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��HARPER, Katherine Medill Patrick (Mrs. Charles W. Harper), 7 3 Jefferson St., Colum- bus, Ohio. Born New Philadelphia, Ohio, Nov. 13, 1863;

dau. Abraham W. and Mary (Talbot) Patrick;

grad Cummock's School oi Oratory; m. Dec. 10,

1890, Charles W. Harper. .

HARPER, Mabel Herbert Cmer (Mrs. Lothrop Colgate Harper) — see Urner, Mabel Herbert.

HARPSTER, M. Julia Jacobs (Mrs. John Henry Harpster), Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.; (tem- porary), 1616 E. First St., Los Angeles, Cal. Missionary; b. Gettysburg, Pa., Dec. 17, 1846; dau. Prof. Michael Jacobs, D.D., and Julia M. (Eyster) Jacobs; ed. Gettysburg private school and Maplewood, Pittsfield, Mass.; m. Gettys- burg, Pa., Aug. 1, 1882, John Henry Harpster, D.D. Foreign missionary. Associated with hus- band in missionary work in India, 1893-1909; was manager of Industrial School for Mohammedan Women, schools for Mohammedan and Hindu girls and of Lace Industry for Panchamma women; now retired from the foreign field, but active at home in missionary interests, espe- cially the Woman's Foreign Missionary work of the Lutheran Church. Author: Among the Telugoos; and articles on missionary work. Lutheran.

HARRIMAN, Alice, 2 W. Forty-flfth St., N.Y.


Author, publisher; b. Newport, Me., Mar. 12, 1861; dau. James and Mary E. (Ladd) Harri- man; ed. Newport (Me.) High School; widow. Publisher; began in Seattle, Wash., 1907; moved to N.Y. City, Apr., 1910. Author: Stories cf Montana; Songs o' the Sound; Chaperoning Adrienne Through the Yelloiwstone ; Songs o' the Olympics; Lemon Juice; Man of Two Coun- tries; Wilt Thou Not Sing? Christian Scien- tist. Clubs: Dramatists, Browning, Seattle Writers', Scribes, Seattle Woman's Commercial. Favors woman suffrage. Only woman publisher of books in the world. HARRIMAN, Bertha Ray (Mrs. Edward Avery

Harriman), 72 Edgehill Road, New Haven,


Born Chicago, 111., July 21, 1866; dau. Charles Henry and Julia Annah (Clarke) Ray; ed. private schools, private tutors. Smith Coll., A.B. '86; Oxford (England) student of English, 1892-93; m. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 31, 1897, Edward Avery Harriman (lawyer, author of Harriman on Con- tracts). Charter mem. (1887) Friday Club of Chi- cago (has held various olfices); mem. and chair- man Student Dep't Am. Com. Y.W.C.A., 1898- 1901, Chicago, mem. Northeastern Field Com. of Nat. Board Y.W.C.A. (N.Y. City), 1908-13; mem. Board of Managers New Haven Y.W.C.A., and other charitable organizations. Episcopalian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Alliance Frangaise, Smith Alumnae Ass'n, Smith Coll. Club of New Haven. Associate mem. Paint and Clay Club and of Saturday Morning Club; mem. Country Club and Lawn Club (New Haven). Recreation: Foreign travel. Against woman suffrage. HARRIMAl»f, Cora Elizabeth, 15 High St.,

Framingham, Mass.

Physician; b. Somerville, Mass., 1876; dau. Charles F. and Mary White (Conant) Harriman; ed. Framingham Normal School, Framingham Training School for Nurses, Tufts Med. School. Was interne at New England Hospital two years, Wcwnen's Charity Club externe on Boston Floating Hospital; clinician on staff of Pope Dispensary one term, and later in Framingham Hospital. Congregationalist. Mem. Am. Med. AEs'n, Mass. Med. Ass'n, Framingham Med. Soc, Framingham Country Club. IlAKRrMAN, Florence Jaffray (Mrs. Borden

Harriman), 35 E. Forty-ninth St., N.Y. City.

Born New York, July 21, 1870; dau. Frances W. J. and Caroline Elsie (Jaffray) Hurst; ed. private school in N.Y. City; m. St. Thomas' Church, N.Y. City, Nov. 13, 1882, Borden Harri- man; one daughter: Ethel Borden Harriman. Pres. Colony Club; chairman of Com. for Re- duction of Infant Mortality of N.T. Milk (3om. ; chairman Woman's Auxiliary to the Dep't of

��Health Tuberculosis Clinics; first vice-chairman Exec. Council Woman's Welfare Dep't of Nat. Civic Fed. Episcopalian. Recreations: Riding, tennis, golf, yachting. Mem. Colony Club. HARRIMAN, Mary W. (Mrs. Edward Henry Harriman t, 1 E. Si.xty-ninth St., N.Y. City. Born Ogdensburg, N.Y. ; dau. A. J. Averill; ed. in Ogdensburg, N.Y. ; m. 1879, Edward Henry Harriman (died Sept. 9, 1909); children: Carol, W. Averill, Roland. Her husband, the distin- guished financier, left his entire estate, ap- praised at about $100,000,000 to her absolutely, making her the executrix of his will, and she has since successfully managed the vast properties, including the large interests In the Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, Erie, Baltimore and Ohio and N.Y. Central railroads, the Harriman I^ational Bank and many other properties. In- terested in various charities, including among her benefactions gifts to the Southern Pacific Hospital, San Francisco; Yale University, the E. H. Harriman Research Fund of the Adiron- dack Cottage Sanitarium, Saranac Lake; |150,000 to the chief surgeon of the Southern Pacific Rail- way to endow a laboratory for the benefit of the company's employees, |100,000 to Yale to endow the E. H. Harriman chair of forestry, $80,000 to Bureau of Municipal Research toward a fund for a training school for public service, $50,000 for improvement of Dead wood Park, St. Paul; has also made substantial gifts to the Eugenics Record office. Mem. Colony Club, Tuxedo Club. HARRINGTON, Mrs. George F., 1025 S. Seven- teenth St., Birmingham, Ala. Born Greenwood, Miss.; dau. R. P. and Mary (Nash) Parish; ed. Race Street Coll., Philadel- phia; m. West Point, .viiss., George F. Harring- ton. Mem. Presbyterian Aid Soc, Music Study Club, Twentieth Century Club, Alabama Fed. of Women's Clubs (recording sec), D.A.R., United Daughters of the Confederacy; sec.-treas. Council of Women's Clubs. Against woman suffrage. Pen name, "Isabelle Marr." Author of feature articles in Birmingham Age-Herald. Presbyterian. Recreation: Duplicate whist. HARRINGTON, Laura Frick (Mrs. Albert Har- rington), 1823 Park Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Born Lewi&burg, Fa., Feb. 15, 1851; dau. Will- iam and Mary (Wilson) Frick; ed. Quaker School, Philadelphia, ^ Pa. ; m. Winona, Minn., Aug. 20, Albert Harrmgton; children: Clara N., Mary M., Helen, Glena M. Methodist. HARRINGTON, Mrs. Lucy Irwin, 526 S. Logan St., Denver, Colo.

City recorder; b. Keokuk, la., Feb. 6, 1858; dau. John Reily and Eliza Jane (Oakes) Irwin; grad. Decatur (111.) High School, '75; m. Deca- tur, 111., June 15, 1882, George Harrington; chil- dren: Ethel Harrington (Stillman), Gladys Har- rington (Morgan). Taught five years in schools of Decatur, 111.; was certificated inst. instructor and taught in many insts. in Macon and Ma- coupin counties. 111. Was for ten years (1894- 1904) clerk of Stats Board of Charities and Cor- rections and State Board of Pardons of Colo. Was first sec. Colo. Prisoners' Aid Soc; now rec. sec. and director of its successor, the Colo. Prison Ass'n. Mem. Colo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n since 1893. Occasional contributor to magazine. Nationally Democrat; locally Citizens' Party. Recreations: Gardening, raising chickens, music, a good play; but chiefly reading and the society of her little granddaughter. On May 21, 1912, citizens of Denver united to cast out of offica those who had long governed their city and elected a non-partisan set of officers of whom she is one; now serving as Recorder of city and Co. of Denver. HAIIRINGIXJN, Sara Maria, Victor, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Geneva, N.Y., July 24, 1803; dau. Elias Wright and Marietta (Doty) Harrington; grad. Geneva High School (Regents' diploma), '81; Geneseo Normal, classical diploma, June, 1884. Sunday-school teacher, worker In mis- sionaiT socs. and Christian Endeavor Soc; also interested in civic improvement of village. Presbyterian. Mem. Unity Club. Recreation: Music. Has been preceptress in Victor High School since 1885; pres. Woman's Club since 1892; has given addresses before that body, and


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