��HASE, Kvanetta, 20 Eighth St., Troy, N.Y.
Principal grammar school; b. Troy, N.Y., Sept. 6, 1862; dau. Johu and Agnes (Strain) Hare; ed. Troy High School, private tutors. Pres. Wom- en's Civic League; mem. National Housing Ass'n, State Consumers' League, Inter-City Housing Com., Troy Housing Com., Girls' Club Ass'n, Working Women's Club (charter mem.). Pres- byterian. Progressive. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Political Equality Club. HAKCiER, Maria Mclionald (Mrs. K. D. Har- ger), 1465 S. Mulberry St., Riverside, Cal. Born Rochester, Mich., Jan. 15, 1S61; dau. Benjamin Fowler and Phebe (Burt) McDonald; grad. Michigan Univ., B.L. '87; m. Rochester, Mich., July 17, 1889, K. D. Harger; children: Donald R., Solon Burt. Teacher Bay City High School, 18S7-S9; Elgin Acad., 1894-98. Congrega- tionalist. Democrat. Mem. Wednesday Morning Club of Riverside.
HAKKER, Catharine, care Miss Harlier's School, Palo Alto, Cal.
Private school principal; b. Portland, Oregon; ed. in schools of Portland, Ore., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '89. Teacher in high school, Portland, Ore., 1889-90; Mills College, Cal., 1890-93, and 1899-1902; Curtner Seminary, 1897-99; since 1902 principal of her own school at Palo Alto, Cal. HAKKNESS, Una McMahan (Mrs. Frank Edger- tou Harkness), 6016 Stony Island Av., Chi- cago, 111.
Born Quincy, 111., July 27, 1871; dau. Robert William and Anna (Benneson) McMahan; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '94; m. Chicago, Oct. 19, 1909, Frank Edgerton Harkness. Demonstrator in dep't of history of art and classical archaeology at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1907-09. Writer in Gazette des Beaux Arts: Une Exposition documentaire en Pennsylvanie.
HARLAN, Ida Carter (Mrs. Columbus C.
Harlan), Box 87, Calhoun, Ga.
Born Knox Co., Tenn.; dau. Col. J. E. and
Lizzie (Patton) Carter; grad. Martha Washington
Coll., Ablngton, Va., '76; m. March, 1886, J. B.
Johnson (died September, 1888); (2d) Oalhoun,
Ga., Oct. 31, 1895, Columbus C. Harlan; one
daughter: Lizzie Johnson, b. Jan. 5, 1887 (died
Oct. 20, 1903). Active in church societies. Mem.
U.D.C. and Calhoun Woman's Club. Methodist.
HARLAN, Marie Hall (Mrs. J. H. Harlan),
Langdon, N.Dak.
Librarian Langdon public library; b. Rockland, Mich., Nov. 4, 1853; dau. Edward and Marie (Elms) Hall; m. Minneapolis, 1902, J. H. Harlan. Pros. Langdon Woman's Club. Romau Catholic. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. HARLOW, Sarah Havens, N.Y. Botanical Gar- den, Bronx Park, N.Y. City. Librarian; b. Florida, N.Y., Oct. 20, 1867; dau. Rev. Henry A. and Rebecca R. (Olden) Harlow; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.S. "91; Columbia Univ., A.M. '01. Presbyterian.
HARMON, Julia R. Riker (Mrs. Frank D. Har- mon). 778 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City; dau. Samuel and Mary Anna (Stryker) Riker; m. April 6, 1892, Richard Riker (died Aug. 2, 1896); (2d) June 4, 1901, Frank D. Harmon (died July 22, 1907); chUdren: Ruth Riker, b. Feb. 15, 1893; Samuel Riker, b» Feb. 15, 1895. Episcopalian.
HARPER, Blanche B. (Mrs. J. C. Harper), 620 Frances St., Madison, Wis.
Born Union, Wis., April 11, 1879; dau. Locke W. and Ada (El'wood) Brigham; grad. Wis. State Univ., A.B. ; Wis. School of Music; mem. Kappa Alpha Theta; m. Dec. 3, 1903, J. C. Harper; one daughter: Ruth Wells Harper, b. July 12, 1906. Director on Board of Madison Associated Chari- ties; sec. Madison Woman's Club; pres. of Theta Building Ass'n; director on Board of Woman's Club Building; chairman of Unitarian Church Fair. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. HAKFEK, Carrie Anna, Sunderland, Mass.
Teacher; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Henry Mason and CAroline (Bennett) Harper; ed. Girls' Latin School, Boston, 1890-92; Radcliffe Coll., 1892-96; CTad. student at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896-97, and Radcliffe, 1897-98; fellow In EngliBh, Bryn Mawr
��Coll., 1898-99; Radcliffe, A.B. '96, A.M. '98, Ph.D., Bryn Mawr, '10. Teacher In Oilman School for Girls, Cambridge, 1899-1907; instruc- tor English literature, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1907-11; associate prof. English literature, 1911 — . Author: Caradoc (in Modern Language Notes), 1898; The Beau's Comedy (in collaboration with Beulah Marie Dix), 1902; A Comparison be- tween the Brome and Chester Plays of Abraham and Isaac (Radcliffe Coll. Monographs, No. 15), 1910; The Sources of The British Chronicle His- tory in Spenser's Faerie Queene (Bryn Mawr Coll. Monograph, No. 7), 1910. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n of America. Mem. Coll. Club, Boston. Recreations: Walking, gardening. HARPER. Clara Moore (Mrs. Charles L. Har- per! , 1029 University Av., Madison, Wis. Teacher; b. Lancaster, Wis., Feb. 21, 1854; dau. Hugh A. and Nancy (McClenathan) Moore; ed. Lancaster schools; gi-ad. Univ. of Wis., B.S. '75; m. Lancaster, Wis., 1884, Charles Lewis Harper; children: Hugh Allen, Hester Lewis, Carl Samuel. Teacher four years in grammar and high schools. Interested in school and social center work, medical and dental inspection in schools, home economics in schools, social serv- ice, associated charities. Author: Essays on Emerson; Essays on Frances WUlard. Mem. Congregational Church and church societies. Mem. Century Club (Lancaster), Woman's Club, West End Club (TJadison). Recreations: Shakes- peare, Emerson, reading, flowers, literary con- test as judge, concerts, theatre, home economics courses, travel. Congregationalist. Favors wo- man suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage League in Wis. Progressive Democrat.
HARPER, Cora Stickney (Mrs. Charles Thomas Harper), Fort Pierce, St. Lucie Co., Fla, Bom Newport, N.H., Sept. 6, 1859; dau. Joseph Augustus and Asenath (White) Stickney; ed. Great Falls (now Somersworth), N.H., public schools; grad. high school, '76; Wellesley CkiU., B.A. '80; Art Students' League, N.Y. (mem. Zeta Alpha, local Wellesley); m. Savannah, Ga., July 14, inoi, Charles Thomas Harper; one son (died in infancy). Sec. Am. McAll Ass'n, Phila- delphia, 1885-87. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of newspaper articles, editorials, travel letters, etc. Episcopalian. Progressive in politics. Charter mem. Everglades Chapter D.A.R. of Miami, Fla. Recreation: Out-door sketching. Charter mem. Somersworth (N.H.) Woman's Club, 1895; organized Boynton (Fla.) Woman's Club, 1909. Mem. Entre Nous Club (West Palm Beach, Fla.), 1912- Chairman Library Exten-
sion Com., Fla.; Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1911- 12; chairman Civil Service Reform Com., Fla,, 1913.
HARPER, Evangeline Coates (Mrs. William P^ Harper), 651 Kinnear Place, Seattle, Wash. Born Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb. 20, 1853; dau. Simmons and Emeline (Jackson) Coates; ed. public schools of Chester Co., Pa.; grad. from First Normal School of Pa., Millersville, Pa.; m. West Grove, April 18, 1877, William P. Harper; children: Florence C, Paul Coates, Evangeline. Four years preceding marriage taught in a high school of Easton, Pa. Favors woman suffrage. Born Quaker, now Congregationalist. Republi- can. Mem. Classic Culture Club, Seattle Fed. of Women's Clubs, Washington State Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs and Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. HARPIEU, Ida Husted, 505 Fifth Av., N.Y. City. Writer and lecturer; b. near Brookville, Ind.; dau. John A. and Cassandra (Stoddard) Husted; ed. Indiana State Univ., Leland Stanford Univ., Cal.; one daughter: Winnifred Harper Cooley. Lecturing in many Am. cities and London, Ber- lin, Copenhagen, Paris, etc. Delegate to Internat. Council of Women and Internat. Woman Suffrage Alliance in London (twice), Paris Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Berlin, Geneva, The Hague, and Budapest. Correspondent from these and other iiuropean cities for syndica-te of metropolitan dailies. Always a suffrage leader. Author: Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony; also (jointly with Miss Anthony) of History of Woman Suf- frage. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R. ; life mem. Nat., N.Y. and Ind. State Suffrage Ass'ns. Writer for prominent American and European magazines.