��them at Internat. Exposition held In Atlanta, 1895. Episcopalian. Mem. Soc. of Mayflower, Descendants In State of Ohio and in State ot Ckjnn., D.A.R., United Daughters of Confederacy, Pocahontas Soc, Nat. Mary Washington Mem. Ass'n, George Washington Mem. Ass'n, Mt. Auburn Literary Club of Cincinnati (now in second term as pres.). GRICE, Mary Vuu Meter (Mrs. Edwin C. Grlce),
330S Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 12, 1858; dau. Joseph E. and Catharine B. (Trucks) Van Meter; descendant from the Van Meters from Holland, who setUed In Ulster Co., N.Y., be- tween 1650 and lfi60, and later In Monmouth Co., N.J., 1712 and 1714; ed. private schools, Ever- ton Sem., Whltemarsh, Pa.; m. Philadelphia, April, 1884, Edwin C. Grice. Member Wom- an's Auxiliary of P.E. Church. Pres. Home and School League, Philadelphia; vice-pres. Public Education Ass'n; Sectional School Board, mem. ot Vice Com. lately appointed by the Mayor of Philadelphia; vice-pres. New Century Club until 1511; mem. Education Com. of State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: Home and School. Vlce-pres. Woman's Com. Historical Pageant Ass'n of Philadelphia; vlce-pres. Woman's League Daily Bible Vacation Schools; executive director of Hume Counsel Dep't Am. Inst, of Child Life. Formerl> resided at Riverton, N.J., where she was m€m. of the Riverton School Board and officially identified with the Woman's Missionary Work of the Efpiscopal Diocese of N.J. She founded the Porch Club of Riverton and the N.J. State Congress of Mothers until her removal to Philadelphia, about ten years ago. Was presi- dent of the Philadelphia Women's Ass'n for the Preservation of the Sabbath; pres. of the Phila- delphia League of Home and School, and has been especially active In the movement to bring about closer cooperation between parents and teachers in promoting the welfare of the public schools. GRIDLET, Josephine Bradley (Mrs. Sidney DIas
Gridley), 5418 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
Born Philadelphia, Mar. 10, 1887; dau. Law- i-ence S. and Mary T. (McMullen) Brady; ed. Philadelphia High School for Girls; Philadelphia Normal School for Girls; Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts (scholarship); Cornell Univ. (scholarship), A.B. •08; m. Philadelphia, Jan. 27, 1912, Sidney Dlas Gridley (Cornell, M.E. '08; M.M.E. '09). After graduation from Cornell was connected with the school garden work under the supervision of the Philadelphia Board of Education, and organized a large part of the home garden work now car- ried on among the school children in that city; lectured In schools, visited their homes and schools. During senior year at Cornell did re- search work in stroboscopy In the psychological laboratory; Interested In psychological investiga- tions. Has been voluntary worker and visiting agent for Philadelphia Country Week Ass'n; has done settlement work in Philadelphia and Ithaca, N.T. ; Interested in the Moral Educational League, uplift of the drama, and improvement of labor conditions. Mewi. Cornell Alumnae Ass'n of Philadelphia, Alumnaj Ass'n of Philadelphia Normal School for Girls, Philadelphia Ethical Soc, Alliance Frangaise, Deutscher Vereln, Les Calwtlns (French Dramatic Soc), English Club (literary club at Cornell), Spanish Club, Shakes- peare Reading Club. Recreations: Reading, sketching, canoeing, walking. Favors woman BUtTiage. Progressive RepHbllcan. GRIDLKY, ILoulse DIas (Mrs. Wllltam Grandl-
son Gridley), 1068 Chemung Place, Elmlra,
Born Blmlra, N.Y., Aug. 30, 1862; dau. Sidney S. and Jennie (Craig) Dias; g^ad. Elmlra Free Acad., '80; m. Elmlra, June 3, 1885, William Graudison Gridley (deceased); children; Sidney Dlas, William Grandison. Mem. State Charities Aid Soc, Elmira Fed. for Social Service. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Chumung Co. Equal Suffrage Club, Elmira Political Study Class. Congregationallst. Mem. Travel Club and Park 3hurch Shakespeare Club (Elmlra), N.Y. State Fed. of Women's Clubs.
��GRIEPENKEBL, Florence Smith (Mrs. Wllhelm Griepenkerl), Tlburon Point, Tlburon, Gal. Born Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1871; dau. Edward Clarence Smith (founder and principal of Rugby Acad., Philadelphia) and Virginia A. (Toadvln) Smith: grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '93 (Phi Kappa Psl); m. San Jos6, Cal., Aug. 24, 1907, Wilhelm Griepenkerl: one son: Edward Clarence Smith Griepenkerl. Recreations: Walking, tramploc Favors woman suffrage. Independent In politics.
GRIEVE, Lucia Catherine Graeme, Martlndale
Depot, N.Y.
Lecturer; dau. Rev. David Graeme and Martha Lucy (Klnkead) Grieve; ed. Mrs. J. T. Bene- dict's French and English School, N.Y. City; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '83, A.M. '93; Oxford Univ., Columbia Univ., Ph.D. '98; mem. Phi Sigma. School teacher, 1883-93; lecturer, 1898. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Death and Burial In Attic Tragedy; also papers, chiefly on Oriental subjects, contributed to various journals. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Am. Oriental Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae and several church, college and phil- anthropic societies. Recreations: Walking, driv- ing, raising flowers.
GRUnS, Frances King (Mrs. William Elliot
Grlffis), Glen Place, Ithaca, N.Y.
Born Pulaski, N.Y. ; dau. Don Alonzo and Mary Gridley (Baker) King; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '90; m. Pulaski, N.Y., June 28, 1900, Will- iam Elliott Griffls. Has been the almost dally companion of her husband In his study, at the typewriter, in reading, verifying, etc. Has been four times In Europe with Dr. Griffls; was for eight years Latin preceptress at Pulaski Acad. Interested in music (vocal, organ and piano); also much Interested in social service. Against woman suffrage. Congregatlonalist. Recrea- tions: Golf, tennis, music, whist, walking, reading.
GRIFFIS, Margraret Clark, Glen Place, Ithaca,
Educator In Japan and America; b. Phila- delphia, Pa., June 13, 1838; dau. John Lime- burner and Anna Maria (Hess) GrlfBs; ed. Miss Patton's School, Philadelphia, Pa., followed by extensive reading and self-culture. Acted as governess In families on Island Number 10, Tenn., and near Alexandria, Va., before the Civil War. W"ent to Japan In 1872, and from 1872 to 1874 taught the daughters of the nobles and gentry In the first girls' school established by the Imperial Government of Japan, the first official recognition of female education. This first Tokyo school for girls has since developed Into the Peeresses' School and the Tokyo Wom- an's Normal School; from 1875-1900 head teacher In the Philadelphia Sem., Philadelphia. An Invalid and inactive since 1900; was for many years the constant literary ass't of her brother, William Elliot Griffls. For this purpose, in addi- tion to her easy command of French, German, Latin, Hebreiw and Greek, she furnished large data from the Dutch. She visited Europe four times and In some parts of Japan was the first white woman seen; traveled extensively In the Mikado's Empire. Has written sketches on Japanese social life for periodicals. Congrrega- tionallst. Recreations: Reading, Japanese art.
GRIFFITH, Hester T. (Mrs. Elijah Griffith).
1602 Alexander St., Hollywood, Cal.
Temperance worker, lecturer, officer W.C.T.U. ; b. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 22, 1854; dau. (3alvlu A. and Charlotte M. (Minkler) Tuttle; grad. third SUte Normal School, St. Cloud, Minn.; m. 1877, Elijah Griffith. Teacher of public school for Blx years; primary principal for three years; prison worker for 25 years. Was Territorial treaa. and pres. Utah W.C.T.U. for two years; pres. of W.C.T.U. Fed. of Los Angeles for eight years; pres. of Los Angeles Ck>. W.C.T.U. for two years; State pres. ot Southern Cal. for four years, now vlce-pres. Mem. Civic League of Los Angeles. Methodist. Favors woman suf- frage; lecturer during California campaign &S State president ot Southern Cal. W.C.T.U. ProhiblUonlst.