��E^ffleiency Leagne of the Village of Oakrwood and of chnrch organizations.
FTAT.T., Florence Marion Howe (Mrs. David Prescbtt Hall), 17 Livingston Place, N.Y. City. Writer and lecturer; b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 25, 1845; dau. Dr. Samuel Gridley and Julia (Ward) Howe; ed. private schools in Boston and vicinity, including the Agassiz School of Cambridge, Mass.; studied music with Otto Dresel; m. Nov. 15, 1871, David Prescott Hall of the N.Y. bar; children: Samuel Prescott, Caroline Minturn (Hall) Birckhead, Henry Marion, John Howe, all three Harvard graduates (Henry Marion, M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia; John, M.A., Har- vard; Caroline studied painting seven years in Paris, France, and exhibited in the New Salon). Was president, U years, of Plainfleld (N.J.) Branch of Nat Alliance of Unitarian Women; regent several years of Continental Chapter D.A.B. of Plainfleld, N.J.; pres., 1893-1900. of N J. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n (now honorary pres.). Pres. several years of Equal Suffrage League of Plainfleld and North Plainfleld, N.J. Author: Social Customs; Boys, Girls and Man- ners; The Correct Thing in Good Society; Social Usages at Washington; (collaborating with Maud Howe Elliott), Laura Bridgman, Dr. Howe's Famous Pupil. Unitarian. Formerly Repub- lican, now Progressive. Recreations: Skating, riding, dancing, theatre, concerts, in youth; later, reading, piano, social gatherings. Presi- dent two years of Monday Afternoon Club of Plainfleld, N.J.; pres. Garden Club of High Bridge, N.J. ; chairman of correspondence for N.J. of the Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, six years; later vlce-pres. and afterward director and chairman of education of N-J- State Fed. Wom- en's Clubs (vlce-pres.- Fifth Dist., 1911-13). HAIX, Frieda P. C. (Mrs. Anson Laffln Hall), 434 E. Slxty-flfth St., Chicago, III. Playmaker and composer; b. Berlin, Germany, Nov. 15, 1879; dau. Morris and Antoinette (Von Aye) Cohen; ed. in Leipzig, Germany, and Ursu- llne Convent, Chatham, Ont. ; m. Baton Rouge, La., Anson LaffiH Hall. First woman opera writer in the world. Composer and author of 500 published composition sketches (musical and dramatic). Her opera. The Voyagers, of which she wrote the book, lyrics and music, was re- hearsed rmd staged under her personal super- vision at the La Salle St. Theatre, Chicago. Fills engagements for arranging for amateur entertainments for societies, clubs, etc. HAIX,, Gertrude, The Evelyn, 101 West 78th St., N.Y. City. ^ ^
Writer; b. Boston, Mass., Sept. 8, 1863; dau. Davis Culver and Edna Amile (Brown) Hall; ed. Inst. Selb, Florence, Italy. Author (verses): Age of Fairygold; Par from To-day; Foam of the Sea; The Hundred and other Stories. Also: April's Sowing; The Unknown Quantity (novels) and The Wagnerian Romances. Translations: Selections from the Poems of Paul Verlaine; Cyrano de Bergerac; Chantecler. Episcopalian. HAIL, Gertrude Ella, 315 Washington Av., Al- bany, N.Y.
Inspector, eugenist; b. Auburn, Me., Jan. 8, 1877- dau. Alonzo and Abbie Josephine (Davis) Hall- ed. Cornell Univ., A.B., '97; fellow Univ. of Chicago, '06; Pd.B. Pd.M. (Bachelor of Ped- agogy and master of same); Albany Normal Coll. Pd.B. '98; Pd.M. '06; A.M., Ph.D., Brown Univ' '07. Teacher mathematics Walton, N.Y., High 'school, 1898-1901; teacher Greek and Ger- man, Rensselaer, N.Y. High School, 1902-05; inspector State Board of Charities N.Y. State, 1907-11; appointed head of Bureau of Analysis and Investigation, N.Y. State Board of Charities, Julv 19U. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Club of Albany. Presbyterian. Mem. Cornell Women's Club (Albany). HALT-, Halliett Deraxa Ellis, 39 34 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo.
Teacher; b. Carlton, Orleans Co., N.Y., Dec. 21, 1861; dau. Joshua Enery and Sarah (Crossett) Hall; ed. Albion (N.Y.) High School; Cornell Univ. (classical course), Ph.B.; Alliance Fran- caise; Haupt's German method, Kansas City; Delsarte System of Elocution, Sioux Falls;
��course In piano and organ with Prof. C. D. Rose, Albion. N.Y. Associate editor Kiowa Herald, Kansas; teacher Sioux Falls Baptist Coll.; Bay- lor Univ., Waco, Tex.; Adrian (Mich.) Coll. Pianist for neighborhood and church musical societies. Story writer and accompanist for King's Daughters' Sunday-school class of United Brethren Church, receptions, two-piano duos, for pupils and friends. Favors woman suffrage. Pres. of Stokes Union of the W.C.T.U. of Kansas City. Author of a poem: His Vision; a song; They Won the Laurel; Reply to Willlain Allen White, Correspondence; Practical Presentation of the Classic Drama; Cornell Cajnpus. Baptist. Recreation: Walking.
HALL., Harriet Baker (Mrs. Herman H. Hall),
640 Oak St., Columbus, O.
Born Columbus, 0., Aug. 17, 1877; dau. Walter B. and Ella C. (Sliter) Baker; grad. Central High School, Colum'bus; Wells Coll., B.A., magna cum laude, '98; m. Columbus, 0.. Dec. IS, 1899, Her- man H. Hall; children: Walter Baker, b. Sept. 2, 1901; Eleanor Martin Hall, fc- July 9, 1910. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Women's College Club of Columbus (vice-pres.).
HALL, Ida Dickinson (Mrs. William Asbury Hall), 1777 Colfax Av. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Born Branchport, N.Y. ; dau. Charles Freder- ick and Martha Elizabeth (Barnum) Dickinson; ed. Cortland, N.Y.; m. Lowville, N.Y., Sept. 15, 1880, William Asbury Hall; children: Leroy Wil- liam, Helen. Mem. Woman's Welfare League, Woman's Christian Ass'n; sec. of Board Jones- Harrison Home; pres. Art History Club; chair- man Art Com., Fifth Dist. of Federated Clubs of Minn.; student mem. Fine Art Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian.
HALL, Jeanie Stewart Boyd (Mrs. Charles Cuthbert Hall), Westport Point, Mass. Born N.Y. City, Feb. 10, 1857; dau. Robert Hawthorn and Catharine Ten Eyck (Lansing) Boyd; ed. by governesses and at Miss Mackie's Private School at Newburgh, N.Y.; m. New Windsor-on-the-Hudson, N.Y., Aug. 2, 1877, Rev. Charles Cuthbert Hull; children: Katharine Stan- ley, Basil Douglas, Eleanor MaoMaster, Theodore Elbridge. Anti-suffrage. Presbyterian.
HALL, Jennie, 4926 North Troy St., Chicago.
Teacher, writer; b. Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 7, 1875; dau. Irving and Ella C. (Martin) Hall; ed. Univ. of Chicago (junior scholarship In Greek, junior prize in oratory). Taught In Chicago Normal School under Colonel Parker; now teaching in Francis W. Parker School. Author: Four Old Greeks; Viking Tales; Story of Chicago; Men of Old Greece. Recreations: Canoeing, camping. Mem. Woman's City Club.
HALL, Kate Cowling, 1943 Liberty St., Jack- sonville, Fla,
Real estate dealer; b. Nansemond County, Va., Feb. 28, 1878; dau James W. and Almeda Virginia (Cowling) Hall; ed. Norfolk High School and Norfolk Coll., Norfolk, Va. Has been in real estate business, selling standing timber and lands for colonization for past eight years. Active in charity work. State pres. Ga. Branch Internat. Order of the King's Daughters and Sons; mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy, D.A.R. Against woman suffrage. Baptist.
HALL, Lillian Popenoe (Mrs. Clarence Seymour Hall), 1025 Tennessee St., Lawrence, Kan. Born Hannibal, Mo., July 1, 1865; dau. Perry Davis and Catherine L. (Oliver) Popenoe; ed. Quincy (111.) and Topeka (Kan.) schools, Kansas State Agricultural Coll., Kansas State Univ.; m. Lawrence, Kan., June 17, 1896, Clarence Sey- mour Hall. Was in book and stationery busi- ness until married to a newspaper man. Active in D.A.R. work, being State vice-regent and a mem. of Preservation of Historic Spots Com., and the Interchangeable Bureau of Lectures and Slides Com: (patriotic instruction), both Nat. Coms. of D.A.R. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Huguenot Soc. of S.C, and Twentieth Century Literary Club (Lawrence). Elected by D.A.R. in State to present the stand of colors to battleship Kansas, when the