< Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu
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has written poems for many occaBlons. many Divine. Mem. Hew Yorkers, Woman's Press

of which have been locally published. Favors Club, Health Protective Ass'n, Intemat. MllK

woman suffrage. League, Federated Theatre Club, Round Table.

IIABRIOT, Josephine Ladenburg (Mrs. S. Car- Favors woman suffrage.

man Harriot), MUano, 125 W. Fifty-eighth HARRIS, Emma Gale (Mrs. Norman W.

St., N.Y. City. Harris), 4520 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, 111.;

Bom Ellwangen, Wiirtemberg, April 12, 1881, summer, Wadsworth Hall, Lake Geneva, Wis.

dau. Col. Morltz and Theresa (Thorwarth) Laden- Born Newton, N.H., Dec. 4, 1848; dau. Jona-

burg; ed. Stuttgart, Wurtemberg; m. N.Y. City, than Greeley and Susan C. (Shaw) Gale; grad.

June 6, 1906 S. Carman Harriot; one son: S. Mt. Holyoke Coll.; took four years' course in

Carman. Chairman of the Membership Com. of Haverhill (Mass.) High School, ranking 100 per

the Auxiliary to the Civil Service Reform Ass'n. cent for entire course (only student who ever

Interested in the Woman's Municipal League reached it); grad. Mt Holyoke Coll., '68 (pres.

and various religious, social and philanthropic of class, lS64-€8) ; m. Newton, N.H., April 21,

activities. Againet woman suffrage. Catholic. 1879, Norman W. Harris; children: Pearl Emma

Recreations: (Jolf, tennis, riding. Contributes Harris, Hayden B., SUnley Gale Harris. One of

occasionally oa current subjects. founders St. James M.E. Church; interested In

HARRIS. Agnes Kllen. Tallahassee, Fla. deaconess work a^d many philanthropies Chi-

Teacher- h Cedartown Ga Julv 17 1883- dau ^^^° Home for Frieudless, Holiday Home in

James'coffe'e a^ndS'n"(^mmonif Hirn^f^'grld! '^-^^^^ ^^.I^^I'^V^J^fnl^g 'fchoorDea^nl's^

Milledgeville, Ga., '02; Oread Inst., Worcester, ^,°fP'^' 9,. lo^ J n^ nf M^?hLi^t iSt^

Mass.. '01; Columhia Univ., B.S. '10. Director Aid Soc., St James Guild Methodist. Mem.

dep't home economics, Florida SUte College for ^:^-^- w^"f^^i,°°A-„h (i^i.^^n Pn?fpep riX

Wnmpn- In charPfi e\rW e-arflpnin? and cannlne Chicago Woman s Club, Chicago College UUO.

cTub wbrif fn F^lorfda, l^sUtutlf f^ f^e^^ ^J^?"" "'^^ '"^ *''^' '^"'""^ '""^ '°

wives in Florida. Favors woman suffrage. ■C'gypi'

HAKRIA RpI1« C rMrs Tharles Harris) Em- HARRIS, Florence Nightingale Btnlght (Mrs. S.

^^72% ^r. cnarles warns), t.m Marcus Harris), 12 West Seventieth St., N.Y.

porla, Kan. _.

Born Beech Wood, Pa., Sept. 8, 1856; dau. o _ ' rr.„M.,„„n,« ct„.»r, io1ot,,i m v n^t r Christopher and EliEabeth (Coleman) Heck; ed. lo?,""^^ J"*^"!" fi, ^^A^q.rfh rwi^'^ii KniJi Ottawa (Kan.) High Schoo ; m. Ottawa, Kan., If2; dau Emanuel and Sarah (Mcholl) Krilgh^ April 22, 1885, Charles Harris; husband mem. of (^^r maternal grandfather Morland Micholl Kansas 'Legislature, 1899-1901.' Past dep't com- ^^^^L^'^^tchan^^a^d 'hfs wife Reb^^^ mander of the G.A.R.; now director of Kansas P'°°®1',™?rf?^^, '.t^^^^^'I^Hi 'Jvit int^^^^^^^^^^ Free Employment Bureau. Past nat. pres. of the JT»s daughter of Aaron Sorla. who introduced Wom^T Relief Corns nat counselor ta the 'he art of dyeing in this country; her paternal nat^r^ of same Favors woSln suffraie grandfather, Jacob Knight, fought under the first "ongrpgatlonallBt Progressive in Scs M^" Napoleon, and was a member of his staff); ed. F^fem Star (sec 14 vllrl? wCan%' ffif ^rs. Reed's School; m. S. Marcus Harris; chU- ct^M (treM if years) Tec'reSfsinrinK '^^^^ ^- K^^'S^t' ^^^^^- '^'■^^- of Auxiliary Soc. Xfl^ 'm,fff;„it R?,Hi;<, nu,h iI^aI^)^ Mnh In of Washington Heights Hospital; mem. Emanuel ^^^iT? Reading Club (oldest club In sisterhood f trustee State Children's Fund; trus- i!,-mporia). ^^^ ^j Professional Woman's League. Mem. N.Y. HARRIS, Bertha Wright Carr (Mrs. R. Carr Theatre Club. Hebrew. Favors woman suffrage. Harris), Kingston Ont ■ HARRIS, Hannah Margaret, Hyannls. Mass. Bom Hull, Que May 9 1863; dau. E. V. and Teacher; b. Gadsden Co., Fla., Dec. 27, 1865; Frances (Marston) Wright; ed. Ottawa Ladies ^^^ Charles Miller and Isabella (Jewett) Har- ^^Ih- ™- ^^'^^ 6 1896, R. Carr Harris, C.E.; ^.^ g^ Farmington (Me.) State Normal School, children: Grant Guy Lome, Gwenyth, Brian, ^ggg (-ornell Univ., Ph.B. '94; also special dl- Redford. ^Founder of Ottawa Y.W.C.A. Home 1^^^^ ^^j. ^^^.^ j^ political and social science, for Friendless Women Ottawa; pres^ Mlranilchi f^. gummer session at Univ. of Pa., '95, work in Presbyterial of Women s Home and Foreign Mis- political and social science. Taught in grammar sionary Soc. Author: The White Chief of the gghools, 1889; In Livingston Park Sem.. Roch- S^i^^^xi .^^^*-^ v.?.°5 P^^^^, °^- ^Jf^^^^ Work; gg^g ^y ig94.97. state Normal School. Ply- Bible Notes (published weekly in 62 newspapers mouth. N.H., 1897-1900; State Normal School, in the name of Evangeline ). Presbyterian. Hyannls, Mass., since 1900 (acting principal HARRIS, Cora May White (Mrs. Lundy How- absence four months, 1906). Interested In local ard Harris), 310 Twenty-fourth Av., South, community Interests. Unitarian. Mem. New Nashville, Tenn. England History Teachers' Ass'n, New England Author; b. Farm Hill, Ga., Mar. 17, 1869; dau. Ass'n of Teachers of English, Hyannls Library Tinsley Rucker and Mary Elizabeth (Matthews) Ass'n, Hyannls Woman's Club (Mass. Federa- White; ed. at home; m. Feb. 8, 1887, Rev. Lundy tion). Favors woman suffrage. Howard Harris (died Sept 18 1910) Author: A „arris. Harriette D. (Mrs. J. Somervllle Har- Circult Rider s Wife, 1910; Eve's Second Hus- ^.j^. Vienna, Va.

band 1911; The Recording Angel 1912 Collab- p^^^^^ j^^^ b. Maryland, Nov. 13, 1864; orated with Paul Elnier More in Writing The ^^^ q/ ^ ^^ La^^ (Dement) Tubman Jessica Letters; contributor to the Independent. ^ Washington. D.C.; m. Washington, D.C.- American Magazine and other publications, j^^^ ^ 1888, J. SomerrlUe Harris; children Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. j^^^^^ Meredith, b. May 31, 1889; Dorothy Hol- HARRIS. Cornelia Burton (Mrs. Herbert Taylor lingsworth, b. Mar. 22, 1903. EJngaged in char- Harris), Basin. Wyo. Itable and educational work in Washington, D.C., Born Carteivllle, 111., April 14, 1882; dau. Frank for 20 years. Against woman suffrage. Eplsco- W. and Anna R. (Newton) Burton; grad. Black- pallan. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters of the burn Univ., A.B. '03; Bryn Mawr, grad. student. Confederacy. Mem. Monday Evening Club. Has 1903-04; Washington Univ., 1904-05; Blackburn been charter mem, and pres. two chapters of the Univ., 1905-06; m. CartervlUe, 111., June 27, 1906, U.D.C. ; now honorary pres. of the Dixie Chapter, Dr. Herbert Taylor Harris; one son: Herbert No. 1241, U.D.C.

Burton, b Sept. 7 1907. Mem. Guild of St. HARRIS. Henrietta Clark (Mrs. William Allen

Andrews, Basin Woman s Club. Episcopalian. Harris), 1104 Worthlngton St, Springfield,

Favors woman suffrage. Democrat j^^g . gummer. Great Chelraque Island, CaBco

HARRIS. Eliza Burton, 443 W. 4Bth St, N.Y. Bay, Me.

City. Bom Springfield, Mass.; dau. Daniel Lester

Teacher: b. Oldbury, England; dau. Thomas and Harriet Octavla (Corson) Harris; ed. Wel-

and Mary E. Burton; ed. Normal Coll., N.Y. lesley Coll. (preparatory); Miss Burnham's,

City. Interested in Actors' Church Alliance of Northampton, Mass.; Smith Coll., A.B. '83 (mem.

America (Nat. treas.). Mem. Altar Com. of Alpha); m. Springfield, Mass., Oct. 10, 1883,

Cathedral of St. John The Divine, and of William Allen Harris; children: Henrietta Cor-

Church Ass'n In Interest of labor. Episcopalian, son (A.B. Smith, '09), William Allen (B.S. Yale,

Mem. Auxiliary of Cathedral of St. John the "01), Chesley Gardiner (Ph.B. '12) (deceased).


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