Aid Soc. of Strong Place Baptist Church. Mem. Colonial Dames of New York, Colonial Daughters of the XVIIth Century. Clubs: Brooklyn Woman's (chairman Board of directors); charter. mem. Winter Club of Utrecht; charter mem. and pres. Utrecht Study Club; mem. Ex-Presidents' Club of Brooklyn.
ALLIN, Josephine Turner, 4805 Madison Av., Chicago, 111.
Teacher and dramatic director; b. Chicago, Ill., June 10, 1877; dau. Benjamin C. and Josephine (Turner) Allin; ed. Univ. of Chicago, A.B. '99; Sorbonne, Paris, 1901-02 (The Quadranglers). Interested in the Episcopal Church, Settlement League, University Settlement and vocational counseling. Mem. Univ. of Chicago Alumnae Club, Univ. of Chicago Alumni Ass'n, Settlement League, Drama League of America, Nat. Educational Ass'n, Chicago High School Teachers' Club and various educational or pedagogic associations, and very active in Chicago College Club. Dean of girls in Chicago High School. Recreations: Dramatic coach, French clubs. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
ALLINE, Mary Clapp (Mrs. W. Henry Alline), 113 Gainsboro St., Boston, Mass.
Born Boston; dau. Henry Barnard and Mary C. (Beals) Clapp; ed. boarding school and Winthrop School, Boston; m. Boston, May 25, 1886, W. Henry Alline. Active in State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Against woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Founders and Patriots of America, (Colonial Dames. Has held office of regent, also treas. and registrar of Paul Revere Chapter D.A.R., and similar offices in Daughters of 1812; first vice-pres. Brighthelmstone Club; vice-pres. of two church organizations for charity and philanthropic work.
ALLINSON, Annie Crosby Emery (Mrs. Francis G. Allinson), 163 George St., Providence, R.I.
Educator; b. Ellsworth, Me., Jan. 1, 1871; dau. Lucilius A. and Annie Stetson (Crosby) Emery; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll. A.B. '92, Ph.D. '96, Hon. Litt.D. from Bowdoin Coll., 1911; m. Hancock Point, Me., Aug. 22, 1903, Francis Greenleaf Allinson. Dean of Women and assistant professor, Univ. of Wis., 1897-1900; dean of Women's Coll. in Brown Univ., 1900-05. Joint author, with husband, of Greek Lands and Letters, 1909, revised 1912.
ALLIS, Fannie Augusta, Wilbraham, Mass.
Ex-teacher; b. Wilbraham, Mass., 1863; dau. William Penn and Amelia R. (Baker) Allis; ed. preparatory school; five years Smith Acad., Hatfield, Mass.; Smith Coll., 1880-84, A.B. '84; since graduation has traveled abroad; studied at Harvard Summer School and Hartford (Conn.) Pedagogy School. Against woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Recreations: Painting, sketching, tutoring, gardening, reading, writing.
ALLIS, Lizzie May, 293 N. Euclid Av., Pasadena, Cal.
Teacher; b. Prattsburgh, Steuben Co., N.Y.; dau. Elijah and Emily Olivia (Hayes) Allis; ed Franklin Acad., Prattsburgh, Regents' diploma; Elmira College, A.B. (salutatorian), Hall essay prize; Diven reading prize, also A.M. '96; Cornell Univ., 1895-96; special study 1909-10 in Marburg and Berlin Univs., Germany; Zeugnis in German phonetics from Prof. Vietor of Univ. of Marburg (mem. Kappa Sigma). Three years preceptress of Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, Towanda, Pa.; one year teacher in Jacksonville (Ill.) Female Acad,; five years preceptress of State Normal, Mansfield, Pa.; thirteen years head of dep't of modern languages, Iowa State Coll.; now commencing fourth year as teacher of German in Polytechnic High School, Pasadena, Cal. Much interested in educational, religious and philanthropic work, Y.W.C.A. and Sunday-school. Active mem. of weekly Bible Study Class. Favors woman suffrage. Has written accounts of foreign travel and German dialogues and essays. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Agonian Soc. of Normal Schools of N.Y. and Pa., Pasadena Teachers Ass'n. Has traveled extensively in U.S. and Europe, visited foreign countries four times. Mem. Browning Club of Pasadena.
ALLIS, Mary Elizabeth, 1604 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Pa.
Missionary secretary; b. Philadelphia; ed. Miss Irwin's School, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; graduate student, 1902-05. Director and sec. of Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of the Presbyterian Church since 1909.
ALLOWAY, Mary Louise Tuttle (Mrs. Henry Alloway), 412 West End Av., N.T. City (summer, The Birches, Goshen, N.Y.).
Born New Haven, Conn., Jan. 17, 1858; dau. William and Polly Elizabeth (Beecher) Tuttle; m. Dec. 24, 1885, Henry Alloway of N.Y. City; children: Polly, Elizabeth, Charles R. Collector of Americana, especially Colonial china, furnishings and documents. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. D.A.R., Patriotic Women of America, Nat. Soc. of New England Women, Daughters of the Union, Washington Headquarters Ass'n, Minerva Club, Phalo, N.Y. State Women, Post Parliament, Athenia, Pensa and Monday Art Clubs and N.Y. City Fed. of Clubs.
ALLSTRUM, Esther, 644 N. Trafton St., Tacoma, Wash.
City market-master and food Inspector; b. Minnesota; dau. Louis and Eva F. (Henderson) Allstrum; ed. Minneapolis public schools. Learned printing trade in Tacoma, Wash., mastering mechanical and business details, became partner in firm; now largest owner and pres. Allstrum Printing Co., one of most complete plants in State. Appointed to office of city market-master and food inspector, 1910, and went to work vigorously to remedy deplorably unsanitary conditions in Tacoma, strongly opposed by those profiting by these conditions and hampered by defective laws, roused public opinion and secured co-operation of women's organizations of city; resigned in 1911 because of withdrawal of support by administration. In recall election following her work was an issue, and the new mayor then elected reappointed her to office, in which, securing better legislation, she has made conditions which have been declared by the State food inspector the best in the State. Mem. Nat. Council of Women Voters; active mem. Woman's Club.
ALMY, Amy Celesta (Mrs. John E. Almy), 2300 A St., Lincoln, Neb.
Born West Point, Neb., Feb. 13, 1875; dau. Uriah and Amelia (Brobst) Bruner; ed. Univ. of Nebraska, A.B. '96; Cornell Univ., A.M. '02; m. West Point, Neb., July 22, 1903, John E. Almy, Ph.D.; one daughter: Constance. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Church organizations for women, missionary and social. Recreations: Walking, reading. Mem. Faculty Woman's Club, Social Service Club.
ALMY, Helen Cabot (Mrs. Charles Almy), 147 Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass.
Born Boston, Jan. 26, 1856; dau. Samuel and Hannah Lowell (Jackson) Cabot; ed. Boston private schools; holds certificate (preliminary and advanced) from Harvard examination for women, 1874-1875; m. Ponkapoag, Mass., Oct. 5, 1882, Charles Almy, Jr.; children: Mary, Helen Jackson, Anna Cabot, Charles, Elizabeth Mason, Samuel Cabot. Interested in Cambridge Vacation School Com., three years; Cambridge Playground Com., 10 years; Cambridge Playground Commission one year; director in two private schools in Cambridge since their incorporation: The Buckingham School and the Cambridge School for Girls; various Cambridge clubs. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage.
ALSTON, Caroline Lamar du Bignon (Mrs. Robert E. Alston), 878 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga.
Born Savannah, Ga., July 24, 1876; dau. Fleming Grantland and Caroline Nicoll (Lamar) du Bignon; ed. St. Timothy's, Catonsville near Baltimore, Md. (Theta Tau); m. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 1, 1900, Robert E. Alston (lawyer). Interested In all matters for the welfare of people, active in social and religious matters; former pres. Sheltering Arms; interested in Old Woman's Home. Episcopalian.