Baxter Perry Hamilton. Pres. Far Rockaway of anatomy and histology; physician io Girls'
Women's Clu'b, 1900-10; Musical Soc. of Queens Home, Toronto; resident State Hospital for In-
Borough, 1907-11; Jamaica Women's Club, 1910- sane, Independence, la. Author of translations
12; Jamaica Woman Suffrage Club since 1909. (medical) from Italian. Unitarian. Mem. Civic
Leader Fourth Assembly District of the Borough Improvement Ass'n, Faculty Women's Club,
of Queens of the Woman Suffrage Party. Uni- HAMMOND, Barbara Whiting (Mrs. Thomas
tarian. Recreations: Music and clubs. Stevens Hammond), 152 E. Superior St., Chi-
HAMILTON, Kate Waterman, Bloomlngton, cago. 111.
III. Bom Detroit, Mich., Jan. 7, 1887; dau. J. Hill
Writer; b. Schenectady, N.Y. ; dau. Farwell H. and Carrie F. (Spence) Whiting; grad. Mrs.
and Ruth Hamilton; ed. public schools in Ohio. Hazen's School, Pelham Manor, N.Y., '05; m.
Author (pen-name "Fleeta") : The Chinks of Chicago, June 2, 1908, Thomas Stevens Ham-
Channyford; Dr. Lincoln's Children; The Hand mond; one son: Stevens Hill. Favors woman
with the Keys; The House that Jack Built; How suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Grolf,
Donald Kept Faith; The Kinkaid Venture; Nel- tennis.
lie's Red Book Series (six vols.); The Old Port- HAMMOND, Frances Purves (Mrs. I^evl Jay
manteau; The Parson's Proxy; Rachel's Share Hammond), 1222 Spruce St., Philadelphia,
of the Road; Recitations for Children's Day; Born Philadelphia; dau. Col. George A. and
Royal Service; Tangles and Corners m the Life Fannie Robert (Purves) Bernard; ed. in Italy
of Kezzie Driscoll; Unity Dodge, Her Pattens; and America; m. Philadelphia, June 19, 1S99, Dr.
Vagabond and Victor; We Three; Wood, Hay and Levi Jay Hammond; children: Frances Hays,
Stubble; Odd or Even Stones. Levina. Active in religious, social and philan-
T TATMTT. TOV, Margaret, 1312 Park Av., Baltl- thropic work. Mem. Women's Nat. Welfare
more, Md. League, Washington. Presbyterian.
Teacher; ed. Miss Porter's School, Farmington, HAMMOND, Jnliet, 724 Union Av., Litchfield,
Conn.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '97; holder of m.
Bryn Mawr European fellowship, 1897-98; student Social worker; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '94; College de France and Univ. of Munich, 1898-99. student in geology, philosophy and municipal Teacher of science, Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, government, Univ. of Iowa., 1897-98; N.Y. Sum- since 1900, and head of its primary dep't since mgj. School of Philanthropy, 1904; Chicago Univ., 1910- 1910. Agent in training in Southwestern Dist. of HAMHiTON, Margaret Porch (Mrs. Francis Federated Charities, Baltimore, 1904-05; agent,
Marlon Hamilton), 406 W. 124th St., N.T. 1905-09. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae,
City. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.
Born Klrkwood, Mo. Mar 17, 1867; dau. Isaac H.VM3IOND, Natalie Harris (Mrs. John Hays
Newwn aJid Sarah (Hmchman) Porch; grad. Hammond). 3315 Massachusetts Av., Washlng-
Unlv. of Indiana, A.B. '97; m. Anderson, Ind., ^^j^ j-, q . &
June 16, ISKH, Francis Marion Hamilton ; one ^^'^ Vicksburg, Miss.; dau. Judge J. W. M.
daughter: Margaret Porch Hamilton (deceased) Dresden, Germany; m. Hancock, Md., Jan. 1,
Formerly teacher (for 15 years), beginning m the ^^^ ^ (Lumm) Karris; ed. N.Y. City and
i,'"\! red schoolhouse, ending head of Eng ish ^^g^ j^j^^ -^ Hammond, distinguished min-
dep't of Anderson (Ind.) High School Inter- ^g 'engineer; children: Harris, John Hays Jr.,
ested In social service; mem. of Hospital Visiting ^^^^^^^ Pindell, Nathaniel Harrison, Natalie!
Com., State (Chanties Aid Soc NY. City; mem Chairman Executive Council of Woman^s Welfare
Riverside Dost Com. of the Chanty Organization p tn^^nt National Civic Federation, having
Soc N.Y. City Mem Disciples Church Rec- ^^/ .^^ ^^^'^^ ^^^ securing of needed improve-
reations: Walking, readmg Mem of Columbia ^^^^^^ j^ .^^ working and living conditions of
Dames Club of Columbia University. ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ wage-earners in the various
HAMILTON, Mary E., 240 W. Highland Av., industries and governmenUl institutions.
lom^N^enX Wis.; dau. J. B. and Mary A. HAJINER Salley B., 1406 Floyd Av., Rlch- (Kimberly) Hamilton; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. ^? \ - ^ o t v, /-, ., ^, ■ ■93. Pr^. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae (Southern ,„E'^V°f°^' ^^- a^^^' 'l?^ S' ^?^ ^I'^'l^ Branch) ; vice-pres. Contemporary Club, Red- (^"""ke) Hamner, Appomattox, Va. ; tutored by lands; State chairman of Federated Clubs of Cal. father; given a university course with brothers, in Social and Industrial Com. Home sec. of Leader in educationa work in South; instructor Woman's Missionary Board. Riverside Presby- LaUn and English in Hardm Coll. Mo. and tery Pres. Redlands Political Equality League, bethel (3oll., Ky. ; pres of Woman s Coll., Rich- worker in Wis. summer of 1912, as press cor- mond, Va. which conferred upon her honorary respondent and speaker. Presbyterian. Pro- degree of Mistress of Arts. Contributor to NY. gressive Republican. Recreation: Working in and Washington City dailies and to various other iarden. Former mem. D.A.R. publications. Baptist. HAMILTON, Maud, 915 University Av., Madison, HAMPTON, Ilorence Estelle (Mrs. Franklin S.
-^ig Hampton), 45 N. 9th St., Newark, N.J.
Teacher; b. in Boone Co., Ind.; dau. Wallace Born Sheshequin, Pa., June 30, 1853; dau. and Elizabeth (Scott) Hamilton; ed. Kansas Newton and Juliette M. (Thomas) Kinney; ed. country school; grad. Kan. State Normal, Em- Waverly (N.J.) Inst.; m. Newark, N.J., Oct. pona, '96; Cornell Univ., A.B. '02; student and o, 1S81, Franklin Sheffield Hampton; children: candidate for Ph.D., Univ. of Wis., 1911 — . Ena Florence, Juliet Elizabeth, Madeline. Ac- Teacher Kansas State Normal, 1897-1911 '(head of tive in church work; vice-pres. in a charitable Latin Dep't, 1906-11; teacher of Latin and ancient organization; recently sec. N.J. State Federa- history. Wisconsin High School, 1911—. AcUve tion of Women's Clubs; pres. Travelers' Club worker in First Methodist Church, Emporia, of Roseville. Presbyterian. Mem. Contempo- Kan.; teacher and ass't sup't Sunday-school for rary Club of Newark, N.J. Ancestors were the 110 years. Favors woman suffrage; voter in early settlers of Wyoming Valley, Pa. Against municipal elections only. Republican. Mem. woman suffrage.
ConsVimers' League. Mem. Novel Club (literary), hANATOKD, Mary E. Neal (Mrs. John P.
Emporia, Kan. Hanaford), 614 N. Winnebago St., Rookford.
HAMILTON, Susanna Boyle (Mrs. Arthur S. 111.
Hamilton). 328 Tenth Av., S.E., Minneapolis, Born Meredith, N.H. ; dau. Smith and S. E.
Minn. (Smith) Neal; ed. Tilton, N.H.; grad with honors
Born Flora, Ont., Can., Aug. 17, 1869; dau. from Chautauqua Course, 1888; m. Jan. 1, 1900, David and Martha S. (Frankland) Boyle; ed. John P. Hanaford. Mem. 111. State Com. on Elora and Toronto public and high schools; Literature and Reciprocity, III. Fed. Women's Trinity Univ., Toronto, M.D., CM.; med. educa- Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. tion at Women's Med. Coll., Toronto; m. To- Nat. Soc. D.A.R., and Chicago Chapter D.A.R., ronto, 1902, Dr. Arthur S. Hamilton. From Chicago Colony of New England Women, Chad- graduation to 1898 held positions In Ontario Med. wick Lodge, Royal Neighbors of America (Past Coll. for Women; assistant registrar and prof. Oracle); mem. Rockford Woman's Club, Mendel-