��one son: James Uell Hardman, Jr. Portrait painter; has work in five of the adjoining States. Ex-pres. of Ladies' Aid and Woman's Missionary See. of Southside Baptist Church. Writer of club poems, Confederate poems, social short stories: Pictures (in Birmingham Baptist); Story of Aunt Dolly (Alabama Baptist). In contest for prize offered by the business men for best civics paper, to Woman's Club, her paper. The City Beautiful, won the prize. Founder of the Confederate Monument at Birmingham, Ala.; won a Victoria and a pair of $1,600 Ky. thoroughbred horses as most popular woman of the State at Ala. State Fair, Birmingham, Ala., 1899. Mem. Pelham Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy, Auxiliary of Y.M.C.A., Civic Lea.gue, Woman's Club (ex-pres. of Fenelon Club (chairman Com. on School Improvement), College Hill Historical Soc. Missionary Baptist. Favors woman suffrage — acting on membership Com. of Birmingham Equal Suffrage Ass'n; her paper on Suffrage, read before Fenelon Club, was published in Birmingham News, April, 1912.
HABDT, Helen Avery (Mrs. Frederick Hardy),
1520 Broadway, N.Y. City.
Press representative, writer; b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug 24, 1S73; dau. Benjamin F. and Johanna A. (Young) Dobson; ed. Convent of Sacred Heart, Loretta, Ky. (highest honors, medal); Brinker's Inst., Denver, Colo.; Inst, of III., Lincoln, 111.; m. N.Y. City, 18S9, Frederick Hardy; one daughter: Doris. As an actress trav- eled extensively over the U.S. and Hawaiian Islands. Has played with Maude Adams, James A. Hearne, M'cKee Rankin and other well-known stars. Now press representative of Cohan, Niblo, Ckihan, M. B. Raymond, J. Fred Zimmerman Jr. ; ass't press representative Sam' and Lee Shubert Co., Inc. Pianist, singer. Contributor of stories to magazines. Wrote preface to Oliver B. Har- per's novelization of Channing Pollock's The Little Grey Lady. Mem. Century Theatre and Hungry Clubs. HABDY, IrenS, Palo Alto, Cal.
Retired teacher; b. New Westville, Preble Co., O., July 22, 1841; dan. Walter Buell and Mary Ann (Ryan) Hardy; ed. public schools of Eaton, O., and Antioch Coll., A.B. Born in pioneer log cabin, went to school in pioneer log school- house. 'Taught in village schools from primary to principal of grammar school in Ohio. Taught in Oakland, Cal., in grammar and high school, 1870-83 (except 1874-76, taught in Antioch Coll.); instructor and ass't prof. English literature, Stanford Univ., 1893-1900; retired 1902. Is reg- istered voter; Republican. Author: Composition Exercises; Volume Poems, 1903; also short stories and poems; has in preparation Auto- biography of a Nineteenth Century School Mis- tress, and second volume of poems. Brought up in New Light, Christian Church; now mem. Congregational Church. Former mem. Philo- sophical Union, Univ^ of Cal., Berkeley. Recre- ations: Found in woods and mountains. HARDY, Jennie Amelia Whit-comb (Mrs. Hip-
polyte Leon Hardy), 3 Hamilton Terrace, N.Y.
Musical; b. Williston, Vt., July 6, 1860; dau.. Silas and Caroline (Murray) Whitcomb; ed. Min- neapolis High School; Miss Johnson's Sem., Bos- ton, Mass.; m. Minneapolis, Minn., May 24, 1888, Hippolyte Leon Hardy; children: Edgar, Robert, Marguerite, Leon, I^aure. Interested in crippled children and the betterment of social and civic conditions. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Equal- Suffrage League. Unitarian. Mem. Wo- men's Alliance of the Lenox Av. Unitarian Church. Recreations: Music, dancing, rowing, swimming. Mem. Rubinstein Musical Club, MacDowell Chorus, Home Travelers, Clio (lit- erary), N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs. HAK1>Y, .Tenny C. taw (Mrs. P. B. Hardy),
Tecumseh, Mich.
Born Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 20, 1869; dau. William and Eliza (Hauck) Law; ed. in Ger- many, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Aus- tralia; diploma a'Onore, Socifeta Dante Alighierl, Rome; m. London, England, 1901, P. B. Hardy, M.D. (Long Island Coll. Hospital, N.Y.). Has
��lectured eight years for equal suffrage cause, 200 times during the last Mich, campaign; was also press chairman for the whole State. Speaks and lectures in four languages — German, French, Italian and English. Lectured in Austria in German. One of the founders of the Soci6ta Dante Alighierl in Melbourne. Vice-pres. Mich. Equal Suffrage Ass'n; chairman of the Legisla- tive Com; chairman Press Com.; was chairman of the Legislative Com. when the bill for suf- frage passed the Legislature in 1912. Writer of newspaper and magazine articles, also for the Royal Geographical Soc. of Australia. Protest- ant. Voter in Australia. Mem. Societa Dante Alighierl, Rome; Royal Geographical Soc. of Australia, Australasian Soc. for Advancement of Science, Nat. Geographical Soc. (Washington, D.C.), Mich. Elqual Suffrage Ass'n. Has traveled three and a half times around the world, five times to New Zealand, several times to Europe; has visited Servia, Montenegro and the Balkans generally, besides travels In Australia, the South Sea Islands, etc. Mem. Austral Salon, Mel- bourne, Twentieth Century Club, Detroit.
HAKDY, Jessie Mack (Mrs. Guy U. Hardy), 930
Harrison Av., Canon City, Colo.
Born Canon City, Colo., May 7, 1875; dau. Henry and Julia B. (Little) Mack; ed. Ann Arbor (Mich.) High School, 1890-94; Univ. of Mich., 1894-98, Ph.B. (mem. Theta Chapter Alpha Phi); m. Canon City, Aug. 2, 1899, Guy U. Hardy; children: Max, Marion, Donald. Taught Latin and English in Canon City High School, 1898-99. Mem. Book Com., Ladies' Li- brary Ass'n; cor. sec. Colo. Federation of Wo- men's Clubs. Presbyterian. Republican. Soc. Civic Improvement League of Canon City. Mem. Friends in Council (Canon City). Favors woman suffrage.
HAKDY, Mary Chapman, 23 Maple St., Arling- ton, Mass.
Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '85; student of economics, Radcliffe Coll., 1898-99; history of art and pedagogy, Univ. of Berlin, 1902-03. Teacher in Washington, D.C., 1885-86; Arlington, Mass., 1886-87; Clinton (Ky.) Coll., 1888-90; Ded- ham, Mass., 1890-91; Cambridge (Mass.) Latin School, since 1891. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumns, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.
HABDY, Mary £arle (Mrs. Asa Strong Hardy),
220 Oakley Place, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Author; b. New Haven, Conn., July 22, 1846; dau. George W. and Frances (Lay) Earle; ed. seminary, Richland, Mich.; Rockford (111.) Coll., A.B. '67; m. 1870, Asa Strong Hardy; children: Asa Strong, Charles Willoughby, Sarah Wilbur, Roy Earle, Mary Theoda, Alice Eldora, Faith Frances. Active in mission, art and literary associations. Favors woman suffrage. Au- thor; Hall of Shells; Three Singers; Sea Stories for Wonder Eyes; Little King and Princess True. Congregationalist. HARDY, Sarah Drown Belcher (Mrs. Edward
Rochie Hardy), 419 W. llSth St., N.Y. City.
Physician; b. Providence, R.I., Mar. 28, 1864; dau. Thomas Reynolds and Helen (Slocum) Belcher; ed. Providence Classical School, Bos- ton Univ., A.B. '87; N.Y. Univ., A.M. '99; Woman's Med. Coll. (now merged in Cornell Med. School), M.D. '91; N.Y. Univ. Law Dep't, LL.B. '01; post-grad. med. study Johns Hopkins Univ., one year, and Germany three years; also for three summers special student of bacteriology and pathology in Germany and Paris. Interne one year in N.Y. Infant Asylum; one year bac- teriologist in Seton Hospital, N.Y. City; delegate to luternat. Med. Congresses, Rome, 1893, and Moscow, 1897; research work in Rockefeller Inst., 1901-03. Has done much original research work in the bacteriology of milk for the Rockefeller Inst., Board of Health of N.Y. City, N.Y. Co. Med. Soc; has made extensive researches In Germany in cell-structure (cytology). Author: Clean Milk (awarded bronze medal by Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 19(M). Episco- palian. Republican. Mem. N.Y. Acad, of Medi- cine N.Y. State Med. Soc., N.Y. Bar Intercolle- giate Alumnaa, Alumnae of Boston Univ. and N.Y. University.