Hart Lester (A.B. Smith, '13), Daniel Lester, tist. Recreations: Tennis, swimming. Studied Ambia Harris, Harriet Octavia. Congregation- in Europe, England 1899, Italy 190^ Italy 1912. alist. Mem. Wellesley Club, Western Mass.; HARRIS, Minnie Greenwo»^ (Mrs. P. J. Harris), Smith Club, College Club (local); charter mem. Lampasas, Tex.
of all: Springfield Woman's Club. Born Lampasas, Tex.; dau. Bird C. and
HARRIS, Jane HoweU, 62 Myrtle Av., Mont- Bathsheba (Espy) Greenwood; ed. Centenary Clair, N.J. Coll., Lampasas, B.L. ; m. Lampasas, Dec. 23,
Physician; b. Montelair, N.J. ; ed. Montclair 1897, F. J. Harris. Teacher before marriage. (N.J.) High School; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1891-93; Bible class teacher of young men. Active in Woman's Medical Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. literary, musical and federated clubs, public '99. Ass't in out-practice. Woman's Med. Coll. library and public school work. Baptist. Sec. of N.y. Infirmary, 1899-1900; in practice as Baptist Women Mission Workers of Central physician, Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1900-01; Texas. Mem. Public Library Board, Pierian medical missionary to Porto Rico, 1901-04, and Literary Club of Lampasas.
1908-11; physician in Presbyterian Hospital, Porto HARRIS, Miriam Coles (Mrs. Sidney Smith Har- Rico, 1904-05. rl3)_ care Convent of the Assumption, St.
HARRIS, Janet Simons (Mrs. Nathaniel E. Lawrence-on-Seas, Thanet, England.
Harris), Irondale. Donora, Pa. Author: b. East Island, Dosoris, Long Island,
Born Titusville, Pa., Nov. 19, 1869; dau. Abra- N.Y., July 7, 1834; dau. Butler and Julia Ann ham and Esther Helen (Katz) Simons; ed. (Weeks) ' Coles; ed. St. Mary's Hall, Burllng- Bradford and Titusville public schools and Lo- ton, N.J. ; Madam Canda, 17 Lafayette Place, retto Abbey, Toronto, Ont. ; when grad., taking N.Y.; m. N.Y. City, Apr. 20, 1864, Sidney Smith examinations of Toronto Normal School and Harris; children: Sidney, Nathalie. Author: receiving gold medal, as well as Gov. -General's Rutledge (Cambridge Classics); The Suther- prize in English literature; m. Bradford, Pa., lands; St. Philip's; Happy-go-Lucky; Richard Apr. 14, 1896, Nathaniel E. Harris; children: Vandermarck; A Perfect Adonis; Missy, Phoebe; Leo Howard, Laurence Simons, Nathaniel E., A Corner of Spain; An Utter Failure; The Tents Jr. Has for years acted as chairman of local of Wickedness; Louie's Last Term at St. Mary Juvenile Court Com., which in addition to work (child's story). Roman Catholic. Against wo- indicated, does practically all the relief work man suffrage.
in town. Has conducted a reli^ous school Harris xheona Clare Peck (Mrs. William which m nme years of existence has gr«>wn in j^hnsoA Harris), 1012 Simpson St.. N.Y. City. membership from 14 to 50 Chairman of Badge niustrator; grad Smith Coll.. B.A. '95, and In Com. of State ^ederat on of Pa. Women d rec- ,g ^^^^^ ^ . .
tor m Nat Counci of Jewish Women--inaug^ Students' League. N.Y. City. 1897-98 m. Sept. 24, rated Dep't of Educat on in that organizat on William Johnson Harris. Tekeher of art
chairman Com. on Education six years-refus«i -j^^ illustrator for books
reappointment— also served as auditor. Uemo- , ma^aVlnoa
crat. Mem. Nat. Education Ass'n. Women's ^^°- magazmes.
Auxiliary of Temple Beth Zion (Bradford, Pa.), HARRISON, Adella L,eftwlch (Mrs. Tbomaa Nat, Geog. Soc, Jewish Publication Soc. of Perrln Harrison), 1B03 Hlllsboro St.. Raleigh, America, Pa. Ass'n for the Blind. Nat. Health N.C.
League. Mem. Pittsburgh Section, Council of Born Alexandria. Va., Aug. 15. 1868; dau. Jewish Women; Pa. State Suffrage Ass'n. Brad- James Turner and Adelia (Lake) Leftwich; ed. ford Women's Club. Taught in Bradford pub- Southern Home School, Baltimore. Md.; m. lie schools until married. Favors woman Atlanta. Ga.. Jan. 9. 1894, Thomas Perrin Harrl- suftrage. son (of S.C); children; James Leftwich. Thomas
HARRIS, LUlie Coyle Hench (Mrs. Wilbur F. Perrin, Florence Leftwich. Lewis Wardlaiw. Harris). Ill Boas St., Harrisburg, Pa. Now pres. The Woman's Club of Raleigh,
Teacher of voice; b. Harrisburg, Pa.; ed. in largest woman's cub in N.C. (390 members and schools of Harrisburg, Pa., and Vassar Coll., eight active depts). Active in civic and phllan- A B '94 m April 29 1903 Wilbur P. Harris ; thropic work. Contributor to local papers and one ■ daughter. Governess at St. Croix, Danish coll. magazines. Presbyterian. Mem. Churcli West Indies 1894-95; church soloist, 1896-1902, and Missionary Soc. FortnighUy Review Club, again since 1905. Teacher of chorus singing in Pofs not favor woman sufirage, but believes It the Misses Seller's School, Harrisburg, Pa., is inevitable.
since 1908; choir director. 1912 — . HARRISON, Carrie, 1331 Newton St., N.B.,
HARRIS Lina SmaU (Mrs. Hayden B. Harris), Washington, B.C.; office. Room 401, Bureau 1514 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. of Plant Industry, U.S. Dep't of Agriculture.
Born WaterviUe. Me.. 1882; dau. Albion W. ^ Bom Fayette County, Iowa; dau. C. C. and Small (dean of graduate School of Arts and Lovisa S. (Ray) Harrison; ed. S. S. Acad., Literature Univ of Chicago) and Valeria (von Upper Iowa Univ., Valparaiso and.) Normal Massow) Small- ed. Univ. of Chicago (mem. School, Wellesley Coll.. Cornell Univ. Has de- Mortar Board) ; m. June 5. 1907, Hayden B. grees of B.E.. B.S.. M.A. At 16 taught a country Harris- children: Norman Walte II., Lincoln school; at 17-18 managed a farm; later be- ■Small ' came Interested in botany and with a book, dog
„ , ,, ., -, and horse as companions made several prize col-
HARRIS, Limue Sarah, East Machlaa. Me. lections of Iowa plants. Did the first curator
Author; b. Eladt Machias, Me., Jan. 15, iSKi; ^^^.-^ gj ^l^g j^j^^^ Herbarium, organizing a half dau. Joslah and Sarah (Tobey) Harris; ed. iflast mmion specimens; visited the largest herbaria of Machias. Author: Sweet Peggy; Berthas Sum- Europe and secured from Germany for the Gov- mer Boarders; The Young Capitalist. Oongre- ernment the most complete collecUon of Porto gatlonalist. Rican plants In America. At the time of the
HARRIS Lucy A. Bailey (Mrs. John Howard Boxer uprising in China was the means of get- Harris)' Lewisburg, Pa. ting a cablegram through to the American Lega- Born La Plume Pa'.. 1858; dau. Harvey H. and tion in Peking, which probably saved all the for- Harriet (Tillinghast) Bailey; ed. Keystone Acad., eign embassies in China. This was called by Pa. • m July 20 1881, John Howard Harris Andrew D. White the finest piece of diplomacy (pres of Buckn'ell Univ.); children: Reese in 1900. Mem. Woman's Nat. Press Ass'n, Brook- Harvey George BaUey, Shenan Tillinghast, Cole- land Rose Soc., Washington Wellesley Club, man James Pardon, Walter, Spenser. Interested College Equal Suffrage League. Recreations: in the social and religious activities of Bucknell Gardening, small dinners and after-dinner speak- Univ. and the city of Lewisburg. ing. Uncompromisingly for woman suffrage. HARRIS Mary BeUe, Lewisburg, Pa. HARRISON, Constance Cary (Mrs. Burton Har-
Teacher of Latin; dau. John Howard and rlson), 1607 I St., Washington, D.C. Mary (Mace) Harris- grad. Bucknell School of Author; b. in Fairfax Co., Va., April 25, 184«; Music '93- Bucknell Univ., A.B. '94; A.M. '95; dau. Archibald and Momlnia (Fairfax) Cary; ed. Univ ' of Chicago Ph.D. (mem. Pi Beta Phi), at home by governesses and studied music and Social worker. Favors woman sullrage. Bap- languages in Europe.; home in Virginia waa