��Roadside Harp, 1893; 'England and Yesterday,' 1898; The Martyrs' Idyl and Shorter Poema, 1899; Robert Emmet, His RebeUloa and His Romance, 1904; Hurrell PYoudu, MemoraJida and Comments, 1905; The Blessed Edmund Campion, 1908; A Happy Ending, 1909. Editer: Select Poems of James Clarence Mangan; Poems of Matthew Arnold (in Riverside Literature Series) ; Katharine Phillips, 'The Matchless Orlinda'; Thomas Stanley, His Original Lyrics (with Introduction and Notes); Dr. T. W. Parsons' Translation of The Divina Commedia of Dante; Henry Vaughan's Mount of Olives. Catholic. Favors woman suffrage. GUriCK, Eleanor Brooks (Mrs. Walter Vose
Gulick), Tacoma, Wash.
Bom Magnesia, Asia Minor, Feb. 11, 1876; dau. Charles Henry and Fannie (Wallace) Brooks; ed. Constantinople Coll., 18S8-92; Wellesley Coll., B.A. 1898 (Agora); m. Grafton, Ontario, Sept 19, 1905, Walter Vose Gulick; children: Howard Brooks, b. 1907; Luther Hervey, b. 1910. Lec- turer, principally on subjects relating to the Balkans. Mem. Tacoma Branch of Collegiate Alumnas. Favors woman suffrage. GUUCK, Harriet Famsworth (Mrs. Edward
Leeds Gulick), Hanover, N.H.
Born Cesarea, Turkey, April 26, 1864; dau. Wilson Amos and Carolyn (Palmer) Farnsworth; ed. Westboro (Mass.) High School; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '87; mem. Shakespeare Soc. ; m. Westboro, Mass., Dec. 2, 1890, Edward I^eeds Gulick; children: Edward Leeds Jr., Helen Farnsworth, Carolyn Palmer, Harriet Fams- worth. Head of Aloha Camps for Girls in Ver- mont and New Hampshire; founded Aloha Camp for Girls, 1905. County officer in Home and For- eign Missions In New Jercey and New Hamp- shire. Active In local clubs. Favors woman suf- frage. Writes occasionally to local papers and Wellesley Magazine. Congregationalist. Pro- gressive. Mem. D.A.R. at Trenton (N.J.) In Trent Chapter. GULDEN, Angrusta Stove, 461 Spadlna Av.;
Toronte, Can.
Physician; b. Nca-wlch, Oxford, Co., Can.; dau. John Stove, D.D.S., M.D., and Dr. Emily How- ard (Jennings) Stove, first Canadian woman to study Hiedlcine In Canada; pursued studies at Toronto School of Medicine, and was graduated from Victoria and Trinity Universities; m. Dr. John B Qullen. Appointed as demonstrator of anatomy of Ontario Med. Coll. for Woib«i; later appointed as lectnrer, and later prof, of Diseases of Children. Elected to serve on the Public School Board of Toronto 1892; elected to Senate of Toronto Univ., 1910. Hfl« spoken aad written on the question* of WMnan suffrage and child labor. Has been prea. Nat. Canadian Suffrage Ass'n, now hon. vlce-pres. Has written i>am- phleta on w<wnan sufCrage, woman's education, divorce and cMld labor. Unitarian. Mem. Med. Alumnae, University Womien's Clubs, Med. Soc.; pres. Women's Western HospitAl Board ot Toronto; active mem. Woman's Nat. Council of Canada; mem. Womaa's International Suffrage Alliance. GIJLLIVEB, Charlotte Chester, 30 Huntington
Lane, Norwich Town, Conn. Teacher; b. Connecticut; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. 'S3. Teacher, Norwich (Conn.) Free Acad., 1885, 1888-1901, and again since 1902; teacher in Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn., 1901-02. Alumnee trustee of Smith Coll., 1895-1901. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n (pres. 1887-91), Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. GULLrVEB, Julia Henrietta, Eockford College,
Rockford, III.
Pres. Rockford Coll. ; b. Norwich, Conn., July 30 1856; dau. John Putnam and Frances Wood- bury (Curtis) Gulliver; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '79 Ph.D. '88; oiHcler d'Acadterie, accorded by. the French Government In 1908; Smith CoJl., LL.D. '10. Head of Dep't of Philosophy and Biblical Literature, Rockford Sem., 1890-92; student under Prof. Wundt, Univ. of Leipzig, 1892-9.^; head of Dep't of Philosophy and Biblical Literature, Rockford Coll.. 1893; pres. of Rock- ford Coll.. 1902 — . Mem. Am. PhiloBophlcal
��Ass'n; North Central Ass'n of O^eges and Secondary Schools, Religious Educail«n Ass'n. Asthor of various articles in religious and pUIos«vbie«l reviews. CoBgrecatioxallBt. GUTJUVIBK, I>otil8a Greea (Mrs. W. C Gul- liver), 8SS Park Av., N.Y. City. Bora N.Y. City, May 13, 185T; dau. Ashbel and Lontea (Walkw) Green; cd. Miss Porter's Sckool at Parmdngton, Conn.; m. Mar. 6, 1878, William C. Gulliver (deceased); children: Musa Walker (Mrs. Oharles Sheldon), Ashfcel Green. M«m. Madison Square Presbyterian Church, Charity Organization Soc., CharitieB of the Ma^son Square Church, N.Y. Ass'n OMoeed to 'Woman Suffrage. Mem. Soc. of Colonial Dames. GUTXrVEB, Lccilc, Hotel Kllot. 78 Bartlett St.. Kosbury, Mass.
Author; b. Somervllle, Mass., May 30, 1882; dau. Charles Whiting and Knaima Saaaana (Beede) Gulliver; ed. Martin Grammar School, Boston; Chauncy Hall School, Boston; Boston Univ., A.B. '06; A.M. '10 fAlph.% Phi). Delegate Internat. Peace Congress, Stockholm, 1910. In- terested in the Peace Movement, and all move- ments concerned with the welfare of children, and in immigration. Author: Over the Nonsense Road; The Friendship of Nations, a Story of the Peace Movement for Young People; miscel- laneous work for newspapers; in charge Peace Dep't, Bveryland, Review Dep't, Christmas Book- stalls, Boston Transcript. Mem. Mass. Peace Soc, Am. School Peace League, Drama League of Boston, Nat. Education Ass'n, Ass'n of Coil. Alumnae, Boston College Club, Boston Uni-v. Women Graduates' Club, Boston Authors' Cluh. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage (di- rector of Coll. Equal Suffrage League of Mass.). GULUrVEB, Mary, Jlockford Cellese, Rockford, 111.
Artist, teacher; b. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 9, 1860; dau. John Putnairi and Frances W. (Cur- tis) Gulliver; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. 'S2; A.M. ^: grad. Boston Museum of Fine Arts School, with one year of post-grad, study; five yeara' study abroad: Academies Delecluse, Colorossl and Whistler; pupil of Collin, Callot, Lasar, Delance. Has exhibited in the Paris Salon, Am. Woman's Art Club (Paris), Soc. of Am. Artists (N.Y. City), Acad, ©f Design (N.Y. Citj), Am. Water Color Soc (N.Y.), Boston Art Club, and Phlladolpbia Water Color Soc. Had charge of tie art dev't The Mary A. Bumham's School, Northasapton, Mass., for ten years; now head dep't of fine arts Rockford (111.) Coll. Mem. Copley Soc, Boston. CongreKationallst.
GUMMEBE, Amelia Mott (Mrs. Francis Barton Gummere), Haverford, Pa. Author; b. Haverford, N.J., July 17, 1859 dau. Richard Field and Susan (Thomas) Mott grad. Friends School In Providence, R.I., '78 student Victoria Lyceum, Berlin, Germany, 1887 88; m. Burlington, N.J., Sept. 14, 1882, Prof. Francis Barton Gummere. Mem. of Society of Friends; deeply interested in the history of the Friends (Quakers) and has devoted much re- search to that subject. Mem. Pa. Historical Soc, Friends Historical Soc. of London, England; Friends Historical Soc. of Philadelphia, Genea- logical Soc. of Pa. Writer of the New Jersey section in Quakers in the American Colonies. Author: The Quaker, a Study in Costume; Witch- craft and Quakerism; The Quaker In the Forum. Mem. Pa. Soc. of Colonial Dames of America, Soc. of New England Women In Pennsylvania. GUNBEBSON, Gertrude B. (Mrs. Carl Gunder- Bon), Vermillion, S.Dak.
Born Vermllllen, S. Dak., Mar. 14, 1871; dau. M. C. and Serlna (Stavseth) B^ertlesen; ed. Univ. of S. Dak.; m. Vermillion, S. Dak., June 16, 1892, Carl Gunderson; children: Helen Louise, Florence Marie, Carol Anita, Norris Ellwood. Mem. W.C.T.U., Woman's Civic League; vlce- pres. S. Dak. Fed. of Women's Clu'bs; naem. Wasesa Club. Recreation: Club work. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Equal Suffrage League.
GUNI>BUM, NeUie Adams (Mrs. W. H. Gun- drum), Drummond Block, Toledo, Ohio. Dentist; b. Cobourg, Ont, Can.; dau. Milton