Favors woman suffrage. Writer on various so- den, Germany; m. Corry, Pa., 1874, Alfred A. clal and philanthropic subjects for newspaper Hard. Principal of Rockwell Grammar School; pul)lication ; several of her bird stories have been teacher of history in Normal School, Cleveland, published by the Florida Audubon Soc. Chair- O.; principal of Pawtucket 'R.I.) Training man of Bird Protection Dep't, Florida Fed. of School; principal of Toledo Normal School; lec- Women's Clubs; pres. Woman's Club of Fort turer before women's clubs on art subjects. My era; chairman Lee County Hospital House Pres. of Kindergarten Soc,, one of directors tor Commission; local sec. Florida Audubon Soc; years of Unity Club, which presented Sophocles' mem. B'd of Directors of Lee County Hospital. CEMipus, the King, for the first time in America .Mem. Civic Club, Friday Musicale, W.C.T.U., in English; mem. of Art League in Toledo, which Woman's Club House and Reading Ass'n, Ceme- established tlie art museum. Recreations: Study tery Improvement Ass'n. Recreations: Reading, of art and literature, travel; has traveled ex- writing, drawing sewing visiting, traveling. tensively In America and for several years (with HAPGOOD, Isabel Florence, care Charles brother, Virgil G. Curtis) has conducted small Scribner's Sons N Y City ^^^ exclusive parties to Europe for summer Writer; b. Boston; Mass.,' Nov. 21, 1850; dau. ^e.'iTl- , ^"il^fJl'^^P ^^T°nlft iT^n^J^'T nT'^^t Asa and Lydia A. B. (Crissley) Hapgood; ed. ^^^F^f^' ^^™- German Club (Toledo, O.), Art Farmington, Conn., at Miss Porter's School. '-'" C<^rry, fa..).
Author: The EJpic Songs of Russia; Russian HARDESTY, Cecilia Fairbrother (Mrs. Charles
Rambles; A Survey of Russian Literature. E. Hardesty), 425 W. Twenty-sixth St., Pueblo,
Translator from Russian of L. N. Tolstoy's Colo.
Childhood, Boyhood, Youth, Savastopol, Life, Born Lima, O. ; dau. William Zera and Matilda
What Is to Be Done? of N. B. Gogol's Dead (Best) Fairbrother; ed. Mattoon (IlL) High
Souls, St. John's Eve and Other Tales, Sonya School; m. Terre Haute, Ind., Feb. 9, 1887,
Kovalevsky; How Count Toletoy Lives and Charles Ellsworth Hardesty. Mem. of Altar
Works; Maxim Gorky's Foma Gordyeft; Orloff Guild of Church of the Ascension; active worker
and His Wife; works of Ivan Turgenieft (16 for the McClelland Orphanage of Pueblo; Inter-
vols.); Service-book of the Holy Orthodox ested in settlement work. Girls' Friendly Soc.,
Catholic-Apostolic (Greeco-Russian) Church, 1906. City Fed. of Clubs. Pres. Clio Club of Pue'blo,
Translator from Italian of A. de Amlcls' Cuore; Colo.; honorary mem. the Home Culture Club of
from French of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, Mattoon, 111. Episcopalian.
Canon Joseph Roux' Thoughts; The Recollec- HARDING. Clara B. Whipple (Mrs. Burcham
tions and Letters of Ernest Renan^ and Baron Harding), 15 W. Ninety-first St., N.Y. City.
Pierre de Coubertln's Evolution of France Under B^rn Carrollton, Ky. ; dau. Dr. George and
the Republic, and from Spanish of Armando ^qu Elizabeth (Bailey) Whipple (of distinguished
Palacio-Valdes' Faith and Origin of Thought, southern and New England ancestry; maternal
i^rotestant ii,piscopai. grandfather, Thomas Hearn Bailey, was a poet;
HAPGOOD, Neith Boyce (Mrs. Hutchlns Hap- paternal great-grandfather was a brother of Gen.
good), Hastlngs-on-Hudson, N.Y. William Whipple and "Gall Hamilton" (Abigail
Writer; b. Franklin, Ind., Mar. 21, 1872; dau. Dodge) was her father's cousin); ed. Bradford
Henry H. and Mary E. (Smith) Boyce; m. Mt. Acad., Mass.; m. Burcham Harding. Favors
Vernon, N.Y., 1899, Hutchins Hapgood; children: woman suffrage. Mem. several clubs.
Boyce, Charles Miriam, Beatrix Author (und^r hABDING, Esther Gordon (Mrs. Harry Alexis
pen name 'Neith Boyce ): 'The Forerunner; The Harding), University of Illinois, Urbana, 111.
Eternal Spring; The Folly of Others; The Bond; g^rn Macon, Mo., Feb. 2, 1875; dau. Alexander
also many magazine stones. and Alice (Jelllff) (Jordon; ed. Univ. of Wis.,
HAKBEN, Mabelle Chandler (Mrs. Will N. Har- B.S., '98; m. Brodhead, Wis., Aug. 31, 1899,
ben>, 345 W. 122d St., N.Y. City. Harry Alexis Harding; children: Harry Gordon,
Born Benson, S.C, Mar. 29, 1879; dau. Joseph Esther, Helen, Ruth. Was resident until re-
B. and Mary (Mobley) Chandler; m. Dalton, Ga., cently of Geneva, N.Y., where was pres of
July 2, 1896, Will N. Harben (-well-known au- Women's Missionary Soc. of North Presbyterian
thor); children: William Chandler, Eric Marion. Church; director Civic League (which does the
Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy. Recreation: philanthropic work for Immigrants). Presby-
Muslc. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. terian. Director Woman's Coll. Club of Geneva.
ICABBEBT, EUzabeth Boynton (Mrs. William Recreation: Camping.
S. Harbert), 1671 Raymond Av., Pasadena, HABDLNG, Mary Boak (Mrs. Victor M. Hard-
Cal. ing), 789 Burr Av., Hubbard Woods, 111.
Author, lecturer; b. Crawfordsvllle, Ind.; dau. Born Halifax, N.S., Aug. 10, 1875; dau. Robert
William H. and Abigail (Sweetser) Boynton; ed. B. and Jane (DeBlois) Boak; ed. Canada and
Oxford, O. ; Terre Haute Female Sem. ; Ohio Chicago; m. CSilcago, Oct. 6, 1903, Victor M.
Wesleyan Coll., Ph.D.; m. Crawfordsvllle, Ind., Harding; children: Mary Adelaide, Jane De
Oct. 18, 1870, William S. Harbert; children: Ar- Blois, Victor M. Harding Jr. Mem. Winnetka
thur Boynton, Corinne Boynton, Boynton Eliza- Congregational Church. Interested in woman
beth. Mem. of four committees of congresses of suffrage and me<m. Chicago Political Equality
the World's Congress Auxiliary; elected as- League.
Eociate chairman with Hon. Charles Carroll hABDING, JMinnle I-ahm (Mrs. Theodore Marsh Bonney of the World's Unity League; ex. -pres. Harding), Cafton City, Colo. Nat. Household Economic Ass'n. Interested In Born Canton, O. ; dau. Samuel and HenrietU peace and arbitration and cooperation. Eight (Faber) Lahm; ed. Canton private schools. Con- years editor of The Woman's Kingdom In Chi- vent of the Sacred Heart; m. 1881, Theodore cago Inter-Ocean; editor The New Era. Author: Marsh Harding; children: Theodore M., Mar- The Golden Fleece; Amore; Out of Her Sphere; garetU. Intere.sted in all work connected with composed words and music to songs: What Shall church. Sec. Civic Improvement League; organ- We Do With the Hours; Arlington Heights, etc. ized "Clean-Up Day," In 1906. Organized Scholar- Vlce-pres. Women's Civic League of Pasadena, ship Com. of Oolo. Fed. of Women's Clubs In Cal. ; vice-pres. Southern CaJ. Women's Press 1902, ever since chairman (committee has helped League; mem. parish of the Church of the educate 160 girls); Colo. Fed. of Women's Clubs, Golden Rule, Pasadena, Cal. Founder and eight 1900-02. Mem. Colo. Mountain Club, charter years pres. Woman's Club of Evanston, 111. mem. of Dickens' Club of 1892, and Friends In Recreations: Music, picnics, nature study. Fa- Council, organized 1888. Episcopalian. Favors vors woman suffrage (voter) ; 12 years pres. 111. woman suffrage. Democrat.
fuTLf"E-1,'r'e's°=Coo\To' (ill\%V^r^e H.IBDMAN, Catherine Virginia Stone (Mrs.
A^'n ttP ' ^^^^^^ James U. Hardman). 1005 S. Twenty-eighth
AS3 n, etc. gj Birmingham, Ala.
HARD, Elvene Curtis (Mrs. Alfred A. Hard). Artist; b. Montgomery, Ala.. Aug. 20, 1863;
206 Maple Av., Corry, Pa. tiau. Capt. Elisha Marion and Parthenla Eliea-
Lecturer on art; b. Columbus, Pa., Nov. 8, beta (Wells) Stone; ed. Tenn. Female Coll., at
1853; dau. Seymour and Lucretia (Pardee) Curtis; Franklin, Tenn. (degree in art); m. Blrming-
ed. Oswego Normal School; Cornell Univ.; Dree- ham, Ala., June 30, 1S81, James Uell Hardman;