��HABVBY, Anne Catherine Roberta (Mrs.
Gardiner Harvey), 70 Baker St., Guelph, Ont.,
Organist and music teacher; b. Hamilton, Ont., Dec. 25, 1849; dau. James C. and Marianne (Wyatt) Qeddes; ed. at private schools and under governess at home; never went to a pub- lic school. Studied music under several mas- ters, Trinity Coll., Toronto, Mus. Bac. 1899; m. Toronto, Ont., 1884, Gardiner Harvey; children: James Gardiner, George, John Richardson, Rob- ert Geddes (died 1895), Marianne Isabella Ro- berta. , Organist at St. George's Church, Guelph, for 36 years. Composed an opera (Lra Terre Bonne) and an oratorio (Salvator), both of which have been performed in public succe3s> fully a number of times. Interested in mis- sionary work, especially among the foreigners who have come to live among us. Originated a mission among the foreigners In Guelph, which has been very successful. Has been Sunday- school teacher for many years. Against woman suffrage. Composed a number of songs, an- thems and compositions for piano; also niiscel- laneous poems published at various times in periodicals. Mem. Church of England. Conser- vative. Hon. pres. of The Presto (musical club of Guelph). Recreations: Composing music and verse, walking, driving, boating. HARTTB, EUza J. (Mrs. John Harvle), 177
Balmoral Av., Toronto, Can.
Philanthropiart: b. near Peterborough, Ont., 1840; dau. Rev. Kennedy Creighton (Methodist minister); ed. Ottawa and Methodist Ladies' Coll., Dundas, Ont.; m. 1861, John Harvle. As- sisted In founding Woman's Med. College, To- ronto (treas. several years); Haven and Prison (Jate Mission (pres. 17 years); pres. Ladies' Com. of Hospital for Sick Children, 5 years; founded Young Woman's Christian Guild for Working Women, 1888 (pree. 16 years); since 1896 has been inspector of neglected and dependent children for Province of Ont. Was first cor. sec. Toronto W.C.T.U. of U.S., Philadelphia; represented Woman's Board of Missions at Detroit, Chicago and Milwaukee; also delegate to Congress of Women, Chicago, 1893. Presbyterian; first for- eign sec. of Woman's Board of Missions, 1876-96; was sent to visit Indian missions and schools by this board, 1884. Liberal in politics. HASBROUCK, Gcrtmde M., 117 State St., Bris- tol. R.I.
Born S'hokan, N.T., April 10, 1876; dau. Cor- nelius Jansen Hasbrouck, M.D., and Sarah (Penoyar) Hasbrouck; ed. schools of N.T. City; high school, Bristol, R.I.; Smith Coll., A.B. '99. Sec. Bristol Congregational Club, 1899-01; sec. Woman's Auxiliary Y.M.C.A., 1900-02; sec. 1300- 09, vice-pres. 1909-12, Bristol Auxiliary Woman's Board Foreign Missions; sec. and treas. home dep't Congregational Sunday-school, 1908-12; chairman Programme Com. R.I. Smith College Club, 1907-08; parish visitor Bristol Congrega- tional Church, 1907-09; resident worker Neighbor- hood House (social settlement), Denver, Colo., May-Sept., 1910; sup't primary dep't Bristol Con- gregational Sunday-school, 1910 — . Mem. Bristol Chapter D.A.R., Bristol Congregational Home Missionary Soc., Bristol Congregational Club. Recreation: Golf. Against woman suffrage. HASBROUCK, Gertrude Shaw (Mrs. Ira D.
Hasbrouck), Washington, R.I.
Bom Providence, R.I., July 7, 1869; dau. Eddy Mason and Clara C. (Mitchell) Shaw; ed. public schools of Providence, R.I. ; m. Providence, Sept. 4, 1900, Dr. Ira D. Hasbrouck. Mem. R.I. Independence Chapter D.A.R. ; vlce-pres. R.I. State Conference Charities and Corrections, State Sunshine Soc, R.I. Woman's Club, Coventry Woman's €lub; ex-pres. R.I. State Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs; honorary mem. R.I. Sorosls. Uni- tarian. Favors woman suffrage; associate mem. College Equal Suffrage League. HASRKLL, Jessica Josephine, Academy St.,
Hallowell, Me.
Teacher; b. Rockland, Me., Jan. 13, 1880; dau. Charles E. and Emma L. (Sherman) Haskell; ed. Wdlealey Coll., A.B. '02; Durant scholar; grad. work at Columbia Univ., 1911-12. Ass't and later ass't principal of Hallowell (Me.) High
��School. Favors woman suffrage. Author of articles on English teaching published in va- rious magazines, among them articles on Car- lyle and Stevenson In the Journal of Education. Congregatioaalist. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alum- na, D.A.R., Nat. Council of Teachers of English, Maine Teachers' Ass'n. Recreations: Botany, walking. Mem. Parnassus Club of Hallow^ell and Augusta. A descendant through Desire (Doty) Sherman of Edward Doty, passenger In the Mayfiower and party to the famous Compact. HASKELL, Margaret BeU (Mrs. Henry C. Hsys-
kell), 120 E. College St., Oberlln, O.
Born Rhinebeck, N.Y., July 19, 1841; dau. Samuel Franklin and Minerva (Crowell) Bell; ed. high school, Springfield, Mass.; m. South Deerfield, Mass., Aug. 13, 1862, Henry C. Haskell; children: Edward, Mary Minerva, Henry Joseph. With husband went to Bulgaria in 1862, serving there until 1872 as missionaries of tho Am. Board; returned in 1872 and, because of filial obligations, remained In U.S. until 1887, dnring which time her husband held pastoratee in Columbus, Amherst and Marietta; returped to Bulgaria, 1887, and resumed missionary work untU retirement, 1911. Congregationallst. HASKKLL, Oreola WiUlams (Mrs. Robert H.
Haskell), 234 Linden Av., Brooklyn, N.T.
Writer and lecturer; b. Poultney, Vt, April 14, 1875; dau. Theodore and Martha (Rees) Williams; grad. Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y. (oIbsb poet); Cornell Univ., Ph. B. (class poet) '97; m. April 8, 1901, Robert H. Haskell; one daughter: Grace Vivian Haskell. Before marriage taught in public schools of Brooklyn. Has been auditor and recording sec. of N.Y. City Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs, now patroness of Brooklyn Sittlg Christmas Tree Society. Favors woman suf- frage; has been pres. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Club, Brooklyn; pres. People's Political Equality League; pres. Kings Co. Political Equality League; leader of 18th Assembly Dlst. of Wo- man Suffrage Party; held ofBce also in Intcrur- ban Woman Suffrage Council and various chair- manships in State Nat. Suffrage organizations; now writing and lecturing for the cause. Author of three suffrage plays; contributor to Judge, Leslie's Weekly, McCall's and the Housekeeper of verses relative to phases of city life (copied widely throughout the country. Suffrage plays have been given in Brooklyn, N.Y. One was translated Into Norwegian and played in Nor- way. Unitarian. Recreations: Theater, walking, out-door sports. Mem. Flatbush Political Equal Suffrage League, Kings Co. Political Equality League. HASKJLL, Julia KUen Smart (Mrs. William H.
Hasklll), 527 Broad St., Lake Charles, La,
Bom Leeaville, La., June 4, 1861; dau. Lewis Wilson and Julia (Neat) Smart; ed. private sc'hools and LeesvlUe Acad.; m. Lake Charles, La., Dec. 22, 1881, William H. Hasklll. Identified with various religious, social and philanthropic activities. Baptist. Democrat. Mem. Enter- prise Club (pres.). City Park Commission; chair- man State Orphan Board; fourth vlce-pres. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, HASK£NS, Clara AUen (Mrs. Charles Homer
Haskins), 53 Francis Av., Cambridge, Mass.
Born St. Louis, Mo. ; dau. George W. and Lydia Jeannette (McMillan) Allen; ed. Misses Bangs' and Whlton's School in N.Y. City, 1893- 1895; high school, St Louis, Mo., 1895-96; Miss Capen's School, Northampton, Mass., 1896-96; private tutors in Paris, France, 1897-99; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '03; special study In Italy and with M. Georges Baillet, of the Com6die Fran- gaise, Paris; m. London, England, July 11, 1912, Prof. Charles Homer Haskins, of Harvard Univ. Taught French at Kemper Hall, Keno- sha, Wis., 1903-04; at Miss May's School, Boston, 1908-10, 1911-12; at Miss Masters' School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., 1910-11. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Woman's University Club (N.Y. City), Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Recrea- tions: Travel, riding, shooting, etc. HA8LUP, Alice Klma, 2114 Eighteenth St.,
N.W., Wtishington, D.C.
Teacher; b. Laurel, Md. ; dau. Jonathan Waters and Susannah (Harrison) Haslup; ed. Washing-