��GBUTITH, Martha E. Hutchings (Mrs. T. J.
Griffith), 224 S. Green St., Crawfordsville, Ind.
Physician; b. Jefferson Co., Ind., Nov. 29, 1S42; dau. John Work and Elizabeth (Cravens) Hatch- ings ; ed. Acad., "Vernon, Ind., 1S65, Woman's Med. Coll., Pa., M.D. '70; m. Madison, Ind., 1871, Dr. T. J. Griffith; children: James Barton Grif- fith, M.D., Helen Griffith (deceased). Life work has been study and practice of medicine and ob- stetrics. Interested in betterment of health con- ditions for fellow women; recent years have been given to urging the study of social hygiene and eugenics on the women of Ind.; has spoken on these topics before various women's organiza- tions. One of organizers City Hospital; active In instituting public library. Mem. Official Board State Franchise League, vice-pres. local league (county chairman). Christian. Wife of Civil War Veteran; mem. Woman's Relief Corps, since its organization; mem. Order Eastern Star; char- ter mem. first Com. of Ben Hur, Ladies of the Maccabees of the World, Local Council of Women. Mem. Twentieth Century Club of Craw- fordsville (elected pres. four times); chairman Health Dep't Ind. Fed. of Clubs since dep't was created in 1908. Oldest woman physician in the State; first to grad. from, a regular school of medicine. GRIFFITH, Slarj- Josephine, 1003 University
Av., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Born Rome, N.Y., April 24, 1865; dau. Ezra Hollis and Jennie (Sanford) Griffith; grad. Wel- lesey Ck)ll., B.S. '88; studied in Germany one year and four months; Berlin and Rome; m. Rochester, 1S92 (lost husband in 1901); children: Sanford, b. 1S93; Jean Paul, b. 1895; Dorothea, b. 1896. Favors woman suffrage. Author of Bible Temperance Studies. Baptist. Until going abroad in 1912 pres. Woman's Missionary So- cieties of Chicago Ass'n. Mem. Board of Wom- an's Foreign Missionary Soc. of the West (Bap- tist). Mem. D.A.R., Chicago; Woman's Fed- erated Club, Chautauqua and D.A.R. at Chau- tauqua. GKIMES, Frances, 2 Washington Mews, N.T.
Sculptor; dau. Francis Stanley Grimes, M.D., and Ellen F. (Taft) Grimes, M.D.; grad. Normal Art Dep't, Pratt Inst., 1894, studio apprentice to Herbert Adams six years; ass't Augustus Saint Gaudens' studio five years. Mem. Women's Cos- mopolitan Club. Favors woman suffrage. GRINDROD, Ida E., Kansas City, Kan.
Born Paris, Pa., 1852; dau. J. and Elizabeth (Abdel) Saussier; ed. Galva, 111.; m. 1876, Fred Grindrod. Sup't Primary Dep't Central Avenue Sunday-school. Methodist. Mem. Eastern Star; pres. Wyandotte Graded Sunday-school Union; mem. Associated Charities; pres. Council of Clubs, Kansas City, Kan. ; mem. Travelers' Club (organized 18S1), Central Reading Club (18S7). Recreation: Photography. GKINNELE, Susan B." (Mrs. R. Bradley Grin-
nell), 541 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.
Born Brattleboro, Vt. ; dau. Richards and Sarah (Merr>') Bradley; ed. N.Y. City, N.Y. private school, Mrs. Lucy B. Sandous; m. Boston, Feb. 13, 1890, R. Bradley Grinnell. Worked in Trinity Church, Boston, as sec. of Visiting Soc. and Sunday-school teacher for 12 years. Has written occasionally for newspapers. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Saturday Morning Club (hon. mem.). Assembly Club.
GBINSTEAD, Minnie Johnson (Mrs. V. H. Grin- stead), Liberal, Kan.
Lecturer for Nat. W.C.T.U.; b. Crawford County, Kan., Sept. 30, 1869; dau. Rev. J. M. and Martha (Emerick) Johnson; ed. largely in the country schools of Eastern Kansas; one year at the State Normal at Emporia; m. Monett, Mo., Oct. 30, 1901, Judge V. H. Grinstead; chil- dren: Grace Darling, Milton Wayde. A teacher for 12 years; two years principal of East School, Pittsburg, Kan.; in 1896 was nominated for County Sup't of Public Instruction of Crawford County, Kan. Active mem. of Baptist Church and licensed to preach by the church. Interested In unfortunate girls and has directly and indi- rectly helped several girls. Favors woman suf-
��frage. Was pres. of the big Seventh District during the suffrage campaign in 1912 (embracing 32 counties), carried every county but four with a majority of more than 4,000 for the amend- ment. Has written poems and prose and is writing a book that deals with the woman question in all its phases. Mem. Baptist Church. Independent in politics. Sec. Order Eastern Star; county sec. W.C.T.U. Recreation: Walking. Mem. Liberal Woman's Club (50 members).
GRISHAM, Sa<Ue Park (Mrs. Thomas H. Gris-
hamj, Cottonwood Falls, Kan.
Teacher; b. Litchfield, Pa., July 22, 1859; dau. Joseph Prentice and Jane A. (Moody) Park; ed. Kan. State Normal School; m. McPherson, Kan., Dec. 28, 1882, Thomas H. Grisham. City and county sup't of schools; mem. Chase County Bar Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage; past pres. State Ass'n, County Ass'n; sec. Dist. Ass'n. Editor Psychic World, Kansas City, Mo. Unl- versalist. Independent. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star, Pythian Sisters, D.A.R., Ladies of the G.A.R. Mem. Shakespeare Club, 1888, and Jr. Shakespeare Club. Blspecially interested in scientific study of the occult.
GRISWOLD, Edith Anne, Kinsman, O.
Born Toledo, O., Oct. 21, 187S; dau. George H. Griswold and Laura E. Selby; ed. Allegheny Coll., Cornell Univ., A.B. (mem. Kappa Alpha "Theta). Methodist Episcopal. Mem. Kinsman Tourist Club, Kinsman Bona Fide Club.
GKISWCI.D, Edith Julia, River View Manor,
Hastlngs-on-Hudson, N.Y.
Lawyer, patent, expert; b. Windsor, Conn., Feb. 12, 1863; dau. Thomas Newell and Cornelia Stanley (Babcock) Griswold; ed. Windsor Acad, for Young Ladies; grad. Public School No. 47, N.Y. City, '79; Normal Coll., N.Y. City, '83; pri- vate studies in civil and mechanical engineering and electricity; law studies in law office and N.Y. Univ. Law School. Taught geometry and algebra in private school, 1885-86; opened office at 234 Broadway in 1886, as draftsman, connected with patent law firm of Howson & Howson, 1887-97; admitted to N.Y. Bar 189S, and U.S. Courts 1901; since 1901 chiefiy occupied as expert in patent suits. Interested in psychology, Theos- ophy and metaphysics. Mem. Internat. Jury of Awards, machinery dep't, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Associate editor and writer for the Women Lawyers' Journal; also occasional writer for other magazines. Pres. Women Lawyers' Club. Religion: New Thought. Favors woman suffrage.
GROBE, M. Alice Woolsey (Mrs. William E.
Grobe), Edgar St., Yoakum, Texas.
School teacher; b. Oakland, Colorado Co., Tex., June 15, 1862; dau. Hon. J. M. and Matilda A. (Blunt) Woolsey; ed. Concrete Coll., De Witte Co., Tex., under Dr. J. V. E. Covey, D.D., LL.D. (pres.); m. Oakland, Tex., Oct. 25, 1882, William E. Grobe; children: M. Alice, Golder, Leon H., William Clay, Inez and Tampa. Against woman suffrage; mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mem. Woman's Missionary Soc, Order Eastern Star, Ladies of the Maccabees of the World; pres. Yoakum High School Mothers' Club; mem. Yoakum Civic Ass'n.
GROESBECK, Alice Wilson Thomas (Mrs. Stephen Walley Groesbeck), 232 North New- stead Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Bom Albany, N.Y. ; dau. William Gregory and Susan M. (Wlllson) Thomaa; ed. private schools in Albany and N.Y. City; m, Norwalk, Conn., Apr. 12, 1887, Stephen Walley Groesbeck, U.S.A. Unitarian.
GROSS, Myra Geraldine (Mrs. F. Harry Gross),
Emmitsburg, Maryland.
Born Newburgh, N.Y., Jan. 14, 1872; dau. Will- iam T. and Harriet Newell (Coddington) Fitz- Gerald; ed. public schools of Baltimore; grad. W.F.H.S., with Peabody medal; various courses at Johns Hopkins Univ.; m. Baltimore, Md., June 12, 19€6, F. Harry Gross. Author: The Star of Valhalla (a historical romance, dealing with early Christianity in Norway). Recreation: Traveling. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.