��Hart, whose ancestors came from Yorkshire, England, direct to Sackville, N.B.; ed. In schools of Nova Scotia and Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '94; special courses In surgery In Johns Hopkins and Cornell Medical Schools. Since 1895 medical missionary of the Reformed (Dutch) Church in America to the Arcot Mission In South India; for four years was associate physician and surgeon, then for two years acting chief of the Ranipe General Hospital, then took her first furlough and since her return to India has been associated with Dr. Ida Scudder in charge of the Vellore Mission Hospital for Women and Children; assisted in training native women as nurses and has a large practice all over that region; aided In the Government work during the plague at Vellore, in recogni- tion of which she was invested by the Governor of Madras with the Kalser-i-Hind medal of the second-class from King Edward, March, 1909. Reared Methodist, but for years affiliated with the Reformed (Dutch) Church In America.
HART, Phoebe Alder (Mrs. Horace Greeley Hart), 374 Vanderbilt Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Bom London, Eng. ; dau. William David and Mary Ann (Cox) Alder; ed. New Bedford, Mass., and grad. In N.Y. High School; m. July 21, 1875, Brooklyn, Horace Greeley Hart; children: Charles Alder, Horace Irving, Ethel Alder. Mem. of the Exec. Board of N.Y. Equal Suf- frage League (Miss Mary G. Hay, pres.); also mem. of the Equal Franchise League and the 10th Assembly Dist. suffrage organization. Epis- copalian. Clubs: Century Theatre, Rainy Day, Current Events, Mozart, Equal Suffrage League, Equal Franchise League, Woman's Republican, The Woman's Republican State Ass'n, IntHmat. Pure Milk League, East Side Clinic, Forum.
HART, Rebecca Mitchell (Mrs. Walter Tillman Hart), Edgewood, New Haven, Conn. Born Edgewood, New Haven, Conn., Jan. 20, 1865; dau. Donald G. Mitchell (the distinguished author, "Ik. Marvei") and Mary (Pringle) Mitchell; ed. private schools in New Haven and Yale Art School; m. Edgewood, New jiiven. Conn., June 3, 1899, Walter Tillncan Hart; chil- dren: Richard Philip 2d, Rebecca Motte, Maria Tillman, Walter Tillman Jr., Donald Grant Mitchell. Against woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. New Haven Lawn Cluh.
HART, Sophie Chactal, Wellesley College, "Wel-
lesley, Mass.
Professor of English; b. Boston, Mass., 1868; dau. Eugene and Anne (Hart) Hart; ed. Rad- cllffe Coll., A.B.; Univ. of Mich., A.M. Prof. English, Wellesley Coll. Trustee Women's Ed- ucational and Industrial Union, Boston, and mem. of Com. to Award its European Fellow- ship of Woman's Education Ass'n, Boston. Has spoken for suffrage at two public meetings In Boston and one private meeting in Brooklyn, N.Y. Author; Critical edition of Jane Shore and The Fair Penitent, by Rowe, with an in- troduction on The Renaissance of Shakespeare In the Eighteenth Century (The Belles Lcttres Series); Three Idylls of the King, by Tennyson, edited with notes and critical introduction; Carlyle's Essay on Burns and a selection of Songs of Burns, edited with critical introduc- tion and notes. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Twen- tieth Century Club (Boston), Boston Authors' Club; director Boston branch Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.
HARTMLAN, Helen Stahr (Mrs. Edwin Mltman Hartman), Franklin and Marshall Acad., Lancaster, Pa.
Born Lancaster, Pa., May 13, 1873; dau. John Summers and Francina E. (Andrews) Stahr; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94; mem. Shakespeare Soc. ; m. June 5, 1905, Edwin Mitman Hartman; chil- dren: Frances Andrews, William Fulmer, Charles Stahr. Before marriage taught in Mrs. Black- wood's School, Lancaster, 1894-95; Lancaster High School, 1895-98; private class, 1898-1900; Belle- ville (N.J.) High School, 1900-01; Miss Stahr's School (now Shippen School), Lancaster, princi- pal. 1901-05. Mem. German Reformed Church. Mem. Iris Club, Lancaster, Pa.
��HARTRIDGE, Emelyn Bettersby, Oakwood,
Plainfleld, N.J.
Principal of private school; b. Country Place, Beaulleu, Ga., 1871; dau. Colonel Alfred Lamar and Julia Smythe (Wayne) Hartridge; ed. by private tutors, boarding school, Vassar, A.B., and governess. Principal the Hartridge School, Savannah, Ga., 1892-1903; the Hartridge School, Plainfleld, N.J., from 1903—. Mem. Plainfleld Com. on Housing. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Head Mistresses' Ass'n, Vas- sar College Aid Soc, N.J. Housing Ass'n, Con- sumers' League of N.J., Child Welfare Ass'n, Nat. Child Labor Com., Nat. Congress of Mothers, Plainfleld Parent- Teachers' Ass'n. Recreations: Driving, boating, swimming. Mem. Plainfleld Country Club, Plainfleld Monday Af- ternoon Club, Plainfleld College Club.
HARTS, Martha Hale (Mrs. William W. Harts), 2110 O St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Bom Chicago, July 28, 1873; dau. Wm. Sllery and Mary Scrauton (Browne) Hale; ad. Smith Coll., B.S. '96. Courses in history and archae- ology (Greek and Egyptian) at Univ. of Chicago, '98; m. Oct. 27, 1898, Chicago, 111., Major William W. Harts, C.E., U.S.A.; children: Mary Hale, b. Dec. 8, 1899; Clement Bates Ellery, b. July 31, 1904; William W., Jr., b. Apr. 22, 1906. Con- gregatlonalist. Mom. Alumnse Ass'n of Smi(,h Coll. Recreations: Tennis, swimming, walk- ing. Against woman suffrage.
HABTT, Jeesio Knight (Mrs. Rollin Lynch
Hartt), Ponkapoag, Mass.
Magazine writer; b. Rockland, Me., Dec. 14, 1874; dau. Frank C. and Jessie (Clark) Knight; grad. Wellesley, B.A. '97; m. Rockland Me., Dec. 25, 1901, RolUn Lyncfh Hartt; one son: John Francis. Contributor of stories In Scrib- ner's, Ainslee's and other magazines. Mem. Boston College Club, the Community Cluh of Canton, Mass. Recreations: Reading, tramping playing with bahies. Congregatlonalist.
HARTT, Mary Bronson, 96 Linden St., Allston
Born Ithaca, N.Y., Mar. 23, 1873; dau. Prof Charles Pred. Hartt (of Cornell Univ.) and Lucy C. Lynde; ed. Buffalo Sem., grad. 1890. Has been free lancing since 1901, writing for Outlook World's Work, Everybody's, Scribner's, Century,' Woman's Home Companion, etc., also many un- signed editorial essays and much work for Bos- ton Transcript. Against woman suffrage.
HARTWELL. Mary Ann, Public Documents
Office, Washington, D.C.
Librarian; b. Becket, Mass., Mar. 14, 1871- duu Rev. John and Mrs. Sarah Wetmore (s'outh- mayd) Hartwell; ed. HlUhouse High School New Haven, Conn, (valedictorian), '90- Smith Coll., B.L. '94. Ass't Forbes Library North- ampton, Mass., 1894-96; cataloguer. Public Doc- uments Library, Washington, D.C. Nov 1896—. Compiler of Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789-1909; Vol. 1, Lists of Congressional and Departmental Publications issued by the Sup't of Documents, 1911 Con- gregatlonalist. Member Alumnae Ass'n of Smith Coll., Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse, Am. Library Ass'n, Dist. of Columbia Library Asa'n Soc of Mayflower Descendants, Nat. Qeog ' Soc ' Coll. Women's Club, and Smith Coll'. Club (Washington, D.C). Favors woman suffrage.
HARTWELL, Maud Louise Ray, 90 Winter St Norwood, Mass.
Writer; b. Franklin, Mass.; grad. Vassar Coll A.B. 1900; m. Dec. 12, 1907, Dr. Arthur Spear Hartwell. Assistant editor of the New York Evangelist, 1901-02; contributor of poems to va- rious magazines.
HARTWELL, Maude Appleton, 25S Norfolk St Dorchester, Mass. '
Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B L '93; student of English, Radcliffe Coll., 1900-01; Alliance Francaise, Paris, and Univ. of Grenoble' France, summer of 1904. Teacher, Brookllne (Mass.) High School, 1893-03; Dorchester (Mass) High School since 1903.