��Lucas and Matilda (Purdy) Lent; ed. Csmadlan schools and academies; Univ. of Mich., D.iJ.S. '94; m. (1st) Dresden, Ont., W. L. Ostrander (deceased); (2q) Toronto, Ont., Dr. W. H. Gun- drum; children: Grace, Jean, Wllla Ostrander. Interested in philanthropic ideas, assisting others to help themselves, education and support of fallen women. Mem. Educational, Mental Sug- gestive and Bible Study Classes. Congrega- tlonallst. Favors ■woman suffrage. Gl NDRY, Frances Rath Gilchrlflt (Mrs. John Murton Gundry), 6S03 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. Born Thurder Bay Island, Mich., Sept 18, 1875; dau. Joeeph Clough and Alice Chambers (Devln) Gilchrist; ed. Pa. Coll. for Women, Oberlin Coll. and Constirvatory, Cleveland School of Art, and Sorbonne, Paris; m. John Murton Gundry; children: John Murton Jr., Joseph Perry, Wllloughby Devln, Alice Devln, Francis Bentlnck. Served In past 20 years at different times on Board of Huron St. Hospital; taught at Lend-a-Hand Mission; mem. Cleveland Free Kindergarten Board. Section pres. of Needle- work Guild, Municipal School League. Against woman sulfrag©. Spoke against suffrage at Men's Luncheon Club, Madison, Wis.; Republi- can Club, at Delmonico's, N.Y. City, and before Constitutional Com., State House, Columbus, O. ; also in N.Y. City, Jersey City, Chicago, Chamber of Commerce at Columbus, Hartford, etc. Au- thor ot miscellaneous poems; articles on Spain; B^bfism; A Transplanted Nursery (book); Hallu- oinatlons; collaborated on Book of Eastern Re- ligions, published in German. Mem. D.A.R. ; mem. Executive Board of Ohio State Ass'n Op- posed to Woman Suffrage. Mem. Fortnightly Musical Club (Cleveland), Lyceum Club, Lon- don, Paris (charter mem.), Twentieth Century Club (Cleveland).
GtFNN, Katharine MiUer (Mrs. Edgar Gran- ville Gunn), 304 W. FYanklin St., Richmond, Va.
Born Washington D.C., May 15, 1872; dau. Jacob Carpenter and Katharine (Durham) Miller; ed. private schools In Washington; m. Harrison- burg, Va., June 4, 1890, Edgar Granville Gunn; children: Katharine Eiidora, Harriet Granville. Author (musical) When My Dreams Come True; Slumber Song; Sleepy Song; Remembrance; Separation; Cradle Song; Dream Girl Caress Me; Summer Farewell; Hush-a-bye Sweet, My Own. Mem^ D.A.R. Socl^tfe Universelle Lyrique, Coun- try Club of Virginia, Hermitage Club.
GCNNI80N, Sarah Pierce, National Cathedral
School, Washington, D.C.
Teacher; b. Boston, Mass.; ed. In schools of Boston, Mass., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '83. Teacher St. Catherine's Hall, Augusta, Me., 1884-88; Edgeworth School, Baltimore, Md., 1888- 98; Bethany Coll. (Topeka, Kan.), 1903-06; Na- tional Cathedral School, Washington, D.C, since 1906. GUBNEY, CUire Hubbard (Mrs. Herbert J. Gur-
ney), 145 Warren Av., WoUaston, Mass.
Lecturer, literature teacher; b. Roxbury, Mass., June 16, 1861; dau. Moses Nason and Mary Eliza- beth (Orrik) Hubbard ; ed. public schools of Bos- ton; School of Expression; private tutors In languages and literature; Shakespeare under Henry Hudson; m. Roxbury, Mass., 1889, Herbert J. Gurney. Clerk of the Federation, and kno*n throughout New England as a lecturer on litera- ture and dramatic reader. Interested in Sunday- school work; sup't of local Unitarian Sunday- school; life mem. ot Unitarian Sunday-school (Nat.) Soc, clerk Mass. State Federation of Women's Clubs since 1910. Devotes much time to dramatic and settlement work. Has published numerous poems and stories for children in mag- azines, such as St. Nicholas. Mem. Quincy Women's Club, Friday Club, Pickwick Club (Quincy), Mass. State Federation. Recreations: Canoeing, walking, out-of-door sports, dramatic work (semi-professional). Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. GUSTAJFSON. Zadel Bamee, Box 64, R.F.D.
No. 4, Huntington, L.I., N.Y.
Author; b. Middletown, Conn., Mar. 9, 1841; dau. Duane and Cynthia Sexton (Turner) Barnes;
��ed. at home by coll. tutors, St. Thomas' Hall Female Sem., Flushing, L.I., N.Y. ; Wllbraham Acad., Mass. Published In prose and verse at age of 14 in N. P. Willis' Home Journal; later In the foremost magazines and newspapers, both home and foreign; for 20 years contributed poems, stories and special illustrated biographical and critical articles to Harper's Magazine; nota- ble among those In prose: The Archbishop's Inn (Lamteth Palace); The Voice of Christmas Past, a tribute to Charles Dickens, the first Christmas after his death; The Bard of Abbotsford, appear- ing In the Scott Centenary number. In poetry: Little Martin Craghan, the child whose heroism cost him his life in the Pittston mines, which poem was copied In the newspapers all over the land; The Prisoner, and Zlobane, a story of child heroism In the Zulu War. Author: Can the Old Love? a novel, 1871. Resided In London, 1879-88, and was founder and editor of the Nat. Philan- thropist, 1884; visited the U.S. as special repre- sentative of the Pall Mall Gazette in 1S86; re- visited the U.S. as delegate to the First Interaat. Congress of Women, 1888, and addressed it on The Temperance Question; revised, edited and published a long-forgotten work of genius, Mrs. Maria Gowen Brooks' Zophiel, or the Bride of Seven, 1879, prefacing it with a biographical sketch; published a volume of verse: Meg — A Pastoral and Other Poems, 1879; later published simultaneously in London and Boston the biog- raphy of the Am. artist and actress, Genevieve Ward. Joint author: The Foundation of Death — A Study of the Drink Queetion, containing the most comprehensive Drink Bibliography ever published. GUTHRIE, Anna I-orralne, 1401 University
Av., S.B., Minneapolis, Minn.
Editor; b. York, N.Y. ; dau. John and Alice (Crawford) Guthrie; ed. Luverne (Minn.) High School; Univ. of Minn., B.A.; mem. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Alpha Theta. Favors woman suffrage. Editor: Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature; Readers' Guide Supplement; Eclectic Library Catalog; Library Work; Index to the Forum. Christian Scientist. Library assistant Univ. of Minn., 1893-1904. GUTHRIE, Lulu Galbralth (Mrs. William Jay
Guthrie), 14 LaFayette Place, Rochester, N.Y.
Born Latakia, Turkey in Asia, June 25, 1872; dau. Rev. Samuel Renwick and Anna (Martin) Galbralth; edi public and high schools of Roches- ter, N.Y.; Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '96; m. Rochester, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1898, William Jay Guthrie. Presbyterian. Mem. Waldenslan Aid Soc, Mis- sionary Soc. of Presbyterian Church. Favors woman suffrage.
GUTHRIE, Maria Elizabeth Seabury (Mrs. Ed- ward Buckingham Guthrie), 562 W. Ferry St.,
Buffalo, N.Y.
Graduate Smith Coll., A.B. '90; m. Buffalo, N.Y., Aug. 5, 1903, Edward Buckingham Guthrie; children: Edward Hosmer, b. June 21, 1904; Anne, b. Sept. 11, 1907 (died Feb. 15, 1909). Teacher in Halifax (N.S.) Ladies' Coll., 1890-92; Miss Dana's School, Morristown, N.J., 1893-98; St Margaret's School, Buffalo, N.Y., 1899 and 1903. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. GUTHRIE, Sarah Lewis (Mrs. Wm. A. Guthrie),
Franklin, Ind.
Born Dupont, Ind., Feb. 11, 1854; dau. George Brown (M.D.) and Patience (McGannon) Lewis; ed. Dupont, Ind.; m. Dupont Ind., Oct 28. 1875, William Anderson Guthrie; children: George Lewis Guthrie, M.D., b. 1877; Lucy Anne Guth- rie, b. 1890. Mem. D.A.R. (State regent 1905-08), State sec. Daughters of U.S.; mem. of musical and other clubs. Baptist. GUY, Artemisia Stone (Mrs. Matthew E. Guy).
3.t3 Monument Av., Dayton, O.
Born Dayton, O. ; dau. Dudley and Mary Eliza- beth (Shartle) Stone; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '94; m. Falmouth, Ky., Feb. 24, 1901, Matthew E. Guy (died Sept 24, 1909). Teacher of Steele High School, Dayton, O., 1894-1901. Favors wo- man suffrage. Baptist.
GUYEB, Caroline Clarkson, 156 W. Ninety- seventh BU, N.Y. City.
Teacher, social worker; grad. Smith ColL, B.A.