��Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Students' Fund See, Settlement League, Art Inst, of Chicago, Associate Alumnae of Vassar Coll., Inter-col- legiate AlumnsB Ass'n, University Equal Suffrage Ass'n, 111. Woman's Suffrage League, Port- nightly Club of Chicago.
HALE, LUian Wesfcott (Mrs. Philip L. Hale),
Federal Hill, Dedham, Mass.
Artl?t painter; b. Hartford, Conn.; dau. Ed- ward Gardiner and Harriet (Clark) Westcott; ed. Hartford Art School; Boston Museum of Fine Arts; m. Hartford, Conn., 1902, Philip L. Hale; one daughter: Anna Westcott Hale, b. Boston, May 6, 1908. Bronze medal Internat. Exposition of Buenos Ayres; represented in various private collections. Mem. Boston Water Color Club.
HALE, Maud Franess, Newaygo, Mich.
Teacher; b. Constantino, Mich., Dec. 28, 1879; dau. David Shepherd and Adella (Kennedy) Hale; ed. Hesperia High School, Ypsilanti State Normal Coll., of Mich, (two years' course; life certificate) ; specialized in mathematics and English. Principal Newaygo High School, 1910; teacher of English and mathematics, Shelby High School, 1908-10. Interested in New Thought and the Theosophicai Movement. Presbyterian. Mem. the Grange. Pres. Ladies' Literary Club of Newaygo, Mich.
HAXK, Rose Terkins (Mrs. Edward Everett
Hale), College Grounds, Schenectady, N.Y.
Born Union College, Schenectady, N.Y.; dau. Maurice and Annie D. (Potts) Perkins; ed. Miss Master's School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. ; Schenectady High School; Paris, France, in a private school; m. Shaw Farm, Waterford, Conn., June 15, 1893, Edward Ererett Hale; children: Maurice Per- kins; children: Nathan, Thomas Shaw. Recrea- tions: Gardening, astronomy, study of birds, philately. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Exec. Board of Woman's Political Union; pres. of the Schenectady Branch of the Woman's Political Union of New York. HALEY, LelJa Byrd (Mrs. Uttleberry J. Haley),
1101 11th Avenue South, Birmingham, Ala.
Born Selma, Ala., Jan. 11, 1869; dau. William M. and L. Ella (Billingsley) Byrd; ed. Judson Coll., Marion, Ala., M.A. ; m. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 27, 1889, L. J. Haley; one son: Byrd. Mem. and works actively for the Woman's Benevolent Union (church soc.), Children's Aid Soc, Bir- mingham Y.W.C.A., Jefferson Co. Anti-Tubercu- losis Ass'n, Nat. Red Cross Soc, Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs School Improvement Ass'n. Bap- tist. Mem. D.A.R., Drama League; pres. Jud- son Coll. Alumnse Ass'n. Clubs: Clionian, Music Study. Pres. Birmingham Council of Women's Clubs; treas. Ala. Federation Women's Clubs. Pres. Birmingham Boys' Club. HALEY, OUve L. (Mrs. John Virgil Haley),
181 S. Twelfth St., San Jos6, Cal.
Born In California, Aug. 7, 1873; dau. Charles W. and Martha T. (Donaldson) Collins; ed. grammar school of Hayward, Cal.; Irving Inst., San Francisco; m. Hayward, Cal., May 28, 1895, John Virgil Haley; children: Virgil E., Melvin C, Cecil I. Mem. Order ^f the Eastern Star, Church Guild, San Jose Woman's Guild (pres. 1911-12), Civic Study League, Parent-Teachers' Ass'n of Schools (first vice-pres.). Chairman of physical culture section of Woman's Club. Epis- copalian. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. HALL, Adaline M. (Mrs. Howard H. Hall),
Sidney, Neb.
Born Garnavilla, la.. Mar. 20, 1S66; dau. W. H. Predmore (editor and lawyer) and Eknily (Coslar) Prcdmore; ed. Fremont, Neb.; m. Fremont, Neb., Nov. 11, 1883, Howard H. Hall; children: Emily Gertrude, b. Dec. 23, 1884; Howard H., b. Jan. 16, 18S6. Interested in religrious, social and philan- thropic works. Mem. P. E.G., Eastern Star, W.C.T.U., Belle M. Stontenberough Club. Meth- odist. Favors woman suffrage. Republican. HALi, Adflaide S. (Mrs. Herman J. Hall),
1442 Dearborn Av., Chicago, 111.
Museum instructor and lecturer In the Art Inst, of Chicago;' b. Westmoreland, N.Y., Nov. 2, 1SS7; dau. Schuyler and Susan (Waldo) Wade; ed. Buffalo Normal School; private tutors; m.
��Buffalo, N.Y., April 13, 1876, Herman J. Hall; children: Leone, Alma. Ex. -pres. and founder of Arche Club of Chicago; first chairman of Art, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs and 111. State Fed. of Women's Clubs: first chairman Exec. Com. of Municipal Art League of Chicago; ex-vice-pres. Am. Park and Out-door Art Ass'n. Author: Two Women Abroad; Import Symbols in Their Hebrew, Pagan and Christian Form. Mem. D.A.R. ; honorary mem. of Out-door Park Board of New Orleans, La.; the Out-door Art League of Chicago, the Municipal Art League of Chicago, the Out-door Art League of San Francisco. Mem. the Arche Club of Chicago. Recreation: Travel. Favors woman suffrage. HALL, Alice Linscott (Mrs. Frederic Aldin
Hall), 5846 Julian Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Born Brunswick, Me., Oct. 25, 1857; dau. Will- iam and Hannah (Gatchell Linscott; ed. Lasell Sem., 1874-78; m. Springfield, Mo., June 16, 1881, Frederic Aldin Hall; children: William, Elinor Alice, Elizabeth. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Con- sumers' League of Mo., Am. Forestry Ass'n; mem. of the Council of Y.W.C.A. in Washington Univ.; vice-pres. Foreign Missionary Soc. Mem. Tuesday Club of St. Louis; pres. Woman's Club of Washington University, St. Louis. Especially interested in college students and their activities and as wife of the present head of Washington Univ. is much occupied with social and univer- sity life. HALL, Carlotta Case (Mrs. Harvey Monroe
Hall), 1615 La I.oma Av., Berkeley, Cal.
Born Kingsville, O., Jan. 19, 1880; dau. Quincy A. and Adelaide Percy (Hardy) Case; ed. Kings- ville public schools; Miss Horton's School, Oak- land, Cal., 1900; Univ. of Gal., B.S. '04; m. Oak- land, Cal., Feb. 23, 1910, Prof. Harvey Monroe Hall. Interested in study of ferns and modern drama section of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse. Author: A Yosemile Flora (with H. M. Hall). Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. HALL, Clara Wendel (Mrs. Luther Egbert
Hall), Baton Rouge, La.
Born Brownsville, Tenn., Feb. 13, 1868; dau. John P. and Julia Clara (Bradsford) Wendel; grad. Brownsville Female Coll., A.B. ; m. Brownsville, Tenn., 1892, Luther Egbert Hall (present Governor of Louisiana); children: Clara Wendel, b. Sept. 21, 1893; Luther Egbert, b. April 6, 1895. Taught music as well as literary branches up to time of marriage. Episcopalian. Mem. Pastoral Aid, Orphanage Board. Recrea- tions: Reading, music and social duties as wife of Governor. Mem. Philistoria Club, Tennes- seeans' Club, Five o'clock Tea Club. HALL, Edith Babbitt (Mrs. Isaac Staples Hall),
72 Woburn St., West Medford, Mass.
Born Orange, Mass., Aug. 28, 1885; dau. Charles Albert and Addle F. (Packard) Babbitt; grad. Fitchburg High School, '02; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '06; m. Fitchburg, Mass., May 24, 1910, Isaac Staples Hall; one daughter: Deborah Hall. Baptist. HALL, Edith Hayward, Woodstock, Conn.
Archaeologist, teacher; b. in Connecticut; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '99; student of apchseology and Greek, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1900-03; Mary E. Gar- rett fellow, 1901-02, Ph.D. '07; Agnes Hoppln fel- low at Am. School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece, 1903-05 Teacher In Woodstock (Conn.) Acad., 1899-1900; Miss Shippen's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 19U0-04; Instructor In archaeology, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1909-11; excavating In East- ern Crete, 1910-11. Author (dissertation): The Decorative Art of Crete in the Bronze Age, 1906. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. HALL, Fanny Southard Hay (Mrs. Keppele
Hall), Woody Knoll, Oakwood. Dayton, O.
Born Pittshurgh, Pa., Sept. 26, 1872; dau. Malcolm and Virginia Eleanor (Southard) Hay; ed. private school in Pittsburgh; St. Agnes' School, Albany, N.Y. ; Bishop Thorpe School In Bethlehem, Pa.; tn. Trenton, N.J., April 11, 1896, Keppele Hall. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Board Directors of Woman's Suffrage Ass'n of Montgomery Co., Ohio (chairman Com. on Memhcrsliip). Episcopalian. Mem. Woman's