��welfare), in which has served on several com- mittees; organizer, 1899, and now vice-pres. Mon- day Musical Club (has been chairman of several committees. HALL, Nellie N. (Mrs. George N. Hall), 416 E.
Forty-sixth Place, Chicago, 111.
Born Franklin, Ind., Nov. 22, 1870; dau. John and Mary Louisa (Davidson) Nicholson; ed. Crawfordsville (Ind.) public school; grad. from the high school in 1S90; m. Crawfordsville, Ind., June 5, 1894, George N. Hall; children: Martha Xadine, b. Dec. 4, 1895; Bertram Brower, b. Mar. 4, 1901. Interested in church work (missionary), Arche Club and suffrage work; mem. Uuiv. Set- tlement League. Favors woman suSrage; direc- tor in Political Equality League. Mem. Disciples of Christ. Mem. City Club, Indiana Woman's Society. HALI.,, Ollie Goodie* Gregory (Mrs. Henry H.
Hall), Winchester, Ky.
Born Danville, Ky. ; dau. Major James and Emma G. (Goodloe) Gregory; grad. from Madi- son Female Inst., Richmond, Ky., and from Daughters Coll., Harrodsburg, Ky.; m. Garrard Co., Ky., June 28, 1904, Henry H. Hall. Manager East Tenn. Telephone Co., Winchester, Ky., two years; successfully held long distance operator's desk during Taylor and Goebel gubernatorial con- test and Goebel murder; assistant to manager of Old Ky. Telephone Co. ; bookkeeper and collector seven years at Winchester, Ky. Mem., charter mem. and officer Eastern Star, No. 152, Win- chester, Ky.; charter mem. and treas. Hart Chap- ter D.A.R., Winchester, Ky. Mem. Christian Church. HAXL, Rnth, Catsklll, N.T.
Author, journalist; b. Schoharie, N.Y., Apr. 10, 1858; dau. Joseph B. and Margaret (Donald- son) Hall; ed. Catskill Acad., Class of '75. Has lived at Catskill eince infancy. Besides having written six books and much magazine work, is editorially engaged on The Catskill Recorder, founded in 1792, inherited from their parents, and now edited and published by Henry, Ruth, Vio- lette and Margaret Robinson Hall. Author: In the Brave Days of Old, 1898; The Boys of Scrooby, 1899; The Golden Arrow, 1901 (all boys' books), and three novels: The Black Gown, 1900; A Downrenter's Son, 1902; The Pine Grove House, 1903. Episcopalian. Her sister Violette (author of Chanticleer) and she are the only sister novelists in America. Against woman suffrage. HAJLL, Buth Marion, 89 State St., Seneca Fall.s.
Teacher; b. Gouverneur, N.Y., Nov. 26, 1880; dau. Walter W. and Emily (Holt) Hall; grad. Gouverneur High School, 1899 (N.Y. State Re- gent's diploma); Cornell Univ., A.B. '04; Albany State Normal Coll., Pd.B. '06 (mem. Delta Omega). Tescher in Phelps, N.Y., Union and Classical School, Latin, German and French, 1906-08; Ticonderoga (N.Y.) High School, Latin and German, 1909-10; Seneca Falls, N.Y. (Myn- derse Acad.), Latin and German, 1912 — . Mem. Gouverneur Free Library Ass'n. Methodist. Formerly mem. Delta Omega Sorority (Albany), Minerva Literary Soc. (Gouverneur). Mera. Gouverneur High School Alumni Ass'n. Recrea- tions: Walking, occasional dancing, skating and cards. Against woman suffrage. HALL, Sarah Deborah Trowbridge (Mrs. Edwin
Walter Hall), 507 E. Pierce St., Kirksville,
Born Arcadia, Wayne County, N.Y., May 9, 1841, dau. Seth and Nancy Minerva (Jackson) Trowbridge; ed. Medina (N.Y.) Acad.; Genesee Wf;sleyan Sem., Lima, N.Y., and Genesee Coll. (now Syracuse Univ.), N.Y.; m. Aug. 13, 1S63, Rev. Edwin Walter Hall, of Watertown, N.Y. (died 1889; children: Elmer Trowbridge Hall, b. Sept. 16, 1872 (died Oct. 12, 1912); Lulie Trow- bridge Hall, b. Mar. 10, 1880. Teacher 1863-97; pres. Greenville (Ky.) Ladies Coll. and Green- ville Coll. for Young Men, 1889-97. Teacher adult Sunday-school Class; pres. Missionary Soc, W'.C.T.U., Chautauqua Circle; mem. State Board Y.WlC.A. ; pres. Missionary Social Union. Has tontributed articles to various periodicals. Mem.
��Methodist Episcopal Church. Chapter regent D.A.R., State chairman of Com. on Preservation of Historic Spots; district sec. W.F.M.S. since 1899. Recreation: Reading. Mem. Sojourner's (Federated) Club since 1898; acting pres. 1906-08; district pres. Mo. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1905-09.
HALL. Sharlot Mabridth, Phoenix, Ariz.
Literary worker; b. Pro&ser Creek, Kan., Oct. 27, 1875; dau. James Knox Polk and Adeline Susannah (Boblett) Hall; ed. public schools of Kan. and Ariz; Cumnock School, Los Angeles. Assistant editor Out West Magazine, 1905-08; Arizona Historian (territorial office), 1909-12. Student of Indian and desert life; collector of all material relating to Western history, of Indian relics, desert plants, etc. Constant traveler ii.to remotest regions of the Southwest, exploring many unknown portions of desert and mountains; mem. of many clubs of Pacific Coast; InteresfUsd in all educational and social questions; writer for magazines. Author: Cactus and Pine (rol- umes of verse); in preparation: History ot Arizona; A Woman of the Old Frontier; The Price of the Star; short stories. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Pacific Coast Press Ass'u, Arizona Fed. of Woman's Clubs and others. Recreations: Travel by wagon or horseback, sewing, cools-'ag.
HALL, Violette, Catskill, Greene Co., N.T.
Author; b. Scoharie, N.Y. ; dau. Joseph B. and Maigaret (Donaldson) Hall; ed. at a private school in Catskill, N.Y., where she has lived since infancy. Author: Chanticleer, which went through several editions; also much magazine and general periodical work. Episcopalian.
HALL AM, Julia Clark (Mrs. Joseph Wood Hal- lam), 1323 Pearl St., Sioux City, Iowa. Author; b. Portage, Wis., Jan. 7, 1860; dau. John Tiilotson and Louise Harriet (HoUey) Clark; ed. Univ. of Wis., A.B. '81; M.A. '82; Univ. of Chicago, M.A. '10; m. Aug., 1S8.3, Jo- seph Wood Kallam; children: Marguerite, Clark, Arthur Wood, Kirkland. Author: Story of a European Tour; Relation of Sexes from a Scien- tific Standpoint (used as reference book at Univ. of Wis.) ; Child Study (manual for moth- ers and mothers' clubs). Pres. Iowa Equal Suf- frage Ass'n, 1910-11; sec. Iowa Federation of Woman's Clubs, 1900-02. Interested in church and Sunday-school work of First Congrega- tional Church; pres. Parent-Teachers Ass'n. Congregationalist. Recreations: Reading, music, golf, tennis, walking, riding. Mem. Woman's Club of Sioux City; pres. Political Equality Club of Sioux City; Mothers Child-Study Club; Fortnightly Club, Visiting Nurse? Ass'n; Wo- man's Ass'n of First Congregational (jhurch Missionary Soc.
HALLEY, Sara Dalsheimer (Mrs. George T.
Halley), 30 W. North Av., Atlanta, Ga.
Journalist; b. New Orleans, La., Sept. 28, 1867; dau. Alexander and Alice (Solomon) Dalsheimer; ed. common schools and Peabody High School, New Orleans, La. Gold medal essayist ai grad- uation; m. Atlanta, Ga., April 14, 1908. Was in daily newspaper work on Savannah Press; spe- cial writing; associate editor School and Home; associate editor Uncle Remus' Magazine ; indus- trial writing for various trade journals, railroad companies, etc. ; editorial work for Men of Mark of America series. Interested in Mental Science, New Thought and kindred ethical subjects. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Jewish by birth, but not mem. of any congregation. Democratic. Mem. Atlanta Women's Club. Has traveled extensively in this country; has been interested in all move- ments for the advancement of women and the protection of children. Engaged in special in- dustrial writing at this time, with a special trend toward woman's work.
HALLMARK, Harrydele ("Anne Rittenhouse"),
The Gladstone, Philadelphia, Pa.
Writer; b. Pensacola, Fla., Aug. 30, 1S67; dau. Harrison P. and Adele (McAllister) Hallmark; ed. in schools of Pensacola, Fla. Editor of woman's page of the I»ublic Ledger, Philadelphia, and the N.Y. Times. Writer, under pen-name of "Anne Rittenhouse," of essays on social sub- jects In the magazines.