��ton public schools; Md. State Normal, class of '82; George Waahlneton Univ., A.B. "12. Taught In MltchelvUle School, 1882-S; second assistant Laurel graded school, 1SS3-91; Washington puhllc schools, '91; principal of Henry Blow Sohool, Washington, D.C., from Jan. 1, 1910. Interested in settlement work at Rosedale Mission, Wash- ington, D.C. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist, Mem. D.A.K. as descendant of John Harrison. Mem. Columbian Women, College Women's Club. EL4J9SE:, Adelaide, 476 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.
Librarian ; b. Milwaukee, Wis. ; dau. Herman E. and Adelaide (Trentlage) Hasse; ed. by pri- vate tutors; unmarried (adopted a boy of four). Asa't librarian, Loa Angeles Public Library, 1889-95; librarian. Documents Oflace, Washing- ton, D.C, 1895-97; chief of Documents Division, N.Y. Public Library, 1S97— . Member of the editorial staff of the Nat Municipal Review. Keenly interested In the woman movement and In suffrage incidentally. Eidiior Index of Bco- DomJc Materials In Documents of the States (10 vols, out); Bibliography of Official Publica- tions trf Colonial N.Y.; Bibliography of Arclilves of the 13 Original States. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Am. Bibliographical 8oc., Am. Library Ass'n, Nat. Municipal League. HASTINGS, Ella (Mrs. Harry Hastings), 7 E.
Eighty-aeventh St., N.Y. City.
Born N.Y. City, Aug. 3, 1866; dau. Jeremiah and Isabella (Devlin) Llnehan; ed. Normal Coll., N.Y. City; Van Norman Inst., N.Y. City; m. Harry Hastings; children: Sarah, Harvey, Elinor, William, Robert, Edward. Interested In reform movements; organized first Child Study Club in CJ.S. ; organized Woman's Peace Circle; organized City Fed. Women's Clubs, also Will- iam Lloyd Geirrlson EJqual Rights Ass'n. Mem. local School Board, 16th dl»t., N.Y. City, Child Welfare League. Clubs: Theatre, Current Events, Woman's Peace Olrole, Government, N.Y. Democratic Woman's. Recreations: Music, drama, art Roman Catholic. Favors woman suffrage; pres. N.Y. Co. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; chairman of church work in N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n; mem. Efqual Franchise Boc., Woman Suffrage Party; prea. Interborough Suffrage Club. HASTINGS, Hester Jane Mercer (Mrs. William
T. Hastings), 13 John St., Providence, R.I.
Institutional manager; b. ReadviUe, Mass., Mar. 31, 1877; dau. Joseph and Mary Ellen (Cul- len) Mercer; ed. Wllllmantic (Conn.) High School, 1895-99; Brown Univ., 1899-1903, A.B. '03; Simmons Coll., 1904; mem. Alpha Beta (local); m. WUlimantlc, Conn., July 17, 1907, William T. Hastings; children: Hester Hastings, b. 1909; Joseph Mercer Hasting, b. 1912. Dormitory head. Women's Coll., Brown Univ., January, 1905- June, 1907; institutional management Prov- idence, 1912. Pres. Alumnaa Ass'n, Brorwn Univ., 1907-09; mem. Advisory Council, Women's Coll., Advisory Com.- to Visiting Dietitian, Providence Organized Charities, 1913 — . Pavore woman suffrage. Unitar'an.
HATCH, Abbie A., GrlggevlUe, III.
Born Milton, Brown Co., 111.; dau. Isaac An- drews and Lydla B. (Baiter) Hatch; ed. Qrlggs- viUe, 111.; Normal, 111. For many years teacher in grade and high school In GriggsviUe and other schools in 111. Worker in local missionary soc. and local benevolent soc.; interested in Woman's Reading Circle and social events of GriggsviUe. Congregationalist. Formerly mem. W.C.T.U. ; several years pres. Woman's Missionary societies of Qulncy Ass'n, 111., and pres. local missionary society. Recreations: Traveling, reading. Pree. Abbie A. Hatch Chautauqua Circle (a woman's club belonging to 111. Fed.).
HATCH, Alia May (Mrs. Charles B. Hatch),
Enfflewood, N.J.
Born Berea, O., May 2, 1863; dau. John W. and Mary B. (Burrlngton) Landphair; grad. Baldwin Univ.. Berea, O., Ph.B. '83; certificate from Co- lumbia Coll., *05 (Alethlan); m. Berea, Oct. 16, 1885, Charles B. Hatch; children: Velda M., LIOT^ F. Lectures occasionally on Shakespearian subjects; also writes verse. Favors woman suf- frage. CoBgregatlonaliBt Fouader and hon. pres.
��Shakespeare Club of Yonkers; mem. Woman's Press Club of N.Y., Club for the Study of Life as a Fine Art; president of National Soc. of Ohio Women.
HATCH, Katy Gower (Mrs. Charles Harrison Hatch). 99 Delaware Av., Detroit, Mich. Born Hawaiian Islands, Oct. 6, 1863; dau. Mer- ritt Melville and Clara Wells (Dodge) Gower; ed. Hillhouse High School, New Haven, CJonn. ; Smith Coll., freshman year; Univ. of Mich., A.B. '88 (Sorosis); m. New Haven, Caan., Jan. 4, 1894, Charles Harrison Hatch; children: John Gower (deceased), Melville Harrison, Alfred Gower. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnaa. Congrega- tionalist Favors woman suffrage.
HATCHER, Anna Denson (Mrs. E. B. Hatcher), ILiawlna Road, Windsor Hills, Baltimore, M6. Born Norfolk, Va., Oct 6, 1879; dau. Richard H. and Anna Granville (Stevens) Denson; ed. four years at Nat Park Sem., Forest Glen, Md., grad. 1898; mem. Alpha Epellon Pi; m. Norfolk, Va., Mar. 28, 1899, Rev. E. B. Hatcher, D.D.; children: William Eldridge Hatcher Jr., Anna Granville Hatcher. Interested in Adelaide Hall, a home for working girls. Against woman suf- frage. Baptist. Mem. missionary societlea (home, foreign and States). Mem. the Tuesday Reading Club.
HATCHEB, Cornelia Templeton (Mrs. Robert Lee Hatcher), 1560 Atlantic St., Seattle, Wash.
Journalist, lecturer; b. Sturgeon Bay, Wis., Jan. 2, 1867; dau. Alexander and Cornelia 1 Fuller) Templeton; ed. common schools. Green Bay, Wis.; Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kan., M.A.; m. Neenah, Wis., June 27, 1888, John H. Jewett; m. (2d) Seattle, Wash., Mar. 5, 1911, Robert Lee Hatcher; one daughter: Hazel Templeton Jewett. Learned the printer's trade in the office of a country weeldy. Managing editor the Union Sig- nal, Chicago, 111., 1902-10; pres. 111. Woman's Press Ass'n, 1909-10; Alaskan representative League of American Pen Women, 1910-13. Lec- ture itinerary of Alaska in 1910 In the interests of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union; active in Sunday-school work. Favors woman suffrage. Organized the Bureau of Pub- licity for the National Council of Women Voters, Tacoma, Wash., 1911. Presbyterian. Mem. Moun- taineers Club, Seattle, Wash.
HATCHEB, Orle Latham, Bryn Mawr College,
Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Author, teacher; b. Petersburg, Va. ; grad Vassar Coll., A.B. '88; graduate student Univ. of Chicago, 1901-03, Ph.D. '03; fellow in EngUsh, Univ. of Chicago, 1903-04. Mem. of faculty of Byrn Mawr Coll. since 1904; now associate prof. of Comparative and Elizabethan Literatures. Earlier writings includes: Miss Ginnle, a short story; Work of College Settlements; The Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood of Art, etc. Later work is of the technical sort and Includes John Fletcher, a Study in Dramatic Method; The Sources of Fletcher's Monsieur Thomas; Flet- cher's Hablta of Dramatic Collaboration; Green's Menaphon and the Throclan Wonder; The Ur- Hamlet Problem; Alms and Methods of Eliza- bethan Translators; also various short articles In literary Journals.
HATHAWAY, Eraasreline, Fisk Teachers' Agency, 2 A Park St., Boston, Mass. Manager Fisk Teachers' Agency; b. Jackson Me., 1869; dau. James Wlnslow and Nancy Jane (Durgin) Hathaway; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '90; Oxford Univ., England, grad. student, 1895-96.' Teacher for nearly seven years; for 12 years has been one of managers in Fisk Teachers' Agency, Boston, where she has charge of college womeai and travels extensively, visiting schools and col- leges. Has been on one of advisory boards of Woman's Educational and Industrial Union, Bos- ton, for several years. Author: A, B, ' C of Palmistry; has written for educational Joumala and issued a series of supplementary readers for public schools. Mem. Collegiate Alumnae, Field and Forest Club, College Club (Boston). Chris- tian Scientist. Republican. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. of Srtjool Voters' League, Wom«n'fl