��physicians). Recreations: Reading, woods, farm- ing. Mem. Woman's Club, Woman's Athletic Clu'b, Alternate Club (Chicago), Boston Univer- sity Woman's Club. Against woman sufEra.ge. IIANXEY, Diana Pomeroy (Mrs. John C. Han- ley), Stanton, Ky.
Born New Castle, Pa., Aug. 6, 1876; dau. Rob- ert Porter and Leonora (Fulkerson) Pomeroy; ed. Westminster Coll., New Wilmington, Pa., A.B. '98, A.M. 1902; took post-grad, work, Bryn Mawr Ck>ll., 1901-02; m. Dec. 14, 1904, Rev. John C. Hanley. Pres. Women's Missionary Soc. of United Presbyterian Church. Since 1910 resident of Stanton, Ky., where her husband is president of a United Presbyterian college. HANLEY, Frances Gordon FaJie (Mrs. Robert J. Hanley), care G. W. Dillingham Co., 119 W. Twenty-third St., N.Y. City. Author; b. Boston, Mass., 1867; dau. Stephen Summer and Abbie (Fontaine) Fane; ed. Welles- ley Coll.; m. Robert J. Hanley. Formerly a teacher in charge of dep't of Friends Sem., N.Y. City. Contributor of short stories to magazines. Author (under name of "Frances Gordon Fane"): Story of Leo, 1886; The Way of a Man with a Maid, 1889; Richard Wyndham, 1901. HANN, Rosa Dean (Mrs. Jay B. Hann), 417 Indian St., Bellingham, Wash. Born Monticello, Minn., May 9, 1868; dau. Beijjamin A. and Ellen (Palmer) Dean; grad. Kimball Union Acad., '86; Wellesley Coll.. B.A. '90 (mem. Phi Sigma Beta Chapter); m. Pierre, S. Dak., Sept. 25, 1895, Jay B. Hann; children: Anna, b. 1899; Ellen, b. 1901; Jay B. Jr., b. 1902! Felix Dean, b. 1904. Interested in Indian educa- tion, vegetarianism, manual training, ventilation, deep breathing, home hygiene, cold bathing, open-air schools, dress reform, sleeping out for consumptives and others. Favors woman suf- frage. Author of short stories and articles in religious and educational weeklies, 1890-95; occa- sional contributor to local daily papers. Uni- tarian. Sot;ialist. Recreations: Mountain climb- ing, walking, camping, swimming and rowing. Mem. University Club of Bellingham, Wash. HANNA, Delphine, Oberlln, Ohio.
Born 1854; dau. John W. and Juliet (Chad- wick) Hanna; grad. Brockport State Normal School, '74; Dr. Sargent's Physical Training School for Teachers, '85; M.D., Univ. of Mich, '90; A.B., Cornell Univ., '01; A.M., Oberlin Coll., '01. Student in Harvard Summer School, 1887, 1889 and 1904. Director of physical training. Women's Dep't, Oberlin Coll., 1885-1903; direc- tor of Women's gymnasium and professor of physical training, Oberlin Coll., 1903—. Con- gregationalist. Clubs: Cornell Univ. (women), Cleveland, O.
HANNA, Dora Myers (Mrs. Oliver P. Hanna), 163 CofEeen Av., Sheridan, Wyo. Born in Bloomington, Illinois; daughter of J. W. and Lucy (Phillips) Myers; ed. Eureka Coll., 111. Wesleyan Univ. (Periclesian); m. June 27, 1885, Oliver P. Hanna; children: Merle, Jessie Oliver, Laura Nell. School teacher in Mc- Leau Ck>., 111., for four years. Leader in Con- gragational Church of Sheridan; sang in choir for fifteen years; sup't and teacher in Sunday- school; pres. for two years of the Congrega- tional Ladies' Circle; cor. sec. for two terms of State Fed. of Women's ClU'bs. Vice-regent of D.A.R. ; deputy county treas. for four years; during last campaign, 1912, was one the Exec. Com. of the Democratic Co. organization, was also judge of election, having served in that capacity for years. Mem. Sheridan Woman's Club (pres. two terras). Congregationalist. Fa- vors woman suffrage; has voted since 1886. Democrat. Resident of Wyoming since 1885, has taken active part in religion and politics, and in all efforts to raise the standard of morality and promote the general welfare of the community. HANNAHS, Elizabeth Helen, 291 Ryerson St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Psychologist; b. Topeka, Kan., Sept. 12, 1862; dau. Harrison and Helen (Pease) Hannahs; grad. UniversHy of Chicago, A.B. Taught In N.Y. State Normal Coll., Albany, 1889-1909; Adelphi College, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1909-12. Author: Les-
��sons in Psychology; Helps from Logic for the Study of French: Teachers as Others See Them. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Harvard Teachers' Ass'n, Women's University Club (N.Y. City). Favors woman suffrage. HANNAN, Emma J., Ellinwood Institute, Manila, P.I.
Born Harman's Landing, Gallia Co., O., July 30, 1860; dau. William Franklin and Matilda C. (Graham) Hannan; ed. Gallia Acad., Gallipolis, 0. ; Wesleyan Coll., Cincinnati, O.; Coll. of Mu- sic, Cincinnati; summer course, Univ. of Chi- cago; Foley Music School, Cincinnati. Singer, teacher of music and elocution in schools for girls; supervieor of music in public schools. Choir leader and soloist. Active in church and Sunday-school work. Recently appointed by Board of Foreign Missions of Presbyterian Cliurch of U.S.A. to the Philippine Mission, to teach in Ellinwood Inst. School for Girls at Manila, Philippine Islands. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Mem. Foreign Missionary Soc, D.A.R. Recreations: Riding, driving, walk- ing, rowing.
HANSCOM, Elizabeth Deering, Smith College, Northampton, Mass.
Prof. English; b. Saco, Me., Aug. 15, 1865; dau. George Albert and Lizzie (Deering) Hana- com; ed. Manchester (N.H.) and Lowell (Mass.) public schools, Boston Univ., A.B. '87; A.M. '93; Yale, Ph.D. '94; holder of Am. Fellowship of Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, 1893-94 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma). Teacher of English at Smith Coll. since 1894; prof, since 1905. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League and of Northampton (Mass.) Equal Suffrage League. Editor: Lamb's Essays, 1889; Friendly Craft, 1908; Second Part of Henry IV., 1912. Protestant Episco- palian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Girls' Friendly Soc. Favors woman suffrage. HANSEN, Bertie (Mrs. Henry A. Hansen), For- tuna, Humboldt Co,, Cal.
Born Humboldt Co., Cal.; dau. William Monroe and Catherine (Miller) White; ed. public schools, 1892. Active in church. Christian Endeavor, As- sociated Cliarities, women's clubs, and is a probation officer. Treas. and chairman Creden- tials Com. of the San Francisco Dist. of Cal. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. Fortuna Monday Club; pres. Fortuna Civic Club. Favors woman suffrage. Progressive Republican. HANSEN, Sara Jenner (Mrs. Ejnar Hansen), 221 W. Fifty-seventh St., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City, April 13, 1878; dau. William Allen and Josephine (Curtis) Jenner; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City, and Dresden, Germany; m. .May 23, 1906, at Church of the Epiphany, Ejnar HansMi, M.D.; one son: William Ejnar Van Adrian Hansen. Active in social work; sec. N.Y. Magdalen Benevolent Soc. Mem. Ridge- field Equal Franchise League. Episcopalian. HANSON, Grace Payne (Mrs. Fred. S. Hanson), Clinton, Minn.
Born Madrid, N.Y., Jan. 7, 1880; dau. Francis M. and Nellie C. (Hazelton) Payne; grad. Pipe- stone (Minn.) High School, '98; Carleton Coll., B.L. '02 (mem. Delta Phi, Carleton Coll. literary soc); m. Sept. &, 1903, Fred S. Hanson; one son: Rollo Payne Hanson, b. Oct. 9, 1906. Presby- terian. Mem. church societies, also Rebekah and Degree of Honoi* lodges. Pres. Clinton Read- ing Circle since organization, January, 1909. HANSON, Joila (Mrs. William Hanson), Fort Myers, Lee Co., Fla.
Born London, England, Nov. 7, 1843; dau. George and Maria (Day) Allen; ed. In England until 15 years, at home with governesses and tutors; afterward at Tufnall Coll., London; m. London, Mar. 27, 1870, Dr. William Hanson (now deceased), children: Newton, Bernard, Melville, William Stanley. Came to U.S. ISSO; lived in Paris, Tex., three years; Key West, Fla., one year; Fort Myers since 1SS4; extensive land owner. Directors local branch Women's Aux- iliary Missionary Soc; pres St. Luke's Guild; mem. Daughters of the King; Sunday-school teacher. Episcopalian. Leader in social activities and philanthropic enterprises, particularly those which tend to the betterment of Fort Myers.