��Bhip went into commiselon, June 17, 1907, pres- entation talcing place on board the ship at Phila- delphia navy yard.
HAlili, lyolabel House (Mrs. Robert Anderson Hall), 5885A Von Versen Av.. St. Louis, Mo. Teacher; b. Brenham, Texas., July 16, 1877; dan. James and Willie Durham I.Peabody) House; ed. Coll. for Teachers (I^.I.), Univ. of Nashville (A.B.), Univ. of Chicago (A.M.), Univ. of Pa., Ph.D. '01; fellow Am. history, Univ. of Pa., 1889-1901; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., July 6, 1910, Dr. Robert A. Hall, prof, of chemistry in Wash- ington Univ., St. Louis; one son: Willie Durham. Taught four years in public schools, Waco, Texas; eight years in Erasmus Hall High School, Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; one year first ass't to principal Newtown High School, Elmhurst, N.Y.; also head of History Dep't; gave lectures to gram- mar school teachers In Borough of Queens, on geography and history. Mem. Presbyterian Church; settlement worker in Coll. SettlemeBt, Philadelphia, two years, and volunteer worker in N.Y. City; coached Boys' Club in parlia- mentary law, dramatics, etc. ; gave lectures in French history for N.Y. Board of Education for many years in Greater N.Y.; coached Waco Woman's Club and others in parliamentary law. Has lectured on suffrage before women's clubs, and is actively in favor of it. Author: Study of the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, 1S02; The County Courts of England in the 13th Century, 1903; The Fitting Out of War Vessels in Neutral Ports; The Ala- bama Claims. Presbyterian. Mera. United Daughters of Confederacy; Texas State Histori- cal Ass'n; Middle States and Maryland History Teachers Ass'n; Am. Historical Ass'n. Recre- ations: Painting and hand-crafts (metal work in copper, brass, etc.), designing, carpentry, sketching in oils and water colors. Formerly active mem., now hon., Waco (Texas) Woman's Club.
HALL, Lacia Wheeler (Mrs. Joseph A. Hall),
2513 Auburn Av., Cincinnati, O.
Born Troy, O., Dec. 25. 1876; dau. Thomas B. and Mary R. (Smith) Wheeler; ed. Troy (Ohio) High School; McDuffie Preparatory School, 1893-94; Wellesley Coll., 1884-95; Smith Coll., 1895-98; B.S. '95 (Philosophical Soc.); m. Troy, O., Jan. 1, 1901, Dr. Joseph A. Hall. Teacher of adult class in Biblical Literature in Unitarian Church; interested in social service work, asso- ciated charities and college settlement. Mem. Art Club, Smith Coll. Club, Coil. Club, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Al- liance, Unitarian Church Soc. Recreations: Reading aloud to blind, visiting Home for In- curables, driving, walking, reading, music. Fa- vors woman suffrage.
HAUL, I-ncUe Carol Keymoldfl (Mrs. Walter At-
wood Hall), 15 Hardy Road, Swampecott,
Born Natick, Mass., Dec. 25, 1876; dau. Asa Bd'ward and Mary Caroline (Baicock) Reynolds; ed. Cambridge Latin School; Wellesley ColL, B.A. '99 (Tau Zeta Epsilon) ; m. (Jambrldge, Mass., Jan. 7, 1903, Walter Atwood Hall; one daughter: Marjory Lucile. Taught mathematics and Latin, Cambridge Latin School, 1899-1902. Sec. North Shore Club, Lynn, Mass. ; treas. Wo- men's Union, Lynn, Mass.; registrar John Paul Jones Chapter D.A.R. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. Recreations: Shooting, dancing, tennis, motoring. Mem. Boston Wellesley College Club. HALL, Lucy Uowe (Mrs. Archibald McClelland
Hall), 1403 North Delaware St., Indianapolis,
Born Indianapolis, Sept. 29, 1874; dau. Daniel Wait and Inez (Hamilton) Howe; grad. Indian- apolis High School, 1893; Abbott Acad., An- dover, Mass., '96; Indiana Univ., AB. '97; (Cor- nell Univ., A.M. '01; special student at Colum- bia, '02 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Indian- apolis, Nov. 27, 1KU2, Archibald McClelland Hall; one son: Hamilton Howe. Favors woman suf- frage; actively working with the Franchise League of Indiana. Author of translations from the German, poems and articles contributed to periodicals; assisted in editing several works of
��father, Daniel Howe, and husband, Archibald M. Hall. Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Departmental Club of Indianapolis, Civic League, Consumers' LeagTie, Franchise League.
HALL, Margaret Woodburn, 48 Wannalansit St., Lowell, Mass.
Teacher of French; b. Pensacola, Fla., Dec. 22, 1879; dau. Martin Ellsworth and Mary (Cuehlng) Hail; ed. Lowell High School, Rogers High School, Vassar Coll., A.B. '03; Columbia Univ., A.M. '11. Teacher Quincy School, Pough- keepsie, N.Y., 1903-04, DeLancey School, Geneva, N.Y., 1904-05; Normal Coll. and High Schools, N.Y. City, since 1903. Author: Le Protestantisme parmi les Canadlens-Frangaise, 1906. Sunday- school teacher at L'Eglise du Saint Esprit, N.Y. City, since 1906. Protestant Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Rogers Hall Alumna Ass'n, Vassar Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Romance Club (Coltun'bia Univ). Recreations: Canoeing, swimming, skating, tennis, French plays, lec- turer.
HALL, Mary Bowers (Mrs. Robert William Hall), 152 S. Linden St., Bethlehem, Pa. Born Saco, Me., Oct. 2, 1871; d^u. Roscoe L. and Sarah Abby (Berry) Bowers; ed. Thorn tor Acad., Saco, Me.; Smith Coll., B.L. '95; Rad- cliffe Coll., M.A. '98; Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1900-01; Univ. of Pa., 1905-07; Ph.D. '09; m. Portland, Me., Aug. 4, 1908, Robert William Hall; one daughter: Roberta Bowers. Instructor in zoology, Wellesley Coll., 1899-1908. Favors woman sufirage. Author: 'The Peripheral Dis- tribution of the Cranial Nerves of Spelerpes Bl- lineatus; Histolysis and Hlstbgenesis of the In- testinal Epithelium of Bufo Lentiginosus. Uni- tarian. Mem. Mass. Audubon Soc. HALL, Mary Hunter (Mrs. Lewis Christian Hall), Dardanelle, Ark.
Born Greenville, Ala. ; dau. Richard Lewis Hunter of Va. and Frances Bartow (Harris) Hunter of Ga. ; ed. Milledgeville (Ga.) Female Acad., 1865-70, and private teachers; m. Mill- edgeville, Ga., Dec. 28, 1887, Lewis Christian Hall. Presibyterian. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy, D.A.R. Preparing papers for Colonial Dames. Interested in societies for local work, such as Ladies' Aid of the Presby- terian Church, School Improvement Ass'n, Ceme- tery Ass'n, etc. Has served one term as third vice-pres. Gen. United Daughters of the Con- federacy; two terms aa first vice-pres. gen. United Daughters of the Confederacy, and was pres. Ark. Div. United Daughters of the Con- federacy two years.
HALL, Mary Keuey, Tower Sq., Hartford, Conn. Attorney at law; b. Marlborough; dau. Gus- tavus Ezra and Louisa (Skinner) Hall; grad. at Wil'braham Acad., 1866. Admitted to the bar Oct. 3, 1882; took examination in March, 1882; case went to Supreme Court and was decided In favor July 19, 1882. Mem. State Board of Chari- ties 12 years; now director of Charity Organiza- tion Soc. of Hartford; manager of the Good Will Club, organized in 1880. Favors woman suffrage. Author of an historical sketch of Marlborough and of the Good Will Cluto. Con- gregatioruUist. Republican. Mem. Conn. His- torical Soc.
HALL, Mary Louise, Roxmor, Woodland, Ulster Co., N.Y.
Born N.Y. City; dau. Gen. James F. and Violetta Morgan (Marsh) Hall; ed. Miss Bulkley's Sem., Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N.Y. ; granddaugh- ter of Gen. W. E. Hall, of the War of 1812; great-granddaughter of Gen. Morgan of the Rev- olutionary War. Interested in fresh air chari- ties. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. HALL, Mollie Margaret Baker (Mrs. Joshua Story Hall), 359 Resor Av., Clifton. Cincin- nati, O.
Born Cincinnati, O., 1866; dau. David and Mar- garet (Wolff) Baker; grad. Wood-ward High School; Cincinnati Normal School; College of Music of Cincinnati; m. Cincinnati, Dec. 11, 1889, Joshua Story Hall one son: David Baker Hall. Charter mem., was first sec. and is ex-pres. Saturday Literary Club, organized 1863; mem. Philomatheans Club (literary and historical soc., which is also devoted to subjects of general