��HAlJ:>OWErLI-, Anna Davis (Mrs. Richard Price Hallowell), West Medford, Mass. Author; b. Apr. 21. 1838, Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Ed-ward Morris and Maria (Mott) Davis; ed. Friends School, Philadelphia; m. Philadel- phia, Oct. 26, 1859, Richard r>rice Hallowell; chil- dreu: Maria, b. 1860; Penrose, 1862; James Mott, 1865; Lucretia Mott, 18€8; Frank Walton, 1870. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Life of James and Lucretia Mott. Quaker.
H.iXSAiL, Mary E. (Mrs. Richard Halsall), East Boston, Mass.
Physician; b. East Boston, Mass., 1865; dau. Angui and Phebe A. (Andrews) McQuarrie; ed. schools of Boston, Mass, Tufts Med. School, M.D.; also studied at Johns Hopkins Med. Coll., Baltimore (mem. Alpha Delta Soc); m. Boston, 1883, Richard HiOfiall; children: Nelson F., Florence A., Ronald A. Specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. Favors woman suffrage. Pro- testant. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc, Tufts Med. Alumni Ass'n, Am. Gynecological and Obstet- rical Soo. Medical examiner for Degree of Honor, United Workmen. First woman doctor who ever made operative obstetrics a specialty; has a very extensive practice in Boston. H.\LSEY, Henrietta A. (Mrs. Harlan P. Hal- sev), 5 Spencer Place, Brooklyn, N.T. Born N.Y. City, Dec. 7, 1839; ed. private and boarding schools of N.Y. ; m. Harlan P. Halsey (Old Sleuth; well-known writer of boys' de- tective stories); children: Louis H., Harry A., Rena I. Protestant. Pounder and pres. eight years of Colonial Daughters of the Seventeenth Century (now honorary pres.). Composer of children's songs; also Kindergarten and Primary Songs, recently published.
HAL8TED, I^eonora B., 6105 Berlin Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Born Northampton, Mass. ; dau. Hatfield and Mercy (Comstock) Halsted; ed. by governesses in America and tutors in Europe, where spent six years. Was sec. of Humanity Club of St. Louis for many years, until it dissolved, 1912. Author: Eethesda; A Victorious Life; also many essays published in the Independent, New York Sun, St. Louis Globe-Democrat and others. Mem. Wednesday Club, St. Louis. Recreations: Read- ing, travel. Lived, from death of her mother in 1882, with her sister, who was wife of Gen. John W. Noble, Secretary of the Interior under President Benjamin Harrison; was in Washing- ton with them and after the death of Mrs. Noble was in charge of Gen. Noble's household until his death In 1912. HAL.TON, Mary, 616 Madison Av., N.Y. City.
Physician; b. DuDlin, Ireland, 1878; dau. Dr. Richard and Mary (Gunn; Halton; ed. Alameda (CkI.i High School, Univ. of Cal. (Academic), Cooper Med. Coll., M.D. Was ass't in Medical Clinic and in Pathological Dep't, Cooper Med. Coll.; pathologist to St. Luke's Hospital, South- ern Pacific Company's Hospital, and St. Francis Hospital, San Francisco, and physician in charge Hearst Maternity Hospital, Oakland, Cal. Since coming to N.Y. City, clinical ass't Post- Graduate Hospital; chief surgeon clinic of N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, N.Y. City, and med. inspector for Dep't of Health, N.Y. City. Interested in suffrage, and civic hygiene; work fi^r n_ilk stations, especially N.Y. Diet Kitchen Ass'n. Captain 7th Election Dist., 29th Assembly Dist., for Woman Suffrage Party. Mem. Wm. Lloyd Garrison Equal Rights Ass'n, Consumers' League. Recreations: Golf, swim- ming, tennis. Mem. N.Y. City Federation of Women's Clubs; chairman Hygiene Com., N.Y. Legislative League.
ILAM, Adeline Putnam (Mrs. Clifton Ham), 410 S. Seventh Av., North Yakima, Wash. Born West Newton, Mass., Feb. 16, 1876; dau. Heman L. and Mary E. (Neal) Putnam; ed. Newton public schools; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '99 (Phi Sigma); Cornell Univ., M.A. '02; m. Welles- ley Hills, Mass., June 12, 1906, Clifton Ham; children: Mary Elizabeth, b. 1908; Eleanor, b. 1912. Before marriage teacher for six years; two years vice-principal of Acadia Sem., Welfvllle, N.S. Actively Interested in settlement work in Minneapolis and Chicago; active in health and
��civic work in North Yakima. Mem. Aw'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Soc. of Social and Moral Prophylaxis. Mem. Portia Club. HAM, Helen WUlard, Middleboro, Mass.
Physician; b. Adams, Mass., Oct. 5,% 1875; dau. Charles H. and Emma E. (Willardj Ham; ed. Howard Sem., Middleboro High School, Tufts Coll. Med. School, M.D. *06. Since graduation, engaged In general practice of medicine at Mid- dleboro, Mass. Baptist.
H.VMILTON, Anna D. (Mrs. Wilbur Fisk Ham- ilton). 327 Llandrillo Road, Cynwyd, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 1, 1863; dau. William J. and Eliza J. (Wetter) Donohugh; ed. Friends Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa.; m. Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1883, Wilbur Fisk Ham- ilton; children: William C. 2d (died 1889), Rus- sell D., Warren W. Interested in church, civic and philanthropic work; was on 21st Ward School Board and also chairman of 21st Ward Branch of the Civic Club. Mem. Consumers' League, Chari- ties Organization. Sup't Primary Dep't of Sun- day-school. Mem. Civic Club, Philadelphia Cricket Club, associate mem. College Club (Phil- adelphia); mem. Woman's Club (Cynwyd); Whit- marsh Valley Country Club. Bala Golf Ciub. Recreations: Golf, tramping, automobiling. Epis- copalian.
HAMILTON, Anna Sanborn (Mrs. Henry G. Hamilton), The Rochambeau, Washington. D.C.
President League of Am. Pen Women; b. Rochester. N.Y. ; dau. Rodman Wilcox and Eliza- beth (Willis) Sanborn; ed. Rochester, N.Y., classical academic course; m. Rochester, Major Henry G. Hamilton (now deceased). Teacher In public school, all the grades, and principal pri- vate school. Journalist; formerly lived in Den- ver, Colo., where was pres. Artemisia Club, com- posed of men and women for literary and social purposes; was mem. Denver Board of Charities and deaconess for Congregational Church. One of charter members and now nat. pres. of League of Am. Pen Women; mem. and presiding officer of social and literary clubs, D.A.R. (Monticello chapter); representative to National Congress of D.A.R. Author: Art in Teitilfes; has contributed news letters to various papers and reported several national conventions. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Civics Soc. Recreations: Music, athletics and general culture. Mem. Press Ass'n and (Jen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. HAMJLTON, Bertha Nelson (Mrs. Delmah S. Hamilton), Greybull, Wyo.
Physician, surgeon; b. Cape Ck>d Bay, Mass., 1868; dau. Bennett William and Margaret (Mack) Nelson; ed. Girls' High School, Boston; Boston Univ. Med. School, Henry Herring Med. Coll., Chicago; Chicago Post-Graduate, 111. Eye and Ear Infirmary, M.D.; m. Chicago, April 28, 1895, Dr. Delmah S. Hamilton. In general prac- tice, 1905; specialist as oculist since 1905; Pres. Eiiglewood High School Parents' Club, 1907-09. Chairman Wyo. Federation of Women's Clubs. Education Dep't oculist to St. Luke's Hospital, Greybull, Wyo. Mem. Com. of Wyo. School Patrons Nat." Educational Ass'n for Congress of Mothers. Organizer Congress of Mothers for Wyo. Pres. Woman's School Club, Greybull. Episcopalian. Republican. Director Busy Bee (domestic arts), Greybull; Guardian Camp Fire Girls, Greybull. Director Greybull Dramatic Club. Sup't St. Luke's Mission Sunday-school (Episcopal). Believes In educational suffrage. HAMILTON, Caroline Frances, AIntab Hos- pital, Alntab, Turkey.
Physician; b. N.Y. City; grad. Smith Coll., B. A. '85; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. In- firmary for Women and Children, M.D. '88. Ass't physician N.Y. Infant Asylum, 1888-S9; resident physician, 1890-91. Instructor Women's Med. Coll., 18S8-92; dispensing physician, 1889-92. Mem. med. staff of the Alntab Hospital, Alntab, Turkey, since 1892.
HAMILTON, Cora Perry (Mrs. Charles Albert Hamilton), 36 Park Av., Jamaica, N.Y. Born Medford. Mass., Dec. 4. 1861; dau. Baxter Edwards and Charlotte S. (Hough) Perry; ed. Medford public schools; m. Medford, Mass., June 24, 1885, Charles Albert Hamilton; one son: