAWKS, Emma Lacinda, San Dimas, Cal.
Retired teacher, orange grower; b. Rochester, N.Y.; ed. schools of Rochester and Vassar Coll., A.B. '71. Engaged as high school teacher In Sacramento, Cal., 1873-74; Los Angeles, Cal., 1874-77; Rochester, N.Y., 1877-78; principal New Brunswick (N.J.) High School, 1878-92; precep- tress in State Normal School, Los Angeles, Cal., 1892-94; orange grower at San Dlmos, Cal., since 1894. HAWKS, Rachel MarshaU (Mrs. Arthur Worth-
Ington Hawks), Ruxton, Md.
Sculptor and decorator; b. Port Deposit, Md.; dau. John Fulton and Anne Elizabeth (Deaver) Marshall; grad. and alumni of Maryland Inst.; studied in Rinehart classes, Baltimore; mem. Nat. Sculpture Soc; m. Baitlmore, June 20, 1901, Arthur Worthington Hawks. Portrait bust of Dr. Basil L. Gildersleeve of Johns Hopkins Univ.; plaster mural decorations for Samuel Wiley house (bungalow) at Ruxton, Md. Episco- palian. Recreation. Out-door sketching. Mem. Water Color Handicraft Club, Baltimore; Lend-a- Ilaud Club. H.V WORTH, Eleanor Frothingliam (Mrs. B. C.
Haworth), 2713 Carolina St., Vancouver, B.C.
Teacher; b. Amsterdam, N.Y., Mar. 4, 1860; dau. Rev. James Frothingham and Chloe (Hazel- tine) Frothingham; ed. Rockford Coll., '81, B.A.; grad. student Univ. of Washington, Seattle, M.A. '11; m. Waukegan, 111., Sept. 27, 1887, Rev. B. C. Haworth, M.A.; children: Frances, James, Wal- lace, Chloe, Katherine. Vice-principal Coming Presbyterial Acad., 1885-87. Organizer and prin- cipal of Tokyo school for English-speaking chil- dren, Tokyo, Japan, 1503-06; prof, of modern
��languages, Westfleld (111.) Coll., 1907-08. Mission- ary in Japan, 1887-1906; mem. Red Cross Soc. of Japan. Speaker In America on missions In Japan and various phases of Japanese life. Mem. Pioneer Political Equality League, Vancouver, B.C. Presbyterian. Mem. University Women's Club, Vancouver, B.C. Husband Is now official Japanese interpreter (in Vancouver for five years) for the U.S. Immigration Service In San Fran- cisco, Cal. HAWTHORNE, Hlldeg:arde, 60 B. Twenty-ninth
St., N.Y. City.
Writer; b. N.Y. City; dau. Julian and Mlnne Hawthorne; ed. atirojui and at home. Author: A Country Interlude; Women and Other Women; The Lure of the Garden; many articles In maga- zines and newspapers, also poems and stories. Mem, MacDowell Clu* of New York. Recrea- tions: Walkmg, canoeing, riding. Swenden- borglan. HAY, Eleanor Hnmbird (Mrs. Southard Hay),
917 St. James St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Born Cumberland, Md., Feb. 4, 1877; dau. James S. and Emma Barlow (Chamtoera) Hum- bird; ed. St. Margaret's School, Waterbury, Conn.; m. Pittsburg'h, Pa., April 21, 1906, South- ard Hay; one son: Malcolm. Meim. Board of Managers of E>piscopal Church Home at Pitts- burgh. Elpiscopalian. Mem. PWitsburgrh Golf Club. HAY, Mary Garrett, 2 W. Elghty-ilith St., N.T.
Lecturer; b. Charlestown, Ind.; dau. Andrew Jennings and Rebecca (Garrett) Hay; ed. the Western Oxford, O. For six years organizer Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, N.Y. Git?-; for two years pres. State Fed. Women's Clubs. Active in many reforms. Presbyterian. Clubs: N.Y. City P'ederation, Woman's Press; pres. Daughters of Indiana in N.Y.; pres. N.Y. Equal Suffrage League; mem. D.A.R., Soc. for Political Study, Nat. Patriotic Women. CbaLrman Woman Suffrage Party. ^
HAYDEN, Clara May, Ingleslde, Neb.
Physician; b. Jefferson County, Iowa, 1880; dau. James F. and Mary C. (Laughlin) Hayden; ed. State Univ. of Iowa, B.S. '06, M.D. '07. Ass't physician St. Peter's State Hospital, Minn., 1910- 11; ass't physician Ingleside State Hospital, Neb., 1913.
HAYDEN, Dorotliea Hoaglin (Mrs. Newell Mat- son Hayden), R.F.D. No. 2, Box 39, Pasadena,
Lecturer and dramatic reader; b. Holton, Kan.; dau. Ward Sherman and Virginia (Fitzslmmons) Hoaglin; ed. public schools; State Normal; Emerson Coll. of Oratory, Boston; Chicago Univ.; m. Emporia, Kan., Jan. 1, 1903, Rev. Newell Matson Hayden. Has lectured and given modern dramas and Shakespeare plays before leading olubs and colleges throughout the coun- try. Active In Y.W.C.A. and Modern Drama League work. Favors woman suffrage. Lectures on: The Child of the Stage; The Art of Ex- pression; Great Play Writers; A Mound of Eixpresslon. Has dramatized the novels: Lea Miserables; If I Were King; The Pilot. Con- gregationalist. Progressive. Mem. Shakespeare Club of Pasadena, Altadena Circle. At age of 23 served two terms as county sup't of public instruction. Instituting a system of graduation from dlstriot schools and organizing school board conferences. Prof, of oratory in Kansas State Normal for four years; prof, oratory De Kalb (111.) Normal School for three years and made original investigation as to dramatic instinct in children. HAYDEN, Rutli Eleanor (Mrs. Bert Hayden),
"The Pines," 205 Keystone Av., Sayre, Pa,
Born town of Conklin, Broome Co., N.Y.; dau. John and Mary A. (Rogers) Lester; ed. high school, also Wyoming Sem., Kingston, Pa.; m. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 17, 1877, Bert Hayden: children: Paul, Robert. Charter mem. of Woman's Auxiliary Soc. to the Robert Parker Hospital in Sayre, and has held Its preeldencj and other offices. Interested In limited enffrage. Protestant Episcopal. First vice-regent of Tioga Chapter D.A.R,; one ancestress, EUeanor Bou- chler, was of Huguenot de6C«nt; Revoltrtlonary