GREENWOOD, Helen Evangeline, 5 Benefit James Orlando and Jannette (Greenlee) Gragory;
Terrace, Worcester, Mass. grad. Rockford Coll., 1883; studied at Univ. of
High school teacher of English; b. Holden, Chicago, 1900; Univ. of Wis., 1908. First ex- Mass., July 1, 1872; dau. Abner Perry and Han- perience in teaching was in Grand Prairie Sem., nah (Stratton) Greenwood; ed. Classical High Onarga, 111.; asked to teach Pres. Van Pelt's School, Worcester, Mass., 1S92; Wellesley Coll., classes in history and literature during his ab- B.A. '96, M.A. '06; Wellesley scholarship for sence of several weeks. Taught there for two Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, years; later on at Charles City Coll., Iowa; later Mass., 1902-04. Substitute Sunday-school teacher, taught history 14 years in a Mich, high school. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Preliminary Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R., Rockford Coll. List of Hepatics Collected in Worcester, Mass. Alumnae, -Advance Club. Recreations: Travel, (Bryologist XIII, 7); Five Common Cephalozias reading, lectures, music and gardening. Favors (Bryologist XIII, 72) ; Some Stages in the Devel- woman suffrage.
opment of Pellia Epiphylla (Bryologist XIV 59, gKEIXER, Martha Nathalie, Central College,
i7, 93;. Congregationalist. Republican. Mem. Pella Iowa
Sullivant Moss. Soc, Am. Fern Soc Worcester Teacher; b.' Wurtemburg, Germany, 1869; dau.
Nat. History Soc New England Ass n of ^avid and Nathalie (Yelin) Greiner; ed. Ger-
Teachers of English Mem. Worcester Woman s ^ univ. of Mich., Ph.B. and A.M. (Phi Beta
Club Worcester College Club Worcester Welles- Kappa). Taught in high schools in Illinois, Bed-
r^ ^/""V^ w^ ™T- w"^,-!?- (Capt George Webb f^^d. Pa., also in colleges in Milwaukee, Wis.,
Chapter), Worcester Walking Club. and Central College, Pella, Iowa. Favors
GKEEB, Edith, N.T. City, and Southwest Har- woman suffrage. Author of a treatise on the
bor, Mt. Desert Island, Maine. Prose Style of Heine In the Pedagogical Monthly
Educator; b. Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 21, 1866; (Milwaukee). Lutheran,
dau. Howard and Aberilla (Ecoff) Greer; grad. r^TaTci^Tc-^T -, » -^ ,-,r txt,,.. ^ ,,, ^
Vassar Coll., A.B. '89, A.M. '90; special work in GBENFELL, Amm E. (Mrs Wilfred T. Gren-
natural science and education, 1900-06. Instruc- *^"^' "^'^"^If' . \^^^^°^r ^V' ^i*-^^"^' ^^^^^ '
tor in mathematics, 1895-96; natural sciences, ^^^^^^- ,^^- ^^^^°^'^'^^Z°^'"\'^^-^^
1896-98: school administration, 1898-1910; educa- .^^orn Lake Forest, Ill-..„188o; dau. Edmund
tional writer, 1910-; Human Welfare Publica- g^rke and Rosamond (Hill) MacCianahan; ed.
tions. Author: Home, School, Community Series. ^^"^ P?," ^^"^'^^^^^ ^Z"""^^' J^K'a^o^^ ^wm'"
^uTTTTT? T,.ii^* /-v-L,, a™4„ It. „i >.„!. „„ Coll., A.B.; m. Chicago, Nov. 18, 1909, Dr. Wil-
cfrvSlls O^e Agricultural College, ^^^^ ,j, Grenfell, the distinguished medical mis-
r,„,, „j „„„?■>, ■Dr,^■h^^r.^ -D^ At VI slonary, now sup't Labrador Branch of the
nf PhT,/. T 1 ?nfl vie- ^ f^ f, " 4 l^^°°ol Royal Nat Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen;
TL.h.V^fl'Ji!;; . ni -^fc^L n?"-, ^-^ny.^^- children: Wilfred Thomason Jr., Kinloch Pascoe
Teacher, Edgewater, 111., 1895-96; Cleveland, Ohio, pviio^nnni-ian
1S96-98; Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1S98-1908; t;^ °1Z, °-
since 1908 dean of School of Domestic Science and GRE^^ELL, Helen Lonng: (Mrs. Edwin I. Art, Oregon Agricultural Coll., Corvallis, Ore. Grenfell), 1264 Columbine St., Denver, Colo. /-.•D■K^/-./-.D1r -cj-ii. TT • _, TTT TTT , i T S tatc offlclal ; b. Valparaiso, Chile; dau. Charles GREGORY, Edith Ho m^, W. Walnut Lane, ^^^ j^^ Frances (Roby) Loring; ed. Colorado Germantown Philadelphia, Pa. ^lic schools. State Normal Coll., Albany, N.Y.; Teacher; b. Bridgeton, N.J., Sept 2 1866; dau honorary M.A. Univ. of Denver, 1909; m. Denver. Casper Robeau and Mary Let tia (Montgomery) ^pril 6, 1889, Edwin I. Grenfell. Served three Gregory; grad Wellesley Coll., A B. 86; one elective terms as county sup't of schools of Gil- year spent at Oxford Univ., Eng and. Active m i^ county, Colo., and three elective terms College Settlement, Consumers League and ^consecutive) as State Sup't of Public Instruc- church missionary work. Episcopalian. Mm. ^^ ^^^^^ 1505 appointed 1909 to five-year term [ntercollegiate Alumna Ass n. Consumers' League ^g commissioner of State Penitentiary and Re- of Philadelphia Women s Rest Tour Ass'n. Rec- jormatory, having financial and executive man- !^^^^'^°.^„,r*^ ., agement of the penal institutions of the State. GREGORY, Emily Ray, care Dr. Herman B. favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. Colo. State Allyn, 501 S. Forty-second St, Philadelphia, Pa. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Congregational Professor of biology; b. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. church. Trustee of Children's Historical Ass'n 1, 1863; dau. Henry Duval and Mary (Jones) ^f Denver. Mem. Soc. of Mayflower Descend- Gregory; ed. Wellesley Coll. (five years' class, ants Mem Woman's Press Club, musical course), A.B. '85; Univ. of Pa., fellow _ . ,, „ , ^-.^ ^ 1893-94, A.M. '96; Univ. of Chicago, 1895-97, fel- GBESSWELL, Pearl Vere Burnham (Mrs. C. low 1897-99, Ph.D. (zoology); scholar of Am. Dan Gresswein, North yakima, Wash. Women's Table, Zoological Station, Naples, Writer; b. Albert Lea, Minn.; grad. Vassar Italy, 1899-1900; has studied also at Woods Hole Coll., A.B. '95; graduate student Univ. of Minn.; Marine Biological Laboratory and Harpswell m. Aug. 7, 1907, C. Dan Gresswell; one son. Laboratory. Prof, of biology. Wells Coll., 1901- Teacher, Minneapolis, 1896-98; Faribault Minn., 1909; prof, of biology, physiology and hygiene, 1S98-1900; in Cuba one year, engaged in business Constantinople Coll., 1909-11; lectun-s on eugeuics., and newspaper work. Writer of numerous trans- 1912-13. Interested In social and philanthropic lations and newspaper arUcles. work, as prevention of tuberculosis, hygiene and gRF.VE, Harriet Fisher (Mrs. Theodore Lund eugenics. Organized lectures on hygiene for August Grave), The Wellington, Cincinnati, O. Turkish women in Constantinople, 1909-11; also Born National Hotel, Washington City; dau. for Am. women in Constantinople, 1910-11. Fa- Ellwood and Julia A. (Smith) Fisher; ed. by vors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. tutors at home, under parents' supervision; A.A.A.S., Ass'n Collegiate Alumnee. Recreations: later special student at Cincinnati Univ three Music, out-door life. Mem. Wellesley Club, Col- years; m. Cincinnati, O., June 26, 1876, T. L. A. lege Club and Civic Club of Philadelphia, 1910 oreve', M.D.; children: Clifford, b. Apr. 7, 1879; (Mental Hygiene and Eugenics Com.), Con- Brenn'ock Lloyd, b. July 16, 1887; Julia Mar- tantinople Women's Club. guerite, b. Oct. 4, 1S95. Semi-prof. Has held GREGORY, Emma Helena, 29 Ann St., Provl- many offices in societies; was one of the Cura- dence, R.I. tors of Historical and Philosophical Soc. for Teacher; b. Lincoln, R.I. ; dau. John Hooper several years; organized Ohio Soc. U.S. Daugh- and Martha L. (Elliott) Gregory; ed. public ters of 1812 (first pres., serving six years, now schools of Providence, Classical High School of hon. State pres. for life). Hon. vice-pres. Ohio Providence; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '91; Brown Anti-Suffrage Ass'n; has spoken and written Univ., A.M. '01. Taught in Johnston High against suffrage. Author: Defense of Chief School, R.I., 1891-93; Classical High School since Justice Taney's Decision in the Dred Scott Case 1893. .Mem. R.I. Branch Ass'n of Collegiate (published in the Catholic Telegraph); article Alumnce, R.I. Wellesley Club, Sarah E. Doyle on Domestic Service (Cincinnati Commercial); Club, New England Classical Ass'n. also letters of travel, articles on objects and GREGORY, Helen Martha, 603 N. Horsman St., alms of Historical and Patriotic Societies, and Rockford, 111. biographical sketches. At invitation frona Wo- Teacher; b. Harlem, 111., Sept, 1859; daii. men Commissioners of State of Ky. spoke for